Invite Your Family To =\ THANKSGIVING s»y%: SPECIAL! 30 OOO GRAIN WATER SOFTENER WITH BUILT IN ^ BYPASS VALVE AND 5 YEAR GUARANTEE ON ALL WORKING PARTS! RETAIL $444.00 SAL. s37500 •Tl I't -J§T* -- < (II II MM 1 lit IN HARRY HASN'T been elected to anything previously and isn't in debt to anyone. HARRY WILL serve you to the best of his ability. ELECT ROSTKOWSKI McHENRY COUNTY BOARD, DIST. 2 •••••••••••••••• Auxiliary Notes From V.F.W. Lorraine Johnson, president of the Department of Illinois Ladies auxiliary to Veterans of Foreign Wars, will be guest of honor at a luncheon Saturday. Nov 4, at the Ramada O'Hare Inn, Rosemont. Districts 1, 2, 3,4, 5 and 16 of the Department of Illinois Ladies auxiliary will host the luncheon honoring Lorraine Johnson, one of three to be held in the state Preceding the luncheon, a hospital workshop will be conducted by Joanne Dun- nagan, hospital director of the state of Illinois Attending the workshop and luncheon will be Mary Kuemmel, co-chairperson at the Veterans administration hospital of North Chicago and president of the Ladies auxiliary to Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4600, McHenry Ila Hogan. hospital chairperson, and Mary Fergen, senior vice-president of the local auxiliary, will also attend the workshop and luncheon Clearing I Oft The 'I | Sports Desk J PAGE 7 - PLAINUKALER - FRIDAY. NOV* »IUFR I, 197* ONE MINUTE SPORTS QUIZ 1. Who won the Pacific Club Masters Golr Tournament? 2. Name the teams in the World Series. 3. Who won the National 500 NASCAR Grand National stock car race? 4. Arthur Ashe is known in what sport? 5. Name the teams that met in the 1st Super Bowl game. Aiswers to Sports Qoiz 1. Gil Morgan. 2. New York Yankees and Los Angeles Dodgers. 3. Bobby Allison. 4. Tennis. 5. In 1967 Green Bay Packers 35 and the Kansas City Chiefs 10. Hornets Down Round Lake„ 45-0 Sunburst Corvette Club is sponsoring a Trick or Treat rally. This is a gimmick rally and is open to all types of cars. For an afternoon of challenge and fun bring your favorite navigator and meet us at Crandall's restaurant - Rte. 47, Hebron. Ill Registration between 10:30 a.m. and 12.00 noon. For more information Chuck at 815 338-8060. ( call ^ FOX VALLEY » CONFERENCE FOOTBALL Following his blocker, quarterback Doug Diedrich of the McHenry Hornets heavweight team gains good yardage as members of the Round Lake defense are left behind. The Hornets left Round Lake behind all afternoon Sunday, as they won 45-0. The win raised the Hornet record on the season to 5-3 and they are currently tied for second place in the Northern Illinois Junior Football league. A win at Wauconda this Sunday would give the heavyweight Hornets a second place finish and a trophy. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD Team w 1 1 pts opp Crystal Lake Central * 6 0 209 32 Woodstock 5 1 157 66 Jacobs 4 2 64 71 Crystal lake South 4 2 80 67 McHenry 2 4 70 159 Cary Grove 2 4 97 109 Dundee 1 5 47 107 Crown 0 6 26 150 • Clinched title Scorers Schaefer, C.L.C. Nelson, Woodstock 62 On The Sidelines By Dick Robbitt Congratulations to Cis Morner and her girls' field hockey team They enter the state playoffs today for the first time in history It is quite an accomplishment for the Warriors as they have quite a few underclassmen on the team The girls played an excellent game last Friday in defeating Woodstock 2 to 1 in the Seconal. It is a big boost for girls' athletics at the local school, and we hope the beginning of a long line of championships in the future. Saturday is a must game for the Woodstock Blue Streaks in their game against Dundee. The Streaks along with Harrisburg, Peoria Woodruff, or the winner of the Peoria Manual vs Peoria High game along with the winner of the Wheaton North and Tinley Park are the At I,arge Potentials in Class 4A for a playoff berth. Thus the Streaks must win to still be considered. Their chances seem slim at this time due to the fact that not many teams in the Fox Valley have a 500 record. At I^rge teams are selected on the basis of their record First they must have an 800 record. Then playing Classes above or below your own are taken into consideration. The Streaks have played all teams in 4A. But the record of these teams may prove their downfall All people connected with the Fox Valley are pulling for Woodstock to gain one of the two At Large berths that will be available Pairings will be made Saturday night at the State Office in Bloomington. First game is next Wednesday with the game to be played anytime between 1 30 and 7:30 p.m. One thing is certain When the State went to the c hampionship series in five classes, high school football took a turn for the better in Illinois. Five hundred and forty schools started out in September in search for a state title After Saturday it will be down to eighty, and on November 25th there will be only five remaining There is interest in all five divisions, and in those Class 1A schools like Hampshire, the whole town attends the games The Tigers of Crystal Lake Central have already cinched a berth and are just playing out the string In our final picks for the season, we will take the Warriors I know they won't let me down against Crown. The Streaks to beat Dundee and sit by the phone awaiting a call, Jacobs to beat Cary Grove, Crystal Lake Central to defeat their cross town rival the Gators from South, in a game that will have a lot of emotion built into it. Marian to beat St. Francis and the Skyhawks to win their third in a row over South Beloit. EXCHANGE GIFTS - St. Paul's Episcopal parish just exchanged gifts with Mr. and Mr. Alan Cox, who have been parishioners for two years. Pictured above are Patricia Craig, head of St. Paul's Episcopal church Women, and Alma Cox, showing Father McKay the beautiful rug made and donated to St. Paul's by Mrs. Cox, in gratitude for many kindnesses during the Cox's stay in the area. St. Paul's had a farewell gathering and presented a gift to Mr. and Mrs. Cox, who were parishioners for the time during which Mr. ( ox worked as a field representative for an architectural firm involved in construction of Johnsburg high school. Mr. Cox's work being completed, the couple will return to Fort Wayne. All Protein Not Equal The quality of protein is not the same in various foods Quality is determined for the most part by the kinds, pro portions and amounts of amino acids present. Of the 22 known amino acids, there are nine es sential ones that our bodies can't manufacture. Therefore, we must get them from food. All of these nine must be pres ent simultaneously and in the right proportions to support life. Enough of one essential amino acid doesn't make up for the lack of another, nor for inadequate proportions of the nine amino acids. For ex ample, if you eat protein con taming enough trypotophan (an essential amino acid) to sat isfy 100 percent of your needs, 100 percent of the leucine lev el but only 50 percent of the necessary lysine, then, as tar as your body is concerned, you may as well have eaten only 50 percent of all the essential nine amino acids Simon. Cary Grove 48 Pence, C.L.C 42 Passers.. Pence, C.L.C. 7 Pat ton. Woodstock 5 Britt . Cary Grove 5 Receivers: Mack-C.L.C. 3 Aveirman. Cary Grove 3 Kickers: Schaefer, C.L.C. 17 Laver. Woodstock 11 The first white man known to have set foot on what is now the Pacific coast of the U.S. was Spanish explorer Juan Roderiguez Cabrillo in 1542. James "Doc" Counselman, one of the world's foremost swimming authorities, recently shared this knowledge of the sport with area young people at a two-day clinic. Session was sponsored by Lake Forest Swim Club, which hopes to work with and develop Olympic calibre swimmers from throughout North Suburban area Counselman, twice U.S. Mens Olympic Head Coach, has been coach at Indiana University since 1958. His teams have won lh consecutive Big Ten team titles; and six NCAA National Championships. Shown with Counselman. above are (from left): Sue. John Clewis, Shelly Volling, Laura Clewis, Dot Counselman and Stacy Harrison. All hail from area in and around McHenry area. More than 100 athletes participated in clinic, according to John Leonard. I^ake Forest Swim Club coach. No stranger to championships, himself, Leonard arrived only this past year from Syracuse. NY. where in six years he developed three world class swimmers and coached 14 nationally-ranked senior and other age group swimmers. Syracuse was Eastern Regional men's champion in 1976-77 and five straight times New York state champion. CARPET ROOMS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC McHENRY COUNTRY CLUB 820 N JOHN ST McHENRY WHOLE TURKEY Plus All The Trimmings SERVED FAMILY STYLE Dad Carves And Takes Home The Leftovers-Minimum 5 persons for whole turkey. Reservations a must by Sunday, November 19th. COMPLETE DINNER and Dessert Table Pei Person DU Plus Tax & Gratuity SERVING FROM 12 PM to 6 PM Limited Menu in Addition to Whole Turkeys RESERVATIONS -815-385-1072 wTWi THURS., FRI . , SAT., & SUN.-NOV. 9, 10, 11 & 12 DISTRICT 3 VOTERS (McHenry County Board) RON MORRIS IS A PROVEN LEADER WITH A RECORD OF GOOD JUDGEMENT IN FINANCIAL MATTERS THE LUMBERY# " home center cxo<* 4031 DAYTON, McHENRY, ILL. 815-344-2883 pt *ces * DO-IT-YOURSELF PLUMBING CENTER! FEATURING: •Complete Inventroy at money saving prices •Featuring Top Brand Materials For All Your Plumbing Needs •Step by Step Instructions by Trained Professionals MON.-FRI. 7 to 6 SAT. 7 to 5 CLOSED SUNDAYS 3 MILES SOUTH OF McHENRY ON RTE 31 Bears In McHenry Lineman Jeff Sevy of the Chicago Bears takes a break from signing his photos, as he autographs the arm of this small boy. Sevy and seven other Bear players signed their names more than 2000 times at the third annual Chicago Bear night at Overton's Cadillac-Pontiac last week. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD Keep This Experienced Man With the Courage To Act on the County Board RE-ELECT RON MORRIS On Nov. 7th Hon Morns has served on the County Board since 1972 and has been involved in the work of virtually every committee since that tufie He's a diligent worker, doing his homework and keeping up on perti nent information on such complex matters as zoning, transportation needs, land use, and the best way to pro vide added space for a county government to serve a fast-growing population. People who attend County Board committee and monthly meetings know Hon Morris is a leader able to speak out with dignity, facts and persuasive knowledge He voices his views of county government responsibility frankly because he is not afraid to be a leader: "If we do not move ahead with zoning modernization, planned transportation modernization and other areas where the County Board must take a positive stand, citizens will soon be engulfed with improper develop ment, poor industrial and recreational planning too few jobs and inadequate law enforcement as the wave of population growth sweeps northwesterly from Chicago and the suburbs. "Experience gained from serving on the County Board can be a valuable asset I have the will and the desire to benefit from this knowledge I've devoted more than 30 years to public service including 16 years as mayor of Harvard and also as a Republican precinct committeeman "The County Board should lead this county's 140,000 people. I want to contribute by putting my experience to continued service and to give the predominantly rural District 3 citizens a strong voice on the 24-member Board." He knows there are many problems facing the Coun ty Board that cry for action. He's willing to speak up, to lead, to listen to you as you voice your views to provide a more positive County government-before it's too late to tackle such pro blems as unproved law enforcement, expanded county courthouse facilities, and the new comprehensive zon ing ordinance amendment. For these reasons, we urge and request you vote for Ron Morris on Nov. 7 * 14 i on the Ballot A Republican With Experience and Known leadership i Paid Pol Ad by Ronald J Morris, Harvard) Townships in District 3 Chemun# Alden, Hebron, Richmond, Dorr Seneca, Riley, Dunham, Marengo, Greenwood and Coral Premier Showing Of Scorpion Snowmobiles And Accessories 2103 RTE. 120, McHENRY. IL. 815-385-0434 scoRpion •DOOR PRIZES •REFRESHMENTS •FACTORY SPONSORED SERVICE CLINIC AND MOVIES FOR SNOWMOBILERS THURSDAY AT 7:00 P.M.I i