A HELPING PAWS ANIMAL WELFARE ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 205 • Crystal Lak«, Illinois 60014 •(815)459-2641 By Estelle Atwell $kJm By Kathleen Thayer All dog adoption; fees include the cost of the spay or neuter surgery from a vet of our choice or "a deduction from the cost of the surgery from a vet of \our choice IXM.SKOH UXH'TION Dream dog, H month old female Dalmation Lab. black and white. all shots, housebroken. loves children and pets, riding in cars, would he excellent 411 pup 338-0982 G o l d e n R e t r i e v e r , housebroken. all shots, spayed female. 2 years 338-8520. Border Collie mix male, 3 years, housebroken. very good with children and pets 385-2756. ( VI S KOK ADOPTION All cat adoption fees include the cost of the spay or neuter surgery from a vet of our choice or a deduction from the cost of the surgery from a vet of your choice 6-month neutered male kitten, all shots, loves children and other pets, black and grey strip, short hair 459-9223. A home of kittens, variety of colors and ages. This foster home may have the one you are looking for 459-6523. Three little kittens, black or black and white all shots - male and female, short hairs. 8 weeks old 459-0635 7 month old white with gold lieautiful short hair male, 459- 3946. 8 week old short hair male, organe tiger, with shots. 459- 6500. Neutered male Persian mix, lovely white and beige, shots, declawed two front feet, very affectionate young adult. 459 9342 Brown, gold, yellow cream short hair, female. 7 months. all shots, loving feline. 459-8046 8 week old Honey gold kit tens, 3 male. 3 female. 312-669- 6822. 6 month, semi-long hair black female. 312-669-3220 6 month old female, short haired Calico. 385-8193. Black Burmese mix, young short haired male. 312-658-6850. FOUND Black Lab., heavy female. Holiday Hills. 385-3198. Many other lost and found dogs and cats. Too many to list. Please call the office between 10-4 Monday through Satuiday. 459-2641. SECTION 2 - PAGE 1 - PLA1NDEALER - FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1978 Clothing Care Award Grants For Seniors What's so special about Animal Control? Many adoptable dogs and cats make it very special to Helping Paws workers. If we don't have the pet you're looking for, perhaps Animal Control does. Help save a life and give the gift of love. Call 338-7040 or drop ft at 11608 Banford road in Woodstock. Photo by Don Kaiser Don't Let Those Christmas Blues Ruin Holiday A common seasonal syndrome is characterized by feelings of grumpiness. depression and un- happiness before, during and par ticularly after the holiday season Psychologists say there can be many reasons for the "Christmas blues" One simple explanation is that people are just busier at Christmastime and the increased activity causes stress Another theory holds that Christmas is traditionally the major family gathering time We are together more and there are more opportunities for conflict as much as there are op portunities for relationships to improve The family gathering reactivates not only old pleasant memories but old unpleasant memories as well There is also reactivation of griefs, losses and broken attach ments A recent divorce, for ex ample, disturbs established rituals Memories of deceased loved ones are rekindled This can make Christmas a time of sadness. People often unrealistically ex pect the holiday season to change things in their lives and when the expectations don't materialize there is disappointment and depression To combat the Christmas blues and let-down feelings we basically have to recognize reality and realize that things don't change that much because of the season of the year VV^ # provide tags you can sew on when you've completed the outfit. 4. If after following in structions your clothes are damaged, return them with the sales receipt to the store They should refund your money and return the outfit to the manufacturer for credit. Clothing-makers besieged with returns may in the future label their clothes more accurately. HOME BUYER CLINIC In 17th century Holland, the passion for tulips was so great a single root of one plant sold for the equivalent of about $1,500. Clothing Care Labels Can't Always Be Trusted If the labels on your clothes leave you wondering how to clean them, you're not alone. Even professional drycleaners look at care labels with skepticism. The International Fabricare Institute's (IFI) research center in Silver Spring, Md., takes calls daily from cleaners who receive gar ments labeled "dryclean o n l y " b u t s u s p e c t t h a t standard drycleaning meth ods won't be satisfactory. Often the drycleaners are right. The Institute's re searchers often test-clean items tagged "professionally dryclean only" and find synthetics that shrink or laminates that stiffen and peel. Or they find colors that change, fade and bleed. The problem lies not with drycleaning. itself but with some clothing manufac turers who give little thought to how the fabric they use should be cared for. Some manufacturers attach care labels to their clothes without testing the cleaning method the label recommends. Still others produce clothes the IFI lab finds difficult to clean by any means. The Federal Trade Com mission (FTC) requires man ufacturers to attach labels telling consumers how to care for clothes. The IFI has been advocating more infor mation on the care labels, and the IFI's recommenda tion^ are a part of new FTC rules now being considered. New FTC rules, when adopted, could minimize many problems with care labels that don't tell enough. Here are some things you can do to make sure your clothes are well cared-for: 1. Keep care labels at tached to the clothes. Some may be large, but the infor mation on them is necessary to avoid damaging the clothes. If you take a multi- piece outfit to the cleaners, take all the pieces along-- not all pieces are labeled. 2. Keep the hang tags that came attached to the c l o t h e s a t t h e t i m e o f purchase. Clothing-makers sometimes are reluctant to put complete information on the sewn-in tag, but will include the information elsewhere. Show these in structions to the cleaners. 3. If you sew your own, clothes, ask for care labels when buying the fabric. The manufacturer is required to By Robert C. Bates President-Elect American Land Title Association PROPERTY RIGHTS When purchasing a home, remember that others may claim opposing r ights under the law in the real -s ta te you propose to purchase. These r ights can consis t of mortgages, l iens due to unpaid taxes and special assessments , j u d g m e n t s against the Bates current or former property owner , ownership use and occupancy restr ic t ions, mineral r ights , a i r r ights , easements both above or below the ground, and many other mat ters . Sometimes, c la ims of prop er ty r ights adverse to your ownership wil l not be as ser ted unt i l af ter a home is purchased and paid for--as buyers abrupt ly learned in an eastern s ta te . After the death of the sel ler , who had been a real es ta te businessman, these new owners were shocked when the man's widow claimed a half interest in their home. Later , i t was learned that the property ini t ia l ly was pur chased in the name of the sel ler ' s wife--and the sel ler subsequent ly forged his wife 's name on the deed t ransferr ing The Illinois Department on Aging and the Region Two Area Agency on Aging Wednesday awarded grants totaling $137,326 to four area senior center programs. These grants, using money made available through Title V of the Older Americans act. will be used for renovation of existing sites in Carpentersville. Round Lake Heights. Elmhurst and Crystal Lake The Dundee Township Park District will be the recipient of the Carpentersville grant They will receive $51,986 to sup plement the $17,347 local match, bringing the total to $69,333 Renovation will consist of a ramp for wheel chairs, new wiring and lighting fixtures, ceiling and floor coverings, paneling, insulation, con struction of office and kitchen facilities, air-conditioning, restrooms accessible to the handicapped and furnishings Exterior renovation will in elude repaying the parking lot and gutters for the buildings In Round Lake Heights, the Round Lake Park district will receive a $22,000 award to supplement their funding of $33.7%, bringing the total of that grant to $55,796. Those funds will facilitate the in stallation of partitions and the replacement of the roof on the center Restrooms will be altered to accommodate the handicapped The kitchen facilities will get new floor and ceiling coverings and the in terior is scheduled for a new coat of paint These services will provide a lunch program and the primary programs e n c o m p a s s i n g c r a f t s , education and recreation will begin a two day week basis and expand as required The Elmhurst Park district is supplying $8,350 for the renovation of its multi-purpose center and will receive a grant totaling $17,340 to supplement the fund Replacement of the roof and electrical system is scheduled as well as new lighting fixtures, ceiling and floor tiles, paneling of two offices, purchase of two new air-conditioners and the alteration of the restrooms for use by the handicapped The senior Citizen center in Crys ta l Lake wi l l a l so rece ive a face lifting The McHenry ' County Senior Citizens council has supplied $15,313 of the necessary funding to which the state will add $46.000 The $61,313 will be used to bring the center into compliance with federal standards and the life / safety codes The renovation ' will include a partition between the kitchen and the general ac t iv i ty a rea , ins ta l la t ion of wheelchai r ramps a t the curb as wel l as the f ront and rear doors and remodeling of the res t rooms to make them ac cessible for the handicapped Services will include a nutrition site, recreation and educational programs as well as in formation and referral the property to the buyers . This lef t his wife with a val id c la im. Since the buyers were pro tected by owner 's t i t le in surance obtained at the t ime of their real es ta te purchase, the t i t le company worked out a cash set t lement with the wife of their sel ler to avert major f inancial loss to i ts insured. As this experience indi cates , the exis tence or non exis tence of real property r ights can have a great deal to do with the securi ty of your home ownership. Owner 's t i t le insurance provides im portant protect ion against ser ious f inancial loss due to real es ta te t i t le defects . The t ime to learn about home buying precaut ions is before you purchase. For t ree information on the subject , wri te American Land Ti t le Associat ion, Box 566, Wash ington, D .C. 20044. Teachers Mrs. Margaret Stenzel and Mrs Edna Robel of Johnsburg school district are planning a tr iD to Germany next summer They have been selected by American Institute For Foreign Study to accompany interested eighth grade and high school students to Europe to study under University of Konstanz tutors Morning classes will include three levels of German language, and a comprehensive course in German Civilization which includes German. Art. Architecture and Music Konstanz is a lovely German city situated on the charming Bodensee (Lake Constance) , ad jo in ing the Swiss border S tudents wi l l s tay wi th tami l ies e i ther in Konstanz i t se l f , o r in the Swiss par t of town known as Kreuzl ingen Afternoons and evenings wi l l be spent wi th in easy reach of the Rhine r iver Black fores t . Swiss Alps and Austrian Tyrol for exploration The i t inerary inc ludes s tops in London. Amsterdam. Heidelberg and Paris A meeting and the showing of a shor t f i lm wi l l t ake p lace a t Johnsburg Junior h igh school Tuesday, Dec 5 at 7:30 p m Interested students and parents are invited to attend Slow Bet One unlucky horse bettor said he bet on a horse that was so slow it finished fifth in the race and eighth in the instant replay -Grit. Give Thanks Few of us get what we deserve, for which most of us should be thankful. -Enquirer, Cincinnati. from HISTORY'S SCRAPBOOK DATES AND EVENTS FROM YESTERYEARS December 8, 1863 - As part of the end of the Civil War, Presi dent Lincoln announces his plan for the Reconstruction of the South. December 9, 1941 -- China declares war against Japan. C.er- manv and Italy. December 10, 1817 -- Mississippi is admitted as the Union's 20th state December 11. 1941 -- Four days after Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor, Germany and Italy declare war on the United States (World War ID December 12, 1792 -- Ludwig Von Beethoven. 22 pays 19 cents lor his first music lesson from Franz Joseph Haydn in Vienna. Austria. December 13, 1642 -- Dutch navigator Abel Tasman discovers and names New Zealand Pr ic»* wh i l« suon t i t . v t lo f t r .»«rv» r ight to l imi t quont i ' i®* ALL WINTER C0AIS True! Our entire stock of Winter Coats and Jackets are now 25% off Regular Price Infants 12-24 Mo. Toddlers 2-4 Little Girls 3-6X Big Girls 7-14 Jr. Boys 4-7 Big Boys 8-18 Mens M, L, XL Junior Ladies 5-15 Ladies Reg. & Extra Sizes JACKETS Hundreds of styles, colors, fabrics, designs.. .Now is the time to buy for gifts or for yourself. 4400 W. RTf. 120-McHENRY, ILL. ft COUNTRY CLUB RD.-WOODSTOCK. ILL. DAILY 9-9 SUNDAY 10-t SI0CK REDUCTION