m - PAGE 1C - PLAINDE ALEE - FRIDAY, MARCH 2.197* Keepin' Healthy ' Cardiopulmonary resus citation (CPR) has received a lot of public at tention recently, and thousands of people have been instructed in the correct method of providing this emergency procedure. Many successful attempts at saving lives through CPR have been publicized in newspapers and on television. There are still many people, however, who are not familiar with CPR. What is it...and can it-really save lives? ~CPR is, 1 simply, an emergency method of restoring breathing and-or heartbeat when they have suddenly shopped. And, yes, when properly applied, CPR does save lives. Almost anyone can learn the CPR emergency procedure. It's not difficult, and can be learned with about four hours' instruction from a qualified instructor. CPR can, and often is, a real life saver, as it provides proper care within minutes after the heart or lungs have stopped. I those first few minutes are Mark Twain Back At Opera House "Mark Twain in Person" returns to the Woodstock Opera House for two performances Friday and Saturday, March 16 and 17, at 8:15 p.m. Starring professional actor Richard Henzel, "Mark Twain" played to capacity audiences during his visit in October, 1978. Henzel has spent ten years of research on his charac- terazation of Mark Twain, which is based on material drawn from the life and work of Samuel Langhorne Clemens. In May of last year, Henzel spent eleven days, along with John Hartford and Sheila MacRae, aboard the stern- wheeler Delta Queen travelling up the Mississippi river from New Orleans to Cincinnati portraying Twain and his original script, "Mark Twain in Person". The river cruise also included lectures and discussions conducted by some of America's top scholars and authors on Twain and Mississippi river history. The trip provided Henzel with experiences which often duplicated Twain's first en counters with riverboat life. "That trip provided me with the opportunity to interview some of the true, surviving river men, to try my hand at steering and talk below decks with crew members, but mostly to tell Twain tales by the hour," explained Henzel. Henzel's impression of an aging Twain standing at the podium is intended to be both convincing and authentic. Amidst clouds of cigar smoke he surmises, "Never smoke more than one cigar at a time.. And I never smoke when I'm asleep." Henzel has prepared an almost entirely new script for his performances iiC^ March, including some of Twain's observations in honor of St. Patrick's day. Ticket reservations or fur ther information may be ob tained by calling the Woodstock Opera House ticket office, Tuesday through Saturday from noon to 5:30 p.m. Horticulture Students Legal Notice Leaders At Workshop Margaret Demus, instructor in the horticulture department at McHenry County college, and four horticulture students will be leaders at the "Gar dening for Food and Fun Workshop" which will be held at Rock Valley college in Rock- ford Saturday, March 3, from 9:30 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. The workshop is open to the public and will include topics on insects and diseases, natural landscaping and vegetable gardening. ^ The workshop will begin at 9:30 a.m. with registration. Workshops will include seven different areas and will be set up in 1-hour periods. The workshop will be held in the Rock Valley college student center at 3301 North Mulford road, Rockford. PUBLIC NOTICE Village of Sunnyside Vehicle Tag Deadline Failure to display 1979 Vehicle Tags will result in a ticket and a minimum fine of $5.00. Fine to be paid at the time ticket is issued. Betty Messer Village Clerk (Pub. March 2,1979) Hair Styling Men's hair styles have probably undergone more changes in the past 15 years than in the preceding 50! When a man selects a hair style today, he wants one to suit his lifestyle, as well as his features and the texture of his hair. itical! If the brain goes four t$ six minutes without oxygen, i^ could be permanently damaged, even if the victim survives. •CPR can be used to revive victims of many too-common incidents, such as heart attack, electric shock, suffocation, near drowning, drug overdose oa auto accident. Heart attack, irfcidentally, is the biggest medical emergency in the United States today. More than 700,000 people suffer heart attack every year...and over half of them die before they arrive at the hospital. Although CPR is easy to administer, you must learn the technique by taking a CPR course. This is necessary because, only by taking the course can you learn to per form CPR safely and ef fectively. An incorrect procedure might not revive the victim, and poor technique could result in bone fractures or lung and liver damage. If you take a course taught by a qualified, certified instructor, you will learn to recognize when CPR is necessary and how to revive the victim. CPR is> taught using life-sized manikins equipped with "breathing" and "heartbeat" devices. Students practice the technique on the manikins, under close supervision of the instructor. CPR training may also include lectures, demons t r a t ions , s l i de presentations, movies or other programs. After you have mastered the basic steps, you will receive further instruction in dealing with situations that require a special approach. It's usually recommended that you take a refresher course after one year, and then at least one every three years after that. Cardiopulmonary resus citation can make the dif ference between death and years of useful life. Why not take a basic CPR training course so that, if you are on the scpne when someone's breathing or heart stops, you will know how to save a life. If you want more informaiton about CPR, or want to find out where you can get CPR trtuning, contact your local health department, or Heart Association office, or write to: Illinois Department of Public Health, Division of Emergency Medical Services, 525 West Jefferson, Springfield, 111. 62761. A MAN'S MANfe shouldn't be his hasslel As men accustom them selves to thia new self-ex pression, many are discover ing the particular attract iveness and convenience of permanent styling. The simple permanent style is a boon to the athletic man who often showers several times a day. The per manent wave reduces his hair care to a bare minimum. Blow drying is usually un necessary, and even combing cam-often be dispensed with. Men with straight, rel- tively thin ,or fine hair can achieve handsome fullness with a body wave, while those who are drawn to the more dramatic can choose one of the striking styles that permanents make pos sible. » Employer Tax Credits In remarks before the Illinois Employment and Training council, Roger Blood, of the U.S. Department of Labor, said tax credits of up to $4,500 of an employee ' s wages a r e available to Illinois firms who hire the economically disad vantaged. Blood said the purpose of the credits is to provide an advantage in the labor market for those who have the most difficulty in finding employment. For details, employers should contact the Governor's Office of Manpower and Human Development (217-785-3165). THE Furniture Hospital CRYSTAL LAKE UPHOLSTERY SHOP "S REPAIRING t REGLUING Larry A Jim Seymour- 815/459-0653 If yow'v* «v«r considered buying a brand now Hondo or thought about trading up, now'i the time to spring Into action I Chock our attractive sale prices. 1978's CB750F CB750K CB550K CB400I CB400II Z50A -- *1250 (all prices plus tax ft license only) FREE STORAGE TIL SPRING -yC* "HONDA COUNTRY' 1039 LAKE AVE 338 4620 BUS. RT. 14 & RT. 47 WOODSTOCK Workdays 10-7; Saturday 9-4; Closed Sunday Who's Changed? "Has your wife changed very much since you married her?" "1*11 say--my habits, my friends and my hours." No Use Whatever If at first you don't succeed Try and try again. Then quit. There's no use being bull- headed about it. , Fox Valley Antique S h o w S e t M a r c h 9 - 1 1 Travel Series Program Moved To New Location The Fox Valley Antique show and sale for the benefit of Community hospital, Geneva, will be held March 9,10, and 11 at the Kane county fairgrounds, ISt. Charles. The fairgrounds is located between Routes 64 and 38 on Randall road. The hours of the show are 11 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday and 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday. Tickets may be purchased in advance or at the door. The Travel and Adventure series travelogue program sponsored by the Kiwanis club of Crystal Lake March 6 has been moved from Crystal Lake Central high school to the new South Crystal Lake high school located on south McHenry avenue at Dartmoor drive. The change is necessary because the district high school basketball tournament will be in progress at Central high. The program presented by Jim McDonald will be "King Arthur's Britain". The travelogue programs scheduled for March 27 and April 24 will be at Central high school auditorium as originally planned. It is hoped by the committee that ticket holders will check with friends who have tickets to remind them of this change to South high school March 6. r© havt a nice WMkend, TEACH SOMETHING! HONDA RED TAG nil HHH In Anxious to moke the right arrangements for your wedding? The details fall into place after a Welcome Wagon NEARLYWED PARTY. * We have some lovely gifts for you. Plus useM suggestions and helpful information from a wide range of wedding professionals. Call and let's reserve a place for you. Carolyn Farrington 385-7980 I m usually at home BRAND NEW SUMP PUMP *140 FOR THE THHW ?8983 REG. PRICE While They Last Only Vs H.P. - Pumps up to 54 gal. per minute. •Automatic switch for water level ^Operates on 115 volts •Fits 12" dia. & larger - 14" & deeper Sump pits •Quality construction •Nationally known oil filled motor for dependable long service McHenry Electric Company SALES & SERVICE REPAIRS & REBUILDING AC DC MOTORS - TRANSFORMERS - CONTROLS 4012 W. Main St. McHenry, Illinois 60050 COME IN OR CALL TODAY (815)385-5530 When you add it up we have a savings plan to fit every need. Whether your're planning a long term or short term investment, it adds up for you to save with us. Because whichever savings plan you Choose, certifi cate/ 90-day or regular passbook, we pay the nation's highest legal rate of interest. And every penny of your money is protected by the FSLIC, a permanent agency of the federal government, up to $40,000. So before investing your hard earned money, stop by any of our three convenient offices and talk over your investment goals with one of our friendly savings counselors. It all adds up for you to save at McHenry County's oldest and largest savings and loan. 7Vi°/o Certificate Account 7.90% annual yield** 4 year maturity $1,000 minimum balance 51/4% Regular Passbook Account 5.39% annual yield** Maturity--none $5.00 minimum balance 6%% Certificate Account 7.08% annual yield** 30 month maturity $1,000 minimum balance Money Market Certificate Account Interest rate is fixed at' 1/4 % above current weekly Treasury bill auction yield. 26 week maturity $10,000 minimum balance 8% Certificate Account 8.448% annual yield** 8 year maturity $1,000 minimum balance * 6V2 % Certificate Account 6.81% annual yield** 1 year maturity $1,000 minimum balance "Certificates withdrawn prior to maturity earn at regular passbook rate less 90 days interest. 'When savings remain untouched and earnings are allowed to accumulate for one year. a HUSK K9RG 7%% Certificate Account 8.17% annual yield** 6 year maturity $1,000 minimum balance 53/4% Golden Passbook Account 6.002% annual yield** 3 month maturity $500 minimum balance mfs MARENGO F E D E R A L S A V I N G S and loan association . MARENGO: 220 E. Grant Highway . 815/568-7258 . McHENRY: 4400 W. Route 120 . 815/344-1900 • WOODSTOCK: 118 Cass Street. 815/338-2900