Marian Plans Fall Sports Banquets IHIIIIIIIIIIIIIItlllNIIIIIIIINIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIII INIIIIHIIIIUK f I Two sports banquets have been planned at Marian Central high school to honor those students who participated in fall sports this year. This Monday, Nov. 20, a banquet will be held honoring members of the boy's cross country and golf teams and members of the girl's tennis and volleyball teams. The cross country team just finished fourth in the Class A state finals this past weekend and the golf team finished eighth in the state. The girl's tennis team showed a 25 percent im provement over the previous record of a year ago and the volleyball team has a good chance of winning their state district tournament and ad vancing in the state tour nament. Guest speaker at the Monday banquet will be Dr. Thomas Woodall, the head cross country coach at Eastern Illinois University Last year, Eastern Illinois won the NCAA Division II cross country national cham pionship On Tuesday, Nov. 28, the three levels of football, and the girl's cheerleading and pom pom teams will be honored with a banquet Guest speaker will be Gary Fencik of the Chicago Bears. The free safety was a graduate of Barrington high school and Yale university, before joining the Bears. Going into this Sunday's clash with Atlanta, he leads the team in tackles with 88. He is the team leader in solo tackles with 65 and assists with 33. He is also tied for the team lead in interceptions with 2. Both banquets will be held in the school cafeteria and will b e g i n a t 6 : 3 0 p . m . ports Calendar MARIAN CENTRAL 1978-79 WINTER SPORTS SCHEDULE Sport Date School Where Time Parent Group Funds Marian Tennis Courts PAGE 7 - PLAINDKALER - FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 17,1978 by E. L. "Buck Rogers Wrestling Wrestling VBB VBB FBB FBB Sat., 11-18 Wed., 11-22 Wed., 11-22 Fri., 11-24 Fri., 11-24 Sat., 11-25 VBB Sat., 11-25 FBB Mon., 11-27 Wrestling Thurs., 11-30 Dundee (V-F-S) Wood. (Frosh-Tourn) Jacobs (V-F-S) Wood. (Tourn.) Wood. (Tourn.) Crystal Lake (South) Tourn. Crystal. Lake (South Tourn. Wood. (Tourn.) Marmion Woodstock 10:00 Marian 6:00 Woodstock Woodstock Crystal Lake Crystal Lake Woodstock Marian Carpenters- ville 4:00 6:30 Ash i SENIOR CITIZEN'S CORNER^ HELPFUL IDEAS FOR SUCCESSFUL RETIREMENT AARP Offers BEST OF PRESS True Words Committees have be come so important that a subcommittee has to be appointed to do the work. -Gazette, Augusta,Kan. 'Sfact' Don't find fault . . . Find a remedy. Anybody can complain. -Pathfinder, Fort Wayne. The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) is a national organization designed to assist individuals of 55 years of age or older in solving problems related to advancing age. For example, one of the serious dilemnas facing senior citizens is inflation and how to cope with it on a limited income. To help combat these inflationary trends, AARP maintains a pharmacy mail service, for example, from which prescription medicines, vitamins and health care products can be purchased at reduced rates. In addition, AARP offers a group health insurance plan which includes a lower premium than most regular policies. "Why AARP Is So Important to You" is a pamphlet that describes these and other programs being offered by AARP. The pamphlet is free. Write American Association of Retired Persons, 1225 Connec ticut Avenue. N.W., Washington, DC 20036 Funded completely by public donations, tennis cqprts are being constructed at Marian Central high school in Wood stock Expected to be completed in spring, the courts will cost more than $40,000 and private donations are funding the entire project, according to Marian Dean Lou Harltieb. "A core group of parents and boosters contributed 90 percent of the money." said Hartlieb "Private funds will be used for the other ten percent also." Hartlieb indicated that there was one large contributor who wished to remain anonymous " School officials had men tioned last spring that they wished to construct the courts and the parents group "took it upon themselves to raise the money." Four all weather courts are being built and will be fenced in and lighted A picnic area and viewing area will be located nearby Hartlieb indicated that the school was going to promote the courts with a tennis club concept, where parent's, students, boosters and the public in general could come to play. That idea is in the plan ning stages. Wet summer weather delayed construction and the final paving was not complet until just recently The surface coating will be placed in spring and the courts should be ready in time for the boy's tennis team season next spring "It was nice to see the people show the interest they did," explained Hartlieb "It was a gesture of good faith " TURN ONS Johnny, what can you tell rne about the big flood"' Nothing, ma arr We don t get a paper at our house What do you take along on a fishing trip? "Fishing t r ip" , in this case, does not refer to an evening at a local farm pond or that new impound ment a few hours down the highway. On such occasions ' i t makes sense to f i l l the car t runk with everything handy. Outside advice isn ' t necessary. But . when we star t ta lking about that once-a-year f ishing t r ip to some far of t dream dest inat ion, what you take along and what you leave at home makes a difference Take an obvious i tem l ike f ishing tackle , for instance Just because you use a l ight spin-cast reel and l imp rod for bass and bluegi l l around home is no reason to expect the same rig to work for pike in Canada or peacock bass in Panama. I t won' t Take a t ip f rom your wife . , - More than l ikely she ' l l buy a couple of new outf i ts tor that an nual vacat ion t r ip , and you would be wel l advised to do the same Read up on the area you ' l l be f ish ing. the type and s ize f ish you ev pect to catch, and match rod. reel , and s ize l ine accordingly The same si tuat ion appl ies for ' lures , but if the camp you ' re going to has a tackle shop you should wai t and purchase some of the local fa vori tes when you arr ive Don' t show up with an empty tackle box. though 1 ures purchased -at a f ishing camp will probably cost twice what they do at your discount s tore , so take along a fair assor t ment and plan to f i l l in a few holes when you get there Be sure to take a rain sui t . Even if the resort brochure claims that no rain has fal len for the las t 10 years , take one along anyway. This l i t t le i tem is the best insurance you can buy to assure fair skies and a pleasant vacat ion. Weather is a lways unpredictable so expect i t to be hot ter or colder than ant ic ipated Take along some l ight shif ts for warm weather , and one warm jacket for a sudden cold , snap Include a broad-brimmed hat for sun and rain protect ion, two pair of comfortable sneakers or f ishing shoes, some kh<(ki t rousers , and other necessary clothing essen t ia ls! f inal ly , plan careful ly Make a l is t of the essent ia ls , and pack these i tems of tackle and clothing in the fewest possible bags f loat plane operators inform me that f ishermen always br ing along more stuff than they ever use. and the folks a t Braniff confirm this tact These t ravel experts suggest that careful advance planning" is the key to a successful f ishing t r ip , and I bel ieve they re r ight It's strange how often you get a person's opinion without asking for it. DRIVE UP to FAST FOTO DRIVE IN FILM & PHOTO STORES For friendly, personal, and prompt photo services J L Kodak r Kodacolor Film j^^upon t «K*e«mobl* whtn order t% p<ck*d up •kodacoiok 7Qc -FILM / / 24 EXP., 35mm SIZE §•« with coupon and roll of Kodocolor or | compatible film brought in lor procoffttrtg McHENRY. ROUND LAKE. VALID MOV. JOHIUMC I t»7« • 4400 W. RTE. 120, In The Market Place 655 Railroad Avenue THE HARMONY SNOWMOBILE CLUB WISHES TO THANK THE FOLLOWING DONORS FOR MAKING OUR LAS VEGAS NIGHT A SUCCESS A A A M A C H I N E R Y McHENRY COUNTRY CUJIPR0 SHOP ADAMS LAWN ft LEISURE McHENRY COUNTY WELL ft PUMP ARIZONA SUN McHENRY FLORAL CO B ft 0 AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLY McHENRY HOME FURNISHINGS BALD KNOB RESORT McHENRY LUMBER CO. BEARD ft ST0VAL McHENRY OFFICE SUPPLY BEAUTY BOX McHENRY PAINT ft GLASS BELL LIQUORS McHENRY SAVINGS ft LOAN BIMBO'S McHENRY STATE BANK BOB'S COLORS McHENRY STUDtO ft CAMERA CENTER B0LGER DRUG McHENRY ft W000ST0CK DISPOSAL BOMBARDIER DULUTH. MINN MISS ALANEO'S BOTIQUE BRUSH N' CURL MISTER'S COIFFURES BUSS FORD MITCHELL AMC JEEP CHAIN-0-LAKES TRAVEL MITCHELL BUICK ft OLDS CHAPEl HILL COUNTRY CLUB MR DON'S CLEANERS COAST TO COAST MUNSON MARINE V010 COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY NANCY'S JOHNSBURG TAVERN CONCEPTS ft BUILDING NATURE'S CORNUCOPIA CRESCENT BAY LANDING OSCODRUC DAN'S F000 MART OVERTON CADILLAC ft PONTIAC DIAMOND CHEMICAL CO MUNDELIEN PALMER'S FOUR SEASON GIFT SHOP ED'S RENTAL PAYTON CHEVROLET FAMILY CENTER ARC0 PETALS ft STEMS FASHION SHOP PIN CURL BEAUTY SHOP FIRST FEDERAL OF CRYSTAL LAKE PINE TREE PET SHOP FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of McHENRY RADtCOM, INC FOX RIVER VALLEY BOAT CO RINGW000 DELI FOXHOLE TAP RIVERSIDE BEAUTY SUPPLY FRANK'S T V. RIVERSIDE HAIRSTYLING SALON FROM THE NECK UP RIVERSIDE BAKE SHOP GENEVIEVE'S RIVERSIDE RETAIL OUTLET HARMONY RESORT SCHULTZ LITHO NILES HORNSBY'S FAMILY CENTER SEYL OUTBOARD MOTORS HUPPY ft LEO'S SHAMROCK CLEANERS IMAGE MAKERS SHAMROCK SMOKE ft GUN JACKS SUNRISE SIR MENS FASHIONS JEWEL F000 STORE SOUTHGATE BEAUTY SALON JOHNSSURG BOWL. INC SPINNAKER REEF RESTAURANT J0HNSBURG CLIP JOINT SPUR6E0N S DEPT STORE J0HNSBURG REALTY ST REGIS PUB KADISAK TILE STATE FARM BILL TOMAl KAREN'S HALLMARK SHOP STATE FARM DENNIS CONWAY KEYLINE DISTRIBUTORS STUC'S PIZZA KOENEMANN'S SAUSAGE CO V0L0 SUNNYSIDE DOOGE KRAMER BOAT CO FOX IAKE SUNNYSIDE ENTERPRISES LEE ft MARY'S LAKESIDE INN TAMI'S JUVENILE FURNITURE LAKELAND AUTO SUPPLYJ0X LAKE THE POINT AFTER LIQUOR MART THE SHOE BOX ANTIOCH LEWS TRUCKING THE SWING THRU LITTLE JOHN'S TOPOECK LOCKER S FLOWERS TORKELSON LINCOLN MERCURY LONG JOHN SILVER T000LERSH0P L0NGH0RN STEAK HOUSE TRISHES TREASURES 10SSMANN S MEATS VICTOR FORD MAIN PAINT DECORATING. INC VYCITAL'S HARDWARE MARENGO SAVINGS ft LOAN WAHl JEWELERS MCDONALD'S WHAT'S UP McGEE'S. INC WINDHILL McHENRY CAR WASH WORTHMORE CARPET Gifts ToH •Headline Mis Holiday nvites Dinner •3 PC. VESTED SUITS •SHORTS*T SHIRTS*SOCKS By Munsingwear •BELTS*DRESS SHIRTS •SWEATERS'BLUE JEANS YOU'RE SURETO FIND IT AT oeuvres Thanksgiving Day v CHAPEL m (815) ' M«HeMWY 3421 PEARL ST. (N«rtti *f Pmi OHlc«) MEN SiFASHIONS Shutter HuT Window and Wall Decor SAVE 20% Mini Blinds & Woven Woods tDtk MAR EN 1 1 Claaaiqua • 1" Metal Mini Blinds -- look almost invisible when opened. Available in 50 colors Including metallics. Combine colors for an unusual effect DelMar Woven Woods -- Equally at home in any room of the house. Select Roman Shades, draperies, cafes, room dividers or canopies. i*1 CAR STORE TORKELSONL,NtOLN !3F THIS BUSlNfSS IS CONSUMER PREFERRED HAPPY THANKSGIVING! MERCURY (815)344-1200 STOCK NO. CAR 78-348 NEW COUGAR 2 DOOR, 7812 NEW BOBCAT 3 DOOR, > , V8 auto p s pb buckets air v inyl t r im 78 319 DEMO COUGAR 2 DOOR 8' °05 00 a"1M * quad bucket seats auto t• -<n radio p 1 'ad 10 deiuie turn auto trans radio P P0W' steenng a 78 i52 NEW BOBCAT WAGON, 78 212 NEW BOBCAT 3 DOOR, 78 268 NEW BOBCAT 3 DOOR, 78-325 NEW BOBCAT 3 DOOR, . w 78 303 ZEPHYR 4 door * 78 172 NEW ZEPHYR Z-7, 78 333 DEMO COUGAR XR7 78 199 NEW ZEPHYR 2 DOOR, 78 294 NEW ZEPHYR Z-7, „ 78 303 NEW ZEPHYR 4 DOOR.. 78 273 NEW MONARCH 4 DOOR, 78 292 NEW MONARCH 2 DOOR, auto trans AM 8 t l i rk tart a" bucket seats V8 auto ps pb an AV tW stereo twin lounge seats Landau V root t rans radio bucket seats SALE PRICE *5670 *4045 *6080 *4245 *4065 *4135 *3905 *4245 *5195 *6300 *4325 *4485 *4245 *4875 *3910 9:30-5:30 WED. 9:30NOON Clotid Sunday CALL 815-344-1888 Rt. 12 Just No. Rt. 120 Volo, III. FREE ORIGINAL OIL PAINTING WITH PURCHASE OF... •50 VALUE PAINTING EXTENDED SERVICE PLAN....*210 •70 VALUE PAINTING RUSTPROOFING ....$165 '110 VALUE PAINTING POLY-GLYCOAT s175 SALE ENDS NOV. 30th, 1978 TALK ABOUT SELECTION & SAVINGS - THE CAR STORE HAS IT AIL SERVICE HOURS 8 5 MON THRU FRI 8 12 SAT 2 & * Y E A R L K A S I M , A V A I L A B L E R E N T \ L S A Y 4 1 1 . A B L E SALES HOURS 9 9 MON THRU FRI 9 5 SAT 11 4 SUN 4611 W Rte 120 MSjHENrWIlL'L-