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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Dec 1978, p. 5

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PAGE 5 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY. DECEMBER 22,1978 CHRISTMAS PAGEANT - St. Paul's Episcopal church presented its children's Christmas pageant Dec. 17, with members of the church school taking all roles. Kneeling in front of three angels, played by AngieKroncke,Jennifer Gibbons and Heidi Eckstein, are Joseph and Mary, portrayed by Jack Watrous and Shawna Boose, whose expressions proclaim the solemnity of the occasion. Selected hymns were chosen for participation, and appropriate readings were done by Lynn Podpora, as the Nativity story was told from the Annunciation through the Epiphany. SERVICE NEWS Recruit Training Ends For Fireman Navy Fireman Apprentice William L Wyman, son of James W and Patricia A Wyman of 5006 Parkview drive. McHenry. has completed recruit training at the Naval Training center, San Diego During the eight-week training cycle, he studied general military subjects designed to prepare him for further academic and on-the Sergeant Back From Greece For Scott AFB Service U.S. Air Force Technical Sergeant Craig a Som­ merfield. son of Mr and Mrs C H Sommerfield <jf 7704 Ravina drive. Spring Grove, has arrived for duty at' Scott AFB. Ill Sergeant Sommerfield, a telecommunications systems control technician with a unit of the Air Force Communications service, previously served in Athens. Greece NEW YEAR'S EVE SPECIAL MENU Large Lobster Prime Rib ' $10M »5*> Plus our Salad Bar & Regular Menu Please call 385 1488 for special menu I rQ&C ^ew ^ear Favors & Midnite Buffet SUNDAY DECEMBER 24 BAR OPEN FREE light Christmas buffet for our Friends & Customers On Pistakee Lake Harmony Resort 614 W Baldknob New Year's Eve Fun Time DINNER SERVED 7pm - 10pm s30 /PERSON INCLUDES: Cocktails, Prime Rib Dinner, Complimentary Champagne, Hats & Favori Dance To The Music Of BOB FREUND'S ORCHESTRA 10 PM "TIL? ? ? OPEN TO THE PUBLIC McHENRY COUNTRY CLUB 820 N JOHN ST , McHENRY Legal Notice STATE OF ILLINOIS ) )SS COUNTY OF McHENRY ) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT. McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS in one of the Navy's 85 basic occupational fields Included in his studies were seamanship, close-order drill. Naval history and first aid. Personnel who complete this course of instruction are eligible for three hours of college credit in Physical Education and Hygiene. ' He joined the Navy in Sep­ tember. 1978 The sergeant graduated from high school in 1963 in l>ompoc. Calif., and holds an associate degree from McHenry County college • • * • Beware of the man who tells you what a Christian life he leads. • • • • People are unpredict­ able; some are even ac­ curate when they make a statement. Iknob 385'1488 McHenry j IN THE MATTER ) OF THE PETITION ) TO CHANGE THE NAME ) OF PETITIONER, ) LESLEE DENISE VENABLE, ) a k a LESLEE DENISE ) SCHMIDT , ) NO: NOTICE Public notice is hereby given that, on January 9,1979, at 9:30 a.m. I will file and present my Petition for hearing in said Court praying for the change of my name from LESLEE DENISE VENABLE to LESLEE DENISE SCHMIDT, pursuant to the statute in such case made and provided. Dated at Woodstock, Illinois, December 1, 1978. LESLEE DENISE SCHMIDT a k a LESLEE DENISE VENABLE HAMER, SCHUH & BAKER By; John Kloempken P.O. Box 430 Woodstock, II 60098 (815) 338-1334 i Pub. Dec. 15, 22 & 29.1978) Legal Notice Notice of Proposed Filing To the Patrons of the Illinois Bell Telephone Company: The Illinois Bell Telephone Company hereby gives notice to the public that it has filed with tne Illinois . Commerce Commission, under Advice No. by addressing the Secretary of the Illinois Commerce Com­ mission, Springfield, Illinois 62706. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY By S. F. Jozwiak Manager (Pub. Dec. 22& 29,1978) Legal Notice The Board of Education of McHenry School District 15 will receive sealed bids on Group Health, Life Insurance ana Accidental Death & Dismemberment plans until 3:00 P.M. on January 3, 1979 in the School District 15 Ad­ ministration Office, 3926 W. Main Street, McHenry, Illinois 60050. Bid specifications may be secured from the same of­ fice. The Board of Education reserves the right to reject any and-or all bids, waive any bid technicalities, and award the bid in the best interest of the School District. Dorothy Vick Secretary District 15 Board of Education (Pub Dec 22,1978) Births: Dec. 18, to Mr. and Mrs Bernard Bialach, of McHenry. a boy, Dec. 19, to Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Rizzo, Wonder Lake, a girl. nge Group classification of the McHenry Exchange. • The reclassification of this ex­ change is in accordance with present tariff provisions and reflects growth in the present terminal availability in the local flat rate calling area. The change will result in increased exchange rates for the Outer Metropolitan Service offering. A copy of the proposed filing may be inspected by any in­ terested party at any business office of this Company in Illinois All parties interested in this matter may obtain information with respect thereto either directly from this Company or HOSPITAL NOTES J MEMORIAL HOSPITAL. WOODSTOCK Admissions: baby Christine Diedrich and Allan Smith of McHenry, and master Scott de Gelder of Wonder Lake. • When you purchase a vacuum cleaner, take advantage of the labor-saving tools that come with it. In addition to preserv­ ing your rugs and carpets, tools can help keep draperies, lamp­ shades and furniture free of dust and thoroughly clean such things as radiators, Venetian blinds and dust-collecting crev­ ices. The McHenry Plaindealer j E*tobli»h«d 1175 3112 Wait Elm Str*«t Phon* 315 0170 McH*ory, Illinois 60050 Published E«*ry Wednesday I Friday at McHanry, Illinois Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry, Illinois By McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY Subxrlbari or* r*qt«Mt*d to provide immediate nolltt ot chanfa of oMrtu to tin McH«nry PloindMlar Mil W llm S» McManry III MOM A dtdwtton ol on* month Irom th« •ipirotion of o tubtenptton will bo mod* whofo • (Kong* of oddrtti it provwlod through th* Pott Off!<• Ooportmont Larry E. Lund-Publisher 1978 Adele Froehlich-Editor ItVSMPEI NATIONAL NEWSPAPER mocuriow flilffl HI) lilt Prill i lit 0NNA SUSTAINING MEMBER-1978 SUBSCRIPTION RATES I \fur In McHenry and loke County I ^ K| 7.(Hi Outside McHenry and Lake County CHRISTMAS HOURS! DEC. 23. SAT NITE TIL? • DEC. 24 SUN 9 to 5 HP 113? CHRISTMAS KPtCI Al I • •contoured for more closeness than ever before REG. *40 *5 •now tloofc ttyling for do»»r vmoothor thovot *36 tolf thorponing blod»> with floating Microgroov* hoodt follow contour* of foco to cut off whitkort »af*ly bolow thin lovol •conv»m»nt thumb control on off twitch »l 15 230 vol 109* toloc tor for AC ond DC (50 ond 60 c t) • pop out »idobu 1 n and mouttach* trimmer for more efficiency ond comfort *flip top thaving head attembly tor eaty cleaning •razor head guard deoning bruth coiled cord •handtomo black and red travel wallet r T 1ST Tl COAST STORES EE • . . t o t a l h a r d w a r e MCHENRY MARKET PLACE 385-6655 OPEN DEC 23. SAT NITE TIL? DEC 24 SUN 9 TO 5 LETTERS TO SANTA < Letters to Santa are printed just as received. Only signed letters will be published.) "Too Santa "I want a radio and a baby carriage. Please bring Paul Bonnie Mommy and Daddy something. I'v been a good girl. Hope you have a Happy Christmas! , "From "Doris Jean Decker. "Santas Please give me a vest, and trucks and some overalls, and jeans. How is Mrs. Claus Star Wars People would be just great to have too! Toys books puzzles We will bake lots of cookies for you, Mrs. Claus. and yourelves, We all love you! Teddy bear Close I love you "Matthew Karls „ "McHenry "To: Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus and yours elves "From: Bretta Karls "I love you all!!! "Dear Santa Claus, "I only want a pretty stripte vest. I'm sorry that I sent late but we never had time too. "How is Mrs. Claus I'll make a lot of cookies for you. Mrs. Claus. and your elfes. Love "Bretta "Dear Santa "My name is Kim. I have been a good girl Please bring me a Barbie Doll, a Tweetie Bird clock, and some clothes for my dolls. My brother Tom wants a remote control car, a big My other brother Billy would like a record player, a watch and a snowmobile helmet. "We love you Santa "Billy Tom and Kim Corn- stock "We will leave some cookies out for you. "Dear Santa. i'm 54 years old and i've been a pretty good boy this year. I would like starwars race trgek. creepy crawlers machine, spiderman car. starwars toys, trucks and some games please bring something for my baby brother so he doesn't chew on my toys his name is Jonathan he is 8 months old "Thank-you Santa "Jimmy Bowles "606 S. Broadway "P S. We will have milk and cookies for you. I w a n t to o you have Merry Christmas a n d I want a x-wing fighter Chris • Here's an answer to the ball­ point ink problem: Apply hair- spray to the stain and let dry before laundering. For better results, first scrape off any sur­ face ink from the fabric. If any stain still remains, repeat the process. Clean Away Fire Hazards Clean-up time should not be limited to the traditional spring or fall cleaning. Making clean­ up a year-round family activity can prevent a disastrous fire in your home. The Insurance Information institute suggests that you pay particular attention to basement, attic, closets, workshops, garage and yard .. .Look for over-storing and accumulations of trash Keep trash in covered containers and dispose of it regularly. .. .If you're a do-it-yourselfer, allow time to clean up-paint, sawdust or whatever -after each work session .. Store paints, paint thinners and solvents in a safe place such as the basement garage or workshop Keep them in their original containers (closed), away from fire sources Get rid of useless items you have "squirreled awav" Accumulations of leaves, twigs and trash on the lawn also are candidates for accidental burning • Scratches on dark wood fur­ niture can often be masked with the meat of a freshly shelled walnut. Rub it on the scratch until the oil of the nut perme­ ates the wood. jrv.DUCATlONAL } College Honors ] I RECEIVES DEGREE Randall C. Nellis of Island Lake received his B.S. degree in Computer Science at the fall graduation ceremonies held at Mankato State university in Minnesota Dec 13. The program was held in the Centennial Student union INSURANCE CHAN.GEK Illinois Department of In­ surance director Richard L. Mathias last week ordered major reforms in the Illinois FAIR Plan. the • state authorized insurance pool for urban property r;wners who have difficulty obtaining coverage in the voluntary market Mathias said tlx- reforms place Illinois in h< forefront in the tight t" guarantee urban residents full and fair access to property insurance Included in the measures ordered by Mathias are an installment pay plan to replace the up-front lump sum premium plan and a program to notify current homeowners of new types of coverage which become available For details write Department of In surance. 160 North LaSalle. Chicago 60601 '312-79:1-2423). DONT KNOW WHAT Toeiwiwr Come see our display of exquisite COSTUME JEWELRY Starting at $3.00 GIFT CERTIFICATES PIN CUM SHOP 1 American Legion Post 491 - RINGW00D ROAD, McHENRY - OPEN TO THE PUBLIC FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY (5:00 - 9:00 P.M.) •PERCH-AU YOU CAN EAT 'OTHER MENU AVAILABLE The ad in tn« back section of the Plaindealer is INCORRECT. The band is: BOB & THE BLUE TONES 1330 N. RIVERSIDE DR McHENRY, ILLINOIS I COCKTAIL HOUR MOV-Tl KS --*KI> --I HI HS.-KRiim lo ̂ :(MI ( ill I * r i JOHN I FREUN0 Freund f uneral Home Serving Wonder Lake and Chicagoland Area 815 728-0233 7611 HANCOCK DR WONDER LAKE why take less when our 1979 Christmas Club gives you more: When you join McHenry Savings 1979 Christmas Club you'll receive a free gift right away. It's a set of 4 Currier and Ives place mats of old fashioned winter scenes. We'll also pay you 5V<% on your savings. (Even if you don't complete your club savings program!). All of which means you'll have the cash you need for next year's Christmas shopping. Now who does more for you? Stop in and join our 1979 Christmas Club today! I Now Compounding Interest D o i l y 1 McHENRY S A V I N G S ' • KM IIHIIillll J McHenry Savings V AND LOAN ASSOCIATION^^ 1209 North Green Street, McHenry 815/385-3000 10520 Main Street, Richmond 815 678-2061 10402 North Vine Street (Huntley Center on Route 47) Huntley 312 669-3333. SSI ftAVMS MOUM * 00 • m to 4 30 p m Mondo, lundot ond TKurtdoy «0Com to •00pm "» 00 < "** r * 00 • m »o 7 00 » m C l**«d Wad"***}? •n Richmond 'O 3 OO P Tl Sotu'^o* M< H#nry In fcttefflpihpk iUpim ffiJwî ople> /

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