SUPPLEMENT TO McHENRY PLA1NDEALER • PAGE H -WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21,1979 BEN FRANKLIN BUZZARD BONUS' BONANZA $ave on Clearance prices through out our store. Boys & Men's Shirts & Sweaters, Girls and Misses Tops*& Jeans all reduced at least 50% Sweaters Jrs. & Misses Originally $15-$19 Now at this one low price Children's Outerwear Entire stock Slacks Jrs & Misses Originally $13-$16 Now at this one low price Vl Price Cross Country Track Shoes Reduced to $5°° Girl's Sweaters Sizes 7-14 $300 THURSDAY NIGHT ONLY -- THURSDAY NIGHT ONLY FEBRUARY 22. 1979 New Spring Fabrics BONUS Free pair of scissors th Minimum $10 Fabric Purchase (1.99 Vafue) Limit J pair per\ust 20% OOFF BE READY FOR EASY SPRINGTIME entertaining with desserts like Fruit Fools. Apricot Fool, left, and Banana Fool, right, are sensational combinations of Swiss Miss refrigerated puddings, fresh and pureed fruit and whipped cream. 'Fruit Fools' are fun sweet family treats! Our Entire Stock of Fabrics Reduced Thursday Night Only. Buy Now for your Spring and Sum mer Wardrobe and Save. One Night Only. THURSDAY NIGHT ONLY -- THURSDAY NIGHT ONLY f ^ . *A* Don't Sleep Through Our Storewide BLIZZRRD Today the word "fool" may conjure up the image of someone silly or unwise, but years ago it was used as a special term of endearment. And that's how sweet Fruit Fools got their name. A delectable combination of Swiss Miss refrigerated- pudding, fresh or pureed fruit or fruit preserves and whip ped cream. "Fruit Fools" are the perfect ending to a springtime meal. You may want to take time to prepare your own fruit puree for fancier desserts, then dress up the Fruit Fools in beautiful parfait glasses. Or for quick 'n easy des serts you may want to simply blend together pudding and fruit preserves--both taken right from the refrigera tor--with whipped cream. Try your hand with differ ent combinations of puddings •JT MS and fruits. Here are two to whet your appetite and get your imagination going! BANANA FOOL 1 cup (4V4 OZ.) Swiss Miss Refrigerated Chocolate Pudding Vt- medium banana, mashed teaspoon vanilla Ml teaspoon grated orange peel Vi cup whipped cream Orange peel curls In a small bowl combine pudding, banana, vanilla and orange peel; mix well. Fold in whipped cream. Spoon into two dessert dishes. Garnish with orange peel curls. Makes 2 servings. APRICOT FOOL 1 cup (4V* oz.) Swiss Miss Refrigerated Vanilla Pudding V4 cup apricot puree or preserves Ml teaspoon grated lemon - peel V* teaspoon almond extract Mi cup whipped cream Green grapes . Walnut halves In a small bowl combine pudding, apricot puree, lemon peel and almond extract; mix well. Fold in whipped cream. Spoon into two dessert dishes. Garnish with grapes and walnut halves. Makes 2 servings. Discounts From ta%-sa% Huge Savings On Everything In Our Store tic IliCTIONH M AREAS OLDEST 4 LARGEST MUSIC ft ELECTRONICS SHOPPING CENTER SINCE 1964 Conveniently Located on Rt*i. 31 ft 120 - Mc Henry, III. (Across from Jewel) 385-4646 SNUGGLERS... Body pil ing in the winter sun are these California sea lions. The snoozers are wintering at Sea World in. Aurora, Ohio.