Supplement To: McHonry Ploindoolor, Havana Harald, Wood stock Doily Santlnol, Boocon Nows. Morris Harold, Hovono Shoppor, Pontloc Dally Loodor, Illinois Vollay Shoppar, Buraou County Rocord, Fox Vallay Shopping Naws, Konkakaa Daily Journol. tin® MS/ a9°/o BUY AND SAVE Prlcos offffoctivo whila qwontltios last. Wo rosorvo tha right to limit quantities. ab% £ 1 lb. Box Brack's® I Valentine Chocolates Ono off Brach's® ffinast box off c h o c o l a t o s i n dolicata docora- tivo box. 1 Lb. Bag Brach's® Convorsation Hearts T h a c a n d y avaryona lovas! , Graat Valantina CO°>w# treats! c\0 Rag.73C 2 lb. Box Brach's® Valentine Chocolates Brach's® brings you two pounds off dallcious choco latos. Rag. 7.87 1 lb. Box Brach's® Valentine Chocolates Dallcious, chawy c h o c o l a t o s i n lovoly "To My Valantina" box. Rag. 2.471 #too uH° 43% Big Value Pack Valentines -- 38 Ct. ?» • • e, Kidt lova thase dalightfful Val antina cardsl Stf1 / -t Reg. 67c Fan Pack Valentines -- 48 Ct. Charming Val antina* to trada with dassmatos and ffrionds. Rag.93< Someone loves Me igfy T-Skirt(wirii your town) 4N Tha ideal T-Shirt for Girls your Valentine I Has your town printed . on tha front! •§ Juniors THESE HORNSBY'S FAMILY CENTERS OPEN 9 to 9 DAILY & 10 to 6 SUNDAY *t. 34 t 47 Yorfcville, III. 110 Waverly Morris. III. Route 136 Havana, III. R t 6 6 & 1 1 6 Pontiac, III. U S 6 I R* 26 Princeton IB Market Ctr. McMenry, III. R o w ? * 4 7 Woodstock, III. 4S9 Kennedy Dr Bradley III.