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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Dec 1978, p. 16

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SECTION 2 PAGE 2 - PLAIN DEALER - FRIDAY. DECEMBER 22, lt78 HELPING PAWS ANIMAl Wtlf AH ASSOCIATION PO »o« JOS * Cry*lol I oW r* *0014 • Hi 4it 244! by Estelle Atwell W hen pet's share the family Christmas some strange things may happen such as a swinging Christmas tree A Ringing Chi istrnas tree ' Well, why not after all it -is a swinging generation Due household in which the members number five and the pet* number twelve of which eight are cats), has come up with this very innovation How is it done' ' First the tree is mounted on .a substantial square base Four chains are fastened to the base one in, fnh corner These arc drawn i tgether at the ceiling and fastened to ,1 "hanging plant t iook imbedded in the ceiling Surrounding lhe.base is a !1 tool picket fence Wh> hang the tree Because tt beats having a lopsided tree HI which the cats ha\e tumbled atxMii It 's very discouraging to < dts a ho long to climb the tree and [possibles nibble at things •i! the tree when thev see it swa\mg It s not healthv lor cats, or dogs to swallow tree trimmings People who watch their small children to prevent thern from swallowing strange objects should watch their pets too It may be necessary for an emergency trip to the vet to remove the strange object Sometimes surgery is required A lot Of us do not like our favorite rituals\disturbed or changed Pets arelrke that too Angel, a red cocker spaniel let her owner know she was miffed about it It was the custom in Angel's household to place the presents around the tree and there was always a present for Angel - usually a dog toy Somehow Angel knew which one was hers - it must have been the scent of the toy but she didn't take it watching it carefully and waiting for the Christmas morning ritual of opening gifts Then came a year when the ritual was changed due to a family member's illness The Very special dog for very special people. Pedigree Pointer spayed female, all shots, young, under a year, gentle, loving and wants to be a sporting dog. Her foster home family found her cold and neglected by the side of the road as if waiting for her owner to appear. Now she must find a new home, one where she will receive that special love she deserves. Photo by Carla Bennett Studio SEE BEFORE YCU BUY. THE NEW. MODERN KINETICO « presents had to be gathered up and taken to the home of the sick relative, including Angel's gift As her owner picked up her gift Angel nipped at her in a way that said plainly she did not like this Afterward she pouted wW • , K. V ^ ( WATER CONDITIONING SYSTEM 'NO ELECTRICITY -METERED WATER •LESS SALT •SAVES MONEY FREE WATER TEST AND RENTAL RATES ON REQUEST SOFT WATER CALL YOUR 40CAL WATER CONDITIONING DEALER: M \ h I I C O -Rr Liner TOM HUEMANN WATER CONDITIONING 2103 W. CHURCH ST. - JOHNSBURG McHENRY. ILL. 335 3093 " LARGEST SERVICE DEPT. IN NORTHERN ILLINOIS" NOTICE of ASM Al. MEETING of MEMBERS of MillENin SWINGS & low \SSO( I \TION Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the members of the McHenry Savings and I/>an Association will beheld at I2(« North Green Street, McHenry Illinois, on Monday. .January 15. 1979 at the hour of seven thirty o'clock in the evening for the purpose of election of directors, con sidering the report of officers, directors and committees and the transaction <>f all other business required or permitted by the Statutes of the State of Illinois and the by-laws of said Associaiion McllENR Y SAX INC.Sand I.OXN \SSO< I XTION ( 'has M Adams. President Attest Virginia Aalto. Secretary 1 Puh Dec 20 and 22. 1978) First class individuals are in first class company with ERA Real Estate ' i i f lit K >t I . I IK t irst < l . i ss means more serv i t es . inc i ,T on IM i tM< - n t t i i T |U . I I i tY IN every serv K e that ' s >t iere<i I hat 's v\1iat I K A" is the tirst ( lass in r • .11 es ta te ' onsumer Prote< t ion . S i iue l f ie Buyers and Sel le rs i ' i i i tec t ion I Mar is were l i rs t o t te red in ! l t7 i we' re >rouc j t ( > have pa id mi l l ions o t do l la rs in < la i rns i i i . . i l l > i ie ( l < i i s to rne is today, I RA* is pro tec t ing more home ;>«j r< l iasers than any o t l ie r < omp, in \ IKA ( ommunkat ions Another C M II I S I V C semte, the I k \ " le le i op ie i is ,m ele< t ror iK too l that I O MI ie< T von to ( t ie on lv nat iona l mul t ip le l i s t ing sv . I ' -n i < > i i r -vs le tn , le ts you show and se l l homes a l l \ r> ier i< , i in | us t minutes Nat iona l Ident i ty . ( )n lv I KA* brokers < an < l a im to (<• - \ i i v ' > i . need to know in Keal I sta te " " I hat M . > ' ,11 i v i ' 11 m > 11e I K \ * to t he puh I h n <. i r ' , i in i ( l . i pa< kage o ! acKer t ' ng and pr i anoi i . : ! • . I s " • i t aiit ludes i ; : w l , aw w i i i t 1 • > i ; i : • " i . a i id 11 m • e \< U. i \ i -. i rpo i a te - i»111soi • -1 ; . ' . i i ' i t i . inual |e i ry I ew . MUM ul . i i ' I ) ' , In ) | i t i v l e le t ( l< i l i \ \ i i i [ i | M >r t tha t e t tor t w i th ( o i l , i te r , l l mater ia ls , Home Hi ive i I i iav .a /me , inc I t l ie I k V M )Vf K ! I ' . f k our tev 'u la i I \ i ipdate i ) - \ t I Book that he I ps so i . < n t ie v<Hi r own adver t is ing program Ret ruiting and Training. I k V m i < ru i tment and 1 r , i inn . ' ; i f iv . f . im- i an he lp t ind new sa les j ieo ; i l t m i I now them ev er v th ing thev need to h ioA ' ' , , ,11 o ;>en i r iv the r | t> t>r to c l os ing the sa le a . . • i v 11 i i • < ' i . i r t im I -ee w l ia t I k 'V o t ters I ts a l l (> . ! ' ' o i t in I k V I n , t < l ass Serv i ( e " " des igned to n! , ik e 11stMr, 1 , . t in I e l inn ' , eas ier ,md more pro t i ta i l ie 1 i l l ou t aho i j t lo i r i i r ig the J i rs l < l ass in rea l es ta te Compare the Services ERA vs. the Alternatives. • Nc i Per t en tage f ee • Nat iona l System • Nat ionwide ( ent ra l I is t ing I l ie • ( omputer i /ed ( l ien t fo l low up • le lec op ier ' ( ornmunu at ions • Buyers Protec t ion P lan • Sel lers Protec t ion P lan • Nat iona l Adver t is ing • I ot a l Campaigns • New Management Or ienta t ion • Sales Management Seminar • Sales I t i iner A< ,n lemv • 1 or ji ii .lining Si hoois • In ( ) t tu ! VI h i Media Program • Agent kec ru i tment Program • Agent Apt i tude Analys is • Nat iona l Men handise \ I rave l In t ent ive Aw ards Pre >gran i • ( .uaranteed Sales P lan • I <|u i ty Advaru e • ( . roup I r rors and ( )miss ions Insurant e • (<roup Kate I i te Insurance • ( n t ic a l Per ior l Mor tgage Insurant e • Ma|or Nat iona l ( ommuni ty Serv ic e Programs • Addi t iona l (o ther than brokerage) Pro f i t ( enter II • • Hf. z • • • r j B*1 • L_J SOLD ̂ . '*A, 1 For more informat ion please hl l in th is coupon and send to ERA RDG REALTY 920 N Front Street McHenry IL 60050 Attn Richard W Doherty Jr or call 815 385 9394 Each office independently owned and operated . Telecopier v is a registered service mark of the Xerox Corporation and it used by permission. First Class Service Al l you need to know in Real Estate Super Sign ERA * and designs are registered service marks of ELECTRONIC REALTY ASSOCIATES Inc. Please send addi t ional informat ion. -- Please have a local ERA' representat ive cal l me Name Address City - State. Telephone (AC) .Zip Code. and continued to pout until Christmas when she was reunited with her present The fee for all dog adoptions includes the cost of the spay or neuter surgery from a vet of our choice or a deduction from the cost of the surgery if done by a vet or your choice DOGS FOR ADOPTION 1 year old spayed female Terrier, light brown and white, all shots, housebroken, good with children 312 658-4168 4 months Irish Setter female, good with children 338-4878 after 4:30 p m Six darling Springer spaniel mix 10 week old pups, male and female, some all white or white with brown or b|ack ears, one honey brown Will be medium sized dogs when grow n 312 639 3182 The fee for all cat adoptions includes the cost of the spay or neuter surgery from a vet of our choice or a deduction from the cost Of the surgery if done by a vet of your choice CATS FOR ADOPTION White and orange short haired neutered 9 month cat. all shots, very loving, but becomes a tiger with other cats 459-1589 evenings Two grey and white spotted male kittens, well mannered and personality plus, all shots and -good with other pets and children 459-6523 Beautiful young short haired brown, gold and yellow loving female, good with family and other pets. Needs new family 459 8046 Two young kittens. 4 months, white female. 'grey male, short coats, good with children and other pets 338-7067 White and orange part Persian long hair male. 1 year, neutered indoor cat A real beautiful specimen 459 1627 evenings, Semi-long hair black and white male. 4 months good as family pet and with other pets 312 639-0407 Four honey gold semi-long hair kittens. 12 weeks 312 669 5822 Beautiful Burmese mix. black with greenish yellow eyes, short coat, voung male 312 658-6850 4-OST ASDFOI \D So many pets fall into one of the categories above Please call the office at once if you find or lose a pet We can not list all of them each week so please call us at 459-2641 between 10-4 Monday through Satur­ day. Lost Ihasa Apso adult female, white flea collar, grey. 344-0725 Found Large grey black and white Tiger neutered male. 385- ">812 GZZa7€£ZaS Together, Canada and the U S built the longent artificial «hipping route in the world -- the St. Lawrence Seaway. Connecting natural water wayi, its 189-mile stretch enables ocean going ves­ sels to navigate 2,342 miles from the North Atlantic to Duluth, Min­ nesota. At the same time, the two countries jointly developed the electric power potential o f the St. Lawrence River A 3300 foot long power- dam spans the in­ ternational boundary between upstate New York and the Province of Ontario Powerfully helping out a neighbor has been On tario Hydro, the largest electrical utility in Can­ ada. Through intercon­ nections with American utility companies, On­ tario Hydro in recent years has exported large amounts of energy to the U. S. to cover capacity shortages. The world's longest stretches of oil pipelines lie in Canada. The Inter- provincial Pipelines tra­ verses 1,775 miles from Edmonton, Alberta to Buffalo, New York. And the longest leg of our Alaskan pipeline ~2,028 rrules is within Canadian borders. if CPR Course At Hospital TWO FIRSTS...King's Chapel in Boston -- first Episcopal Church in New England. Built in the 1750's, this building was also the first granite structure in New England. Preparation That describes the goal of Memorial Hospital for McHenry County 's efforts tt) encourage all citizens to take the CPR course presents the dress shirt for men who don't take dressing up casually. Arrow int Ke, J^Gbody understands serious dressers better than Arrow These are the men the Kent was designed tor It has exact neck sizes so the tit is just right, seven button fronts instead ot the usual six colors and patterns to suit any suit, any tie every time Come in and take a serious look a t ou r se lec t i on today J J G Q Q Jmil § Stoualf w . ,.t>x fo'Ji fclVl W/. ^ WooditCKk III MfHenry, III This three-hour course is being given at the hospital by members of the Woodstock Rescue squad as« instructors It 's popular' Classes in September, oc tober and November were filled to capacity-105 have received training in cardio-pulmonary resuscitation--and the December class was also filled well in advance "We hope to have two classes in January," says Mrs Elvera Boswell. R N . director of the emergency room services She sees plenty in her work to become firmly convinced that men and women, boys and girls of leen aged or older should take the CPR course. "Importance of doing CPR properly is essential We know that the first four minutes after a heart attack are critical If the brain is without oxygen longer than four minutes. Rescue squad response of 4-6 minutes < average time it takesi means it is too late to save the person "Knowledgeable application of the proper ventilation and pressing the chest can mean the difference between a death and the ability to a save a life " Persons wishing to sign up for luture classes should contact Mrs Boswell at the hospital. :5:i8 2500 Shop weekdays V ti Saturdays 9 ttl 5 Sundays 12 t i l 4 Arrow SUN F U N . . . W i t h h i s "busy" season just around the corner, Santa Claus and h i s p r e t t y h e l p e r , L i s a Seeunda, are shown dashing through the surf at Daytona Beach, Florida. C WM t KA J ItK THE LARGEST INVENTORY OF WATER PUMPS IN THE MIDWEST WE SERVICE ALL BRANDS •J*t Pump* •Subm»rnbU Pomp* •All Typ« ol Pump Port* • Coptiva Air Tank* •W«l«r Filter* •Softener* •Hydr o motic Sump Pump* •Well Drilling •Ideal Sump Pump* •Everything Water /if THE HOUSE THAT GOOD WELLS f ,y BUILT 815 385-5252 3200 N RICHMOND RD. (ROUTE 31 NORTH) McHENRY, ILL.

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