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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Nov 1978, p. 18

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V: UK AI.KK - FRIDAY. NOVKMHKK 24. 1978 HHP WANTED HELP WANTED MANAGEMENT We or* a leading national growth company-continually opening new branches. We need men ond women who are ambitious & growth minded to staff these bronches. If you are interested in this opportunity, we can give you earning opportunities of $50' day while learning. For interview, write with qualifications C/O Box No. 1 McHenry Plaindealor * 3812 Elm St., McHonry, II. An equal opportunity employer n/17 u/2 WANTED Professional substitutes B.S. in Special Education! I preferred. On Coll Basis. To make application con- I tact: Alan Dominic 815-455-1110 HEAL ESTATE SALES Associates now needed in one of McHenry* newest offices, excellent commission splits, insurance program, estab­ lished farm leads, and above all. experienced management people who care. Don't get lost in the shuffle of a large of­ fice. join on aggressive small company with big ideas. Come to Realty USA. For a confiden­ tial interview, call 915-344- 1244-ask tor Mr. Perisi. M irr LOCAL MICROFILMING CO. Needs Full Time Typist 8:00 am to 4:30pm *Paid Vacations "paid Holidays "Insurance Plan For information, Call Kathy Smith 312-381-2977 CENTRAL STATES MICROFILMING 2 Hillview Dr Barrington, IL roregggmsBC spurijeons IN HOME Hairdresser Needed! Tired of being bothered at home' Sick of the constant raess7 Move your chair to us Flexible Hours Liberal commissions Full company benefits Apply in person McHenry Market Place GENERAL PLANT POSITIONS Broke Ports Compony has the opportunity for you. We have a variety of positions available on all shifts We offer: •Job Security *Good Wages "Advancement Opportunity •10 Paid Holidays Plus Vacation •Health ond Lite Insurance And More APPLY IN PERSON TODAY! BEAM PAETS COWAN* 815-385-7000 1600 N. Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F 24 I NOW HIRING Our new air conditioned plant is open and we have day and night shift positions open In addition to our NEW HIGHER STARTING SALARY and plenty of opportunity for advancement you will enioy •Clean-pleasant bench work •Company paid health I life insurance •6 Merit renews your first year Experience not necessary we will tram Apply in person only tENCO ELECTRONICS INC. 1330 Belden St.. McHenry So. of McHenry on Rt 31 to Dayton St. then Dayton to PART TIME FULL TIME Plant Utility Person •For Cydinder Delivery •Basic Vehicle Maintenance •Tank Installations Call for an Appointment NOW! Northern Propane Gas. Co. 385-4200 II 24 COMPUTER OPERATOR High School Graduate with at least 1 course in data processing. Experience preferred, not required. On the job training. Possibility of future programmer training. Evening Hours 9 PM to 5 AM Monday thru Thursday plus Friday or Sunday. Later star­ ting hours if preferred. Con­ tact Persftmel office. McHenry County College Crystal Lake, IL 815-455*3700 An •quol opportunity affirmative oction »mptoyr M/F ,) /2J.n/ rfWORK NEAR\ ^ ̂36X3aKM636XX36S6S6X30636X36a6XX3C «OCBtXS3CX«CStatX^ PART-TIME HELP WANTED SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS NEEDED FOR THE 1978-79 School Year Paid Training Buses Equipped With 2-Way Radios Good Starting Salary Call Dick Glawe at 385-6622 LOCAL MICROFILMING CO. Needs women to learn microtilming Full time positions 8 00am to 4 30pm No experience necessary "Paid vacations "Paid holidays "Insurance plan For information call Kathy Smith 312-381-2977 CENTRAL STATES MICROFILMING 2 Hillview Of Barrington IL JOIN RED CARPET' Real Estate Sales Career begins with training on the job We offer high coliber formalized ond personalized training to interested aspiring individuals new or experien ced to the profession plus ex­ cellent commissions bonus plon home warranty plan, TV advertising. Now all the listing tools necessary for sue cess Call TED HILL Northern Illinois Realty 815-459-4440 or 815-385-2340 1 l-3-tf-2 HOME Two openings available in area to sell established product. Car help­ ful...Will help you learn. $250/week potential. Call 815-344-0557* between 8-10 AM Equal Opportunity Em ploy i 'Call for Appointment __ 11/17 I! 29 J INSURANCE CLERK We have an excellent oppor­ tunity for an individual to work in our Insurance department, with previous office experien­ ce. Additional experience in filing health insurance claims a plus, but will train a bright beginner. Must be able to type 30 to 40 wpm and enjoy dealing with public. Excellent fringe benefits. Salary ronge $3.50 to 5.35 per hour depending on tie perience Apply Mc Henry Medical Group 1209 N. Green St. McHenry, IL 11 22 11 24 DRAFTSPERSON High School drafting with some eiperience in an electronic manufacturing firm, will qualify you lor this position Full range of company sponsored benefits to the right candidate Apply to Personnel Monday through Friday 7:30 A.M. - 4:00 P.M. OAK liHliislrit'x Int 815-459-5000 South Main Street, C rystal Ijtke, 111. An Equal Opportunity Employer h 2211 u 'WOOBSPfW^>QOOQQOOQQOOPQQOB<l I HOMEMAKERS WANTED >• For mature persons who core about people and want to help troubled families with children and the aging in crisis situations Provide child care personal care l ight housekeeping and emotional support Work closely with a social worker Call Denis Morimoto 312-362-0760 Homemokers Service of Lake £ McHenry Counties 9:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. j Monday through Friday 1117112. j 1 bflOQoooooQoo 000000000 00 oood. QUALITY CONTROL LAY-OUT INSPECTOR Opportunity for mdividuaJ with surface plate background in stam­ pings and molded parts This position offers job security advan cement excellent salary range and fringe package AMVMCAU TTinitermatic i f s j C O W P O ^ A T E • Intermatic Plaza - Rte. 12 & Winn Rd. Spring Grove, IL 815-675-2321 An equal opportunity employer 11-22-11-24 REAL ESTATE SALES OPPORTUNITY UNLIMITED--ENROLL NOW Real Estate Licensing Course Begins Next Wednesday Evening McHenry High School We guarantee that you pass or tuition refunded (Placement assistance if desired) IWSTITITE FOR REAL ESTATE SALES (815)385-6830 MACHINE TENDERS FOR BROWN ft SHARPE AUTOMATIC SCREW1 MACHINES Must have machining background, and knowledge of tools, blueprints and measuring instruments. We will train the right applicant. •te Apply to Personnel Monday through Friday 7:30 AM 4:00 PM OAK Industries ln« 815-459-5000 ' South Main Street,t'rystal I^ake, m. » ^nf.qual Opportunity Empfoyer IMMEDIATE PART TIME POSITIONS AVAILABLE McHenry County College "CAFETERIA Food preparation and clean up 10 AW to 2 PM Daily •CASHIER 5 to 9 30 PM Starting Jan 3. 1979 'BUILDING MAINTENANCE Temporary part time help needed Flexible hours available 'MAIL ROOM ATTENDENT Sort and deliver afternoon mail Car necessary Ap­ proximately 2 hours per day •NIGHT WATCHMAN Saturday evenings 6 PM to 6AM plus some holidays Light Custodial Duties •PART TIME COACHES Women's Softball and Men's baseball for Spring Semester Contact Nancy Loomis Personnel Office McHenry County College Crystal Lake, IL 815-455-3700 JU («Ml Affirnwtn* Action t mptsyr M F ' 11/7? 11/24 •. PLASTICS 3rd Shift MidniqM to 8:00 am Molding Machine Operotors Shift Bonus Piece Rate Bonus Apply in Person Plat Pros, Inc. 455 Borden St. Woodstock, III. SEDOAA I IS SEEKING FULL OR I PART TIME SCHOOL BUS f- : DRIVERS RESIDING IN A \ McHENRY COUNTY TO $ : BEGIN IMMEDIATELY. ! TRAINING PROVIDED. • Full time drivers receive in- • dividual health accident, | hospitalization and life in- : surance benefits sick leave •$ I allowance and a daily driving : bonus » : BE PAID S3 35 WHILE YOU | ; TRAIN EARN $3 60 PER HOUR & | AFTER SIXTY DAYS Contact Kent R.Blake :$ • Director of Transportation » • Special Education District » J of McHenry County ;j 1200 Dane St Woodstock g /oic\ loaitoi M A» PART TIME Help Wanted Hours: 10:30-1:30 Apply in Parson Beef Villa 3709JK. Elm Si McHenry, II. " ̂ HELP WANTED Woman wanted for restaurant work. Full or part time. Mothers hours O.K. Call 815- 653-7296. 11-22-11-24C EXPERIENCED BAR TENDER, full and-or part time. "Sports Pub" 385-9855 Colleen ll-15-ll-24c CAR WASHER Full Time. Must have drivers license ond experience. Apply in Person. Overton, Cidillac/Pontiac Rte. 120 & 31 McHenry, IL CAN YOU RUN A PRESS BRAKE SHEAR & READ BLUEPRINTS? Call IRENE MANPOWER TEMPORARY SERVICES 385-6600 CLERICAL POSITIONS P.M. and Night Shift Will Tram. Apply at: McHenry Hospital 3516 W. Waukegan Rd. McHenry, IL !! " Experienced married man wanted for Hog and Grain farm. References required. House and utilities furnished. Salary negotiable. 815-338-2684 Immediate Opening Far Full Tina Bartandar Male or Female Paid Vocation Hospitalization - Bonuses Call Bernie 815-459-1237 WANTED Looking for people who want to work customizing cars. Also car hikers. 3440512 P* r SEWER & WATER FOREMAN UNION PAY PLUS •t EXPERIENCED J. P€ASI CONSTRUCTION 815675-2582 CAN YOU SET UP HILLING MACHINES, DRILL PRESS & READ BLUEPRINTS! Call IttNE MANPOWER TEMPORARY SERVICES 385-6600 11 Mu/34 PERMANENT PART TIME OPENINGS To deliver the Chicago Tribune 2 to 3 hours per day. Early morning 7 days per week. Routes now available starting at $75 to $125. Call Collect 385-3643 Avon Being an Avon Represen totive is an exciting oppor­ tunity to make good part time money. Over 18, Call Mrs. Bauer 385-5385 * 11/22-11/24 WANTED WAITRESSES For all Shifts Apply in person PIZZA McHenry FOR SALE New Queen heated water bed beautiful velvet lined drawers, in a rustic and brass head­ board. Lots of extras. 815-728- 01%. ll-22-ll-24c ANTIQUE 14" table saw 41x48", maple top and legs complete with mitre gauge and rip fence blade and belt. Can be used with power take off. Best offer 385-1345. 11-22 11-24c Green & gold floral couch good condition. $75. 815-653-3076. 11- 22-11-24c AM-FM STEREO, 6 ft mediterranian console, good condition. $200. 815-344-1858 after 5pm. ll-22-ll-24c Formica kitchen table and 4 matching chairs. $50.; desk and chair $25.; easy chair with ottoman, $25.; twin bed com­ plete $25; 815-385-2401 after 5pm. 11-22-11-24C TIRES: two regular G78xl5; $15 00; two snows F78xl4 with wheels to fit Chevelle or Chevy $30.00 815-653-4038. 11-24 DRESSER w-mirror $15 00, four drawer bureau. $5.00, long record cabinet $3 00, beginners guitar $3.00 385-7194 1124 D I S C O U N T W A L L COVERINGS, liberal savings, paper vinyl, foils, flocks, fabrics $1 99 and up for double roll Plywood Minnesota. Woodstock 338 1440 11-24 12-lc Beautiful contemporary doll house California raised ranch styling with green house, wood deck and some furniture in­ cluded Electrical wiring so house lights up Paid $350 will sell for $150 or best offer 815- 385-8286 11 24 Still time to buy a doll house for Xmas Big selection of fur­ niture and accessories, in­ cluding miniature books, one inch and all readable Cathies Country Creations. 12701 State Line Rd., Hebron, II 815-648 2839. 11-24 APPROX 200 NEW 8 ft 2x4 s. $1 50 ea. was going to build but cannot. First come, first serve. 385-6699. 11-24-12-lC Ethan Allen Runk beds, dark pine. ladder and rail included. Paid $650 will sell for $200 815- 385-8286 1122-11-24C Selmer Clarinet with case, like new condition $100 815-385-8337. 11-24 CONN ORGAN 2Vi years old $1400.; electric band $600. Call after 4pm 815-344-1513. 11-24-12- 1 Pair A78-13 snow tires on 77 Chevette wheels Used one winter $75 pair 815-344 0510 11- 22-11-24c MOTORCYCLES roll ftCNT 1977 HONDA 750 Super sport black, w-custom wheels, 2,900 miles. Excellent condition $1500. 728-0346. 11-22-11-24C SNOUMOBILt 1973 Suzuki model SM21. new track, low mileage-with cover $580.00 or best offer. 815-385- 4174 11-17-1 l-24c SCORPION 400, new tracx, new windshield, skis. 1 yr. old in good condition, runs great, $400,653-5126. 11-22-11-24C CANAOf MU MOVING SALE, Sears Best gas range 30", hardly used; Hot- point electric range top 30"; Goodyear tire L-84xl5. 815-385- 2771. . 11-22-11-24C MOVING SALE, Whirlpool 21.09 cu. ft. upright freezer, Kenmore 500 electric dryer, Bundy flute. Phone 385-6798. 11- 24 FOR SALE Small 4 candle crystal Chan­ delier, perfect for foyer or small dining room $35. Call after 5:30 pm 815-385-2403 or 385-1969 Cash only. 11-22-11 24c 3 DOUBLE HUNG WINDOWS, plumbing material, new and reasonable. 30hp Mercury outboard $125.; and 74 hp fishing motor, $100. 653-5126. 11-22-11-24C USED FRIGIDAIRE frost free refrigerator and Roper range both for $140. Round maple coffee table $30 dresser $10. 385-7499. 11-24-11-29 White fiberglass Ford pickup top. $300 Call after 5pm. 815- 648-2887 , 11-24 Two space heaters; one wall furnace with blower; two piece sectional has 12 pillows. Call after 5pm 815-385-6674 11-24 WHITNEY SPINET PIANO 3 years old Excellent condition Call after 5pm . 815-385-1700. 11- 24 DAVENPORT REASONABLE, good condition, fireplace thermograte fuel saver. 385- 2829 11-24-11-29 All housewares, including antique brass and iron beds. Marble top dressers etc. Johnsburg area. 312-344-0717. 11-24 FIREWOOD FOR SALE, split already for burning, call anytime. Joe. $35.00 ton 815- 653-9075 11 24 Sears 10 hp garden tractor with mower and 24" snow blade, chains, electric start, good condition $425 or best offer 815-385-0462 11-24-12-lc Like new 16x7 garage door complete with hardware Call after 6:30pm 815385-4010 11- Itfc New & used R R ties, bulk grass seed We deliver Woodstock Lawn & Farm Center 815 338-4200. 11-ltfc P A STARCK Spinet piano with 88 keys and bench Needs refinishing $200. 815-344-1090 11-24 HUMMEL PLATES 1071 . 1*72. 1*73. 1*74. 1*75., im.. 1*77. 1070. .. $95.00 $75 00 $1*0 00 $145.00 $1,050.00 $05.00 $190.00 $115.00 Box Ml, Mint Condition Wonderful Christmas Gift For Mom SPECIAL 1*72, 1*74 Combination $14*.00 1*74, 1*77 ComWisettori $239.00 1*71, 1*77 Combination $24*.00 1*72, 74, 77 Combination $31*.00 385-3122 1122 11/24 For Rent, McHENRY, two bedroom ranch, appliances, garage, patio, enclosed yard. References $310.815-344-0745. 11-24-11-29 For Rnn* one bedroom 1st floor apartment, ideal location for senior citizens, security deposit and lease required. $220v month. 816-385 5324. U-24 2 BEDROOM HOME, garage, McHenry, large deposit, references, no pets. $310. mo. 385-1655. 11*24 Sleeping rooms for rent. For information call 497-3075. 11-24 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, Wonder Lake. Across from beach. $225. plus security. 312-878-9731. 11- 24 WHISPERING OAKS, im maculate two bedroom home, 2 baths, full basement, garage. References and security deposit. 815-385-8441 or 385-4905 11-22-11-24C Wonder Lake office space call for details 815-653-7296 11-22-11- 24c Wonder Lake, two bedroom home, central air, living room with fireplace, dining room, modern kitchen, storage attic. Family preferred, no pets. December 1, 1978. $325 month plus utilities, security deposit, references 815-653-7296 11 22- 11-24c Store for rent, available December 15th. 1260 North Green St.. McHenry. Ask for Chuck 312-283-4660 11-24-12-1 For Rent one bedroom & studio apartment available «• im­ mediately. newly decorated, heat included. Ask for Chuck. 312-283-4660 11-24-12-1 For Rent, 3 bedroom, 2 baths, apartment, located on 5 acres, utilities included 815-385-9712 or 385-3517. 11-24 LARGE 2 bedroom Executive type apartment, excellent location, no children, or pets References and security deposit required Must call between <9 & 10 pm) 312-381- 2059 only responsible parties need inquire li-10-tfc Johnsburg. indoor storage approximately 29x32 ft. area. Call evenings after 6 pm 815- 385-1268 11-17-11-240 WONDER LAKE 5 room rustic log cabin, family room with fireplace. 1 block to beach $265 month plus damage deposit. Immediate occupancy 312-3*7- 2498 11-17-11-24C For rent, newly built apart ment building at 5109 Mc- Cullom Lake Rd., McHenry, includes refrigerator, stove, dishwasher, central air, in­ dividual furnaces. 14 car garage, laundry room, two bedrooms, patio deck, much more First and last months rent, references. Northwest Apartments 815-385-7784 or 385 7737 Call after 7pm ask for Bob. 11-8 11 29c TABLE AND 4 CHAIRS for­ mica top $35 Speed Queen Electric Iron. $25 385-3337 11 -15-11 -24c Deluxe model Frigidaire refrigerator, freezer $50 ; two H78xl4 snow tires mounted on Chrysler rims $25 for both Phone 815-385-1864 11 24 OFFICE For Rent in the Village of Johngbiirg Call Bill Wallin AaaociateM 815-385-5093 Two horse traiier, excellent condition. Call after 5 pm 815- 678-4486 11-24 MILKING GOATS for sale 815 338-8553 11 24 1978 Trans Am tire rims honey comb style $300 for all 4 815 385-1398 after 4 :30pm 11-24 SAVE YOUR CHROME, for rims tires and caps, stock off Ford van H78xl5. new tread, $100 or best offer 385-0140 ask for Jack 11-24 For Sale or trade, Whirl pool double oven and single electric; Also cultured marble sinks, vanities and misc cabinets, will trade for antiques An­ tiques such as old car signs, phonographs or furniture. 815- 943-5613 after 4 pm or 815-338 9724 11 17 11 24c OFFICE OR RETAIL Located on Route 1?0 Newer solid brick building with 1000 sq It full basement excellent parking space Immediate possession S700/month OfFICE SPACE Super location on Route 120 superb neighbors ideal lor Professional Business Excellent parking facilities $275/mo*th. Realty World Ourbm Stovall 4213 W. Route 120, McHonry 81S-3S! im HOUSE FOR RENT 3-4 Bedroom*, new tri-level. 2 cor garage family room, 3 baths, stove Fox Ridge - $480 mo plus security deposit. Available Nov 15.1978. irtKSKtos. m. «AllOIS T • COUPLE Husband I Wife to tafct care of larfe home $ property near Chain O'Lakes State Park on a part time bans tn return for your sennet we wtll provide you with a free separate apt Woman should be able to do some light housework helpful if husband it able to do light maintenance work but not necessary CaN II/J4 •aateSpH 312-307-0107

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