SUPPLEMENT TO McHENRY PLAINDEALER - PAGE 19 -WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 21, 1979 Small unit, big performance /J" THIS HIGHLY STYLED, versatile mini-tuner cassette, Model 3-5226, is new from General Electric. It fea tures FM/AM^radio, L.E.D. battery and record indica tion, electrical pause control and six function pushbutton operation. The Model 3-5226 also offers a digital counter with reset, a front fired speaker, au tomatic level control, and has a manufacturer's sug gested retail value of $104.95. Color TV prices run counter to inflation Color television prices have actually declined 43 percent over the past quarter of a century in sharp contrast to prices of such products and services as automobiles, health care and housing, ac cording to RCA. Roy Pollack, Vice Pres ident of RCA's Consumer Electronics Division, notes that since 1954 the average retail price of a color TV set has dropped from $1,000 to $575, despite tremendous advances in color TV set technology, reliability and safety. "The cost of living, as everyone knows, has gone up dramatically during the same time span. If color TV prices had kept pace with the Con sumer Price Index, the aver age retail price of a color TV set today would be about $1,300, or $725 higher than it now is," Mr. Pollock says. "Consumers are getting real value for their money today when they buy a color TV set," Mr. Pollock con tinues. He notes that color TV's price performance dur ing this inflationary period "is probably one of the strongest arguments for the free enterprise system." Since 1954, he points out, television manufacturers have had to contend with sharply higher costs of raw materials and labor, as well as the expense of adding such innovations as solid state cir cuitry, superior picture tubes, electronic tuning and controls, new fire-retardant materials and other features. In the past 10 years alone, when color TV prices have been holding steady, prices of washing machines have^, gone up 44 percent; room air conditioners, 34 percent; vacuum cleaners, 26 per cent; refrigerators, 39 per cent; clothes dryers, 54 per cent; ranges, 43 percent; and garbage disposals, 39 per cent. I n a d d i t i o n t o b e i n g technologically superior to the color TV sets of 10 or 20 years ago, today's receiver consumes about two-thirds less energy than its tube-type c o u n t e r p a r t s . R C A , f o r example, has a 13-inch color TV receiver that uses less electricity than a 75-watt light bulb. Mr. Pollack points out that there are approximately 130 million color and black- and-white television sets in American homes, or more t h a n t h e n u m b e r o f a u tomobiles, bathtubs;-' wash- • ing machines or refrigerators in use, and not far behind the. telephone. Make A^CIean Sweep At Our BLIZZARD SALE I WED., THURS., FRI., SAT. Feb. 21. 22. 23. & 24 •Picture Frames *Mat Boards • Art Supplies *Paints EVERYTHING IN OUR STORE 20% OFF! FOX RIVER VALLEY BOAT COMPANY 1310 N. Riverside Dr. }[ McHENRY 3S5-0454 m Coast to Goast "BLIZZARD BONUS BONANZA" 4 DAYS ONLY) FEB. 21 THRU 24 FEATURING W ALL ICE FISHINO 30-50%* EQUIPMENT OFF BOYS-GIRLS-MENSWOMENS SNOWMOBILE 4AO/ SUITS HURRY LIMITED SUPPLY! OFF FLEECE LINED MEN'S OLOVES $3*8 MERCHANDISE PRICED TO $ELL! CHILDREN'S SNOWMOBILE BOOTS 30°/c O OFF NEW & USED ICE SKATES 30%OFF SAVE THIS WED. THURS. FRI. & SAT! Coast to Coast McHENRY MARKET PLACE PHONE 385-6655