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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Dec 1978, p. 18

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HELP WANTED fOII SALE FOR RENT HORSES Dallas Texas, Young Doctor and wife want lady to live in to help with care of 3 young children, and light housekeeping, salary and days off can be negotiated. Tran­ sportation will be paid to Dallas. Call collect 312-743-0488 after 6pm. 12-20-12-22 EXPERIENCED LAY-OUT CARPENTER, Frame and trim, winter work, non union. Call 344-1188 after 6:30pm 12- 15-12-20 Avon To buy or sell. Call Mrs. Bauer. 385-5385 1 2 2 0 1 2 n ELECTRICAL Manufacturer of Induttrial Qytnt n»*d« p«r*on with background in •ioctricai work. Ability to rood bluoprint* helpful PRECISION QUINCY CORP. 220 N. Madison St. Woodstock, II 338-267$ '•» ROUTE DRIVER WANTED For early morning hours. 7 days per week. 2 hours a day. $90.00 a week. In McHenry, Wonder Lake area. 344-3885 OR 344-1780 YOUNG MAN J | Interested in production * > woodwork, call 815-385-4800 ASTOR WOODCRAFT LTD. 1120 BRAKE AND SHEAR OPERATOR 0 Experienced. Read prints. Call Irene. Manpower Temporary Services 385-6600 ' 12 20-12 22 | FULLTIME Dental Assistant To work in Orthodontics office TIT-- McHenry - Experience preferred, but not necessary Please reply to Or. Sellke 2671 Sheridan Road Zion, II. 60099 12 20 1 2 22 6ENERAL FIBERGLASS WORK No Experience Necessary CROSSROADS MFG.CORP 815-344-3400 FULL TIME NIGHT CUSTODIAN 3:00 PM to 11:00 PM Previous experience desired but not required Full benefits, good starting pay Apply in person or by phone between 9 00 - AM 4 00 PM to Mr Harry May BUSH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL inJohnsburg 385-3731 Deadline • December 22, 1978 ,2 ,312 K m SALt Perfect present for the executive' Name plate with pens $12.95, without pens. $8 95 Guaranteed deliver)' within 24 hours. 815-653-9349 12-13-12-22C Like new 16x7 garage door" complete with hardware Call after 6 30 pm 815-385-4010 12 ltfc OAK FIRKPLACK WOOD, kindling included, split and delivered face cord. $40.00 Call Harry 385-3927 12 15tfc 2 PIECE SECTIONAL. Aztec design. 12 pillows Good con (lition 385-6674 Call after 5:00 pm 12-15 12-22c Plant stand with 8 trays, each I2"x23". Gro-Lux florescent tubes excellent condition new 1140.,asking $75.; misc plants; Xmas decorations. 1969 Volkswagon Hug. $500 K15385- 4689 12-15 12-22 ANTIQUE UPRIGHT PIANO in good condition 385-0804 12 15 12 22c Electrophonic multiplex receiver AM-FM $100 00 Kelvinator upright side by side two door refrigerator 18 cubic ft $75.00; New soft water unit two 00, call after 5pm 815-344- 2833 12-20 Handcrafted Xnias stables quipped with light and switch $15 & $17 815-344-1550 12 15-12- Hammond T500 spinet organ, excellent condition. Hammond Mill spinet organ excellent condition, best offer 815 385- 5586 12-20-12-22c Brand new 10 speed bicycle. ne\er used, childs antique roll lop desk 815-385-6929 after 6pm 12 20 12 22c Snowtires E78xl4. two Sears Dynaglass used one year, new $100 00 sell $60 0U 815 728-0544 12 20 li ELVIS PRESLEY fansjor sale copy of Elvis', marriage and drivers license and original Xmas card of Elvis' home 385-1699 12-20-12-2 lc H track player for car $20 (K). Panasonic stereo $60 00 815- 653-9879 12-20 1222c Snow plow 11'6" blade, cylinder and pump with under carriage hookup $550 00 Call 815-385-8266 after 6pm 12-20-12-22C Brand new 19" color TV $275 00 815 385-8688 12 20-12-22C White Crown gas range for sale, used 6 months, paid $394 00 asking $200 (H) Moving January 1st 815-385-1602 12-20 12 22c For Sale Large, double wall dog house or play house Must see to appreciate $125.00 firm New Snowmobile suit size large Call after 6pm 385-0954 12-20-12-22c 10" Radial power shop saw w ith manv extras $175 00. Evenings only 815-385-4343 12-20-12-22C WAGNER airless hand paint sprayer $89 00; AM-FM H track stereo $85 00, Roto tiller $50 00: 175 CC Motorcycle 200 miles $200.00. 815-459-9718 after 8pm 12-20-12-22C GOING ON VACATION Sale New stereo unit with stand and speakers $200 00, cross country- ski equipment and typewriter- best offer 385-6731 12-20-12-22C (.lass fireplace doors, new. never used, antique brass fits opening 29" to 37'." wide by 24" to 271 /' high $75 00.; Mans and womans Schwinn 10 speeds,$95.00 each 815 344-2642 after 6 :K)pm 12-20 12-22c Glass display case. 10 x2 x3' high with casters. $150.; air hocky game. $15.. new Blazer wheel & tire. 10-15LT. Uniroyal. $40 Call 385 8570 12-20 12-22C 600SE DOWN vests Wtrt«MiMW $17 « t SMWATS 'THChHH ARIZONA SlIN 3321 W. Elm - M«Henr* - 385-1B33 •»»» ARIZONA SNOW TIRE 700x15 mounted on Chevrolet truck wheel, like new. $20. . ice skates and roller rink skates $4.00 pair; Speed Queen electric ironer $20. 815- 385-3337 12-20-12-22C COLLECTIONS OF HUMMEL FIGURES and plates and Lladro figures. G61d antique satin draperies size 95x81 & 60x81. 385-0936 12-20-12-22C 1 PIECE OF WALTERS CARPETS finest plus shag, brand new, color, golden beige, 12x30. Will sell at cost, Niesens Floors, 1603 N. Riverside Drive. 385-07812-20-12-22c m KENT 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, ap­ pliances. basement, attached garage. Convenient to church, school and shopping. Lease and security deposit required. No pets. Available January 15. 385- 3234 12-13-12-22C STORAGE SPACE, yearly or seasonal Reasonable rates, will negotiate. 815-338-6874 12- ltfc WAREHOUSE 900 sq. ft. new building, $240. per month. Call 815-455-0095. 12-13-12-29c LARGE 2 bedroom Executive type apartment, excellent location, no children or pets. References and security deposit required. Must call between 9 & 10 pm. 312-381-2059 only responsible parties need inquire. 12-ltfc JOHNSBURG two bedroom apartment with kitchen-dining area, living room and den. no pets, preferably no children. Heat included $350.00 per month, references, security deposit and lease 815-385-1268. 12-20-12-22c JOHNSBURG storage area approximately 11x36 ft. 815-385- 1268 12-20-12-22C Whispering Oaks, beautiful 2 bedroom home $400.00 per month, plus security deposit and references required 815- 385-8441 or 385-4905 12-20-12-22c LAKELAND PARK. 3 bedroom home. $325.00 per month plus 815-385-8441 or 385-4905 12-20-12-. 22c 1408 N RIVERSIDE DR Store for rent 600 sq feet Deposit required 815-385-4711 12-20-12- 22c For Rent brand new 3 bedroom house in McHenry area Adults preferred 815-653-5151 12-20-12- 22c For rent. newly built Townhouse apartment building at 5109 McCullom Lake Road, McHenry. Included is refrigerator, stove, dish washer, central air. individual furnaces. 11 _» car garage, laundry room, two bedrooms, patio deck, much more. Bet­ ween $300.00 and $350.00 per month plus security deposit First and last months rent, references. Northwest Apart­ ments 815-385-7784 or 385-7737. Call after 7PM Ask for Bob. 12- 20-1-31C Mobile Home. 1'2 miles north of McHenry. references and deposit, call 815-385-4349 after 5pm. before 9am or weekends. 12-20-12 22c Furnished 5 room apt in McHenry, all utilities included except elect ic and telephone No pets or children $225 month 815 385 7193 12-20-12-22C Small one bedroom upstairs apartment. $230.00 per month, pay your own electric First & last months rent deposit 815- 385-4711 12-20-12 22c For rent. One bedroom apart­ ment, 3705 West James St McHenry call after 6pm 815- 344-3136 12-20-12-22C For Rent, one bedroom 1st floor apartment, ideal in town location, no pets, security deposit and lease $220.00 per month 815-385-5324 I2-20-12-22C For Rent One & Two bedroom apartments, one year lease and security deposit, no pets Call 815-385-5528 12 ltfc W AREHOUSE or factory space from 5.000 to 15.000 ft 385 1079 12 ltfc RENTALS 4 bedroom ranch with b a sement 11 > baths 2'» car garage Immediote posses session. No pets $425 month. Immediote po«*«»ion! I'/t year old 3-4 bedroom tri- level IV, both*, family room, draperies and fenced back yard. City water ft »ewers IMS month 2 bedroom ranch with dining room, full basement, garage, oppliances included. Set on double lot. Available Jan. 2. 1979 >325/month. REALTY WORLD DURBIN-STOVALL 4213 W. Rte 120 McHenry 815-385-8060 I. » f U N D E R N E W M A N A G E M E N T V F W Clubhouse and Hall for rent. Seating capacity for 400. Call 385-9860 9 to 12 weekdays or after 6pm. 12-ltfc CLEAN SLEEPING ROOMS daily or weekly. 815-385-0266 or 815-385-8905 12-ltfc Large two bedroom apartment, within walking distance, shopping and train, carpeting, air conditioned, adults, no pets. 815-385-3493 12-ltfc D E L U X E C O N D O . A l l a p ­ pliances. Washer, dryer, draperies $325. Available January 1,385-3117 12-20-12-22c House for rent, pay your own utilities, carpeting, security deposit, will accept pet. 815-385- 7879 12-20-12-22C For Rent: new 900 sq. ft. office space, located on Rt. 12, near Richmond, 815-675-2582. 12-20- 12-29c 3 ROOM HEATED APART­ MENT, newly decorated $160. month, security deposit. No children or pets 385-3715. 12-20- 12-22c 2 BEDROOM APT adults. Wonder Lake, garage available, lease, security deposit $265. 815 653-9739 or 312-639-0534 12-20-12-22C 2 BEDROOM HOME, refrigerator, stove and central air. McHenry area $325. month, references and security deposit. Call 815-728-0150 12-20- 12-22c CHOICE LOCATION Commercial on Route 120. 1,000 sq. ft. new carpeting, ample front and rear parking. Suitable for Doctor or Lawyer 385-8170 12-20-12-22 •••••••#** + 4 HORSES BOARDED Pasture Box Stills New Indoor Arena Daily Grain Turn Out Outside Riding Arena RAJA ACRES (Serving McHenry/Woodstock Area) Call 815-648-4012 **«*•••••••* 12 1-H NOTICE Want lo see Santa. Xmas Eve" Call 815-385-0064. McHenry area only 12-15-12-20 WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT: begin­ ning June 1st, small house near McHenry, prefer furnished. Have pets and excellent references Call Linda, days 815-455-3011 or evenings. 815- 653-9700 12-20 PET COLUMN FREE mixed breed puppies for Xmas Call 815-653-3446. 12-13- 12-22c GIVE AWAY: XMAS PUP PIES, one male, 2 female, mother registered Bassett. Call after 5pm 815-653-9376 12-20 FREE to good home, two year old Irish Setter mix, spayed female, very loveable good with kids 815-653-9955 after 3:30 pm 12-20 2 SMALL SPANIELS, 1 male. 1 female, found along Rt 120, 544-1335 12-20 9 PUPPIES TO BE GIVEN AWAY, mother purebred german shepherd, father purebred doberman 385-9168 After 5 PM 12 20 12 22c German shorthaired pointer, male, two years old. AKC champion blood line 815-385 5586 j 12-20-12 22c FREE German shepherd puppies, 6 weeks old call after 1 30 pm 815-344-1089 12 20-12- 22c CANARIES guaranteed good singers, males and females. Home raised 312 639-2622 12- 20 12 22c Lost, approximately 65 pound black heavy coated dog (looks like small bear' Answers to "Ben" Please call Joanie 815 459 5650 12-20-12-22C PETS fOft SAlt XMAS PUPS. AKC Registered German Shepherds Vaccinated and wormed, excellent quality and <imperment One Male, One female left $75 00 and $50 00 Call Linda days 815 455 3011 or evenings 815-653-9700 12 13-12-22C XMAS PUPS. AKC Regeistered German Shepherds Vac­ cinated and wormed, excellent quality and temperment One Male, One female left. $75.00 and $50 00 Call Linda days 815- 455 3011 or evenings 815-653- 97(H) 12-20-12-22C PERFECT FOR XMAS, Sheltie pups. 6 weeks olds $35.00 815 344-3244. if no answer call 815 385-6375 12-20-12-22C For the first time in its history, the Veterans ad ministration will issue personal identification cards to more than two million service- disabled veterans to emphasize their top priority in obtaining treatment at VA medical Centers and outpatient clinics. The innovative move was ordered by Y'A Administrator Max Cleland who said. "Veterans disabled in the military service are of prime concern to the V'A These identification cards will ex pedite the medical care they receive and will serve as a constant reminder to our employees as well as to veterans themselves that they are special people entitled to special care from their government " In a letter to 2.225,000 veterans receiving V A monthly compensation checks for service-connected disabilities, Cleland explained the priority system and enclosed an ap plication blank which veterans are to return to obtain the cards The cards, with hold markings "Priority" and "Service Connected" in a distinctive purple design, will alert staff members in VA facilities that bearers are entitled to special attention Veterans needing treatment for conditions not suffered in service may get VA medical care if they can't afford to go elsewhere and VA facilities are available Cleland said the new iden tification system does not remove the need to make ap pointments for examination or treatment at VA medical centers "Making and keeping ap pointments is still important to veterans seeking health care from the V'A Appointments assure that records are available, that staff is ready and that treatment is given " Eligible for the cards in addition to those Cleland wrote are another 500.(KM) veterans w i t h s e r v i c e - c o n n e c t e d disabilities for which they are not now being compensated They will not be contacted by VA but may call the nearest VA regional office or medical center for information Cleland said the only time a service-connected patient does not get priority attention is wfvn there is an emergency for another patient Black-Eyed Peas And Superstit ion Though the reason is obscure, it is a tradition in the South to eat black-eved peas and rice on New Year s Day -- for good luck One s o u r c e s a y s t h e R o m a n s associated the spots, or eyes, with death and used the beans as a sacrifice The origin of the superstition hardly explains the name given to the dish in the South -- Hopping John You may not believe in Hopp­ ing John s ability to bring luck but it's ability to satisfy hungry lamilies or guests make it worth a try at any time of the year A r e c i p e f o r H O P P I N G J O H N follows 1 cup dried black-eyed peas '« pound smoked bacon or salt pork, diced I red pepper pod. crumbled 3 cups cooked rice 1 onion, chopped Salt and pepper to taste Cover peas with water soak over-night Next day. add more water along with the onion salt pork or bacon and red pepper and simmer until tender, about 112 h o u r s S t i r i n r i c e , h e a t thoroughly and serve FREE • IMMUNIZATIONS Free immunizations for children in high school and under will be given Wednesday- morning, Dec 27. 1978 from 8 30 to 11 00 a m 111 Room 10? of the New McHenry county courthouse located on Route 47, north of Woodstock The shots are offered by the McHenry County Board of Health with the endorsement of the McHenry County Medical society PAGE 19 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20,1978 YOUR PICTURE THE PAPER! Reprints of any photo which appeared in the McHenry Plaindealer and taken by our staff are available at modest prices. All are black and white. 4 X 5 - $2.00 5 X 7 - $2.75 8 X10 - $4.00 Order Yours Today!! ALLOW 7 DAYS FOR PROCESSING McHENRY PLAINDEALER 3812 W. Elm Street Phone 385-0170

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