Q) PAGE 16 -PLA1NPEALER- WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 24. 1979 _|QQ|lin0iVI0U4>% •TTTfl -CSWDfflv ILLUMINATEOJlunn COUW J IM MING POOL it •• Nujw#r -V O- sifted cUMMi- vttw* U'•» XCLUS'VE •• CO. 421 •«im c* s in* Mm M kit 14 i <wr »u (Tult M« t «c ym t »«r' »u. N AM * rcc . _ ®aio. u'i Mi<t om?coLi Awrcr, '• £ *2 M tt? /S7U 1 >'«• 04* In *v/7S BOOKKEEP Ottirubi* I 4 «004 «0St.T» GARDFNim WFH B! GENC/ "•nil TV 0•««' " telir 7J< "n WARRINGTON CPA »•". J; •« ADMIN SEC7*ET"»-" *Ct f* '* ' " il4 ' J ' 1 'r«i'l CUnrm -- •vorwi 40 «, « AvC f' 1/69 MAIDS--A»« IE VIS HELP ID ANTED HELP ID ANTED •edict® Oca 941-1200 Ho« i I«f.rm,- | FOREST HILLS 4RMS 171" No cash refunds on prepaid ads fords of Thanks In Memoriam Situotion Wanted Wanted to Rent Wanted to Buy and Garage Sales MUST be paid in advance \ The Plaindealer is not responsible for errors in classified ads after the first insertion Check your ad after the fiwt inser '•on and call our attention to any mistakes ' OFFICE HOURS: MON -- FRI. 8:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. SATURDAY 9-12 P.M. Classified Copy Deadline WEDNESDAY PAPER-MONDAY 4P.M. FRIDAY PAPER--WEDNESDAY 4P.M. PHONE 385-0170 AUTOS 78 GMC 1 ton 4x4 ten ft. dump, automatic, p.s., p.b., 4,000 miles $9,500. 815-344-2962 1-19-1- 26c JEEP 1953, CJ3B snowplow hitch, half cab, gun rack, plow lights, jerry can brackets. Beautiful old machine ready for work or play. $2,500.00. 815- 344-3763. 1-17-1-26C 1974 Ford Elite, power brakes, power steering, air con ditioning, AM-FM Stereo Cassette tape, new brakes and tires $1950.00 815-385-8446 Call evenings. l-24-l-26c 1975 Vega, excellent condition. Must see. $1200.00 or offer. 815- 344-3558. 1-24-1-26C BUSINESS SERVICES PAINTING BY THE PAINT CONNECTION, interior and exterior. For free estimate call HI5-385^36 or 312-658-3358. 1-5- 2-2c SNOWPLOWING 815-385-1757 days or 815-675-2262 evenings, Spring Grove. l-12-l-31c FREE PICK UP JUNK CARS and trucks, day or night 815-459- 0081. l-3tfc j BACKHOE WORK, footings, underground piping, septic systems, call Phil 815-923-2431. State licensed. 1-3-TFC P l l ' N T E R S A N D PAPERHANGERS for hire, will do work by hour or by job. Reasonable rates, Call 385-8618 or 344-1769 after 6p.m. 1-19-2-2C GENERAL CARPENTRY, remodeling, interior and ex terior, free estimates available. 344-3819-Dave or 385- 8417- Joe. x 1-19-1-26C A • B & S * SNOW PLOWING * 24 Hr. Immediate Service. Low Rates. . CALL * *815-344-1577 " 344-3385 For Free Estimate Will remove snow from roof. 815-338-2512 1-24-1-26C Painting & Minor Bodywork. No job too small. Helmets, motorcycles, snowmobiles, autos, vans,etc. Specializing in custom Nriors. Free estimates.Call 8*5*385-2548 1^7- l-26c J & S GUNSMITHING, Jim Grutzmacher, Gunsmith. Call 815-344-0566. l-3tfc N E E D P L U M B I N G REPAIRS? Experiencd, State Licensed plumber. 24 hour service. Ceramic Tile Work, and bathroom remodeling. 312- 497-4085. 12-22-1-31C DIKES ROOFING. Snow Removal off roofs. 815-385-8014. 1-19-1-26 12/1S-I/M RUSSELL RHOTON SEPTIC SERVICE • PUMPING • REPAIRS • ELECTRIC SEWER RODDING, Installation of new septic* 815-385-6445 B0EDECKER UPHOLSTERING 11 •EXPERT WORKMANSHIP •URGE SELECTION OF FABRICS _ •FREE ESTIMATES I PImm 815-385-5478 II II 24 IF J QUALITY CONSTRUCTION Remodeling of Older Homes Kitchen, both, window & „ door replacement. WE BUILD -- •Garages •Room Addition* 1 Patio Decks t 1 •Construction of New Homes No Job Too Big or Too Small WE All TO PLEAS1 FREEJSTIMATES 815-385-4937 After 5 pm and weekends LEOPOLD CONSTRUCTION • NEW HOMES • ROOM ADDITIONS • ANYTHING YOD WANT DONE IN CARPENTRY 1972 MUSTANG HARDTOP V8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, one owner car. Good condition. $1500. 815-344- 1194 l-24-l-26c 1974 Dodge Caddy walk in van, power steering, disc brakes, am-fm, 8 track radio, $1900.; 1972 Plymouth Fury wagon 400, V8 engine, air, power steering and brakes, Reese trailer hitch, like new tires. $875.1-675-2157, 1-24-1-2 Opel 1971, station automatic, new snow^tres $450.00. Call after 5pnH&15-385- 8387. 1-17-1-26C VW 1969 Fastback automatic, runs great $595.00 call after 5pm 815-385-8387. 1-17-1-26C 1974 Plymouth Duster 6 cyl., 18 m.p.g. city, very clean, runs good, snow tires included. 815- 653-7146. 1-24-1-26C 1968 Ford pickup Vfe ton runs good $500.00; 1973 Matador S,W« Automatic, air, power steering, power brakes $500.00 815-385-8543 or 815-653-9824 Don 1-24-1-26C 1978 Ford LTD Wagon under 7000 miles. $6,250.00 Call after 5 p.m. 385-4595. 1-24-1-26C 1965 D 1100 IH, 4x4 truck. Best offer. 815-568-7889 after 7pm, all day Saturday & Sunday. 1-24-1- 26c SiiiiiliH CUNAI BROTHERS GENERAL CONTRACTORS * RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL - * AGRICULTURAL! i Serving McHenry County Area S Quality work at reasonable prices. i 815-385-6513, J iiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiNiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiii^ GUTTERS UNLIMITED Seamless gutters and down spouts-6 colors Expert Installation Free Estimates 815-385-9427 815-653-9720 12 27 3 21TF I ' EXPERIENCED TAX RETURN ' PREPARATION Established 24 years with • An experienced staff to handle your individual problems ^ r • Prepared and verified on our in-house computer • One day service it Year around availability for follow up Tax Counseling PHONE 385-4410 For an Appointment Paul A. Schwegel & Company 4410 W. Highway 120, McHenry, III. 9-9 Daily - 9-5 Saturday m s 2 28, 1972 Chevy Impala, V8, air conditioning, Cruise control, AM-FM 8 track, new tires, new paint, excellent condition $1400.00 815-385-5585. 1-24-1-26C 1976 Pinto, automatic, AM-FM radio, low mileage excellent condition, 5 brand new Radial tires $2100.00 815-385-3742 1-24- 1-26C 1977 Cutlass Supreme, P.S..P.B., air, automatic, buckets, AM-FM, stereo, 8 track, Rally Wheels, letter tires, exceptionally clean. 16,000 miles. $5300. 815-675-6288 1-24-1-26C 1975 VW Beetle, fuel injection, AM-FM stereo, rain and stone guard, rust proofed, low miles, exceptional condition $1925.00. 815-385-6929 after 6pm 1-24-1- 26c * i WANTED * Junk Cars & Trucks 815 338-2800 ^ 28^ HAPPV BMTHPAT" ! PET COLUMN ' HAPW 5 BIRTHDAY S She's on her *oy to 50 * PAT i t * * * 5 * J MUSK0VIN is now 41 i/24 S HAPPY 40th BIRTHDAY JUDY MUELLER FROM THE AVENGER CARD OF THANKS The family of Joseph S. Sch- mitt, gratefully acknowledges the many prayers, masses and kindnesses received during its time of bereavement. We especially thank Father Leo Bartel, St. Mary's Church, and the Ladies of the Johnsburg Community Club. The Joseph S. Schmitt Family 1-24 INSTRUCTIONS CRAFT LESSONS, earn free gifts while you learn. Better Homes and Gardens Craft Creations. Call Cindy at 815-344- 3064. 1-19-1-24 PETS m SALE AKC red Doberman Puppies, tails and dew clavfs cut. dewormed, affection & protection $150.00 815-385-2826 l-24-2-9c IRISH SETTERS, females (2) purebred, 3 yrs. old show champ sired. Top field blood,, private homes only $100.00 ea. 815-568-6889. 1-24-1-26C HORSES NOTICE Earn extra income in your spare time, let me show you how! For appointment call 815- 344-3219 J 1-24-1-26C Stable help wanted, flexible hours. Call 815-338-9854 or if no answer 338-7483. 1-24-1-26C ••••••• ••••••••* HORSES BOARDED Pasture Box Stalls New Indoor Arena Daily Grain Turn Out Outside Riding Arena RAJA ACRES (Serving McHenry/Woodstock Areo) Call 815-648-4012 •••••••••••*> A™ SNOWMOBILE ROOF SNOW REMOVAL & snowplowing. Call Harry Jr. for free estimates. 385-3927 1-24-1- 26c SITUATION IP ANTED WILL DO HOUSECLEANING in your home or office. Good references; 815-385-8295 1-24-1- 26c Top Notch cleaning lady has days available now. Have references. 815-459-6585 1-24-1- 26c 1972 Evinrude Skeeter, reverse, neutral start and gauges $425.00; 1972 Evinrude Bobcat, neutral start, recorfditioned $350.00.815-385-8819 1-24-1-26C 1977 El Tigre Artie Cat 5,000, free air, excellent condition $1500.00.815-385-9698 1-24-1-26C WANTED TO BUY Oriental rugs wanted, we pay top dollar for your old Oriental rugs. Call 312-884-6444, l-3tfc WANTED: Hummel Figurines. Will pay from $30.00 to $100.00 for each. Call 815-385-3122. 1-17- l-26c POSITIONS OPEN City of McHanry School Crossing Guard Motor Poroon Applications for tho obovo part tlmo positions may bo socurod at tho McHenry Police Dept. 1111 N. Croon St., McHenry. II. bet- ween the hours of t:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Monday through Friday. 5 Friday. f J 1/24 » 26 i SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS NEEDED 385-9233 fllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlUE WANTED SCHOOL CUSTODIAN CALL LINDA 385-7077 McHenry High School West Campus = 4 i \ S i IITa FULL TIME HELP WANTED SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS NEEDED FOR THE 1978-79 School Year Paid Training Buses Equipped With 2-Way Radios Good Starting Salary Call Dick Glawe at 385-6622 > 1/10 TF SS £0iiiimimimiiiiiiimimmiimiiiiiMiimiiimiimmiimimiiimimiimimimmiiiimiimi!s KEYPJ NCH OPERATOR Full Timo 'UNCI Days- LOST: two big white dogs, Great Pyrenees, reward. 815- 338-6947. 1-24-1-26C GIVE AWAY: 6 Golden retriever puppies, outside dogs, to good home 815-385-5016 ask for Ann. l-24-l-26c LOST LABRADOR retrievers, big black male, brown female. Last seen Orchard Beach area. < Reward. 815-385-7562 1-24-1-26C Lost Female Schnauzer mixed, black with tan trim, area McCullom Lake. 815-385-6316 1- 24-1-26c 4 WANTED PUPPIES 6-8 weeks / old. good homes guaranteed. Also we buy Poodle or Sc! nauzer mixed pups. 815-385- 7897. l-3tfc Schnauzer, Lhasa Apso, Cocker. Quality stud service. Walnut Hinge Boarding and Grooming Kennel. Rt. 31, McHenry, 815-385-1757 1-24 s s s An opening now exists in our Data Processing Department for 2 S an experienced Keypunch Operator day shift, full time. s i •5 A full range of company paid benefits is available including free = = hospitalization and medical insurance, 11 paid holidays and = = much more. McHENRY COUNTY CETA PROGRAM MONITOR 4 year college degree necessary. Preferably 8.S. in Business Administration. Duties include: 1. Onsight inspection of CETA Subgrantees and CETA Par ticipants. 2. Written reports and recommendations to Director. Resume required. Apply at McHenry County Courthouse 2200 N. Seminary Ave., Rm. 107 Woodstock, II. equal opportunity employer 1-17/1-24 c Apply in Person to Personnel Department OAK Industries Inc. Crystal Lake, IL • = I th Main St I 815-4595000 i Equal Opportunity Employer M F 1 24 I 26 3 iiiiimiiimiimmiimiMimmimimimiiimiiiiiiimiiimmiuiimimimimmmimiimiii! WE'RE HIRING AISHimiERS and LIGHT PRODUCTIOn PERionnci 1st of 2nd Shift Previous experience helpful but will train qualified applicants. We Offer Competitive starting wages Excellent Employee Family Benefit Program including Pension Plan. Interested applicants apply in person. THE SINGER COMPANY CONTROLS DIVISION 110 WOODSTOCK ST. CRYSTAL LAKE, IL.60014 An equal opportunity employer M F AUTOMATIC SCREW MACHINE BROWN & SHARPS 2ND SHIFT Opportunity for individual with Brown & Sharpe set up experience. Will also con sider Swiss background. Excellent salary range and benefit package plus overtime 2' Apply NTEPMATIC I N C O R P O R A T E D Intermatic Plaza • Rte. 12 & Winn Rd. Spring Grove, IL 815-675-2321 An equal opportunity employer PART TIME Applications are now being accepted for permanent part time employment. DAY SHIFT & NIGHT SHIFT You will enjoy: •Light ( lean bench work •Paid Vacation and holiday* . •Merit review* •Production Ronuse* Kiperienct* no! iirreMur\. h«* will train Apply in person ONLY Lenco Electronics Inc. 1330 Belden Street, McHenry So. of McHenry, on Rte. 31 to Dayton St., then Dayton to Belden-The William Tonyan Industrial Park ' » 1,12-TF OAK j Offers the following job opportunities: • •Brown & Sharpe Automatic Screw Machines- • Set Up and Operate •Hand Screw Machines - Set Up and Operate •Trainees for Screw Machine Operators. •Assemblers •Eyeleters •Inspectors DAY OR NIGHT SHIFT Complete benefit package sponsored by the Company. Apply to Personnel Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm MR Industries liit South Main St. Crystal Lake, IL douin Main m. trysiai Lane, n An Equal Opportunity Employer M F I 19 I 7* I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i i j NURSING ASSISTANT We are seeking an individual with a pleasing personality, and ability to deal with patien ts, and one who has had previous experience in a Doc tors office, for our nursing staff. Excellent fringe benefits. Salary range S3.50 to $5.00. Call or apply McHenry Medical Group 1209 N. Green St. McHenry, II. 385-1050 SECURITY PERSONNEL Students, retiree*, housewives, men and women needed. Full and part time. Flexible hours. Locations: McHenry. Crystal Lake. Cary, Dundee, Wood stock, Huntley, Carpenter- sville. No experience necessart, Benefits Include: Life, Medical, Hospital and Dental Insurance. Interviews: Monday thru Saturday. Call today for ap- 1 \ I I I I I I I pointment. 815-455-2287 STANLEY SMITH SECURITY, INC. ^^q^o^orlun^empl^|f , J4