Wander Lake Anne Sowers 653-9549 Council Members Chosen To Serve Naflvlty Lutheran At the recent annual congregational meeting, held * on Jan. 21, three new council members were elected to the board of Nativity Lutheran church. They are Charles Jacobson, Bob Manke, and Phyllis Mueller. In addition to thes# three new members, the .council consists of Bud Det- wiler, Jim Fornwall, Roger Hanseh, Harry Peters, Pete Peterson and Jon Siman. Other important business %as the election of Dottee - Jacobson to serve as the congregation's representative t6 the annual Synod convention this year. Sharoh Peters was elected alternate. Also voted on was the selling- of the par sonage, which was carried by a vote of 43-20. The Men's group (LCM) will sponsor its monthly breakfast on Saturday, Feb. 10, at 8:30 a.m. All men of Nativity and their friends are invited and encourrged to attend. The next regular meeting of the Ladies group (LCW) will be held Wednesday evening, Feb. 14 at 7:30 p.m. All women are invited. There has been a new bible study group formed which will be meeting every Wednesday morning at 9:30 a.m. A nursery is provided for babies and young children. Happy birthday to the following Nativity people: Feb. 1, Nelle Andrews, Tamara Lynn Motel, and Herbie Ropp; Feb. 2, Sharon Peters; Feb. 3, Efick Anderson and Kelly Fornwall; and Feb. 5, Len Benson. There were two very special occasions during the month of January at Nativity Lutheran church. Joshua Phillip Gates, . was baptized, and Candace Von Bergen and Jeff Johnson became husband and wife. Congratulations to all. "FANTASY ISLAND" Want to break away from all the snow? Why not let the Ladies Sodality of Christ the King church help you make that fantasy come true? On Saturday, Feb. 10, without really leaving Wonder Lake, you can voyage to an exotic island. For just one evening, "Old Man Winter" will depart and Christ the King church hall will be transformed into a tropical paradise. The Ladies Sodality is presenting "Fantasy Island", a dinner-dance where your very own wish may come true! The evening will begin with cocktails from 7-8 p.m. a delicious catered dinner will be served from 8 to 9 p.m., along with a stage show for your dining entertainment. Following dinner, there will be music to provide the mood of swaying palms and white sandy beaches. Let yourself in for a real treat. For reservations contact Wallie O'Brien at 728-0026, and make your plans to join us in paradise. There are only 200 • tickets available, so don't put off making your call. Tracy Stolle Publicity Chairperson T. ' \ PET IN ANIMAL TRAP In our recent bout with the snow, not only humans have been affected, but also our pets. Their spots for roaming, and most important, their normal places in yards for relieving themselves, have been altered because of the depth of snow. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Bendl recently had a frightening experience with their dog. He was let outside, but apparently got out of the yard over some of the high snow and was gone for a long time. When Pete and Marie, who are 77 and 76 years old, went to look for him, they saw him dragging himself back into their yard with a trap clamped around his leg. Being in so much pain, he could not be lifted into the car to be taken to a vet. At their age, this would have been an impossible task anyway. With much work and many tools, the trap was removed. Luckily he is a strong dog and is now doing fine. Mrs. Bendl has the trap and she would be happy to return it to the owner if he cares to stop by their home to pick it up. The Bendls live in Lookout Point subdivision. REGISTER TO VOTE I received a call from Peter Hellios who would like it known by new residents, or others who are not registered to vote, that he will be available at 7720 Oak road. This must be done in person, so you could stop over and become a registered Voter in a matter of minutes. NEW GREAT-GRANDSON The former Patricia Miloch, now Phillips and her husband are now the parents of a son, Josh Michael Phillips, born Jan. 29. He made his entrance into the world weighing 6 lbs. The proud great- grandparents are Pete and Marie Bendl of Wonder Lake. YOUNG AT HEARTS After many cancellations due to the bad weather, the Young at Hearts are back on schedule. They will be meeting today, Feb. 7, at Christ the King church hall, beginning at 11 a.m. Cake and coffee will be en joyed along with good con versation, after being stuck in for so many weeks. The next meeting will be Feb. 21. SPECIAL DAYS P h i l l i p F r e d e r i c h celebrated his birthday on Jan. 31 by receiving birthday spankings from his fellow CCD class members. That evening, he was treated to a dinner out by his parents. He also enjoyed being with some of his friends the following Saturday when they gathered at a favorite spot for hamburgers. Happy birthday to Ann Mrowka, who celebrated her special day on Feb. 5. Ann is promising that there will be no more snow after her birthday! COMMUNITY CALENDAR Feb. 10 - "Fantasy Island" dinner-dance, Christ the King church hall. Feb. 11 - Second Winter Carnival sponsored by the Laker's Snowmobile club at the Tri-Marine. Feb. 12-No school; Lincoln's birthday. Feb. 14 - Valentine's Dpy. Feb. 15 - Woman's Club Potluck dinner-meeting, Nativity Lutheran hall. Feb. 17 - Candle-light Bowl, sponsored by Co. 2 firemen's Auxiliary. Feb. 19 - Senior Citizens meeting, Nativity Lutheran church hall. Feb. 21 - Young At Hearts, Christ the King church hall. Feb. 26 - Appreciation dinner for CCD teachers at the "Old Mill Inn". SECTION 2-PA<;K 7-PLA1NDEALKR-WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 19T0 Hold Course In Area For Sanitation Certificate The Illinois Department of Public Health, in its new rules and regulations, require that by Jan. 1, 1980, every foodservice operation, restaurant, fast food, hospital and school, must be under the operation of a manager who has received a sanitation certificate from the state. The Chicago and Illinois Restaurant association has announced a course in this area at Old Courthouse Inn, 424 Oak- wood, Woodstock, Feb. 21, 28 And Save $8.80 Over Newstand Price FILL OUT AND MAIL OR BRING TO: McHENRY PLAINDEALER 3812 W. Elm St.. McHenry, III. 60050, with check or money order for *12.00 for on* year subscription within McHenry County. I I I I I I I I NAME | ADDRESS I CITY I ZIP MONEY BACK GUARANTEE FOR UNUSED PORTION" In winter. For the past several winters, many parts of the country have experienced energy shortages The oil and coal needed to make electricity couldn't be delivered. Rivers were frozen. Stockpiled coal was frozen solid The machinery to move coal was frozen As fuel ran low electricity had to be rationed Plants and schools were closed People were laid oft Shivering became the national pastime But not in •MM fWwyy it wasn't luck that got H us through those winters it Was nuclear power Over 40% of the electricity we make comes from nuclear fuel Because no matter how much it snows or how old it gets, nuclear fuel is available-weatherproof Enough uranium to provide all the electricity Commonwealth Edison electricity is made mostly trom abundant coal and uranium Thai helps to conserve the scarce tuels oil and natural gas we need for an Illinois winter can be stored in a onecar garage In summer. Nuclear power gives us the reliability we need to respond to summer peak demands -without brownouts In the last "decade, when growth of air conditioning helped increase demand for electricity more than 50%, Edison's nuclear stations had an unbroken record of summer availability Ana nuclear power is today's great energy bargain It costs about a penny a kilowatt hour less than coal and two to three cents ;ess than oil if we'd replaced our uranium with low sulphur western coal in 197? it would have cost an extra $280.000,(iDG'in fuel expense Oil or gas would have driver, the cost up to over one-half billion dollars Instead, the nuclear fuel we, used, the equivalent of 47,000 000 barrels of on, saved over 10% on your electric bill With our strong nuclear capability we're ready for the weather Let it snow Let it sizzle Cornrronwealth Edison Vfodcing tor you *4: 28 2.1 Million License Sets Mailed Secretary of State Alan J. Dixon said Jan. 31 that 2,179,989 sets of automobile license plates have been mailed from Springfield. "This clears up the bulk of mail order requests received in our office," Dixon said. "The 2.1 million plus sets of plates mailed this year is an increase of 417,316 over requests for special numbers last year. At this same time last year, we had just completed mailing the last of 1,762,673 sets of passenger automobile plates." From now on, the only ap plications handled in the Springfield office will be those that trickle in by mail-about 700 a day-and those sold over the counter at the Public Service center in the Cen tennial building. After the first week in February, Illinois motorists who order by mail cannot be certain they will receive their plates in .time for the midnight, Feb. 28, deadline. "J strongly urge motorists to purchase their plates over-the- cOunter in Springfield, at one of our facilities in Cook county or at one of the many Illinois banks and financial institutions that help us by selling license plates," Secretary Dixon said. "This is the only way they may be certain of having their plates before Feb. 28," he said. More than 6 million sets of plates are expected to be sold. More than half this number will be sold over the counter at financial institutions. "Many motorists wait until a week before deadline- sometimes even to the last day- -to purchase their plates and this results in impossibly long lines," Dixon said. "Banks already are advertising for their customers to come in right away to purchase plates and thus avoid a tie-up at the end of February." Drivers of leased and fleet automobiles will not be able to purchase plates at the com mercial financial institutions. Secretary Dixon said. These holders of the so-called "orange application" must purchase plates at one of the four secretary of state license plate facilities in Chicago, at the Centennial building in Springfield or order by mail within the next few days, said • Seek Leaders For Area Handicapped The Northern Illinois Special Recreation association is now accepting applications from persons interested in becoming day camp counselors, assistant counselors or program leaders for handicapped children and adults next summer. All college students who are home from school for the holidays are invited to contact NISRA at 1 C Crystal Lake Plaza. Room 114, or telephone 815-459-0737 for more in formation. Applications will be accepted until March 31 NAMED TO COMMITTEE Sen Jack Schaffer, R McHenry county, has been a p p o i n t e d R e p u b l i c a n spokesman on the Senate Public Health, Welfare and Corrections committee, and as a member of the Ap propriations II and Elemen tary-Secondary Education committees Schaffer is ser ving his seventh year a-s senator from the 33rd district The committee appointment, are for the two-year 81 General Assembly and March 7. The course will include the materials developed by the National Institute for the Foodservice Industry, home study assignments and only three classroom sessions, with a total of 15 hours classtime. The tuition covers book, materials, and certificates. For more information con tact the CIRA office at 312-372- 6200. SUBSCRIBE To The McHenry Plaindealer V\featherpiDcf ONLY $8 RENTAL • NO installation charge • NEW fully automatic softeners • TWO year option to buy with • FULL rental fee deducted • ONE phone call can answer any questions 312-259-3393 No. 1 in *hr» Fox Vi|l» ,tr SEE YOU LATER altntlna, I Mnt your body. Mr*. Laurie TO E<N. oti could If you would. And I tilnk you should. AHIo. BtUU HALL jt Valbntme's Day, ov» & ktiM tmn tne B.G. I mar not always understand, but I car* anoufk to try, so how about It, vatontlm? I ml is you As ai- ways no strl ^HIRLEY PETTERSON Naod you, B* my Day, daMIr IstM .from TIMOTHY & ETH DEAR JOANNE Happy Valentine s Day Don't let me wait too lone. _ Lava. George _ KEN Happy Valentine s Day! r. CAT tONNV--I love you more than ester day but less than tomorrow. _To»fo RICK loppy Valentine's Day from your & only. I love you. Love Betty 'ciicKdun ^ .lki «•»'™," rrniw*^ 9 * h ; y g I linet li^NIE WHlft h?edal Valentine. OEARr You will alw • , Your Valentine With A k'lNGTON Fall My L«*>* Jappy • •aether. Valentine Ad -lh i' t' no ft by you and 1 i Jl 1^ •• -- foN WEDNESDAY ' FEBRUARY . . . r . n b l i s h a HAPM rve aw Vail and wll e love ' •/ Hap <dv. K b ptr,( I LOVE 14pr>Y valI A P R Y R | ippy VaientiH •ever Denise Happy ' HAPPY valentinf-sday TO MY WIFE Th.nWYouForA Fabulou* 20 Year*. Henr> F EBRUARY ' Jjjfvaientine We wM publish a spec al V° in the classified Greeting page »n Tn . \ , SAMPLE SIZES cc vOUR AO AND USE THE H*,DV CO-£ £«££ CHECK OR MONEY ORDER TRY W050, MUST BE .Am h^gether wrn ft* wowh pie*vne •> *d 'even through fun so f now . S t i l l l o v i n g ' op.ng • the Ir are with is true. John. 1 JESSE l:t magnificent ypeomen I luman masculinity. |« you. Your Lo<er , GURIS UTev v..lb 1 Sv'via [EDDY BEAR Ihj forever, You'l! ">ve and together our love I Be! Love. Jimmy I ON HULT Is being my Valrnnne, I. Hampster Eyes VIN & WAYNE [tine's Day to the know me better tnan ' love me In spite ya'li too. Vera STEFAN0 ,love to the memory ould come .. .. . could tell rou were ' nf": II _ 1 | Nam® -- l Col x 2" S3°° I a"'*" Vt015WO»®SJ> \ 1 I | Number only you could tome utes. so I could tell It rou were abojt luld be without you lentine. An U DOTTIE >«utiful to -h else i cat a.i. >u vsvs it ail >av; Love Jonn IN KUS Ten e li-cct, Lr J living neo/en I lart Jerr* IMRS. lllZALDL b«/. Y... you, very MESSAGE <>F L°>F nnd D»d [E PUN* .ppy Valentines Love C PINK, BLUI BOBBY C^ Ba my Val DEBT f A.I R! Mcl LOVE YOU. ay. Love Shir a ICE CRYNS o a very special »u be m my Vali iu VI nee. ESSIC A To Mom From Mary & J'm 1 CoTTV^M50 . |ADD?T»ONAI ^°RdS I 1 EACH - irld'! I tor >ou CHRIS DE PASQl/fcLE" i ' l ° v e ' » » o s t r o n g t h a t y o u r , 'u \5*n *fouse love in me. Am ";ore worthy of being loved by YQu? $tev#