SECTION 2 - PAGE 7 - FLAINDEALER - FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22, I978». A REMINDER . TO OUR LAY-A-WAY CUSTOMERS Don't forget to pick up your \\ lay-a-way soon. Time is running out and we wouldn't want to dissappoint anyone on your Christmas list. Thank You. Lost. Wo Reserve the Right to Limit Quantites. mmsavs family centers - Sorry, No Rain Checks L • L 1 Homsttrs Bench ft OP tH -- Sylvania Magicubes jg 14 7 8 Reg. • J 1.96 . • 2 Magicubes work like magic. Easy A dependable. 3 cubes, 12 flashes. V (RIKIRIinWRRK Reg. 13.87 Mechanics quality, heavy duty. Full 360° swivel base. Precision built for years of rugged use. 1 !•!• )•!•!• WMMMimMimM 1 K-Tel Fun Skis * Ski Pole, R e 9 - 5 . J 7 3 9 7 WM *"" " 2" ( c- m'MA Pud9fe Doll by Mattel All S & K Tools 25 /< Your choice of hand tools. « Guaranteed for life S p ] H v y Garago Door Oponor !NO. GS 200SR m fl|| ww Q* ^37 76 1 1 / Thermal overload '/j H.P. motor. Automatic reset. Easy to install. Reg. H 6.74 Adorable and looking to be lov.T ir- ̂ has rooted hair nali.«i! , . 12 do" adorable outfit. painted eyes and Color Forms Street, Play X I se-Mkw' zs All Plush Animals 50%«« Sunny Susie Ironing Set lets you iron just like mom! Another fine »et from Wolverine' Leve-A-Bubble Dollby Mattel * R»g O 7 11.94 jf Super Size Barbie 937 Reg 11.84 Glamorous new Barbie with streaked hair. long, sun- Bulletin Beard 27 Features solid thick backing framed in maple finished wood molding. Size 18' * iffiua \ PRICES EFFECTIVE FRI. DEC. 22 THRU SUN. DEC. 24 '2X>. was 5 81 I 8®; • s 1 I jj Kodak PR-10 jj ** Instant Film «i j|| Single pack, 10 exposures. jm *i IKWWWW WWWWKWKIK* .HrVanRMWVWMMWKfRiRW --il#"111" \ :: IB and ALL S CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS Photo Album "The Collection' Mi Protect and show all your favorite K Wt photos. Jtt :« RimmiaiRmvii b J 7 T 3 Pc. Loo Corduroy Suits Jackets Reg. 53.96 PantS. . Reg. 18.96 it Vests. . Reg. 17.93 >87 W . / v -ST* Lee Western Shirts 40% OFF ENTIRE STOCK M Men's Western cut shirts with Jj snap front and trims. Cot- M ton/polyester. S-M-L-XL. j| N Dickies & Work Shirts 397 12.96 SAVE. Men's navy blue denim long-sleeve shirt. 100% cotton. Alt sizes. While they last! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm S O0FF | This includes mens, ladies, boys, £ girls, infants and toddlers. Women's Fluffy J Bootees S 3 9 1 .« >/ '• Great gift idea! Super plush bootees that jK ~ '^T,r* r*°' com'ort companions. Fashioned K fevS&viv.-.•••' '*»ith knit lining, cushiony soft insoles. W Women sizes. * Women's Slippers j £ Coats Jackets - j . - • ^ 40°/< KKKHtararannm liVIWIW '» ^^O s Si I Norelco SjTripleheader *«-• 3fc87S 46.57 1# V Q| No nicks, cuts scratches. Super M microgroove heads shave super close. A 3 great Christmas gif t ideo M ^ No .1312 ^ itunmnmnnnnunumn itr- SPECIAL OIFT FOR NT LADY Choose your brand name Perfumes & Colognes • at Hornsbys where the prices are the lowest. Ladies Blouses s •&:% r &\ •Ai pretty as they are comf lovely f loral design on pastel knit sl ippers. 11 Soft tr icot l ining f lexible soles with con- Mt trust ing tr im. Women s sizes. |S Girls Fashion Boots M Oft | / 4 20°/« li( O PRICE jg Men's Hunting Boots & ... 1988i 5 m Choose from Laura Mae, LandS, Sea and others. 1 I 19.99 Snug and waterproof mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmixmwmmmmm miRmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mate-. L'eggs Ladies Hoisery We carry a complete line of L'eggs hoisery from Knee His to Sheer Energy Panty Hose.