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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Nov 1978, p. 5

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A Woman Before Her Time Dedicated in 1906 at a cost of $194,900, the Illinois Memorial in the Vicksburg, Miss., National Military park contains the names of the 36,000 men - and one woman - who fought in the siege in 1863. Thirty-six thousand Illinois men -- and one woman -- have their names inscribed on bronze plaques in the Illinois Memorial temple in the National Military Park at Vicksburg. Miss. And the lone woman, Jennie Hodges, is listed by the masculine name she used during her three-year hitch in the Union army during the Civil war: she called herself Albert D.J Cashier She not only fooled her Army buddies for three years, she also hood­ winked everyone else for almost half a century before her true sex and identity were discovered by accident -- an automobile accident in 1910! Jennie was born in Ireland and came to America as a stowaway. She joined the Union Army at Belvedere, 111., Aug 6, 1862. at age 19 and attired in the tattered clothing of a poor farm worker No one knows why or how she selected her alias, but the $302 bonus she received for joining the service could be a clue - she was "cashiered into the Army," according to a common term of the era On Sept. 4, 1862, Jennie (now Albert) reported to Camp Fuller at Rockwood, 111., where she was assigned a private of Co G of the newly formed 95th Infantry, a group destined to travel almost 10.000 miles during the Civil War and take part in at least 40 battles and skirmishes. After fifty-two days of training plus an additional month in camp, Jennie and her fellow soldiers joined seasoned veterans at Columbus, Ky., in time to be included in Grant's thrust toward Vicksburg. Jennie was small - only 5 feet 3 inches tall and weighing about 110 pounds. But the Union needed troops, and the usual requirements were not en­ forced. It is doubtful that her physical consisted of more than a determination that she could walk and wasn't blind. In camp, husky troops were quite willing to lend a hand in helping her with heavy assignments, and the young private in return didn't mind washing and mending and seemed especially adept at such tasks Around camp she usually sat away from the group and smoked her pipe. Despite her size, she bore tough training without a complaint and the men considered "Little Albert" to be scrappy. Jennie got her first taste of battle in the Vicksburg cam­ paign. fighting in the advance near Big Black and par­ ticipating in several abortive assaults on the Confederate stronghold of Vicksburg drfce the 47-day siege of the city began, she was captured by a Confederate, but she seized his gun, knocked him down, and fled back to Union lines. When the Rebel Army surrendered on July 4, 1863, Jennie and the boys of the 95th were among the first troops to enter the city. Once the war ended two years later, she was discharged and lived in Livingston County, 111 , where she was church janitor, cow hand, gardener, and lamp lighter for the town of Saunemin. She always mar­ ched in veterans' parades and loved to talk about the war Folks noticed, though, that "Albert" never went swim­ ming, always wore a necker­ chief (to hide the absence of an Adam's apple?) and didn't appear to shave. "He was peculiar," a neighbor summed it up. After Jennie was struck by an automobile in 1910 and her true identity discovered, the fact was kept a secret by the few who knew and she was later admitted to the Old Soldiers and Sailors home at Quincy under her Army name and rank. Once her old company commander came to visit and talked to her at length about Army days. Her secret wasn't generally known until 1914 when two attendants tried to give her a bath. She was soon judged insane and sent to Watertown hospital in East Moline where she was forced to wear dresses for the first time jn her life. She almost started a small war when they put the first one on her.^ Jennie died Oct. 10, 1915, in the asylum, but she was buried with full military honors at sunny Slope cemetery at Saunemin where her tombstone memorializes her as Pvt. Albert D.J. Cashier of the 95th Illinois. Even before her death, the battlefield at Vicksburg where she fought had already been designated a National Military park, and in 1906 Illinois became one of the first states to dedicate a memorial to its men - and unknowingly to its woman - who fought at Vicksburg The white marble structure resembles a Greek temple on a high hill in the 1800acre park. Visitors ascend forty-seven steps - one for each day of the siege - to enter the open-domed edifice. In the center of the temple is a tile mosaic of the great seal of Illinois, and on the walls are the plaques bearing the names of her soldier sons. Above the portico are marble relief portraits of President Lincoln and General Grant, and atop the porch is an eagle in gold leaf Three figures over the door, carved in high relief, represent North and South reconciled in peace, leaning toward the central figure of History who sits enthroned between them recording their deeds The Illinois Memorial temple is one of twenty-three such monuments erected by various states in the Vicksburg bat­ tlefield Thousands of other markers, plaques, and statues attest to the valor of both Blue and Grey in the siege that historians term the turning point of the war. Sixteen miles of roads follow the battle lines across ridges and through ravines, and Civil War cannons stand like silent sentinels where the horrors of battle blighted and blooded the land­ scape over a century ago The Vicksburg National Military park is open daily year round, and a visitor center exhibits artifacts from the battlefield and offers an in­ terpretation of the famous siege. At the Illinois Memorial temple, visitors can often be seen searching the plaques for names of ancestors If you look under the 95th Infantry Regiment, you'll find "Cashier, Albert D.J. Pvt.," an Illinois girl who did a man's job. To the army, Jennie was just another soldier G WYEAR T SNOW TIRE PAIR OFFER $ Better Hurry... Winterize Now! G o o d y e a r ' s Suburbanite Polyeatcr s n o w l i r e g i v e s y o u 4 p l i e s o f p o l y e s t e r c o r d I n t e r l o c k ­ i n g t r e a d l u g s a r e s e l f - c l e a n i n g - d i g d o w n d e e p t o p u l l y o u t h r o u g h G o o d y e a r S u b u r b a n i t e a g r e a t c h o i c e f o r w i n t e r ' 44 P155 80013 or A78 13 bUckwills plus $1.43 or $1 82 F E T per tire and old tires Blackwall Size PAIR PRICE PlutF.l.T. par tire and old tires E78-14 2 for $72.00 $2.30 F78-14 2 for $78.00 $2.44 G78-14 2 for $84.00 $2.62 G78-15 2 for $84.00 $2.66 H78-15 2 for $88.00 $2.86 NowV JheTimeld Buy Our Best Winter Radial! F32 All Winter Radial dou­ ble be l ted wi th Flexten , the cord made f rom aramid f iber tha t ' s a s tep ahead of s tee l . Get se t now for winter dr iv ing . Whit (wall Iki SALE PRICE fluiF I.T. No trad* needed BR78 13 )S2.00 $203 FR78 14 $2.60 GR78-14 $72.»0 $2.78 HR78-14 171.50 $2.32 GR78-15 $74.J# »2«3 HR78-15 $7t.S0 $2 82 JR78-15 $82.50 $3.19 LR78-15 $85.00 $3 15 Double Glass Belted Polyglas Whitewalls Cushion Ball Polyglas gives you two f iberg lass cord be l t s r ight under the t read They add s t rength and s tabi l i ty for good wear , good t rac t ion . Polyes ter cord body soaks up shock, de l ivers a smooth r ide Whltewall Size OUR PRICE Pint FIT. and old tire E78-14 $37.23 $2.19 F78-14 $31.30 $2 34 G78-14 $40.00 $2.47 H78-14 $42.05 $<2.70 G78-15 $41.00 $2.55 H78 15 $43.05 $2 77 178-15 $47.15 $3.05 *31 878 13 'Whitehall plus $1 82 F.E T. and old t ire Lube and Oil Change iKlnta up to 4 juris map* brand 10/30 «l PROTECTS MOVING PARTS - ENSURES QUIET OPERATION • Complete oil change and chassis lubrica­ tion • Ensures smooth performance, re­ duces the chances of wear • Please phone for appointment • Includes light trucks. Front-End Alignment $|588 Additions I parts and services •itra If needed Frwit-whMl drive excluded HELPS PROTECT TIRES AND VEHICLE PERFORMANCE • Inspect all 4 tires • Set caster, camber, and toe-in to factory specifications • Inspect suspension and steering system • Most U.S. cars - some imports Engine Tune-Up $1088 Conditioned Cats 4-cyl K*l ADO 12.00 Includes parts and labor. Electronic unitlon cars $4 less HELPS ENSURE BETTER CAS MILEAGE ANO PERFORMANCE • Electronic engine, charging, and s tar t ing system analysis • Instal l new points , p lugs , condenser • Set dwel l and t iming • Adjust carburetor for economy • Inc ludes Datsun, Toyota, VW, and l ight t rucks When cal l ing for appointment, pleose ask about choke odjustmant GOODYEAR TIRE CENTER OWNED ANO OPERATED BY: McHENRY CHECKPOINT, INC. 4400 W. RTE. 120 McHENRY, ILL. PHONE 385-7300 HOURS: Monday through Saturday, 8 to 6 CtlOIT in Village of McHenry Shores Jude La Francis 385-5067 PAGE 5 - PLAINDEALER - TL 'KSDAY, NOVKMBKK 21. Girl Scouts Introduce New Redesigned Trefoil Buying Poultry? When buying poultry, remem­ ber that the heavier the bird -- the more meat you get in propoi - tion to bone, as compared with beef and pork Unique Ornaments Will Hong From Village Yule Tree On Dec. 17, Sunday, from 2 to 4 p.m. there will be a tree trimming party at the corner of Hilltop and Vista Terrace The tree is being donated by Mr. and Mrs. Bartell. After trim­ ming the tree, there will be free hot chocolate given to those young people who were busy placing their handmade or­ naments on the lovely tree Parents of those youngsters who plan to help decorate the tree are asked to donate some cookies for the hot chocolate party at the annex following the tree trimming event. a Begin now to plan your or­ nament. Remember, it must be able to withstand the elements, so make it durable, as well as attractive. See you on Sunday, Dec 17. <The date was in­ correct in last week's column > DEADLINE FOR PARTY Dec. 1, is the deadline for making your reservations for the Shores' Christmas party at the American Legion, Dec 8, 1978, from 5 to 10 p.m. The buffet will offer a choice of two meats and the music will be provided for dancing until 10. Call the village hall to make your reservations. PUPPET SHOW Mrs Yvonne Alton and Mrs Annemarie Cina will again present a puppet show for the young people of the village It will take place on Dec 3, at 3 p.m.. at the village annex The puppeteers will perform "Hansel and Gretel." YOUNGSTERS BEWARE While waiting for their buses, too many youngsters are playing in the middle of the street, playing tag and jumping out in front of cars, and just plain disregarding safety rules If this type of conduct con tinues. someone is bound to get hurt Drivers assume that the bus riders are going to remain in a group to await the arrival of their buses The automobile driver does not expect young people, who are at a bus stop, to run out into the street instead of remaining on their designated corner Please keep your wits' about you while you are at your bus stop. Do not run out into the street; do not chase each other into the path of cars; be safe, wait till you're on the playground to play your games VILLAGE BOARD NEWS The board meeting was held Wednesday, Nov 15, at the annex. Several items of old business were discussed. The treasurer's report was the number one topic of the night The next board meeting is Wednesday. Dec 6, at 7 p.m. at the annex If you have any questions regarding the McHenry Shores Christmas party, the puppet show, or the tree trimming party, please contact the village hall. A flyer regarding these events will soon be for thcoming THANKS Thanks for the memory of loving parents and grand parents, of joyful family reunions, of happy school days, of ever-present good friends, of kind spouses, of forgiving children, of wishing again a happy Thanksgiving to all Driver Service Facility Will Close Holiday Secretary of State Alan .J Dixon has announced that his offices in Springfield and Chicago and all driver services facilities throughout the state will be closed Thanksgiving day, Thursday, Nov. 23, and Friday. Nov 24 Dixon said all downstate driver services facilities out side of Cook county will reopen Saturday. Nov. 25 A new emblem for the 67- year-old. 3-million-member Girl Scout movement in the U S A has been introduced The emblem is a dramatic redesign of the trefoil, a three leaf clover shape used in various adaptations by the Girl Scouts and Girl Guides in almost 100 countries around the world It replaces a design patented by the U.S. Girl Scouts in 1914 J "We believe it is important ." says Sybaquay council president, Virginia Larsen. "to call attention to the distinctive, contemporary identity of Girl Scouting The new emblem is designed to do this " Featuring , a stylized silhouette treatment of girls, faces in profile, the trefoil is accompanied by the words "Girl Scouts' ' in a con temporary typeface When rendered in color , the t refo i l i s traditional Girl Scout green, the words are in blue, the color of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts According to. Virginia Lai sen . Gir l Scouts of the U S A is the world's largest voluntary organiza t ion for g i r l s A publ ic opin ion survey in 1977 showed tha t a wide major i ty of the nat ion has a high opinion of Gir i Scout ing Yet the same surv 'ev revealed that a surprising number of people are not awar that Girl Scouts are completed independent and separate y program, communi t> f inur cing. and administration f rom any other organiza t io! The new t refo i l i s a s te ; toward dispel l ing the misun­ ders tanding Virgin ia Larse : cont inues to point out tha t the emblem also dramat ized th> d ivers i ty tha t i s a -major goal . today 's Gir l Scout ing i McHenry Library News 1011 N. Green Street, Phone 385-0036 Hours: Monday-Friday: 10:00 a.m. - 8.30 p.m. Saturday: 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Popular Attractions Arizona's Grand Canyon is the most popular natural attraction in the United States. Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming ranks second, followed by Niagra Falls, N Y., Mount Mckinley, Alaska, the sequoias and redwoods of California, Hawaii 's volcanoes and Florida's Everglades Children's National Library Week November 13-18 Programs: Mike Jarock, author of the Sneeky Sneeker Children's books V>\ 15, 6 p m Weg Thomas, advanced lesson on how to use your camera N< 16, 8 p m Macrame class, every Tuesday morning Nov 14. 10 a m Library Reference Hot L,ine every day 8 a m -8: 3<» p m 385-0030 Come In -Get Ideas for Christmas Christmas Magazines Handicraft Books Christmas Customs and traditioas Christmas books for young and old Christmas Displays during December Cookbooks. Candy and cookies around the world recipes Christmas Programs Christmas Records We have hundreds of magazines that circulate We have an excellent Large Print Book Section We have a copy machine that makes good c lear copies We have a microfilm viewer We have art prints to circulate W e have the best sellers in our new book section We have special service for shut ins Please call and we a ;ii deliver books to your door We can get talking machines and records for the b l ind We will order film, slides, film-strips and records for you from the Northern Illinois Library system. Catalogs are at the front desk tor vour use. r EVERYTHING YOU'LL NEED IN EQUIPMENT V Downhill Ski Package Regular TUA FREESTYLE SKIS 'ISO60 DOLOMITE BOOTS 'SS*5 SALOMON 202 BINDINGS lA&" BARRECRAFTER POLES INSTALLATION U6*5 REGULAR PRICE *2*4" SAVE *85 PAY ONLY $19995 •Same package without Boots, pay only '149.95 Ski Tuneup Special Includes Edge Shap­ ing, Hot Wax, Binding R e l e a s e C h e c k , L u b r i c a t i o n a n d P-Tex if needed. Reg. $19.95 $1295 COMPLETE # -- Cross Country Ski Package -- w*. Regular / ADIDAS SL5 SKIS «8e« / LEATHER TOURING BOOTS >Z4K X-CPIN BINDINGS FIBERGLASS POLES '14* If f INSTALLATION Mm regular price •148"1 SAVE $4085 PAY ONLY $9995 WWSm" 'v msSm DARKENS SPORT'I HOUSE Crystal Point M a l l Crystal Lake 455-1140 Barrington 207 N. Cook 312/381-0257 Meadowdale Carpentersville 312/428-2826 „VV

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