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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Nov 1978, p. 8

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PAGK X PLAIN DEALER - TT'KSDAY. NOVEMBER 21. 1»78 Lakemoor-Lilymoor Margaret Karas 385-4934 Lakemoor Area On Tentative njlTA Bus List r Through the efforts of Richard Hyatt. village president. Connie O'Rourke. chairman of the transportation committee, and the petitions signed by local residents, Lakemoor is on a tentativ^ RTA bus list After the first of the year, plans are for a once a- week bus coming from Fox Lake and Volo. continuing pn to McHenry Then depending on usage and need, more trips ' might be added In this ad­ vanced age of technology, we may even be able to get to town once a week by public tran­ sportation1 The roads in lakemoor are improved to such a point that it is now almost a pleasure to drive on them Trustee Coughlin took a tour with the village engineers to inspect the progress being made All the road work is not yet completed Any bad spots which might develop should be reported to the village clerk at 385 1117 At the Lakemoor village meeting on Nov 9. an or­ dinance was passed raising the fee for the vehicle stickers These will be on sale starting Monday, Dec 4 at the Municipal building from 6 to 9 and the same hours other Monday evenings Other arrangements for purchase can .be made with Pat Morrison, •village clerk, if that time is •Very inconvenient Dog tags 'will also be available at this time New residents, those wishing to register change of address or ^change of name or any one ^wishing to register to vote, may *0o so any Monday evening from *6 to 9 p m at the Municipal building This includes persons •in McHenry precincts 9 and 25. l&nd Nunda 6 Registering now * will make you eligible to vote at the next election T. NATAL CELEBRATIONS Thanksgiving will be a day of added joy for the Brian Baker family with Tricia Goebel celebrating her "Sweet Six­ teen" birthday on the same day Julia Cassell, another talented lovely young lady has her day on the twenty-fifth Also enjoying their birthdays on the twenty-fifth are Sandra Betancourt and Kelly Nejedly Barbara Mieszala's birthdate is the twenty-sixth The twenty ,~$eventh is shared by Bill \ DeMarco. Betty Sinkler, and 'dear Scrabble playing friend. ^ Marge Baker Myra and Stan \ Zabroski s two grandchildren. John P M Zabroski and Teri « Jean Odarczenko both have one I candle on their cakes Gary * I/eske. busy these days working * on his new home, adds another year Nov 28 { November seems to be a good month for birthdays, but not an - anniversary noted for this week All these children and no | weddings" MOREON | LILY MOOR ANNEXATION * Jerry Weber association president and Dale Rasmussen j have inet with Richard Hyatt 'and Lakemoor people to get j more pertinent facts on an Jriexation Nov Ml. Thursday evening at 7 to at 214 N » Kidgewav the pros and cons tuil l foe cussed and discussed For Lily moor residents who are J concerned afoout the future of >our area this meeting is a imust The association will not 'make new plans for Lilymoor s ) progress without hav ing the /support of the whole com jmunity !><> you care ^tiat 'happens to Lihrnoor' Then I show up at this meeting and , listen to some tat ts and let your J views !*• know.n <«ET W ELL \< >'I ES Jim Hayes has heen having a 'problem with his arm which is 'supposed to keep him <»n the ' inactive list Wally O'Brien I hasn't tx-en feeling too great \ 'young brother and sister team I Roberta and ( had Hueckstaedt * are home again from their J respective hospitalizations Let our Thanksgiving include ' prayers for the return of good health to all who are ail ing SA\ I- LILY I. \KE The letter of invitation to the open meeting on Monday Nov • l i delivered to the Lily Lake /residents did not add many \ new people to the usual working members of the Lily Lake 'Conservation club \ren t you t aware of the sad condition of J Lily Lake and that a small {number of people have started 'the work necessary to make the flake a born again one lake ?a walk or drive to the south 'western side of the lake and ?see t t ie ar»-a that is being I cleared <>f years of tree growth fjust to have land on which to * dredge the muck from the lake * Who is doing all fhii" ' jRight "r«.w Oeorge Garhacz is U»«>rking 'he big f> 7 cat but he canno' d" fhii (tearing and hui I ding all atone Another big piece of equipment now being used is a drag line crane Bill Fritzsche and his crew have been working all weekend, also Last Sunday's workers included Doug Alheit, Mike Betancourt. and $rian Baker Help is needed to cut and move logs, and bum same if no one wants free firewood With enough manpower for the next three weekends, this project will be completed before freezing time No work can be done during the winter cold Enjoy the exhileration of being outside, using your muscles, and knowing that you are one of the reasons Lily Lake will again * b% alive and beautiful A few hours of your time and energy is needed on Saturdays and Sundays for the next 3 to 4 weeks Call George Garbacz or Bruno Karas. or just come any time from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m Join the club and save a lake;«Lily Lake, that is COMMUNITY CALENDAR Nov 23 - Giving thanks always for all things unto God Enjoy Nov 30 Annexation m e e t i n g . L i l y m o o r Homeowners association, 7:30 p.m. 214 N Ridgeway. 385-8556 Dec. 6 - Lily Lake Con­ servation club open meeting. 440 Wegner road. 385-4934 for information Dec. 9 - Picture-taking with Santa and his sleigh. Faith Presbvterian church, Lincoln and Chapel Hill roads. 10-4. Homemade sweets, baby gifts, holiday decorations Dec. 12 - Lilymoor Homeowners association 214 N. Ridgeway. 7:30 p.m, Blessed are they who gather together in the kitchen for they share much love, laughter, warmth-and work! GOD BLESS David Bolger Chosen "Who's Who" Student Wonder Why One observer asked recently, "If the world is getting smaller as geologists contend, why do they keep raising postal rates ?" Forty-nine students from Marquette university have been chosen as being among the country's most outstanding campus leaders by Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges. Among them is David Bolger, 3513 W Broad street. McHenry. They were chosen on the basis of ,their academic achievement. communUy service, leadership in ex­ tracurricular activities and future potential. A0P ADVERTISED ITEM POLICY Each of these advertised items it re quired to be reedily available for tale et or below the advertised price in each A&P Store, except as specifi­ cally noted in this ad. A^p But : Basted 10 TO 14 LB SIZES 8 TO 22 LB SIZE U.S.DA. GRADE "A" FOR FLAVOR AND You'll Do Better With A&Fs 3750 W. ELMST: MCHENRY BONELESS RUMP ROAST SWIFT BDTTERBALL 10-LBS. & UP PLUS' YOU GET 500 S&H GREEN STAMPS L0. FH.P WITH PURCHASE & IN STORE COUPON u S D A GRADE "A" TURKEYS 1 8 TO 22-LB. SIZES. • EXCLUDING SELF BASTING GRAIN FED HEAVY WESTERN BEEF BOTTOM ROUND BonelessRoast BONELESS OR Top Round Roast 10 TO 14 LB. ROCK CORNISH HENSH U.S O.A. GRADE-A-24-OZ. SIZES A UP LB. 8» HKOtHCKEN ML 15-ASST PIECES-U S GOVT INSP U S D A GRADE A FRESH A&P BUTTER U S D A GRADE A You'll Do Better With A&P's SAUSAGE SHOP PRICES EFFECTIVE MON NOV 10 TNMU THUMS NOV >1 1»7» NONE TCKO TO Of ALCMS OA WHOLf SALCMS You'll Do Better With A&P s SEAFOOD SHOP A&P HOT OR MILD PORK SAUSAGE 1 -LB ROLL 99 PEELED &DEVEINED SHRIMP MEDIUM-1 -1 /2 LB BAG BastedTurkeys USD A GRADE "A Oven Ready Ducks It LBS A UP MCNS 10 TO 14LII LB 89c Oven Ready Capons " ""I *119 U S DA GRADE A 99c Oven Ready "HI"' U 89c A&P FINEST QUALITY JANE PARKER COUNTRY TREAT WHOLE HOG PorkSausage WHOLE OR ICICLE Claussen Pickles WILSON CORN KING ft OR ANN PAG Sliced Bacon SWIFT PREMIUM ft OR AftP S FINES' Sliced Bacon CAP N JOHNS PEELED ft DEVEINED QT JAR 1LB PKG 1 L B PKG yuJl49 Medium Shrimp CAP N JOHNS „ $109 Cooked Sal ad Shrimp STANDARDS . *139 Cap'nJohn'sOysters CAPNJOHNS Ocean Perch Fillets SERVE ROLLS $159 You'll Do Better With A&P's HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS 1 ScOFF LABEL BLUE Alka SeltzerTablets WITH DENTURE BATH PolidentTablets EXTRA STRENGTH PAIN RELIEVER Excedrin Tablets COLGATE M CT PKG $119 $119 $179 Flouroguard Mouthwash V / * L 7 9 AftPBODY ft HAND Si Iky Rose Lotion 99c ".ONDITinNINfi 89c You'll Do Better With A&P's BEVERAGE & SNACK BUYS DIET RITE Nt HI FLAVORS Rf ® OR DIET RCC0LA CAP N JOHN S 1J OZ •-02 ( OZ ? RQ •OCT PKG 100 CT • TL REG ft OR UNSCENTED CONDITIONING CL ;. i » oz »TL 'Wondra" Skin Lotion You'll Do Better With A&P's GENERAL MERCHANDISE ASSORTED VARIETIES LEGGS PANTYHOSE POTATO CHIPS REG OR RIPPLE 7-1/2 TO 8 OZ BAG JANE-PARKER 59 You'll Do Better With A&P s ZIGGY'S DELI ITEMS REGULAR PANTYHOSE 3 PAIRS CONTROL TOP REINFORCED & OR SHEER TOE 3 *0 SR ? PAIRS 2 PAIRS -- SHEER ENERGY REINFORCED & OR SHEER TOE A&P MensT Shirts A&PBoysT- Shirts on MEN s BRIEF OR SOY S BRIEFS PKG OF J S2^9 OfG> *21* SORRENTO C00KWARE SPECIAL Warmer Server EACH $5" ZIGGY S FRESH MADE SAUSAGE 99 PIZZA 1 EA WILSON T 1 3Q HARD SALAMI ,I.*I LONGACRE " CHICKEN ROLL ,LB51 LEON'S Q_ BOLOGNA ,TB DO ECKRICH TL OLD FASHIONED LOAF. ,» 1 SAVE MORE WITH ACTION PRICES! THROUGHOUT THE STORE--TEMPORARY RETAIL PRICE REDUCTIONS •PEAS *GREEN BEANS -POTATOES •SLICED CARROTS DEL MONTE VEGETABLES 3 16 TO 17 OZ CANS n nn IMPERIAL MARGARINE QTRS A&P CRESCENT ROLLS ££ ^ 100 TUBES! A&P WHIPPING CREAM 2 8-OZ CTNS 99 9 EGG NOG QUART CTN A&P A OR DEAN S BRAND 99 A&P W0NDERF0IL®? FOIL WRAP 18 IN X 37-1/2FT ROLL 69 LINDSAY WHOLE BLACK OLIVES E X T R A L R G 6 - O Z . C A N 69 1 -LB PKG n A&P BISCUITS REG OR BUTTERMILK 8-OZ TUBES GREAT FOR STUFFING KELLOGG'S CR0UTETTES ?69 KRAFT DIPS CLAM OR AVOCADO SOUR 8-OZ SIZE ft EA. 49 DOLE PINEAPPLE n • SLICES •CHUNKS •CRUSHED 20-02 CAN 59 VLASIC-PICKLE SPEARS 24-OZ JAR m EA 89 PAGE »-PLAINDEALER TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 21. 1978 Keepin' Healthy Each year, about this time, we receive a number of requests to repeat the state health department's advice on the proper way to prepare your Thanksgiving turkey. Turkeys, as you may know, are often associated with food-borne illness. The reason is that turkeys', as well as other poultry and red meat animals, frequently harbor disease- causing bacteria in their in­ testinal tracts. These bacteria may accidentally contaminate the meat during slaughter and processing. If they are allowed to multiply during your preparation and cooking, they can make you sick. So, for those of you who missed them last year, or have forgotten, here are some turkey-cooking hints from the Illinois Department of Public Health: To begin with, keep in mind that you should not try to thaw a frozen 20-pound bird the same way you would a three-pound chicken. Complete thawing for a large bird, especially a prestuffed turkey, may 'take several days If your turkey is not com­ pletely thawed when you begin to prepare it. you will probably find yourself wrestling with it in an effort to remove the giblets and neck, which are frozen inside; then stuffing the still-partially-frozen turkey. The frozen cavity provides such complete insulation that suf­ ficient heat may never penetrate to the center of the bird, and your turkey then becomes a vehicle for tran­ smitting disease-producing bacteria to you and your un­ suspecting family. When thawing a hard frozen turkey, remember that it should be thawed in the refrigerator, or in some way that will keep the surface temperature of the bird lower than 45 degrees F (7 degrees C). When you cook your turkey, tbe thickest part of the meat or dressing should reach a remperature of 165 degrees F (76 degrees C) to assure that all harmful bacteria have been destroyed. Depending on the size of the turkey and the oven temperature, the meat may be done before the stuffing inside reaches 165 degrees. Therefore, it may be safer to cook the dressing separately, in shallow pans. To insure that the proper temperature has been reached, insert a metal-stemmed meat thermometer into the thickest part of the thigh, breast or stuffing Do not keep your turkey in an unheated oven, such as over­ night holding after cooking. After the meal, even if you may not feel like you want to move around, refrigerate leftovers promptly Do not let them sit at room temperature for a prolonged period When eating your leftovers later, be sure they are served either cold < right out of the refrigerator) or very hot. Never eat leftovers that are Quality Trimmed Meats nJ HOURS: MON.-FRl. 8-9, SAT. 8-7, SUN. 8-5 ENTER A*P*S S*H GREEN STAMP WILL BE SWEEPSTAKES TODAY. CUT FROM GRAIN FED HEAVY WESTERN BEEF SLICED LIMIT 3 STEAKS PLEASE SERVE WITH FRESH MUSHROOMS THIS IS A rvu IHAMlHAkr HAM WITH NO CENTER SLICES REMOVED - DON T CONE USE THIS HAM WITH A SHANK PORTION OR ROAST SHANK HALF FULLY $ COOKED LB 1» • •• FOUR WEEKLY SWEEPSTAKES 115 WINNERS EACH WEEK 4,500, 000 FREE S&H STAMPS GIVEN AWAY EACH OF THE FOUR WEEKS FOUR GRAND PRIZES TOTALING 2,000,000 S&H STAMPS All four weeks entries will be entered in the Grand Prize Drawings. You'll Oo Better With A&P's FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES OPEN Thanksgiving Day A M TIL P M For Your Holiday ping Convenience r- •4#"-- 1 PORK CHOPS us GOV'T INSPECTED ASST 2-SIRLOIN 6-CENTER 2-SHOULDER •P AAP FINEST QUALITY Canned Ham FULL CUT--SOLD AS STEAK ONLY SMOKEY CANYON BONELESS TurkeyHam CHOLESTEROL LB 5 *1159 BonelessRoundSteak L. *155 BONELESS *1" SirloinTipSteak L. *189 U.S. NO. 1 KILN DRIED SWEET POTATOES LARGE 10 SIZE EA.S1.19 GRAPES EMPEROR FROM CALIF LB. FRESH CRANBERRIES FOR THANKSGIVING PKG 45c ZIPPER SKIN VS\U HMA "HI Tangerines WASHINGTON STATE Sweet Anjou Pears CALIF GREEN Fresh Broccoli FRESH TENDER Green Onions GOOD RAW OR COOKED LB LB EACH 49c Rutabagas- Waxed FOR BAKING OR EATING NABISCO 49c Pitted Dates LONG LASTING 6 !NCH POT 79c Fresh Mum Plants 4-1/2-LB NET WEIGHT 39c Fresh FruitTrays 15c $169 $498 $499 LB 1-LB PKG EACH AND UP You'll Do Better With A&P's Frozen Favorites! BROCCOLI CUTS BABY LIMA BEANS CORN ON COB 20-QZ BAG-A&P EA. PKG VtossS. SPECIALS A&P CUT CORN MIXED VEG. PEAS & CARROTS 20-QZ BAG EA. PET RITZ PIE SHELLS YOURS FOR JUST ONE FILLED S&H BONUS SPECIALS BOOKLET (30-BIG 10 S&H GREEN STAMPS) DEEPDISH 12-OZ PHILADELPHIA! CREAM CHEESE FREE WITH ONE FILLED S&H BONUS SPECIALS BOOKLET CRANBERRY 9 SAUCE brand ^ 16-OZ CANS FREE WITH ONE FILLED S&H BONUS SPECIALS BOOKLET FROZEN 12-OZ. CAN PURE JUICE A&PBRAND FREE WITH ONE FILLED S&H BONUS SPECIALS BOOKLET <§§) Y EEEE \margarir sj ' A&P 1-LB PKG IMPERIAL MARGARINE QUARTERS 1-LB. PKG. FREE WITH ONE FILLED S&H BONUS SPECIALS BOOKLET BUTTER AND ONE FILLED S&H BONUS SPECIALS BOOKLET STALK CRISP CELERY FREE WITH ONE FILLED S&H BONUS SPECIALS BOOKLET A&P PIE SHELLS 79c EA. 6» HARRIS PUMPKIN PIE COOL WHIP 99 BIRDSEYE 9-OZ BOWL OR A4PHANDI WHIP 13-1 2 OZ SIZE EA. 59- CLIP A&P FOR UP TO 1200 S&H STAMPS I I 100 EXTRA GREEN STAMPS (10BIG TEN STAMPS) WITH PURCHASE OF RC, DIET RITE OR NEHI FLAVORS8-16-OZ BTLS LNNIT ONI COUPON CUSTOMER PURCNTN MOIWAIC MON MOV JO TMNU NOV 11 Ifllt AT THI TMC O* PUNCMIM ONLY 500 EXTRA GREEN STAMPS (SO BIG TIN STAMPS) ON PUMCMAU Of ONC 1 L> SAO EIGHT O CLOCK COFFEE OP LL» CAN AAP COMII LIMIT ONI COUPON PCP CUSTOMS* PUPCHASF MNIMMLIMON NOV M THRU NOV II. 1*71 AT T*L TWF O* PU»CHAM ONC T 300 EXTRA 6REEN STAMPS (30 BIO TEN STAMPS) ON PUMCNAM OP ONT 10 OI JAM EIGHT O CLOCK COFFEE LMIT ONS COUPON P«* CUSTOMTM PUMCHASC MCDftMAMi.1 HON NOV M TMMUNOV 11 1TL» AT TWI TMI OP PUACMAM ONLY 300 EXTRA GREEN STAMPS 3 (30 BIG TEN STAMPS) ON PUMCMASTS TOTALING OVIM UO 00 EXCLUDING TOMACCO PNOOUCTS K.MLT ONC COUPON PF M CUSTOMCP PUMCHAM MEDCEMAMLE MON NOV 10 THMU NOV 11 , 1TT« AT THI TMI OP PUMCMAM ONLY lukewarm or at room _ tern perature. A simple safety rule is to keep food hot or cold, or don't keep it. The Illinois Department of Public Health believes that. |f you follow these suggestions, your Thanksgiving guests' only discomfort will be from eating too much* of your good-and safe-cooking \ Have a happy Thanksgiving' New Paintings' At Opera House "R E M Series 1978." an exhibit of thirteen new pain tings by Crystal Lake artist « Fred Johnson! JR . opened in the gallery of the Woodstock - Opera House Thursday. Nov 16. . :> Continuing through Dec. 12 "R E M Series 1978" is Johnson 's second one -man show at the Opera House More r e c e n t l y . J o h n s o n W A S represented in Art in the Barn" in Barrington and in the C i v i c and Arts f o u n d a t i o n auction in Chicago His pain ting has won an awai^i for c o n c e p t u a l e x c e l l e n c e a t "Artoberfest " held at George Williams college in Wisconsin The exhibit is free to THE publ ic , and open Tuesday through Saturday, noon to r> p M , and during PER formances Further in formation atniut this exhibit oV other programs at the Opera House may be obtained b% calling 338-5300. W indy Cities Accord ing t o t he n a t i o n a l Weather Bureau. Great FALL^ Montana is the country's win d i e s t c i t y O k l a h o m a C i t y Oklahoma is a windy second while Boston. Massachussetts is a close third in the Windy ( 11Y category I I I 200 EXTRA 0! GREEN STAMPS (20 BIG TEN STAMPS) ON PUMCHASIS TOTALING »0 00 TO *7* •• EXCLUDING TOBACCO PPOOUCTS L WIT ONI COUPON PCM CUSTOM CM PUMCNASC MCDCCMABLC MON NOV M TMMU NOV 11 1*TI AT THC TWC OP PUMCNASC ONLY I I ()LDTIMER...Top attrae-. tion at the Whaling Museum in New Bedford, Mass., the city immortalized in Her-1 man Melville's "Moby Dick", is the square-rigged1 whaler Lagoda An ac­ curate, half-scale replica, the Lagoda is 89 feet from flying jib-boom to spanker's boom end. 100 EXTRA @1 GREEN STAMPS 5 | (10 BIG TEN STAMPS) m ON PUMCMASES TOTAlMG 110 00 TOI^t M • EXCLUOING TOBACCO PMOOUCTS LWIT ONC COUPON PCM CUSTOM CM PUMCNASC MCDCCMABLC MON NOV 10. TNMU NOV II. • 1STS AT TMC TWC OP PUMCNASC ONLY _ CONNIE TANCREDI BROKER ASSOCIATE CARI-+-MAMS ot Century 21 Core Reol Estate Inc. or* pleated to present you with our weekly series of informative Real Estate Articles. "NAPPY THANK SSI VMS ' And we all have a lot to be thankful for Thank you all for making us a' Century 21 Care so successful We in reol estate are also thankful for a new program called Graduated Payment Mortgage Program or O P M This progrom was designed to allow families whose income has not yet reached its poten tial to purchase a home earlier with lower monthly payments For example in a conven tional S40 000 mortgage it would cost approximately $351 00 principal and interest per month On the G P M U0 000 would cost $272 00 principal and interest per month A savings of almost $80 00 per month 1 Also instead ot the 20°» down you would have to pay on a conventional loan you only need 7% or less down on the G P M program Call your Neighborhood Pro f e s s i o n a l T M t o d a y f o r f u r t h e r i n f o r m a t i o n W e w i l l b m o r e t h a n h a p p y t o l e t y o know if you quality tor thi program Phone 344 1033 WF RE HERE FOR YOU OnMK 21 CARE REAL ESTATE INC PHONE 815 344 1033 3717 W Elm (Across from Jewel) McHenry IL. Each office independently owned and operated

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