Your Mental Health Mental Health Jargon Recently, a friend confided to several co-workers during a coffee break, "I've decided to go into analysis." "What's analysis," one employee asked, "and how is analysis different from psychotherapy or counseling?" "For that matter," another joined in, "what about psychological expressions like • ' n e u r o t i c ' ' a n d "psychosomatic" we hear bandied about. What do these really mean?" Maybe you, too, have had a similar reaction to such words, so defined below are a number of commonly-heard terms related to the mental health field. Neurosis refers to a person's poor adjustment to life situations, triggered by not dealing with an unconscious conflict. Anxiety may be directly felt or changed to result in other troubling symptoms. Neurpses are grouped according to characteristics and several classifications are: anxiety neurosis characterized by anxious overconcern; and depressive neurosis which may be linked to loss of a loved one or a possession. Depression is a feeling of unhappiness or sadness or dinarily experienced by everyone. However, depression manifested by a mentally ill person refers to a specific psychiatric diagnosis of longer duration in which a person's mood may be accompanied by slow thinking and a noticeable decrease in physical activity. Furthermore, there are a number of types of depression and the symptoms may vary in different age groups. A developmental disability is a handicap attributable to mental retardation, cerebral palsy, epilepsy or autism. Such a disability begins before age 18, may continue indefinitely, and is considered a major disadvantage to the individual. Mental retardation may be evident at a child's birth or indicated later on during his development, and is marked by intellectual functioning far below average. Learning, social adjustment, and general maturity are hampered, and emotional disturbance may also be present. Causes of mental retardation included infections occurring during pregnancy such as German measles; injury at or following birth; metabolic or nutritional d i s o r d e r s i n c l u d i n g malnutrition. Retardation is measured in terms of IQ : borderline (70-85), mild (50-70), moderate (35-50), severe (20-35), and profound (under 20). li a person's IQ is above 50, he is usually " e d u c a b l e " a n d - o r "trainable," which means that he may be able to complete a fourth or fifth grade education which would enable him to contribute to his own support. Schizophrenia refers to a number of disorders manifested by disturbed thought, mood and behavior. Thought disturbances are marked by misinterpretation of reality and • sometimes delusions and hallucinations. Behavior may be withdrawn and bizarre and mood changes may include ambivalence, inappropriateness, and lack of empathy for others. Autism is usually a form of childhood schizophrenia, often marked by extreme with drawal and self-preoccupation. Depending on the condition's severity, a child's perceptions about the real world may be fuzzy, distorted or omitted altogether. A psychosomatic condition refers to the interaction bet ween the mind (psyche) and the body (soma). Psychosomatic illnesses usually apply to aJments in which physical symptoms are obvious but the cause may be stimulated by emotional cir cumstances. Psychosis refers to a major mental disorder which hinders a person's ability to think, r e s p o n d e m o t i o n a l l y , remember, communicate, see reality, and behave ap propriately. The term is ap plied to a number of conditions including manic-depressive psychosis and schizophrenia. Psychotherapy is a major treatment method used by a number of mental health specialists including clinical psychologists, social workers, and psychiatrists for treating mental and emotional disor ders and is based upon verbal or non-verbal communication. Psychopharmacology in volves the use of medication or drugs that can help alleviate symptoms and make an in dividual more responsive to psychotherapy. v Psychoanalysis is a theory of human behavior and development, a method of research, and a system of p s y c h o t h e r a p y o r i g i n a l l y developed by Sigmund Freud. In their relationship, the patient and psychoanalyst together explore the patient's experiences, thoughts, dreams. Through discussion the patient becomes aware of his un conscious problems such as anxiety, and how to cope with their influence on everyday life. A clinical psychologist has a gradute degree, usually a Ph.- D., focusing on the study of human behavior and development. He receives additional supervised training and experience in a clinical setting (hospital, mental health center) and specializes in p s y c h o l o g i c a l t e s t i n g , evaluating, treating and preventing mental and emotional disorders, as well as educating the mentally han dicapped. N A psychiatric social worker has specialized training leading to a graduate degree in social work (M.S.W. or D.S.W.). This specialist may use social work techniques such as case work, group work, and community organization in a psychiatric or mental health setting. A psychiatrist is a licensed physician who specializes in diagnosing,- treating, and preventing mental and e m o t i o n a l d i s o r d e r s . Generally, his training inc)udes a premedical university education, medical education, leading to a medical degree, and three or more years of residency training with ad ditional training beyond, in order to enter a sub-specialty like psychoanalysis or child psychiatry. Only a physician can prescribe medication. For additional information on any mental health subject contact your regional IDMHDD office or your community mental health center. Muxed Ip One day a little girl was heard talking to a neighbor child with whom she was play ing cowboys. "You be Wild Bill Hick- up," she said, "and I'll be Wyatt Burp." 4 Perspective NUCLEAR NEWS Bv RONALD REAGAN The scene: board room of Dimlit Industries, Inc., world's largest maker of candles and world's only surviving manufacturer of buggy whips and whale oil lamps. The board of directors meeting has just begun: CHAIRMAN: Gentlemen, first I would like to report on last year's progress. Despite the fact there are almost no hippies left anywhere, we sold more candles than ever before. Our field research shows that more housewives than ever are using candlelight to disguise burned roasts and their husbands favor it to make cheap wine seem more romantic. DIRECTOR No. 1: Fine, Mr. Chairman, but I worry about the Buggy Whip division. Last year, it seems to me, we were barely hanging on. CHAIRMAN: Ah, yes, but remember the future promise of this division. We have been positioning ourselves carefully for the day the western world runs out of oil and stops making automobiles. The auto com panies will go in the carriage business and we'll have the buggy whip market all to ourselves. Meanwhile, our research department reports that the horse population is growing. That's all to the good. Now. so far as our Whale Oil Lamp division is concerned, it is true it has been kept alive by sales to a few remote islands in the Bering Strait and some off Patagonia, but -- again -- the promise of future markets had seemed very bright, as fewer and fewer nuclear power plants were approved for con struction. We had more than a little to do with that, as you know. Our publicity depart ment supplied the anti-nuclear demonstrators with pamphlets filled with hysterical assertions about horrible accidents that would not happen in a million years - that sort of thing. And our support for that Clamshell Alliance (we supplied their placards) has virtually stopped the Seabrook plant in New Hampshire'. But I must now report that we have been dealt a severe blow. DIRECTOR NO. 2: No, you don't mean... CHAIRMAN: I'm afraid so. That federal judge in California has ruled that the state's Energy commission, which was using a 1976 law demanding impossible waste disposal technology as an excuse to deny nuclear plant-permits, can't do that any longer. He ruled that the federal government had preempted the field. DIRECTOR NO. 1: In other words, all the money we sent the Anti-Nuclear Legal Defense fund is down the drain? CHAIRMAN: Perhaps not. Gov. Brown's people are going to appeal „ but they used all sorts of stalling legal tactics to delay the judge's decision and thatjs a sure sign of a weak case. Besides, the legislative counsel and the attorney general in California also say Spiess is Headquarters for finest quality famous maker coats and something more • we otter many fine services • we offer charge card con venience • we offer several payment plans • we offer quality alterations • we offer personal attention • we offer pleasant surroun dings • w e o f f e r g u a r a n t e e d satisfaction V X - % * First for Fashion, Elgin Crystal Lake Exact copies of London Fog by the people who know them best! (and at dollars less) All-Weather Coats by Clipper Mist a Division of London Fog Clipper Mist Division of London Fog has copied line for line, two of their traditional classics in confin ed Claeth Clothh (65% Fortrel polyester, 35% combed cotton). You'd think you're wearing a Lon don Fog, but the label says "Clip per Mist." A) Exact copy of London Fog "Alison" style that sells for 95.00. Double breasted trench coat, 8-18 and petites 6 16, in British tan, or natural. Clipper Mist price 75.00. Spiess Sale Price -- 5400 B) Exact copy of London Fog "Lady Poole" coat that sells for 80.00, but the label says "Clipper Mist." Classic balmacaan, 10-20 a n d p e t i t e s 6 1 6 , t a n o r n a v y . C l i p per Mist price 55.00. Spiess Sale Price-- 44#0 BETTER COATS, ELGIN, CRYSTAL LAKE flfeW BUY W,TH CASH 0R Y0UR SPIESS CREDIT CARD Mdtirr Bdnk Amenid<d V \<;i JI PI. AINDKALKR - WEDNESDAY. MARCH 21,197» that the states Energy com- MARKETING DIRECTOR: mission doesn't have Good idea, chief. Here's jurisdiction to turn down another one. Those anti-nuclear permits on the grounds tha^- demonstrators we've been disposal technology isn't good supporting here haven't said a peep about the Russians' nuclear development and the Soviets are going a mile-a- minute to build nuclear plants. Once they finish. that's the end of sleighs in those cold Russian winters and that means cur tains for our buggy whip sales. Why don't we charter a few planes to send those anti-nuke people over to Moscow to raise a ruckus. That'll make the 6 o'clock news if anything will. % ais Enough. Add to that the fact "that the technology really is good enough - our friends were just blowing smoke -- and you have a very bad situation for the future of Dimlit Industries. If nuclear plant construction starts up in earnest again here in the U.S.. we are in deep trouble. DIRECTOR NO. 3: Who was responsible for the California lawsuit? CHAIRMAN: One of those public interest law firms, the Pacific Legal foundation. I wonder. Maybe we ought to hire them to sue the public utilities for discrimination against whale oil producers. Perhaps there's a new marketing angle there we haven't thought of. C H A I R M A N : S m i t h e r s , you're a genius. We'll look into it at once Just like our friends the anti-nuclear demon strators, you're a man true to Dimlit's slogan: "Today the 19th century; tomorrow the 18th." Model Railroad Display The Lake County Model Railroad club's huge display of th "Wauconda Central" will be open to the public Saturday, Mara 24, and Sunday, March 25, from 11a.m. until 6 p.m. Visitors will see several trains operating simultaneously over the club's 1,200 feet of track, which winds its way between realistic plaster hills, through half a dozen tunnels and over more than a dozen bridges. The layout, which fills most of the club's 30x60-foot room, was started in March, 1972, and has been expanding ever since. Although it appears completely finished, the club is continuing to build and improve its miniature railroad, adding both details to the scenery and additional control capability to an already intricate control system. To date, the club estimates that approximately 11,000 man-hours have gone into construction, and there is much that can be done. The club is located in the basement at 109 S. Main street (near entrance) in Wauconda, under a barber shop. Admission is free. For further information contact Norm Kocol, 815-675-6297 evenings. Swine Journalist, Radio Personality At Dinners Rex Whitmore of the National Hog Farmer magazine and Max Armstrong of WGN-TV will be featured speakers at local producer organization meetings this week. The ItycHenry-Lake Pork Producers and the McHenry County Livestock association will be holding their respective annual dinners March 22 and 24. The Swine Producers will be meeting at the Raindancers restaurant (formerly Pal's) in Woodstock Thursday evening, March 22, at 7 p.m. The Livestock association will meet at the Heritage House in Harvard Saturday, March 24, at 6:30 p.m. Jim Pedersen, Swine Producers president, and Dan Walters, Livestock association president, explained that reservations can still be made by calling them. Livestock association state president, John Raske, and Pork Producers district Director, Gary Johnson, will also be attending the banquets. 4-H Demonstration, Speaking Workshop How to handle gestures, developing your introduction and video taping of young people giving a short "canned" speech will be some of the highlights of the McHenry county 4-H demonstration and Public Speaking workshop. It will be held in conjunction with the McHenry County college at 8900 W. Rt. 14, outside of Crystal Lake, Thursday, March 22, at 7:15 p.m. "The idea of the workshop is to give some guidance in the areas most beginners run into problems with when giving a speech or demonstration", states Craig Scheidecker of McHenry County Cooperative Extension service, agriculture adviser. Local speech team coaches from Woodstock and Crystal Lake will be giving guidance in areas they see as problems for most beginners as well as helping point out the strong points of each speaker and locating areas the person could work on to develop to his highest potential. Demonstrations constitute the second area of the program Demonstrations are a popular activity in 4-H because they give members a chance to show what they have learned in the project they conduct Details will be discussed on how to give an effective demonstration as well as how to organize one. The workshop will be a forerunner to upcoming con tests in which McHenry county 4-H'ers will exhibit their demonstrating and public speaking abilities April 4 and M a y 2 , r e s p e c t i v e l y F o r f u r ther information concerning McHenry county 4-H youth a c t i v i t i e s , c o n t a c t t h e University of Illinois Cooperative Extension service in Woodstock iuiler Window and Wall Decor ELGIN FREE PARKING CRYSTAL LAKE FREE PARKING JANE PAGE. PERSONAL SHOPPER mlwUlii tirct^twurvupp«f EIqw Ptan Parking Direct entry mto Spiess thru enclosed ramp » Convenient tree parting tpf 2300 cars at Crystal Point Mali ^or^Eig^wt^cainjerjW^OOO^o'JfcHenn^Cc^^ DQSZESfc 1 LI («15)344-1883 -;j!"y»- | r