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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Dec 1978, p. 4

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PAGE 4 PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 2t. 1*78 Wonder Lake Anne Sowers 653-9549 Area Snowmobilers Head North To Ride The Trails Most people who live in an area such as ours take off for warmer spots when (he cold December and January winds begin, to blow Not so with ten dedicated snowmobilers from -ur area From Dec 8 through I>ec 11. steve and Ken Borta. John and Bill K rum pen Fd Kesetar, Chuck ^Sowers. Len and Sherman Spencer and Frank ,ind Frankie Teresi were riding the groomed trails of the \icolet national forest in Land O Lakes. Wis This is twenty miles north of Eagle river on 'he border of the upper Michigan peninsula They were thrilled at being able to ride on sixteen inches of -.npw and to see deer roaming around the forests Over 200 miles were covered on their snowmobiles even riding up into the Upper Peninsula They had sunny days with temperatures of 10-15 degrees One night the thermometer dropped to -18 degrees, but by thai time, they were enjoying the fireplace in the log cabin of a friend where they were staying Frank Teresi and his son Frankie along with Steve and Ken Borta left for home the evening before the others This was their first mistake The second was not having enough gas in their car In the middle of nowhere w ith no gas stations to be found they ran out of gas They finally did find help from a state policeman, and were on their way home again, arriving in Wonder Lake at .v30 a m When they return in January for the Eagle River races 1 bet Frank checks his gas gauge more than ortce HOLIDAY RECESS All CCD classes have now come to an end until Jan 21 when they will again resume This will give students and teachers both a chance to relax before starting the next session of thirteen classes The fifth grade classes participated in a special Mass Dec 17. which included their parents and friends All of the children took an active part in the liturgy by having parts to read The fourth grade classes have also been busy preparing for their special liturgy, which will take place on Jan 20 In order t|o inspire the teachers for the remainder of the CCD year, a retreat day has been planned for Jan 14 at the Viatonan Villa retreat house Father Tranel is hosting an appreciation dinner for all CCD personnel on Jan 15 at the Old .Mill inn Jan 14 and 15 should provide food for both body and soul' HARRISON NEWS There will be an earty dismissal Dec 21 to begin the Christmas vacation The buses will leave at 1 and 1 30 p.m. There will be no afternoon kindergarten Classes will resume Jan 3 EARLY VACATION The Sowers family has now been struck with the second case of chicken pox Chuck. 10 MEAT - FISH - t DELI Toffiisdk) s CHEESE & SAUS. PIZZA *2.09 \ ' / OEHTERCUT PORK CHOPS. ..*1.79 B0HELESS PORK LOIN ROAST.... .*SL99 V\ SALT HERRING. u *1.69 ) • * 1 WHITE FISH .*1.99 lJ S CAR-GO.. y .«**3.60$ * L VI \ Lt IVrt FROM OUR DELI LOAF lt LB 99 PROVOUME CHEESE 4 LB PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SUN. DEC. 24 TOSEftVf YOU KTTEK PlAd YOUt Q«Pgl AHiAD * WE CAM FRl MOST ORDERS FOt YOUR SPECIAL MEAT 1 FISH MENUS 385-3401 HOURS: DAILY TUES 12-4 FH. SUNOAY »-2 $000 ¥V. *TE. 120-McHENffY years old. who we swore must be immune to the germ, having escaped all the way to fifth grade without chicken pox. has proved us wrong . Two weeks to the day that his younger brother Pat broke out in strange looking marks, so did Chuck So instead of being narrator in the Greenwood school Christmas play, playing his drum in the Christmas concert, and singing with the fifth grade chorus in the all- school sing. -<not to forget his class Christmas party he is home watching soap operas with his Mom This will definitely be one Christmas we won't forget for many years to come SEN IOR CITIZENS The members of the Senior Citizens club enjoyed a lovely Christmas party and dinner on Monday. Dec 18 There was a short meeting prior to the dinner at 2 p m Lydia Germain, president of the club would like to remind all members that the regular meeting on the first Monday of January will not be held since it is New Years day Blood pressure screening, which is usually held at the first Monday meeting, w ill be held at the Jan 15 meeting instead This will take place from 11am to 12:30 p m Meetings are always held in the Nativity Lutheran church fellowship hall. 330kE Wonder I^ake road HOLIDAY GREETINGS I w ish to extend a verv w arm Courthouse Squares One reason talk is so cfteap is because tf>e supply is always tf>e supply is always > greater than the demand AT PAYTON'S NOW/ Our k1nspcctor$M arc trained to protcet vour Clicvv! GM QUALITY SERVJCEPARTS GENERAL MOTORS BARTS DIVISION "KEEP THAT GREAT GM FEELING WITH GENUINE GM PARTS' Clip Out This Ad And Bring It To Payton's Service Department Before Dec. 30,1978, To Save On These Specials: • n Get Our Free* Safety Inspection During ] The Month Of December With Every j Lube Oil-Filter Change LUBE-OIL-FILTER CHANGE OUR EVERYDAY LO/V PRICE IN CLUDES CHASSIS LUBRICATION UP TO 5 QTS PENZOIL 10W 30 OIL AND AC on F I L T E R 'Includes :trer" *o' vqu ee* y beor'ngv bOunc,- siocs sty ex'-.ous' o nfl 'eo* i 12 GM CAPS & TRUCKS ONI Y I I If 041 ! I! |l REPACK FRONT WHEEL BEARINGS SPEClAl WITH - THIS AD 13 60 WINTER TUNE-UP SPECIAL!' I I REO I HE S6G 89 8 CYLINDER TUNE-UP S4995 I REO PRICE SI8 70 SAVE S5 10 •GM CARS ONLY •PARTS EXTRA (IF NEEDED j •SUB COMPACTS SLIGHTLY HIGHER •RECOMMENDED SERVICE INTERVALS EVERY 24 | MONTHS OR 24 000 MILES . | •VITH THIS AD 6 CYUNDEP A N [ •i cnIN.DER LESS SAVE $$$ CHEVROLET CARS AND TRUCKS ONLY INCLUDES REPLACEMENT FUEL FILTER E E C BREATHER ELEMENT OF PLUGS P V C VALVE TRANS SERVICE s2231 REG PRICE S27 31 SAVE $5.00 INCLUDES DRAIN FLUID REPLACE FILTER SPECIAL WITH THIS AD ADD UP TO 4 QTS FLUID \ I CANNISTER FILTER AIR FILTER AND j crr^Pt ccr CHKK ENGINE BY SUN I | -RECOMMENDED SERVICE INTERVALS EVERY 24 I TMH AH I?K^ r ADDDWELL TO FACTORY ! • MONTHS OR 24 000 MILES *GM CARS ONLY | SPECIFICATIONS AND ADJUST CARB j | »SUB COMPACTS SLIGHTLY HIGHER HWY. 31 SOUTH McHENRY 385-2100 PAYI0N CHEVROLET SERVICE HOURS: 8 AM TO 5 PM MONDAY-FRIDAY Letters To "Gopher (For C.B. Owners) For oniwn to »p*c«fk quMtkm writ* (do not coll) "Tho GopHor", in cor* of McHanry Hoindoolor 3812 W. Elm Sl'Mt McHonry. M l)rar Gopher. Could >ou please tell me how high my C.B. antenna can be above the roof of my house with it mounted on the roof, The new rules are unclear to me because of the wav the rule is worded. "The E-Z One- According to C B Rule 18 and confirmed by the F C C directly, the antenna structure i Which is the antenna's radiating system. the antenna's. supporting structure. AND anything mounted on the an­ tenna or its supporting structure1, must comply with either one of the following < 11 The highest point must not be more than 20 feet higher than the highest point of the building or tree on which it is mounted Or <2> The highest point must Mei^y^Qhristmas greeting to all our readers I always enjoy sharing with you every week During this special season. 1 want to share my feelings of love, and wish peace to all of you. Have a super Christmas! not be more than 60 feet above the ground. You may choose either number (1) or number <2> - whichever is to your own personal advantage 1 take from vour question that you have chosen number (1). therefore, you disregard number <2> completely I>ear Gopher. What's the advantage to "compression" in a C.B. rig? "The Bootlegger" There are two advantages 100 percent modulation is absolutely required by the FCC When you have 100 percent modulation, you automatically get built-in compression, or "talk power boosting" The modulation is set to limit on an "average" voice level If you raise your voice, the limiter squashes the peak signal down to 100 percent modulation while the lower voice level and sounds are amplified The overall effect is exactly that of a compressor the average voice power is increased and the lower sounds are automatically amplified Therefore it <1> delivers a cleaner modulation and 42) it reduces the possibility of ad­ jacent channel interference All 40-Channel C B rigs must have this limiter l>ear Gopher. What was vour funniest call? "Green Turtle" It really was the way the call was delivered that struck my funny bone rather than the call itself being funny. This is the way the call came over the air "Break we have a hazard going southbound on Highway 31 going only 5 m p h No license visible, no tail lights, and no directional signals It's a 200 lb.. St Bernard, brown and white " Gopher. You have no right to tell* to go to Channel » for Information. It shows how dumb you really are. Channel n i« for emergencies only. "Ex-Reacter" It is obvious you wouldn t believe any answer I give. Call and ask the F C C yourself at 312-353-0195 Truckers, most of all. are encouraged to use Channel 9 for information The city of McHenry and McHenry county have specific routes that trucks may take Most helpful C.B ers on Channel 19 don't know which ones are or are not sure, and they unwittingly send them on a route that's illegal I. for one. make it my business to know what routes they may take It saves the trucker time and money Johnsbu rg Mary L. Gunderson 385-3052 Pi VLM)E \t.LR The McHenry Plaindealer Established 1875 3i12 West Elm Street Phone 5»5-0170 McHenry Illinois 60050 Published Every Wednesdoy ft Friday at McHenry Illinois Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry Illinois By McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY or* 'MIMIlW »0 not.c* of c».~9. o4 iM'ni »e TK# Plo.mtMi*' MI2W iltnS* MiHwr, III MOS0 A Muc*** o* on. fro*. tip '«!»» o4 • wfeKriptton will fc* modfl s ch *hrovffc Ott«« O»por»m«nt Adele Froehlich-Editor Lorry E. Lund-Publisher NATIONAL NEWSPAPER MIOCItTIOM fMHtl 1IM 5] NNA SUSTAINING S MEMBER --1978 SUBSCRIPTION RATES *mr * I 2.INI In McHenry and lake County I x| 7^1(1 Outside McHenry and Lake County Restoration At St. John's Church Moving Steadily We are sure you saw the recent photograph in the Plaindealer 1 front page Dec 1 > of the interior workings now in progress at St John's Yes. the work goes ahead steadily, but it is tedious and time consuming If you drove by recently you saw that the large "Rose" window is back in its place above the front entrance doors all revitalized and fortified in the modern manner to eliminate any wear and tear" by the forces of Nature You have noticed the removal of the trees and bushes in front Keep watching this area We know you will like the end result Say a special prayer now and then for the successful com pletion of this undertaking' PROMOTION A former resident of John­ sburg. DP 1 Don > Hetterman. received a recent promotion to senior vice president of technical operations for Delta Airlines Congratulations. Don. and best wishes for your con tinued success SYMPATHY We extend condolences to the family of Mrs Anna M .Schneider whose son. Edward is a parishioner of St John's. Keep her and all your deceased family and friends in your prayers HOME AND HOSPITAL Florence Mulholland and Joe Miller can use your prayers, as well as all the other ill and Now, enjoy Litton f̂ori- Cook oven control at a small price. The compact 120 Microwave Oven. You just can t buy more oven than this for the pnee The intenor is large enough to handle most everyday cooking needs Yet it needs only a comer of your counter space And with the convenience of Litton Van Cook* vanable power oven control you get old fashioned slow-cooked goodness at microwave speeds More Advanced Litton Features. • Van Cfx>k* vanable power oven control • 90 600 watts • Lasy to set 25 minute expanded Kale timer e Sealed-in ceramic shelf • Large easy clean acrylic intenor • See thru black glass door • 180 pg Van Cook* microwave cookbook e Optional Micro Browner' gnll sears gnlls br<->wns Just part of Litton s complete line of microwave ovens that save up to 75* 1. of the energy required for a conventional electnc range M-xif; su /.*•••»•« J it-iati pr« «• $2QQ00 E LITTON md S ̂ MKfowrave Cookng Litton... cl^^nging the way America Cook^ Come taste an energy-saving microwave cooking demonstration CAREY Appliance 1241 N. Green St. SALES & SERVICE 385-5500 McHenry, IL home bound folks Johnsburg area in our TRIP TO GERMANY Plans are being made now in Johnsburg school district for next summer's trip for students According to plans, mornings will be spent in classes language, art. ar chitecture and music, under University of Konstanz tutors The itinerary includes stops in London. Amsterdam. Heidelberg and Pans We ll keep you posted CONGRATULATIONS Many Johnsburg high school students were recently listed in the Plaindealer for their academic achievements Hard work and continued application to your studies brings results' Best wishes and congratulations, too. to Marine Private Charles J Logan. Jr of Johnsburg" w^o "has com pleted a motor vehicle operator s course He is stationed in California, and joined the Marines in June 1978 DEDICATION Johnsburg high school will be dedicated Sunday. Jan 7 Mark this on your' calendar now. since you will not want to miss it Watch for more details JUNIORS A Christmas party for N C S F Juniors was held recently at the community club Mr and Mrs Santa were there It was a memorable occasion for all and food »nd toys for Fish Christmas haslets were collected too ST JOHNS Christmas Bazaar for the children of St John's will be Dec 20 and 21 at school, allowing siuuCmiS to purchase their own family gifts There will be earls dismissal on the twenty first, and also a Christmas party Christmas vacation begins at 2 20 p m . Friday and school will reopen Jan 2 JOHNSBURG P T O The Pancake Breakfast Bake Sale Bazaar and a visit with Santa was a delightful affair Hope you were there' CHRISTMAS The Christ child's birthday, midnight Mass. special church services, family gatherings, school vacations, thinking of others and their needs, helping the elderly to enjoy the day. visiting a nursing home, dinner at Grandma's. Santa's visit they all mean Christmas to many different people' But. we want to wish you a very special Christmas, one of blessings, peace and happiness, a day with some of your family' A Christmas of giving to others not necessarily large gifts, but love and caring that will carry over for many days and months May He love and bless each and everyone of you abun dantly' Take A Lean A creu. of repairmen drove out to the country '% fix a road and soon discovered that they had left their shovels behind The\ phoned their boss to report the error "I'll send the shovels out ri#ht aijay," said the head engineer "Meanwhile, you can just lean on each other " WHAT'S NEW A low cost, portable greenhouse, made of plastic, for protecting delicate plants from winter w/eather it has 14.5 square yards of growing area, is easily assembled

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