SECTION 2 - PAGE 2 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3. 1»78 MR. CARTER'S MUDDLE THROUGH PLAN IT» RO\ M.I» RKA«;AN Guesh what9 Inflation is YOUR fault. At least that is the underlying message of Mr Carter's "anti- inflation" plan he stopped short of actually saying that labor and business, through the wage-price spiral, cause in flation, but he certainly implied it in his speech the other evening The centerpiece of his plan -- "voluntary" wage and price guidleines -- reinforces that implication By failing to identify the cau£e of inflation -• swollen government and its huge deficits - he focuses the nation's attention on the symptoms instead Voluntary wage and price guidelines will become a sort of straw man By putting the nation's expectations on them as the cure for inflation, he increases the likelihood that they won't produce the desired result. Inevitably, that will lead to stepped-up cries for man datory government controls It doesn't take a history professor to know that those won't wdrk, either In fact, they haven't over the 2,000 or so years they have been tried. Mr Carter and his minions are in the midst of a massive public relations campaign now to make us believe that the only atlernative to their current "plan" are mandatory con trols, on the one hand, or recession on the other. Horse feathers The overseas money markets agree They greeted the plan with a resounding "no con fidence" vote as the dollar plunged again and the price of gold rose Over the last several months Mr. Carter and his advisors have stubbornly refused to recognize that the fundamental solution to the inflation problem lies in coupling significant across-the-board tax cuts with a cut in govern ment's appetite for money. While the administration does not hesitate to put on a sales campaign for its patchwork program of quasi-controls, it was apparently unwilling to take even the slightest risk in getting popular support for a broad-based tax cut program. Carter's veto threats resulted in Congress whittling down its major tax cut efforts this session to the point where the cuts will scarcely balance the whopping Social Security tax increase schedule*} to bite into your paycheck come January. Meanwhile, restraints on federal spending seem to be limited to pep taiks about "sunset" bills and civil service reform A full freeze on federal hiring would do a lot more good at this point. Mr Carter's hesitancy to dig into a tax cut program that would really get at the root of inflation may stem from THURS., FRI., SAT., & SUN.-NOV. 9, 10, 11,4 12 Premier Showing Of Polaris Snowmobiles And Accessories '73 •DOOR PRIZES •REFRESHMENTS •FACTORY SPONSORED SERVICE CLINIC AND MOVIES FOR SNOWMOBILERS THURSDAY AT 7:00 P.M. ADAMS LAWN & LEISURE 2103 RTE. 120, McHENRY (815) 385-0434 ACT NOW!'ll lower your heating costs... REGISTER FOR OUR FREE-FIREPLACE CLINIC! WED., NOV. 8...6 P.M. to 8 P.M. Factory Representatives Will Be Here in our Woodstock Store on Wednesday, November 8th, from 6PM until 8PM Bring along tfSe height, width and depth measurements of your fireplace opening The El Fuego facts on saving energy: The ordinary fireplace sends 95% of the heaf up the chimney and ac tually draws heat out of your home tl Fuego Fireplace Converter is r in insert that directs air around its firebo* then forces the wnrm air out into your rooms You can make a t)ig cut in your furnace fuel costs Heavy steel firebox behind tempered glass doors Smoke and soot go up the chimney not heat I > • « . • I V , H * K«*Kular fireplace Iokph heat up the ch imney CALL: 815-338-1440 TO REGISTER FOR FREE CLINIC ( . H I »'tni</, ( ,ii I I K M S & Wcill| \ I | * I PLYWOOD MINNESOTA WOODSTOCK 14 & 47) 1230 Davis Road (Bypass Rt 815 338 1440 H o o f * A A o n d o y f t F r i d o y 9 o m 1 ) 0 p m « d a y T h u r v d o y 9 o m 6 p m S a t u r d a y 9 o Ki 14 • 'n £ tkiuv K.I Nc* Ply wood Mmnrxtij Wiirrhouv several sources. For one thing, his economic advisors for the most part come from the tax- and-spend wing of the Keynesian school of economics and they are rooted to that line of conventional wisdom. For another thing, Carter's own "populist" impulses tend to lead him into that mythological jungle inhabited by the wing of his party that worships income redistribution (the politics of envy, as it has been called). Other reasons for the president's reluctance to embrace a tax cut-federal growth restraint program may include an unwillingness to ruffle the feather of govern ment workers; or the fact that the Roth-Kemp tax cut program was initiated by Republicans According to projections, the Roth-Kemp program would take a year for its full effects to be felt positively in the e c o n o m y . M e a n w h i l e , government revenues would dip some Because the program did not promise an overnight quick-fix for inflation -- like waving a magic wand -- Mr. Carter and his people shied from in In fact, they took the shortest of short-range views and denounced tax cuts as "wildlv inflationary". Although the major tax cuts in this century - under both Democrats and Republicans -- have resulted in the Treasury ending up with more, not less revenue and the economy letting a dose of sustained growth, all the president's men told him not to go for the main chance, but to opt for muddling through And that's what he's doing Courthouse Squares When postage went from 13C to 15C, I found there were several peo ple I wouldn't give 2c for. THE LAW SERVES YOU by the Illinois State Bar Association Re SCHOOL SAFETY DEPENDS ON FOLLOWING THE LAW To rural folks or those living in smaller towns around the state, the old yellow school bus has always been a familiar sight. In recent years city residents have also grown accustomed to the sight of the school bus. What Illinois citizens may not be familiar with is the special body of law surrounding school buses. Special provisions also apply to speed zones established in the vicinity of school buildings. According to the Illinois State Bar association the law regarding safety features for school buses fall into three general categories: 1. Requirement of special visual equipment plus other safety devices. » 2. Rules of motorists and penalties for failure to follow them. 3. Exclusive reservation of c e r t a i n r e q u i r e m e n t s , regulations and penalties for registered school buses only. Rules requiring special e q u i p m e n t p r o v i d e t h a t i n addition to the STOP arm on the driver's side of the bus, after December, 1978, all school buses must be equipped with an eight-lamp flashing signal providing a red light to be used while the school bus is stopped and an amber (caution) light to be used just prior to and just after stopping. The law provides that these visual warnings can be used only when loading or discharging pupils Buses that carry seventeen or more passengers and that were manufactured after July 31, 1976, must have laminated safety glass. All buses must be e q u i p p e d w i t h f i r e e x tinguishers and first aid kits. Upon approaching a school bus stopped for the purpose of loading or discharging pupils, a motorist travelling in either direction must stop and remain stopped until the bus signals a r e n o l o n g e r a c t i v a t e d Failure to observe these rules can result in a conviction which carries a penalty of thirty days' suspension of the offending motorist's drivers license. Rules meant to distinguish official school buses from other types of buses provide that no vehicle other than one registered as a school bus can be painted the "national school bus chrome yellow" nor can they be identified with the words "school bus". (When yellow school buses are used for transporting passengers on other than official school business, the "school bus" sign must be covered). Likewise use of the STOP side arm and eight- lamp flashing system is reserved for official school buses and then only when transporting pupils to and from school or for authorized school functions. Finally, the penalties mentioned above apply only to yellow school buses being used in their official capacity. There are special provisions relating to speed zones near school property. The rules require that when official signs are posted warning that a s c h o o l z o n e i s b e i n g a p proached and indicating the m a x i m u m s p e e d l i m i t , n o motorist shall drive in excess of twenty miles per hour during school days when school children are present. The Illinois State Bar association cautions motorists to be aware of the special uses of visual signals, the school speed limits, and of the "rules of the road" as they apply to school buses, not only to avoid penalties, but to insure the safety of young children. YOUR WEEK AHEAD By DAMIS 1 Forecast Period N o v e m b e r 5 - 1 1 ARIES It is not the time to make friends, so...don't Mar. 21-Apr. If participate in a social activity that could lead to a questionable friendship. TAURUS I It is highly probable that a provocative discus- Apr. 2t-May 29 sion will explode among your associates. Avoid anything that is connected with politics or religion. GEMINI Don't take on a project for which you are not Maytl^laaeZt qualified. It's shown in your chart a failure to recognize your own limitations. MOONCHILD Your long range plans will be affected, in one Jane 21-July 22 way or another, by someone's change of residence. LEO New duties will not alter or disturb your July 23-Aug. 22 secret long term plans. Actually, added responsibilities will not jeopardize your future. VIRGO It's a fact dp life, many members under your Aug. 23-Sept. 22 sign are now entering a "shady deal." Don't fool yourself for justification of motives. LIBRA This happens to be one of those weeks when Sept. 23-Oct. 22 you shouldn't be concerned about what someone has done -- worry about what they " are going to do! SCORPIO According to stellar patterns -- your sign can Oct. 23-Nov. 21 do no wrong. You are in for a piece of good luck. SAGITTARIUS It seems as though we always want the thing Nov. 22-Dec. 21 we can't have. Bluntly, that's going to be your hang up, this week. CAPRICORN A member of the opposite sex is doing you Dec. 22-Jan. II harm behind the scenes, heed the warning AQUARIUS You are very impulsive, right now, concerning Jan. 20-Feb. 18 affairs of the heart. There's a chance of a change in your romance pattern PISCES It is highly probable that a new project is on Feb. 19-Mar. 20 the way. Gain from past experience. NnoMNf Pr«n*: For your Sun Sign Analysis sand the day month yaar and place ol birth plus tl 00 for postage and handling to Or Damis Staff. PO Bo» 526 Pins'las Par* Florida 33586 Designed for Collectors Art and l i v ing are beaut i fu l ly combined in th i s room de s igned by Vlad imir Kagan . The bu i l t - in zebrawood cab ine t beh ind the couch runs the ent i re l ength o f the l i v ing room. The wa lnut parquet f l oor i s of greater space . More and more people are becoming collectors. It's an SEE • • • • • BEFORE YOU BUY. THE NEW, MODERN srSr y FREE WATER TEST AND RENTAL RATES ON REQUEST KINETICO WATER CONDITIONING SYSTEM •NO ELECTRICITY 'METERED WATER •LESS SALT .SAVES MONEY SOFT WATER unadorned , crea t ing a f ee l ing excellent hobby and the ob jects collected add interest and personality to the decor of any room. But collecting can also create problems. There is rarely enough space in the average home or apartment to house a col lection of any size. Collec tions have a way of growing at a far faster rate than walls or shelves can accom modate them. For some, the solution is to stop collecting and for others, it 's a larger home but for most it 's finding some way to fit everything into the space available. And that is not always easy. Given the problem of hous ing an already large and growing collection of mod ern masterpieces in an average - sized New York apartment, the noted de signer, Vladimir Kagan, cre ated a setting that is ideal for the art and perfectly suited to the living and en tertainment needs of its owners. Clutter is nowhere to be seen and yet the apartment holds enough art and sculpture to fill a small museum. Elegant built-in hardwood cabinets that are strate gically placed to leave max imum wallspace for paint ings, and a walnut parquet floor, provide rich accents in the entrance hall and liv ing room where white walls and neutral colors provide the ideal background for canvases and sculpture. A waist-high zebrawood cab inet runs the entire length of the living room. It not only houses all the neces sary clutter of stereo, tele vision. records, and other paraphernalia1- but also serves as a room-long shelf for small sculpture, a shell collection and other highly prized pieces. At the end of the hall leading to the kitchen, Mr. Kagan built a handsome frame of birch, with solid birch doors that open onto a china cabinet. Basically, all collections need as much wallspace and shelves as it is possible to create in any given space. (NP Features) CALL YOUR LOCAL WATER CONDITIONING DEALER: KINETICO 0runcr I0M HIIEMANN WATER CONDITIONING 2103 W. CHURCH ST. - J0HNSBURG McHENRY, ILL. 385-3093 ' LARGEST SERVICE DEPT. IN NORTHERN ILLINOIS" SEE MILLSTREAM um»n FOR YOUR McHenry's Headquarters for Complete Repairs on Domestic & Foreign Cars •TUNE-UPS •BRAKES •TRANSMISSIONS •MAJOR ft MINOR REPAIRS . •MECHANIC ON DUTY 7 DAYS It takes real pros to do any auto service job ef ficiently and effectively. Why settle for anything less? Our car mechan- . ics are the best in the business . . . and our rates? . . . Reasonable! \\ 10% DISCOUNT TO SENIOR CITIZENS 3702 W. ELM McHENRY. ILLINOIS (815)344-2510 ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. •BUST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER1 FEATURING COMPLETE LINES OF: •OLYMPIC STAIN •BRAMMKR CABINET* •ANDLRSKN WINDOWS • PRfc-HUNC DOORS •NORD SPINDLKS •JIM MARTIN PAINTS •LINCOLN WINDO** •(.AFSIIINCLKS •HI ILDKRS HARD* ARK •PRKFINISHLD PANLLIV. • MOORL-O-MATIC CARACK DOOR OPERATORS Phone 385 1424 909 N. FRONT ST., McHENRY SAUNAS Warm up after snowmobiling or skiing the way the Finlanders do-with an all wood Sauna. Ability Construction, Inc. will build this family entertainment area in many sizes out of cedar or redwood with an electric heater. Take advantage of our pre-season sale. BILITY CONSTRUCTION INC. (815)728-0033 t