SUPPLEMENT TO McHENEY PLAINDEALER - PAGE 21 • FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1978 Through Winters Gone By FAST FOTO CHRISTMAS FILM & FLASH For frlMMly, DRIVE UP SALE! FAST POTS' NOW THRU DEC. 31 '78 K0DAC0L0R FILM SALE A horse-drawn sleigh swings by the 1850s Ann Arbor House, with its table prepared for a traditional New Year's Day round of visitors. Elsewhere in the Village the Wright brothers' home pre sents a Christmas tree with early electric colored lights and Town Hall offers free hot cider to visitors chilled by the weather and warmed by the spirit of Christmases past. There is much to see in the Village with more than 85 historic structures, a cheery 1832 Inn, horse-drawn sleighs and carolers, but now the Kiss ing Bell beckons, indicating the doorway to the present looms ahead. Outside the traditions of plastic trees and store- bought cookies await their turn to enter the hallowed past. Greenfield Village and ad jacent Henry Ford Museum are open every day of the year ex cept Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's days. Christmases of the Past. The term conjures up many different images throughout the country. No nation has such a wide variety of holiday traditions as the United States. As a means of catching the many moods of America's by-gone days, Greenfield Village In Dearborn, Mich., offers visitors a chance to drop in on a number of historic -- homes during December and experience the holiday mood as it was through 300 chang ing years. Our journey into the past is signaled at the Village en trance where a kissing bell be gins the time trip. Kissing bells were popular in the 19th century and earlier. Tradition tells us that girls kissed under the boxwood and mistletoe decorated bell are destined to be married within the year. The first stop on this win- -- ter w^k is at picturesque Cots- wold Rose Cottage. A 1620 stone home from the Cotswold hills of Britain? its sparse dec orations of holly, Ivy and box wood shine In the cheery fire light from the fireplace which provided heat, light and a cooking spot. Resting in front of the house is a massive Yule log, to be burned at Christmas to ensure luck for the next year. Not far away is a simple one-room dwelling known as the Plympton House. Inside, the 1640s abode reflects the joy of a colonial Dutch Christ mas. A pot of white beans, hedging against future famine, and wooden shoes filled with carrots and hay for Sinter- Iclaas's horses sit by the fire place The table Is laden with - white bread baked into the first initial at each family member's name. Adjacent to the austere yet cheery Plympton house sits the 1650s Susquehanna plantation house from Maryland, Its kitchen table groaning under a wonderful burden of meat pies, iresn oreaa ana winter vege tables. A colorful wild turkey hangs on the wall, waiting to take its place in the celebra tion of the season. Not all of Greenfield Village falls Into the Colonial atmos phere. Noah Webster's home, a stately 1840s Georgian house, offers laurel leaves mixed with pine swags throughout the house The dining room table is adorned with fruits and nuts, while the newfangled Christ mas tree is laden with sweet meats. carved birds, gilded nuts and tin candleholders. Do Your Baking Early; Freeze For Holidays Avoid trying to do all of your cooking the last minute by baking now and freezing it for the holi days Cakes of all kinds, including those made from mixes, may be frozen Cool thoroughly Wrap unfrosted layers or loaves in moisture vaporproof paper Store three to four months Icings made with egg white do not Ireeze well, however, those made with powdered sugar and butter, or fudge types freeze very well All types of yeast breads and rolls freeze well Quick breads like biscuits, corn bread, dough nuts. nutbread. waffles and pop- overs freeze well rookies freeze very well and cookie dough does too The im portant thing in freezing is the packaging for the freezer Be sure to use vapor proof freezer paper, and be generous with it Heavy plastic bags work well too . . . ., C110-20 ?130 C126-20J130 C135-24 S145 Kodak Kodak film 1 1 1 1 SAVE AN ADDITIONAL 20° ON YOUR CHOICE OF HASH CUBES. MAGIC CUBES Of) RJP FLASH SPECIAL BONUS For every roll of color print film brought in to Fast Foto now thru Jan. 30, you will receive a coupon valued at $2.00 towards purchase of our photo album! -- -- . -- Album pages are provided FREE throughout the year with every roll of color print film processed at Fast Foto! McHENRY... ROUND LAKE. 4400 West Route 120 in the Market Place 655 Railroad Avenue PBgoogoooooooqaoaaaoaBBoqoagBBgBPOBoooooBnaoooaBOBqt»B06»gBBoqoogo6»oooaooqaoqqooooBg6i k <Sh 3 ton Sweaters Msndbsgs Pantsuits Co-ordinates Dresses Lingerie leweU) ir -,t Scarve Still in doubt? Gift Certificates Available Froo Glftwrap The Fashion Shoppe 1007 N. Front St. (Rte .31) McHenry, III. 385-7747 Daily 9 to 9 Sat. 9 to 5:30 Sun.10 to 4