Convenient 24 Hour Depository °*Ki •d€VON Town-Country Tips by David Ploclw, Extension S«rvic« 338-3737 • 338 4747 NURSING SCHOLARSHIPS The Sherman hospital auxiliary has available a limited number of scholarships for students interested in a career in nursing. Completed applications for the nursing scholarships must be submitted to the hospital auxiliary by March 1. Call 455-3700 for more information. READY FOR SPRING-McHenry County college Agriculture students study the affects of plant regulators and herbicides by the use of the college's automatic spray booth. This will be one of the many types of equipment which will be shown at "Spring Green" open house March 17 and 18. MARRIA6E LICENSES Lieutenant Governor To Speak in Woodstock Applications for marriage licenses at the McHenry County Clerk's office were recently made by: Jackie L. Scott and Maria A. Cooper, both of Crystal Lake; Jeffrey A. Hanson and Donna K. Deckard, both of Crystal Lake; Robert E, Johnson and Diana M. Brenizer, both of Woodstock. Donald R. Yerkes, Elgin, and Darla J. Kozak, Algonquin; Gregory E. Homola, Cary, and Shelia G, Rowe, Woodstock; Timothy N. Traynor, Des Plaines, and Theresa E. Lang, Crystal Lake. Raul J. Hart, Twin Lakes, Wis., and Tracey J. Covell, Lake Geneva, Wis.; Arthur R. Peterson Jr. and Janet C. Rubenstein, both of Antioch; William M. Clardy Jr., Algonquin, and Dona V. Graff, Huntley. Gary S. Moore and Judith A. Kainz, both of Palatine; William R. Adams and Janet E. Heckathorne, both of Wood stock; Douglas A. Becko, Crystal Lake, and Yvonne M. Elfmann, Richmond. Robert J. Haerr, Holt, Mich.', and Toni M. TCratochvil, Wonder Lake; James T. Letizia and Rhonda A. Scarbrough, both of McHenry; Clay Kramka, Woodstock, and Kelly Kennedy, McHenry. Jay B. Childs, Car- pentersville, and Esther A. Cygan, McHenry; Charles H. Jumper and Madelon E. Roalsen, both of McHenry; Jose A. Gutierrez and Ruth Rodriquez. both of Harvard. Lt. Governor Dave O'Neal will be the honored speaker at the Woodstock Chamber of Commerce's annual dinner March 5 at the Moose lodge in that city. The dinner is at 7:30 p.m., with the cocktail hour from 6:30 to 7:30. Tickets for the dinner may be purchased by calling the Chamber, 338-2436. Prior to getting into politics O'Neal was a businessman and pharmacist. He is also a former ministerial student and served in the U.S. Marine corps for two years. O'Neal has gained a reputation for his outspokeness and "calls them as he sees them." As a former businessman he understands the problems of business. Nitrite in Bacon - During the past decade, the use of nitrates in curing meat has become increasingly controversial. Nitrite has been found to in teract with secondary and tertiary amines to produce nitrosamines-compounds that are carcinogenic to laboratory animals. Recent evidence suggests that sodium nitrite itself may be a carcinogen. The potential problems associated with use of these chemicals present a major dilemma to policymakers. Continued use could pose a significant longrun threat to public health. Prohibiting their use, however, may imply an immediate health threat from botulism (food poisoning caused by toxin from the baterium Clostridium botulinum). In addition, con sumers would need to adjust their eating patterns, and producers and meat processors would be required to make any resulting economics ad justments. e USDA Impact Report - A recent report by the U.S. Department of Agriculture studied the possible economic impacts from a ban on the use of sodium nitrite to cure bacon. The direct impact would probably increase food prices because of the increased costs of pork processing, lower hog production, and the increased demand for other meats. Net income from farming would also be lower, since the cost receipts from hogs and crops such as corn and soybeans would decrease. Pork is an unique product- Much of it is consumed as a breakfast item, substituting beef or poultry would not come about immediately if at all. There is also a large amount of lard in bacon. Increase lard production could lower soybean oil demand. This study, as the USDA described, presents only a snapshot view of the potential effects a ban on nitrite use might cause. Nevertheless, economic considerations are an essential part of a banning until verified health hazards are found and alternative safeguards are developed. Beef Supplies Decrease - Beef supplies could decline by 10 percent in 1979 according to Uriiversity Prices and Outlook Specialist Darrell Good. Pork and poultry will temper the price increases in beef, however. Good does not see the beef reduction offset by pork and poultry. We have been in the liquidation phase of the cattle cycle for 4 years The 1978 calf crop was 13 percent smaller than in 1975. The number of cattle weighing under 500 pounds on Jan. 1 was almost 25 percent less than 4 years ago. Cattle numbers may stabilize March 1 Is Deadline For Some Tax Returns March 1 is the deadline for some farmers and commercial fishermen to file their 1978 federal income tax return and pay any tax due, the Internal Revenue Service said. Persons who earned at least two-thirds of their 1978 gross income from farming or fishing and did not file a declaration of estimated federal individual income tax by Jan. 15, 1979, or pay any amount of estimated tax by this date, must file their return and pay all tax due by March 1, 1979, to avoid a penalty. 1~5 IVORCES Pineapple Salad Spoon drained pineapple chunks on crisp greens. Top with sour cream; garnish with chop ped, candied ginger. s Decrees and judgments of dissolutions of marriage recently granted by the 19th Judicial Circuit Court include: June A. Stuart and Lynn C. Stuart; Cheryl L. Schwanke and Gregory W. Schwanke; Edgar J. Frank and Virginia L. Frank. Hildegard R. Silva and Glen E. Silva; Esther Patrick and Thomas Patrick; Jacqueline A. Racas and Richard P. Racas. Venetta A. Johnson and Kenneth W. Johnson; James R. Slack and Marijane R. Slack; Deborah L. Redman and William C. Redman. Cynthia J. Herzfeldt and William F. Herzfeldt; Betty Jean Rossman and Eugene Charles Rossman, Thomas C. Adams and Jean C. Adams. Nancy Ann Larson and Charles William Larson; Kenneth J. Sandrik and Beverly J. Sandrik. BUDDY RICH CONCERT vOn March 8 at 8 p.m. Buddy Rich, one of the world's most exciting musical performers, will bring his band to the new Crystal Lake South high school. This is a charity event in behalf of the students' Activities fund. Tickets may be purchased at the door. NOW OPEN Lobby and this year with the rebuilding phase gaining momentum during 1980. Heifers kept for breeding and cows not being culled during this rebuilding will further decrease beef supplies as 1979 progresses. The supply and demand forces of the beef industry have been hard at work. A Calendar-Schedule - Hanging next to your calendar the "All New" Illinois Fruit and Vegetable Garden schedule will put you on top of the gardeners list in your neighborhood. From January through December, you'll know what to do to make your fruit and vegetable crops first place produce Our supply of these garden schedules should arrive soon Stop by or call for a copy. The way I see it - even if you do not do everything on the schedule it is interesting to know what can be done. Weather Outlook - Even the word March 'spells relief to many. As a good friend on^e told me though, a person must look for the good in the world < I guess weather is included). According to, "Weather Trends" general estimates of March and April weather conditions are as such. March temperatures should appear as near normal with precipitation slightly less. April tem peratures could be slightly cooler with wetter than normal precipitation. ( • r o u n d s M a i n t e n a n c e Program - Pruning, turf care, and finding those "hard to find" products are three of many subjects to be presented March 14 at the DuPage County PAGE 3 - PLAINDEALER - WEI Fairgrounds in Wheaton. Call us or write Jim Schuster, Cooperative Extension Service, 421 N. County Farm road, Wheaton, 60187. Chemicals for 1979 - According to Less Finder, Marengo Vo-Ag instructor "Chemicals for 1979" is the next session of the winter adult series Harold Miller, PAG-Garden Prairie, will review the latest recom mendations from the University of Illinois and University of Wisconsin for weed, insect and disease control. The program begins at 7:30 p.m. in the Ag Dept (go around the north side of the school to the east side Ag shop). Snacks are served after. Legal Notice i MEETING NOTICE The Nunda Township Cemetery Trustees will hold their regular Board meeting on Tuesday, March 20th. 1979, at 7:30 P.M., at the Township Office, 95 Grant Street. Crystal Lake, Illinois. Anita Sherwood Executive Secretary Nunda Township Cemetery Funa Dated: February 21, 1979 iPub. Feb 28. Mar. 7 & 14.1979) r HOSPITAL NOTETI MC HENRY Admi s s i o n s : T e r r a n c e Gaylord and Danny Ackerman of McHenry, and Brad Rowning of Woodstock. WOODSTOCK MEMORIAL Admissions: Peter Nowell and Victor Justus of McHenry; , FEBRUARY 28. 1979 BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Ken (Kathyi Maxson, 4706 Home avenue, McHenry. became the parents of their third child when Adam Paul was born Feb. 18 at McHenry hospital. The 8 lb 94 oz. boy has a brother. Brad, 4, and a sister, Deanna, 2. Maternal grand parents are Delmar and Viola Borta of Wonder Lake. Elizabeth Engels. McHenry, is the paternal grandmother. Lake Forest hospital was the setting for the Feb 11 birth of Ryan Lowell Morenz, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul C Morenz, 4306 W. Ponca, McHenry. Baby Ryan's older brother is Eric Eugene. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Lowell A Turcotte, arid paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Eugene Morenz. all of McHenry Born Feb 22 at Memorial hospital for McHenry county. Woodstock, to Mr and Mrs. Michael Lee, McHenry. a boy. Mrs Anna Lincoln, Mrs. Donna DeWitt and Mrs. Mary Martin of Wonder Lake, and Charles Petska of Spring Grove. HARVARD Admissions: Andrew Turek of McHenry and Mrs. Viola Nordmeyer of Wonder Lake. We're Here To Serve YOU!!!! Let these Labels be your guide to Spring Fashion. Dynamite Collection of Spring Coordinates Here Now and More to Come! McHenry Market Place Beauty Salon 385-4520 Daily 9-9, Sat. 9-6, Sun. 10-5 TWO DRIVE-UP WINDOWS Ready to help you with your Banking Transaction at Whispering Point Office are left to right, Joanne Eppers, Judy Beres, Joyce Diedrich & Assistant Vice President, Bob Power. DRIVE UP AND LOBBY HOURS Monday . . . 8:30-4:30 Tuesday . . . 8:30-4:30 CLOSED WEDNESDAY Thursday . . . 8:30-4:30 Friday . . . 8:30-7:30 Saturday .'. . 8:30-3:00 McHenry State Bank Crystal Lake Road/Lillian Street and 3510 W. Elm Street McHenry, Illinois 385-1040 fJWI HOUSMC LENDER