SUPPLEMENT TO McHENRY PLAINDEALER - PAGE 25 -WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 24,1179 Sounds and looks great ••••••••••••••••••< IT'S MUSIC LOVERS will find the high performance and deluxe features they are looking for in this SyIvania compact stereo, Eirt of the company's 1979 product line introduced by eneral Telephone & Electronics Corporation. The built-in cassette tape deck with digital tape counter. Automatic Level Control and Auto-Stop at the end of the tape offer high quality sound and unusual flexibility. Other deluxe features include RSR automatic turntable, AM/FM tuning meter, scratch filter, loudness compensation switch, and cut/boost bass and treble controls. An excellent stereo amplifier means outstanding high fidelity sound and hours of listening pleasure. THURS., FRI., SAT. JAN. 25th, 26th, & 27th With Any Purchase of *5°° or More, Get... $|00 WITH THIS AD (ONE AD PER CUSTOMER) WHAT'S UP •$> 3421 B. Pearl St. McHenry, III. 1 Block North of 120 ' Kittv Corner to the City Park (815)344-2626 HOURS: Mon.-Thurs 11-10 C7/U }̂a±(iLon thursday, friday, Saturday january 25-26-27 fashion clearance Q=SARANCE on select groups of: 'Dresses •Coordinates •Sweaters •Gowns •Lingerie •Accessories DURING DOLLAR DAYS SAVE UP TO 50°/< -*A O t. (all sales refunds or exchanges) U&£ a±(iLon 1007 N. FRONT ST. (S. RTE. 31) McHENRY 385-7747 OPEN DAILY 9 TO 5:30 CLEABANffi MORE! AND SOMETIMES