SUPPLEMENT TO McHENRY PLAINDEALER - PA(*E 6 -WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 24,1979 A little giant. . . Get more show for your dough, For those of you who find vision set isn't quite large ful 25-inch set you've had that a 19-inch (diagonal) tele- enough and that big, beauti- youi" eye on just takes too SAVE $1** during... THURS-FRI-SAT JAN. 25-26-27 • FULL SERVICE LAUNDROMAT * FREE STEAMERS TO x cpcc fOFFEE PRESS YOUR CLOTHES purree S0UTH6ATE FABRIC CARE CENTER 810 N. FRONT ST.(RTE.31 SOUTH) NEAR CONVENIENT FOOD STORE THE LITTLE GIANT...This 21-inch diagonal SUPERSET is one of ihree such televisions introduced by General Telephone & Electronics Corporation's part of the 1979 Sylvania color television line. Built to fit comfortaMf into a cabinet about the size of a conventional 19-iijjOi set, all "Little Giants" feature GT-Matic -- as well a* automatic sharpness control, lighted channel indicators, room light monitors and 6-inch oval speakers. much room--and money-- here's a great idea: the unique "Little Giant" SUPERSET from Sylvania. The "Little Giant" fea- •BIG! SAVINGS! THUDS. FRI., SAT., JAN. 2S.2S.27 2S •MEN'S •WOMEN'S CHILDREN'S •HOCKEY & FIGURE / V 9 307c ALL whiter OUffRWAtt JACKETS PANTS SUITS 40% o« LOOK FOR |0UR| STOREWIDE BREDUCEDI BOLLAR DAYS SPECIALS H 25V, McHeniy's Favorite Sport Center WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL 1210 N. GRFFN ST. 385 1000 McHENRY. ILL tures a 21-inch (diagonal) viewing screen powered by a 31,500 volt chassis normally used to drive a 25-inch set. And this big package has been designed to fit into a cabinet about the size of a conventional 19-inch set. A series of three "Little Giants" is part of the 1979 Sylvania color television line introduced by General Tele phone & Electronics Corp. AU the "Little Giants" fea ture GT-Matic--the indus try's first self-adjusting color system--automatic sharp ness control, lighted channel indicators, room light monitors and 6-inch oval speakers. """ Two models are equipped with a new color-correcting computer controller in addi tion to GT-Matic, providing a unique system of dual au tomatic picture control. Free book helps hi-fi Good hi-fi sound depends largely on a modest little de vice called the phono car tridge. Every record player has one. It's found at the end of the tone arm and holds the stylus, or "needle," which plays the record. For years, hi-fi buffs, or audiophiles, have kept it a secret that replacing your phono cartridge and stylus with a newer model is one of the least expensive ways to upgrade your sound system. Besides providing cleaner and more dynamic sound, a new phono cartridge also can reduce record wear, experts say. According to Audio- Techntea U.S., Inc., a lead ing name in hi-fi components, the phono cartridge is the "gatekeeper" that must faithfully translate the tiny wiggles of the record groove into precise electrical signals for the amplifier and speak ers. It's a miniature electric generator. The company hopes to raise your "cartridge con sciousness" with a free book let telling how phono car tridges work and explaining important technical terms. The booklet, called the "Q & A Book," is available by writing to Audio-Technica U.S., Inc., 33 Shiawassee Ave., Fairlawn, Ohio 44313. * * « • We have never been able to figure out a way to avoid work.