a1 PAGE 15 -PLA1NDEALER- FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23. 1979 *mw* * * Ifl CRAFT WORKSHOP PLANNED-Families at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church, 404 North Green street, McHenry, are being invited to a family craft workshop to be held Sunday, Feb. 25 from 2 to 4 p.m. at the church. The first item to be produced is a banner to be used by the congregation during the Lenten season. Future workshops will offer opportunities for people in the congregation with various skills to teach these skills to other people. All families in the parish are invited to participate. Pictured are some members of the church council discussing a family craft workshop. Seated, left to right are Robert Panning, Jerri Roland and Kristin Stuhr, standing, left to right, David Manzel, William Anderson, Ron Kot and Dr. Ken Falkinham. Gas Tax Hike Opposed McHenry county Republican State Rep. Cal Skinner. Jr., is calling on motorists and truckers in the six-county Chicago metropolitan area to vigorously oppose governor's call for an increased gasoline tax to build and repair roads until the RTA gas tax is abolished. "Even if the RTA gas tax is abolished, I don't think the state motor fuel tax should be raised any more than the cost of the RTA gas tax," Skinner said. The RTA gas tax is now a 5 percent sales tax. "There is absolutely no justification for the present RTA gas tax. People who must drive to work are being forced to subsidize those who are fortunate enought to be able to take public transportation. I challenge anyone to stand up in a public meeting in Chicago or the suburbs and debate the fairness of the RTA gas tax with me. "Motorists may also be in terested to discover that the average railroad commuter earned almost 50 percent more 1 Your teenager's attitude toward alcohol begins to form long before the legal age for drinking and is learned earliest in the home, say many experts on child be havior. Young people brought up by responsible adults are more likely to make the right decisions later on and more likely to realize that drinking too much too often is not grownup. (>ertTW 1 office The world's largest non-profit scientific and educational in stitution is the National Geo graphic Society, founded in 1888. than the average non-railroad commuter household, ac cording to the 1970 U.S. Cen sus," Skinner added. Skinner asks those willing to come to Springfield to testify against any state gas tax hike not accompanied by abolition of the RTA gas tax to contact him at his Springfield office, 2006 Stratton Building, Springfield, 111., 62706. vou can Bam on it! Prt'MMiled l>\ STATU BANK OF RICHMOND IIM'IIII M'I- K. I ) . I .C. At the bank, we're realistic. We know we need to make banking p l e a s a n t f o r o u r customers. And we know we have to make it effi cient, too. People don't like waiting in line to get their hands on their own monoy. We don't blame them. And they don't like impersonal service, either. Our bank is large enough to have a strong financial base, which is the first requisit for any business operation. And it's hard- nosed enough to insist on efficiency, which results in more convenience for our customers. But it's also small enough to present an atmosphere of courtesy and concern for the personal financial interests of every customer. Good service, with a minimum of waiting, is our stock in trade. If you need help with any banking service, see any of our officers. When they advise you on financial aid . . . you can BANK on it! (UOODUKRD HONDA V. Be Prepared for the warm weather ahead and SAVE with our FINAL CLEARANCE ON -- 1978's CB750F CB750K CB550K CB400I- CB400II •2098 •1998 •1850 •1250 •1350 (all prices plus tax & license only) FREE STORAGE TIL SPRING & "HONDA COUNTRY' 1039 LAKE AVE 338-4620 BUS. WT. 14 & RT. 47 WOODSTOCK / HITS THE MfiRK fiGfilH We've been practicing and we're right on target with the best deals in McHenry County. Come and test drive the proof. We dare you. WARNING: IF YOU DRIVE IT, YOU'LL FALL IN LOVE WITH IT. 1979 LTD •4895 1979 MAROUIS •4995 1979 FAIRMONT •3495 1979 THIMKMO 11979 COUGAR XR-7 •5125 1979 MUSTANG •3780 •5125 1979 GRANADA 1979 F-100 PICKUP •3895 1979 PRITO •2995 1979 E-100 CLUOWAGON •5295 1979 MONARCH •3995 PICKUPS, BRONCOS IN STOCK - IMMEDIATE DELIVERY V 1979 FORD F-150 4 X 4 V-8 engine. automatic trans., power power brakes, Ranger package, 3.400 Loaded! miles. I •7250 197B MONARCH 2 door, 6 cyl. angina, automatie f̂ians.. FM stereo, etr COM) , wtirtrwella, vinyl too •4695 1978 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL 2 door low mdeefa loaded. *9395 1978 THUNDERBIRD V-8 engine, automatic trans., air conditioning. I •5795 19TT COMET 2 door, 8 cyl. engine, automatic trans., tinted I i(fM air emditoninr oowar dorint ooworl brakes, wkitewalls, int. decor. •3195 1978 PONTIAC TRANS AM $6995 1977 F-100 FORD PICKUP V-8 engine, autometic transmission, power steering. •3595 197T BOBCAT 8 cyl. eng., auto, trans., power steering, power brakes, wkitewalts. rear win. dofoggei. •3195 1976 FORD GRAN TORINO WAGON V-8 engine, automatic transmission, radio, air conditioning, power steering, power •2695 1973 HOOK 4x4 V-8 engine. automatic transmission, power steering. •3495 1978 FAIRMONT 4 cyl. engine, auto trans., power steering. •3695 1977 CHEVROLET CARGO VAN V-8 engine, automatic trans., radio, steering, power brakes, low m customized interior •4595 1977 BUICK LeSABRE 4 door. V-8 engine, auto, trans., air cond, power steering, power brakes. •4495 1977 GRANADA V-8 engine, autometic trans., tinted glass, radio, air cond., power steering, power brakes. •3995 1975 DODGE V? TON PICKUP V-8 engine, euto. trans., power steering, cap •2995 1977 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 4 X 4 V-8 engine, eutomatic transmission, air conditioning, power steering, power brakes, low mileage •6695 1977 F-150 FORD PICKUP 8 cyl. engine, power brakes, special! •3495 1976 «MC MATADOR 4 door soden, V-8 engine, automatic trans., air conditioning, power steering, power brakes. •2095 1979 GRAHAM 6 cyl engine. 3 speed •2495 1973 DODGE % TON PICKUP V-8 engine, automatic trans., radio, power steering, power brakes. •1495 1977 TORB1TB Autometic transmission, radio, eir conditioning, power steering, power brakes, reer window defogger. •4395 1977 CMURO V-8 eng.. auto, trans., radio, aw cond.. power steering, power brakes. •4895 1975 CHEVROLET CAMARO V-8 engine, euto trans., power steering. •3495 1975 BUICK LeSABRE 4 door. V-8 engine, euto trans., air cond power steering, power brakes. •1755 COLD WEATHER SPECIAL 1972 KAWASAKI MOTORCYCLE 750a. shield •795 OlOODOIfRD&Y ROUTES 47 & 14/UI00DST0CK/338-6680 I