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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Dec 1978, p. 13

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fOR RENT LARGE 2 bedroom Executive type apartment, excellent location, no children or pets References and security deposit required Must call between 9 & 10 pm. 312-381-2059 only responsible parties need inquire. 12-ltfc RENTALS 4 bedroom ranch with basement 1 , baths 2 i cor garage Immediate posses session No pets S425 month Immediate possession! 1 Vj year old 3 4 bedroom tri level l ' i baths family room, draperies ond fenced back yard City wOter & sewers I3t5 month 2 bedroom ranch with dining room full basement garage appliances included Set on double lot Available Jan 2 1979 S32S month REALTY WORLD DURBIN-STOVALL 4213 W Rte 120 McHenry 815-385-8060 „ wu 3-4 Bedrooms new tri level 2 car garage FAM rm , 3 baths stove, FOK Ridge $425 00 mon­ th plus sec dep 3 bedrms 1 '» baths fam rm 2 car gar stove & refngerotor S425 00 month plus security deposit Byrnes Bros. Realtors, Inc. 815-385-6900 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiii WE WISH TO EXTEND a sincere "Thank You" to al l our friends relatives and neighbors for their cards and other expressions of sym pathy at the time ot our recent bereavement We are truly grateful We realize, now more than ever iust how much our friends mean to us Thank you again Loving husband Alan & Sons Micheal, Jeff Scott, and Christine & Geofge Blake & Family and Mf & Mis Gus Freund UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT VFW Clubhouse and Hall for rent. Seating capacity for 400. Call 385-9860 9 to 12 weekdays or after 6pm 12-ltfc 2 BEDROOM HOME, refrigerator, stove and central air . McHenry area $325 month, references and seourity deposit Call 815-728-0150. 12-20- 12-22C 2 BEDROOM APT adults, Wonder Lake, garage available, lease, security deposit $265. 815-653-9739 or ^512-639-0534 12-20-12-?2c For Rent One & Two bedroom apartments, one year lease and security deposit , no pets. Call 815-385-5528 12-ltfc CLEAN SLEEPING ROOMS daily or weekly 815-385-0266 or 815-385-8905 12-ltfc WAREHOUSE or factory space from 5.000 to 15,000 ft 385-1079 12-ltfc Whispering Oaks, beautiful 2 bedroom home $400.00 per month, plus security deposit and references required 815- : 185-8441 or 385-4905 12-20 12-22c LAKELAND PARK. 3 bedroom home. $325 00 per month plus 815-385 8441 or 385-4905 12-20-12- 22c 1408 N RIVERSIDE DR. Store for rent 000 sq feet Deposit required 815-385-4711 12-20-12- 22c For Rent brand new 3 bedroom house in McHenry area Adults preferred 815-653-5151 12-20-12- 22c For rent. newly built Townhouse apartment buildii .g at 5109 McCullom Lake Road, MrHenrv fnc luded is refrigerator, stove, dish washer, central air . individual furnaces. I1- car garage, laundry room, two bedrooms, patio deck, much more Bet­ ween $300.00 and $350 (Hi per month plus security deposit First and last months rent, references Northwest Apart ments 815-385-7784 or 385-7737. Call after 7PM Ask for Bob 12- 20 1-31C Mobile Home. 1 'miles north of McHenry. references and deposit , call 815-385-4349 afler 5pm. before 9am or weekends 12 20-12-22C House tor rent, pay your own util i t ies, carpeting, security deposit , will accept pet 815-385- 7879 12-20-12 22c 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, ap pliances, basement, attached garage. Convenient to church, school and shopping Lease and security deposit required No pets. Available .January 15 ^8$- 3234 12-13-12-22C JOHNSBURG two bedroom apartment with kitchen-dining area, living room and den. no pets, preferably no children Heat included $350.00 per month, references, security deposit and lease 815-385-1268. 12-20-12-22c CHOICE LOCATION Commercial on Route 120 1,000 sq. ft new carpeting, ample front and rear parking Suitable tor Doctor or Lawyer 385-8170 12-20-12-22 U)ANT£tt TO BUV Oriental rugs wanted, we pay top dollar for your old Oriental rugs Call 312 884 6444 12-ltfc ANTIQUES WANTED Buying old i tems, including furniture, china, wicker, glass, etc What have you° Wendermere. 815- 653-7497 12 l tfc CARD OF THANKS WANTED TO SUV ANTIQUES WANTED to sell on consignment at Wed^ewood Inn, In Richmond Fine food and beautiful things Opening late January Call 815-678-4264 evenings and weekends 12 13t fc CARD Of THANKS We wish to thank all our kind friends for their many acts of kindness, cards, flowers and prayers, since our accident We would like to wish you all a very blessed and merry Christmas ALICE CHERMAK & CHARLOTTE WONS 12-20 12 22c OUR RECENT j BEREAVEMENT leaves us with grateful hearts towards neigh- bors and friends. Your helpfulness and comfor­ ting expressions of sympathy will always be I remembered. A special thanks to the American Legion Post 491 and the j Auxiliary and rifle squad. The family of John Joseph Vycital PET COLUMN LOST FOR SALE Lost, approximately 65 pound black heavy coated dog (looks like small bear) Answers to "Ben" Please call Joanie 815- 459-5650 12-20-12-22( GRAY TIGER STRIPPED cat w-pink collar. AriS. to Elsa. Days 338-3095or Eve. 344-1326. 12 22 12 27 OWEAIPAV JOHNSBURG storage area approximately 11x36 ft 815-385 1268 12-20-12-22c 2 BEDROOM HOUSE IN TOWN. $250. per month plus Security Deposit No pets 344 0478 " 12-22 LARGE 2 BEDROOM apt 1st floor, $280 per month plus- util i t ies References and security deposit required. 815- 728-0861 12-22 For Rent new (MM) sq ft office space, located on Rt. 12, near Richmond, 815-675-2582. 12-20- 12-29c 3 ROOM HEATED APART MENT. newly decorated SUM) month, security deposit No children or pets 385-3715. 12-20- 12 22c DELUXE CONDO All ap . p 1 tail c.e s. Was her. drye r . draperies $325 Available January 1.385-3117 12-20-12,22c WAREHOUSE (MM) sq. ft new building. $240 per month. Call 815-455-0095 12-13 12 29c STORAGE SPACE yearly or seasonal Reasonable rates, will negotiate. 815-338-6874 12- l tfc Large two bedroom apartment, within walking distance, shopping and train, carpeting, air conditioned, adults, no pets. 815-385 3493 12 l tfc Furnished 5 room apt in McHenry. all util i t ies included except electic and telephone No pets or children $225 month 815-385 7193 12 20 12 22c Small one bedroom upstairs apartment. $230.00 per month, pay your own electric First & last months rent deposit 815 385-4711 12 20 12 22c For rent. One bedroom apart ment. 3705 West James St. McHenry call after 0pm 815- 344 3136 12-20 12 22c For Rent. one bedroom 1st floor apartment. ideal in town location, no pets, security deposit and lease $220 (M> per month 815 385 5324 12-20-12 22c 9 PUPPIES TO BE GIVEN AWAY, mother purebred Herman, shepherd, father purebred doberman 385-9168 After 5 PM 12-20 12 22c FREE mixed breed puppies for Xmas. Call 815-653-3446. 12-13- 12-22c FOUR MIXED BREED pup­ pies <; w eeks old 385-7597. 12-22 FREE German shepherd puppies. 6 weeks old call after 1:30 pm 815-344-1089 12-20-12- 22c PETS FOR SALE XMAS PUPS. AKC Registered German Shepherds Vac­ cinated and wormed, excellent quality and temperment. One Male. One female left $75.(K) and $50.00. ('all Linda days 815 455-3011 or evenings 815-653- (>7<M) 12-20-12-22c PERFECT FOR XMAS. Sheltie pups. 6 weeks olds $35 (M) 815- 344-3244. if no answer call 815- 385-6:175 12 20-12-22C CANARIES guaranteed good singers, males and females. Home raised. $12-639-2622 12- 20 12-22c - WANTED PUPPIES 0-8 weeks old. good homes guaranteed Also, we buy Poodle or Schnauzer mixed pups 815-385- 7897 12-ltfc Doberman pups. $75 Call 385 fi849 12-22 M IN IAT U RE SCHNA U ZE R puppies. Lhasa Apso puppies 385-1757 12-22 German shorthaired pointer, male, two years old. AKC champion blood line 815-385- 5586 12-20 12-38C RIDING LESSONS Expert Instruction. Special Introductory Series. 5 LESSONS $20.00 OUR FARM McHENRY 815-344-0951 PERSONALS FOR SALE =Ks SN( >W TIRE 700x15 mounted on Chevrolet truck wheel, l ike new , $2') ice skates and roller rink skates $4 (Mi pair . Speed Queen electric ironer $2<) 815 385--3337 12-2(1 12 22c COLLECTIONS OF HUMMEL FIGURES a^d plates and Lladro figures Gold antique satin draperies size 95x81 & 60x81 385-0936 _ 12 20 12 22c 1 PIECE OF WALTERS CARPETS finest plus shag, brand new . color, golden beige. 12x30. Will sell at cost Niesens Floors. 1603 N Riverside Drive 385 0787 12 20-12-22c FIREWOOD FOR SALE, split and delivered. $42 ton I) & I) Landscaping. 385-1896 12 22 LIKE NEV\ GAS range $loo Never used fiberglass shower stall $50 Few antique pieces of furniture 675-2157 12 22 WHIRLPOOL REFRIGERATOR $50 or best offer 385-0149 12 22 Baldwin Spinet Organ with Wonder Chord and bench $475. 815-385 0810 12-22-12 29c 6 ft Brunswick Air Hockey game $50. or l>est offer 385 5439 12 22 12 29c Glass display case. 10 x2 x3' high with casters. $150 . air hocky game. $15.. new Blazer wheel & tire. 10 15LT. Uniroyal, $40 Call 385 8570 12 20-12-22C ELVIS PRESLEY fansjor sale copy of Elvis', marriage and drivers license and original Xmas card of Elvis* home. 385-1699 12-20 12-21C 8 track player for car $20.00; Panasonic stereo $60.00 . 815- 653-9879 12-20-12-22C Snowplow 11'6" blade, cylinder and pump with under carriage hookup $550.00. Call 815-385-8266 after 6pm. 12-20-12-22C Brand new 19" color TV $275.00. 815-385-8688 12-20-12-22C Whjte Crown gas range for sale, used 6 months, paid $394.00 asking $200.00 Moving January 1st 815-385-1602 12-20- 12-22C For Sale: Large, double wall dog house or play house. Must see to appreciate. $125.00 firm. New Snowmobile suit size large Call after 6pm. 385-0954 12-20-12-22C Will '79 be your year ' . ' Ask someone who knows Irene Hughes, in January, at Crescent Bay Landing 11-1-12- 29c SNOWMOBILE 1973 SKI DOO T N T 775 CC very good condition $675 653- 6026 12-15 12-22c 10" Radial power shop saw with many extras $175.00. Evenings only 815-385-4343 12-20-12-22C WAGNER airless hand paint sprayer $89.(M): AM-FM 8 track stereo $85.00: Roto ti l ler $50 00: 175 CC Motorcycle 200 miles $200.00: 815-459-9718 after 8pm.' 12-20-12-22C GOING ON VACATION Sale: New stereo unit with stand and speakers $200.00. cross country ski equipment and typewriter- best offer 385-6731 12-20-12-22C Glass fireplace doors, new. never used, antique brass fits opening 29" to 37'wide by 24" to 27 1 l '" high $75.00 ; Mans and womans Schwinn 10 speeds.$95.00 each 815-344 2642 after 6:30pm 12-20-12-22C ° 4 x 8 F o o t wjood sandbox or whelping box. asking $60.; 12 cubic ft Hotpoint refrigerator $50 . 38" gas stove, good condition. $50.; humidifier- dehumidifier. runs o k $5.00. 312 497-3376. 12-22 Canon Model FT 35mm camera, case, AC-DC flash attachment $150. Call 815-385- 2257 12 22-12 27 Plant stand with 8 trays, each 12"x23". Gro-Lux florescent tubes, excellent condition new S140 . asking $75 ; misc plants; Xmas decorations: 1969 Volkswagon Bug. $500. 815-385- 4»«9. 12 15-12-22 ANTIQUE UPRIGHT PIANO m good condition 385-0804 12- Hammond T5(M) spinet organ, excellent condition, Hammond Mill spinet organ excellent condition, best offer 815-385- 5586 12-20-12 22c Brand new 10 speed bicycle, never used childs antique roll top desk 815-385-6929 after tipm 12 20-12 22c Snowtires F78xl4, two Sears Dynaglass used one year, new $100 (HI sell $60 (M).815-728-0544 12-20 12 22c OAK FIREPLACE WOOD kindling included, split and delivered face cord, $40.00 Call Harry 385 3927 12- 15tfc 2 PIECE SECTIONAL, Aztec design, 12 pillows Good con dition 385-6674 ( 'all after 5:00 pm 12 15 12 22c Perfect present for the executive! Name plate with pens $12 95, without pens, $8.95 Guaranteed delivery within 24 hours 815-653-9349. 12-13-12-22C Like new 16x7 garage door complete with hardware Call after 6 30 pm 815-385-4010 12 l tfc Handcrafted Xmas stables equipped with light and switch $15 & $17 815 344 1550 12 15-12 • If your windows need a win­ ter spruce-up, use a one-half alcohol, one-half water solution Your windows will sparkle without freezing up. kAmerican Viewpoints .4 #ood many things go around in the dark besides Santa Claus Herbert Clark Hoover ARREST TWO FOR BURGLARY OF LOCAL INN (Continued from page 1) and arrested him and his companion. - Bond for Erickson was set at $10,000 with a court date set for Dec 27 At 9 a.m. Tuesday, police investigated the reported burglary of Dan's Food Mart. 3103 W. Lincoln road Sometime during the night, a window of an overhead door was broken to gain entry to the premises Taken by the intruders were three 5-lb. canned hams and a Sony AM-FM radio Robert Kirkland reported to sheriff 's police at 10:10 a m. Tuesday that sometime during the night someone had entered one of the three new homes he is constructing on North boulevard in McHenry Taken was a new Westinghouse furnace that had not yet been installed An alarm at the Palace Bowl, 34<M) N Richmond road, at 1 50 a in Tuesday alerted police to a possible burglary at the business Upon arrival of police, they discovered a large hole had been cut through the sheet metal rear wall of the building When the owner. Ernest Muzzilo. arrived, it was determined that nothing had been taken Apparently the offenders had been frightened away Police are investigating the theft of a pickup truck from a McHenry residence At 7 am Tuesday, Earl Paddock notified the sheriff 's department that sometime during the night, his white over green 1976 Ford i ton Super Cab pickup truck had been stolenJrom his driveway. The truck had reportedly been locked at the time of the theft Two thefts from autos at Lakeland Chrysler Plymouth in McHenry were investigated Sunday morning by Sheriff 's police At 11 20. police were called to the business when it was discovered that sometime since the previous day. a vent win dow was broken on a van parked in the parking lot An AM-FM radio and tape player combination had been stolen and the dash of the vehicle damaged by the of­ fenders during the theft Moments later, another vehicle was found that had been entered in an undetermined manner The auto was found to be stil l locked, but another AM-FM radio and tape player com bination had been stolen Deaths ALBERT II. IIII.L Albert H Hill , 73. of Ingleside. husband of the farmer Mildred Kinsala from McHenry. died Dec. 19 at Memorial hospital for McHenry county. Woodstock He was born Sept 3. 1905 at Brooklyn. New York, and has been a Lake county resident for 32 years, and previously resided in Arlington Heights. The deceased was president of Lakeland Auto Supply in Fox Lake He was a charter member of the Fox Lake Rotary and served as secretary. Mr Hill was also a member of the Fox Lake Chamber of Commerce, a former member of Big Hollow school board of education, arid a member of the Fox lake Lion's club Besides his wife. Mildred, he is survived by two sons. Jerry of Worthmore Estates, McHenry. and Wayne of Val Mar Estates. McHenry; eight grandchildren, one great grandson and a brother Larry of Dearborn. Mich He was preceded in death by his first wife. Margaret Hill , in 1967. Visitation was be from 3 to 9 p.m. Thursday, at the K K Hamsher . funeral home Funeral services will be at 11 am Friday at the funeral home, and interment will be private M \ltY < ZF.< HOWK Z Mary Czechowicz. 75. of 2420 N. Spojnia, McHenry. died Tuesday. Dec 12. in Harvard Memorial hospital She was born Sept 9. 1903 in Poland Survivors include her husband Anthony, four sons, four daughters, twenty grand children, and six great grandchildren Fumeral Mass was offered at 11 a m Friday. Dec 15 in St francis Polish National Catholic church. McHenry. with burial in All Saints cemetery. DesPlaines JOSEPH I. SCOTT Joseph T Scott. 73. of 1()(M)3 Maiden lane. Richmond, father of Mrs Jarrell ' Judy ) Babb of McHenry. became ill at his residence and died Dec 19 in "McHenry hospital He was lx>rn July 24. 1905 in Grayville. 111 . to Charles and Flora (Johnson) Scott The deceased was an attorney having gradu­ ated from the University (if I l l inois at Champaign, and from Yale University Law school in 1928 He joined the law firm of McNabb. Holmes and Long in Chicago, where he PAGE 13 - PLAINDEALER stayed for nineteen years In 1947 he opened a private law practice in Grayville, and remained until his retirement in 1974 In 1978, Mr Scott was presented with the Senior Counselor award from the Illinois Bar association, for fifty years of distinguished service He was a member of the Lion's club, and the First Christian church of Grayville • He moved to Richmond in September. 1978 He was married to the former Eleanor Grossman in Chicago. April 23. 1932 Besides his wife and daughter, he is survived by another daughter in Eugene. Ore , Mrs Robert (Jane) Brown. He was preceded in death by his parents and a brother Marvin in 1945 Visitation will be-Saturday. Dec 23. from 4 to 8 p m at the George R Justen and Son funeral home Funeral services will be held the evening of Dec 23 at 7:30 p.m at the funeral home, and interment will be private Memorials to the Heart Fund would be appreciated EI)W\RI) JOSEPH SOSNOWSKI Edward J Sosnowski. 66. of 2317 Fairview. McHenry. died Wednesday. Dec 20 at McHenry hospital He was born Sept 8, 1912 to Peter and Mary 1 Mrozowski i Sosnowski in Chicago. Ill His survivors include his wife. Anna, and his family Local arrangements were handled by the George R Justen and Son funeral home. The remains were taken to Adams Winterfield funeral home. Downers Grove /Viw Vi'bwp'^ GAL/LEI WOULD HAVE LIKE CP TH/S r<PERtMCNT:.. - tEANlMC" TOWl" ! n AN EGG WON'T CRACK WHEH //. PROPPED FROM A ' H SIXTH STORY W/NPOW IP THE SURPACE CAN ABSORB THE SMOCK.. [IN ONE DEMONSTRATION, EGGS PROPPED PROM //5 PEET REACHED A SPEED OPSS HUES AN MOOR BEPORE LANDING... UPON IMPACT, THE SHEUS NOT ONLY REMAINED /NTACT BUT THREE OUT OP cOUR EGG YOL KS DIDN'T EVEN SEPARATE. fflNE DEMONSTRATION WAS "DONE WITH UNIROYAL 'S ENSOL/TE. THIS MATERIAL NOT ONLY ABSORBS SMOCK, BUT ALSO INSULATES ,,-n. AND PLOATS. /T IS 1 " USED IN POOTBALL EQUIPMENT, LfPE JACKETS AND SUR- - FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22,197P Petite Meat Balls Make Popular Party Appetizers Guests will keep coining back for more when you serve these delicious appetizer meat balls dressed i3p for a party in a sweet-sour sauce made with chili sauce and currant jelly. YouH want to be sure to include them in your plans for holiday entertaining. Preparation is easy, accord ^ ing to National Live Stock * and Meat Board home econo • mists, who explain that since - the meat balls are baked in a I slow oven, no watching or Z turning are necessary * Saucy Meat Balls 2 pounds ground beef - 1 Zi teaspoons salt Z Zi teaspoon savory \ teaspoon pepper 1 egg, beaten 1 small onion, finely chopped Vi cup water Zi cup chili sauce Zi cup currant jelly 1 teaspoon prepared mustard j 2 teaspoons cornstarch ' Sprinkle ground beef with > salt, savory and pepper and t combine with egg Shape mix * ture into 48 balls (about 1 - tablespoon meat mixture for • each) and place in roasting ' pan or jelly roll pan Bake in - slow oven (325 -F.) for 20 min > utes or until done While balls * are cooking, add onion to Vi cup water in large saucepan and cook 5 minutes Stir in • chili sauce, jelly, mustard and cornstarch blended with 2 tablespoons water. Cook 5 minutes, stirring frequently. Remove meat balls to absorb ent paper and stir into sauce. Serve h$. Yield: 4 dozen ap­ petizer meat balls. Bl RGLAR TIME December is one of the! favorite months tor burglars. 'A> Burglars are attracted noC only b\ homes loaded with- | gifts, but the added hours ot* darkness when the\ can work^ unnoticed When you go out, leave a- ( l ight inside Don ' t close your I I draperies completely; theyj I make a good screen tor a * burglar 's activities. Make* sure all doors, especially." , those leading into the housed r from patios are well l ighted"^ after dark and locked at all* t imes An open garage door is I a sure sign that no one is home! -- the door or doors should be; ! down and locked Icy Roads Blamed For Accidents Icy roads Tuesday night and Wednesday morning were blamed for accidents in the area which injured several McHenry residents Vicki Ann Roth, 1112 Quincy. was taken to McHenry hospital by the Nunda Rural Rescue squad after an accident Tuesday night on Valley View road According to police, Laurin Vore of Cary told police she w as northbound on Valley View road, when she saw a vehicle ahead of her apply the brakes and slow She reportedly did the same and skidded sideways on the road, with the front of the vehicle ending up in the east side of the ice covered road Another vehicle, driven by David (J Howell of Fox River Grove, which was behind the Vore auto, braked anckslid into the east side of the road At this t ime there had been no collision Next, the car driven by Ms Roth approached northbound and because of the glare of oncoming headlights, didn't see the other two cars until she w as very close to them She told police she couldn't swerve to the right for tear of striking a tree and couldn't go to the left because of the on coming vehicle, so she at tempted to brake and go straight ahead, but skidded into the Vore and Howell autos Ms Roth was the only person reportedly injured in the crash .Two persons were slightly injured when their car slid off an ice covered road and into a util i ty pole Tuesday night Neva E Colberg. 1203 Bonnie Brae, told Sheriff 's police she was westbound on Bull Valley road near Barreville road when her car slid on the ice and left the road, striking a pole Ms Colberg and a passenger in her car. Patricia Koehler. 2916 Bull Valley road, were taken to McHenry hospital for treatment of their injuries No injuries were reported in an accident which occurred when a driver stopped his vehicle to attempt to help another driver who had become stuck in a ditch Gary 1) Roberts. 1008 Oakleaf avenue, told police he had been westbound on Me Cullom Lake road, when he pulled to the side of the road to help a driver who was in the ditch His vehicle reportedly had its emergency flashers in operation at the time Robert W Weyde. !717 V\ Young street. told police he w as westbound on McCullom Lake road and saw the Roberts vehicle parked on the side of the road with its l ights Hashing He said he applied his brakes to pass slowly, but he. lost control because of the ice and tut the Roberts vehicle No tickets were issued in the mishap A Wonder Lake woman was treated and released at McHenry hospital, where she was taken following a one-car accident Monday Blanche G Menella, 4008 \\ Lake Shore drive, told police she was westbound on W Lake Shore drive when tier car hit a patch of ice and slid sideways The car left the roadway and struck a tree, slightlv injuring Ms Menella Two McHenry men escaped serious injury following a rear end collision on Route 120 Monday morning Michael Nejedlv 805 Bar­ bara. told police he was driving eastlK>und on Route 120, when the car ahead of him stopped He said he applied his brakes, but slid info the rear of the other car Jay Peterson. Lake Bluff, the driver of the other vehicle, told police he had stopped to turn into a driveway Nejedlv. who was cited for tailing to reduce speed to avoid an accident, and a passenger in So says the VA MDU'RE APPLVlMG(FOR veteran's BENEFITS I MR. FAIKG00D2 FUNKY by Batiuk THAT'S RI6HT, fui^K'V ! THREE <VEARS OF CAFETERIA DUTV SHOULD BE 0UORTH Something ' Contact nearest VA office [check your phone book] or a local veterans group. his car. James Holzrichter. 302 Fristche. were taken tq' McHenry hospital, where they were treated and released I Jeffrey A Vickery. 0411 Roundup road, was ticketed br city police follow ing a rear end collision on Route 120 MondaJ afternoon Vickery told police he was westbound on Route 120. whew he saw a vehicle ahead of hirfi stopped in traffic He said he applied Ins brakes, but slid into the rear of the vehicle driven by Fernanda Konstant. 141K Arabian Spur No injuries were reported. Vickery was cited for failing to reduce speed to avoid an ac. cident RENT RINSEtfVAC the profess ional do- i t -yourse l f carpet c lean ing system HALF DAY Mon t h r u T h u r s R I N S E \ V A C d e a n s t ^ e * a y p r o f e s s i o n a l a o . a t a t r a c t i o n f o f t h e c o s t ( &FRI. , SAT., & SUN ' 7 Dot AS Fol lows 9 o m 1 p m lpm 5pm 5 p m 9 p m . 2 , M«S iS 00 MIN PER HOUR OVERNIGHT SPECIAL! B 00PM 9 00 A M $10 .00 [I HORNSBYS ^ t o r n i l y t e n t o t t -- i 4400 W. RTE. 120 \ McHtNRY, ILL.

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