Your Police Department by Officer Jim Fitzgerald Public Relations Officer McHenry City Police Phone 385-2131 Having your house burglarized is a terrible thing The feeling of being a victim of this kind of crime is almost undescribable 1 know; 1 was the victim of a burglary two years ago, and I really learned iiow to better protect my home This article will attempt to help you make your home more secure, and give you a safer feeling about your house Ix»ck all your windows This sounds simple, but you'd be surprised how many burglaries we have investigated where we find that a window or door was left unlocked or open, and the burglar entered the house Those sliding glass doors are a favorite entry spot for burglars; but they can be easily and inexpensively secured Simply cut off the handle of an old broom to the length of the track for the sliding door. With the door closed, lay the old handle into the track and the door cannot be opened. If you plan on being away for a while, either on vacationer just for a few days, stop all deliveries of milk and the newspaper, and the mail Notify the police and-or a neighbor of your planned trip, and the length of time you will be gone. Fireplace Gifts To "Warm the Hearth" Fireplace Crane.. .'12.95 Cast Iron Pot...,19.95 Firelighters from '26.95 7 J Popcorn Popper...'7.98 Glass Doors from *135.00 Hearth Brooms from '4.75 Bellows from *14.99 1111 I I I A Log Grates from *7.50 i Paper Log Roller...'24.98 4 Incense Burner..."2.98 'Cuspidors from *10.95 > * Canvas Log Carriers...1*8.99 Match Holder ^'4.75 --Some Quantities Limited-- i oca owerw Rts 14 & 176. Crystal lake 815459-6200 CHRISTMAS HOURS: Mon. t© Frl. f-5;Sun. 10-5 Sunday 24th • 10-3:30 Don't close the drapes or shades. This makes the house look empty. Also, use light timers on several major lights so they will turn on at different times as it gets darker outside. You would turn the lights on if you were home. Do so when you are not home also, to make things look normal Don't forget to lock up the house even if you are only going to be gone for a little while or for the day, such as shopping or to work Burglars work in the daylight as well as at night. It's easier for a burglar to work when he knows that there isn't anyone home, and he doesn't want to enter a house if anyone is home, as would be the case at night. The burglar is as frightened of you as you would be of him. If you think that youf house has been entered by a burglar while you were away on vacation or just for the day, here is what we recommend that you do right away. You've just come home and found a broken window, or an open door that you know you closed and locked, or you have found the hduse has been ransacked Immediately go to a neighbor's house and call the police at 385-2131, if you live in the city limits, or at 338-2141, the Sheriff's department, if you live in the county area. Next, don't go back to the house. Wait for the police to arrive -first. Do not touch anything until the police say it is alright. You may ruin a piece of evidence such as a finger print. When the police arrive, they will ask you to walk through the house with them. Be observant, and tell the police if you notice anything missing or out of place. Then, let the police do their work. Contrary to popular belief, fingerprints cannot be taken off of everything Only certain things hold a fingerprint, and we know what those things are. We will work as fast as possible; but we will be careful, and we will try to make things as easy as possible for you Keep a list of your valuables, including model and serial numbers in a safe place. If the list is small enough, keep it in your wallet or purse. Also, mark large items with your driver's license number. That number is the easiest for us to trace if we find a piece of property that we think is stolen. Hopefully, you will never have to use these tips Police records show that there are three million burglaries in a year That is one every ten seconds If you are a victim maybe this article will have helped you to know what to do S N O W H K M O V A I . I think that I should remind you all that the city of McHenry has a snow ordinance which states that; "The owners or occupants of all property facing on or abutting sidewalks, shall remove from any existing sidewalk abutting their property, all accumulations of snoW and ice within not more than 24 hours after the ac cumulation of such snow and ice began, and shall keep the said abutting or adjacent sidewalks clean and free from debris and litter at all times". < MC48CH21ART1SEC181 In other words, if you have a sidewalk in front or alongside your house or business, you have to keep the sidewalk clear of snow and-or ice Also, "To make possible the cleaning of streets, and the removal of snow and ice during the winter months, it shall be unlawful to park any motor vehicle in or upon any . street within the corporate limits of the city, between the hours of 2 am and (> am at anv time "<MC48CH - 13AHT4SEC43), and it shall be unlawful to park any vehicle on the paved portion of any public street in the city at any time within 12 hours after a snowfall of two inches or more has occurred within the city < MC48CH13ART4SEC43A). Further. "Any motor vehicle parked iri violation of section 43 which, at the discretion of the Chief of Police or Superin tendent of Public Works should be removed to permit adequate snow removal, shall be towed 3way upon the direction of any police officer or the superin I I I ( I I I I •s educat ional- ( ollejie Honors PAGE 21 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20,1071 tendent of publ ic works, and the owner of sa id vehicle shal l l>e l iable for such costs as are incurred in sat isfactory removal of the vehicle and for such s torage charges, if any. as shal l thereaf ter accrue ' , in addi t ion to the penal ty establ ished for violat ion of Sect ion 4 3 . • M C-4 H CH13ART4SEC44) 1 What this means is that you cannot park a vehicle on the s t reet between 2 a m and <i am. and if you do. \nu wil l receive a parking t icket , and your car wil l he towed away to make it eas ier to c lean the s t reets ; that a l l tow and s torage charges wil l be pa id by the vehicle owner , and that i l i t snows and there is an ac cumulat ion "of two inches or more, you cannot park your vehicle on the s t reet for twelve hours af ter t i re-snowfal l ' < \\I>I I I K.ll l si It\ l< 1 A Chris tmas candlel ight service featur ing special harp music wil l he presented by the t 'n i ty Church of Crystal Lake at 8p m Thursday. Dec 21. a t 3 Chalet dr ive located at the northwest corner of the in tersect ion of Highways 14 and 31 Linda Bonk Joins Alpha Phi Fraternity Miss Linda Bonk, daughter,. Qf_. Mr and Mrs F Matthesuis, 3200 N. Richmond road, McHenry. has pledged Alpha Phi f ra terni ty for women at Kastern Illinois university More than 64.500 collegiate and alumnae members have been initiated by Alpha Phi since it was founded in 1872 at Syracuse university. Syracuse. \ Y one of the first social sororities Alpha Phi has in stalled 122 chapters since its founding Miss Bonk, a freshman, was graduated from McHenry high school High-speed food processor s l i c e s , m a k e s s a l a d s , Continuous-teed. too. chops. Save ,10-,20 Fabulous La machine™! % arils reK- 89w ards Hale price 79s8 W/O blender 69""* Wards sale price 49s8 J TW S*. - Save 30% 12-cup automatic drip coffeemaker. Auto t imer-set i t , forget i t for coffee to brew! ^37 Permanent f i l ter r 42.99 Save 20% Automatic electric ' twin-size blanket. Keg. 32.99 W a s h a b l e A c - r i lanH acryl ic , y Single control . < >t her stocked sizes ira'rlii SLAST MINUTE GIFTS! While Quantities Last OPEN FRI0AY NIGHT UNTIL 11 p.m. FREE GIFT WRAP FOR PURCHASES MADE BETWEEN 9 p.m. AND 11 p.m. Sale Ends Sat., Dec. 23 •30 off. Our deluxe belt-driven Silent Cycle®. Measures speed, distance. Adjustable tension, seat, handle bars. Steel frame. Regularly 129.99 99 99 Wrapping paper and foils-- Save 33% Regularly 2.99 3 A OT Save *5 Versatile 3 V2-quart crockery slow-cooker ®W r a p a r o u n d heat ing element Q88 for s low, even j r cooking Recipes ReK. 14.99 4 QT., Reg. 22.99 ....... 16" 6</T., Reg. 29.99 218* Save 29% DuraflameK fireplace log leaves little ash. Cedar-scented log starts easily, burns up to 3 hours Colors 88 TM Grab the Handle for instant color photos. It's easy. Colorburst™ 100 * automatically hands you a color print. Wards price. Regularly 29.9 Wards price. 97 31 Kejgularly 36.97 H 20% off. "C" bat te ry ext ra Ail picture, graphic clocks in stock. Choose from a wide selection of contemporary graphics and quaint dried floral designs in popular decorating sizes. Remember, shop early Save *20 APF programmable game, great TV fun. Computerized console ac cepts optional cassettes, extra. 2 built-in games. •149 Rrg. 169.93 Fast, easy cartridge changes. Save *50 Portable electric cartridge typewriter. 12" carnage with powei return Professional keys I >pev*ril» r pad. «>nl\ 2.99 22997 Kt-^ularly 279.99 Our deluxe portable multi-band radio. 1179 69 88 Regularly 99.99 AM FM SW/C B/ A i r/PB/PS/ Ham WB Features LED- series tuning. AC/DC. B t r * e x t r a 1 ape n o t Save 15.11 Deluxe AM FM radio and cassette recorder. 1 i i pe (i i rect I v f r o m r a d i o o r I ' w A C D C . O " btrs extra k.« H4 99 Have a merry Christmas! MOIVTCiO/VAFKY IV/J NIJ STORE HOURS: Mon. thru Thurs. 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Friday 10 a.m. • 11 p.m. Saturday 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Christmas Eve 10 a.m. • 5 p.m. Crystal Lake 105 Northwest Highway Route 14 Phone 815459 3120 FREE PARKING i