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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Apr 1979, p. 2

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I'-UiF 2 - FI.AINDEAl.KR - WEDNESDAY. APRIL 18.1978 o± {jCy <£, ocux [ J Jim K . f Y 1 I J •y % MR. AND MRS. HOMER DANIELS HOME IN MARSEILLES - After a 3 p.m. double ring ceremony in Christ the King church. Wonder Lake, March 31, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Daniels are making their home in Marseilles, 111., and will take a delayed honeymoon to Hawaii in June. The bride, the former Kimberly Dale Street, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Street, Wonder Lake. Mr. and Mrs. William Daniels, Houston, Texas, are the parents of the groom. The bride is a 1972 graduate of McHenry high school and received a special education degree from Illinois State university in 1976. The groom graduated from Marseilles high school in 1972, and spent two years at Elmhurst college. After the ceremony, a reception for 250 guests was held at Chapel Hill Country club. DON PEASLEY PHOTOGRAPHY Johns burg PTO Plans Fun Fair The Johnsburg PTO will sponsor its annual fun fair at Bush school from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, April 21. Special features this year are the Serendipity Shop and Computer Pic-T-shirts. Games will include the fish pond and bean bag toss. Proceeds from this event are used to purchase needed items for the school districts. Square Dance Set April 22 The Rainbow Ramblers square dance club of Wauconda invites all square dancers to join with them April 22 to "Swing Round Into Spring". The dance will be held at the Robert Crown school in Wauconda from 7 to 10 p.m. IRobert Crown school is located just west of Route 12 on Bonner road. SPRING SALAD LUNCH GALS of Faith Presbyterian church are having their annual salad luncheon Saturday, April 21, starting at 11 a.m. En­ tertainment will be provided by the Grant high school Swing Choir. Faith church is located at the corner of Lincoln and Chapel Hill roads. Tickets will be available at the door. Pancake Breakfast Slated By McHenry County Birthright A Pancake Breakfast, sponsored by Birthright, will be held Sunday, April 22, in St. Patrick's hall in McHenry. Time will be from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. for enjoyment of a delicious breakfast. Birthright of McHenry county offers free emergency service to distressed pregnant women, believing every pregnant woman has the right to give birth and every child has the right to be born. spurgeons Hove The Exact Length You Want At Savings CUSTOM LENGTH DRAPERY SALE 25% OFF REG. PRICE APR. 16-APR. 30 This is your opportunity to take advantage of huge savings on custom length window treatments . . featuring a large variety of fabrics . . lined and unlined. Redecorate for Spring by ordering TODAY! Just measure your desired width and length and we will do the rest. McHenry Market Place Beauty Salon Phone 385-4520 Daily 9-9, Sat. 9-6, Sun. 10-5 Ambutal Shows Lamaze Movie The Lamaze childbirth film, "The Story of Eric" will be shown April 20 at 7:30 p.m. at the Ambutal in Crystal Lake. The film showing is sponsored by the childbirth instructors from SCOPE - Successful Childbirth and Organized Parent Education, a member of the International Childbirth Education Association. The instructors will be present to answer questions about types of prepared childbirth classes offered by SCOPE. The classes are available in Cary, Crystal Lake, McHenry and Island Lake. The film showing is free and there is a class fee. For more information about the film or classes, call Mrs. Charles (Judy) Mason, Cary. Local Chapter Of Secretarial Group Marks Special Day Fox Valley chapter of the N a t i o n a l S e c r e t a r i e s association (International) will meet at Oak Industries at 7 p.m. on Secretaries Day, April 25. The program following the meeting is a plant demon­ stration by Marie and Ken Trent. All area secretaries are invited to attend to learn about NSA and the Fox Valley chapter. The National Secretaries association (International), the world's leading organization for secretaries, directs its aims and activities toward elevating secretarial standards through continuing education; fostering programs for personal and professional development, and forecasting changing direc­ tions, trends and requirements that affect office practices. Lions Request Auction Items The McHenry Lions club is requesting donations of items to be auctioned April 29 at McCullom Lake beach house. Lions club members ask that appliances to be donated be in good working condition. Almost any item will be accepted if in good condition; however, clothing and shoes are not being sought. The proceeds from this auction will help the McHenry Lions in their civic project of a lighted Calendar of Events sign. To arrange for pickup of items, call Maryanne Doherty, 385-3532. Quarrels would not last long if the fault was only on one side. -La Rochefoucauld. PLAN TO ATTEND Litton mircowave cooking school, Tue. evening, April 24 at Chapel Hill Country Club, Limited seating, so register now at... CAREY APPLIANCE 1241 W. Green St. McHenry, II. 385-5500 Community- Calendar APRIL 18 Fox Ridge Women's club monthly meeting-8:30 p.m.-St. Paul's Episcopal church. Lakeland Park Women's club annual Spring Gala luncheon and card party-St. Patrick's church hall-serving starts at 11 a.m. Whispering Oaks Woman's club annual meeting and program-1 p.m. Auxiliary to McHenry hospital's spring fashion show- Andre's-social hour, 6:30 p.m.- for information, write PO Box 69, McHenry. Newcomers' club, morning coffee, 9:30 a.m.-Faith P r e s b y t e r i a n c h u r c h - babysitting for a nominal fee. APRIL 19 Beta Sigma Phi, Pi Alpha chapter meeting-hostess: Linda Thietje-topic: Health. United Methodist Women's General meeting-noon at the c h u r c h - p o t l u c k l u n c h e o n - Marcia Mary Ball circle, hostesses. Joyce Kilmer Court C D of A Public Card party-8 p.m.-K of C hall. McHenry area Separated and Divorced Catholic group meeting at 7:30 p.m.-Oak room- Montini Middle school. APRIL 20 St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM potluck-bring table service-Oak room-St Mary's school-6 p.m. APRIL 21 Order of the Eastern Star card party-7:30 p.m.-1309 N. Court. Valley View PTO Fun Fair-11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.-games, prizes, food, moonwalk-Valley View School McHenry Choral Club Spring C o n c e r t - W e s t C a m p u s Auditorium- at 8:15 p.m. Salad Luncheon at Faith Presbyterian church-11 a.m.- Lincoln and Chapel Hill roads- for ticket information, call 385- 2630. Fun Fair-Bush school-11 to 4 p.m. APRIL 22 Rockford Diocesan con­ ference of Foresters-Chapel Hill country club-April 22 through 25. McHenry Choral Club Spring C o n c e r t - W e s t C a m p u s Auditorium- at 8:15 p.m. APRIL 23 McHenry Senior Citizens Club meeting-7:30 p.m.-West Campus cafeteria. Women of the Moose Lun­ cheon and Card party-noon- Moose Lodge-advance tickets available-call 385-3267 or 653- 9262. APRIL 24 G r a n d m o t h e r s C l u b s Founders' Day Luncheon-noon- McHenry Country Club-guests welcome-entertainment by the Robot Disco Dancers from McHenry Community high school-reservations, , 385-7984. Order of the Eastern Star- stated meeting and initiation-8 p.m.-Masonic Temple. APRIL 25 McHenry county Retired Teachers association spring luncheon-12:30 p.m.-Branded Steak House-program by Mrs. William Sundelegs. Family Service and Com­ munity Mental Health center regular monthly board of d i r e c t o r s m e e t i n g - 7 : 3 0 p . m - 3409 W. Waukegan road, McHenry-open to the public. APRIL 26 St. Clara Court 659, National Catholic Society of Foresters, installation. Rummage Sale-Mount Hope M e t h o d i s t c h u r c h - 1 0 1 5 B r o a d w a y , P i s t a k e e Highlands-10 a.m. to 2 p.m. ****** "MUSIC AMERICA SINGS" The McHenry Choral Club's Annual Spring Program SATURDAY ft SUNDAY April 21 • 22 8:15 P.M. West Campus Auditorium POPS- 20's thru 70 s Highlights from "MAME" "Die Fledermaus" (STRAUSS MUSIC) TICKETS - 2.00 (1.50 IN ADVANCE) Children under 12 - 75* Available at Main Paint Store • • • • • Rummage Sale by B.V.M. sodality of St. John's parish-9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.-Community club. APRIL 27 Beta Sigma Phi, Pi Alpha chapter, Founder's day dinner. Last date to call for reser­ vations on Whispering Oaks bus to the Chicago Loop-385-8518. Rummage Sale by the B.V.M. sodality of St. John's parish-9 a.m. to 8 p.m.-Community club. APRIL 28 St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM-cards-Oak room-St. Mary's-7:30 p.m. Rummage and Bake Sale- Mount Hope Methodist church- 1015 Broadway, Pistakee Highlands-10 a.m. to 2 p.m. McHenry Senior citizens club bus-luncheon- theater trip to Fireside Restaurant, Fort Atkinson-to see "Oklahoma "- bus leaves West Campus parking lot, south end, at 10:30 a.m. APRIL 29 McHenry area Separated and Divorced Catholic group-bake sale after all Masses-St. Mary's church. McHenry Lions club auction- McCullom Lake Beach House. Children's Choirs of the First United Methodist church present folk musical, "Sam"- p e r f o r m a n c e s a t 5 a n d 7 p . m - public invited. APRIL 30 Beta Sigma Phi, PiAlpha chapter, Founder's day. U M W M i s s i o n T e a m (executive committee)-9 a.m.- First United Methodist church. MAY 1 Whispering Oaks bus to Chicago Loop-leaves com­ munity center at 8:45 a.m.- rides available for seniors and residents-call 385-8518 by April 27. Marcia Mary Ball circle meeting-noon-First United Methodist church-hostess, Lyda Radisch. Koinonia Study group-10 a.m.-First United Methodist church. Bible study group-U a.m - First United Methodist church. Free blood pressure s c r e e n i n g - F i r s t U n i t e d Methodist church-2 p.m. MAY 3 McHenry Barracks 1315, Veterans of World War I- meeting-2 p.m.-McHenry Post home-2505 N. Ringwood road. Beta Sigma Phi, Pi Alpha chapter meeting-hostess: Virg Stasiak-topic: Use of Leisure. Girl Scout Neighborhood meeting-9:15 a.m.-change of location to K of C Hall, 1304 Park. MAY 5 Newcomers' club-Couples' Dinner-Crescent Bay Landing. MAY 6 CD of A Communion Break­ fast after 8 a.m. Mass-K of C hall. Choral Concert-First United Methodist church-4 p.m.-public invited-tickets from choir members or church office. MAY 10 Lakeland Park Women's club meeting-7:30 p.m.-Lakeland Park Community club-Marie Cross and Erna Saari, hostesses. MAY 12 McCullom Lake Beach Gals' Plant and Bake sale-10 a.m. Friendship Club Potluck dinner and meeting-6 p.m.- First United Methodist church. Whispering Oaks annual Flea Market-community center-9 a.m. to 5 p.m. MAY 14 "Spring Fling" by the McHenry Senior Citizens club- 6:30 p.m.-West Campus cafeteria. MAY 15 Mother's Day Banquet by CD of A-McHenry Country club-6 p.m. . MAY 17 Beta Sigma Phi, Pi Alpha c h a p t e r m e e t i n g - h o s t e s s : Ingrid Nuhsbaum-no program. Joyce Kilmer Court CD of A meeting at 7:30 p.m.-K of C hall. Mother and Daughter B a n q u e t - F i r s t U n i t e d Methodist church-6:30 p.m. MAY 19 Wonder Lake Road Race- two- and six-mile marathons for all ages starting at Wonder Center Beach-10 a.m.-register from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m.-for in­ formation call Miss Jayne McMillan. Ready Wildlife Quilt * : M V,s -jut. ̂ • . -A*. s K " .t Charlane Mowery and Jan Skopec, McHenry, members of the county Mental Health Resource League, work on the unique "Endangered Species Quilt" made for Fair Diddley, May 20, on the Woodstock Square. Members of the Mental Health Resource league for McHenry county have spent many hours working on a lovely, one-of-a-kind quilt for this year's "Fair Diddley". The quilt consists of thirty-five octagons, each depicting a protected or endangered species of animal, bird, or wildflower found in McHenry county. Each subject was designed and emoroidered by a different League member. The emblem of the McHenry County Conservation district is the center point of the quilt. It is surrounded by such subjects as the barn owl, the prairie chicken, Franklin's ground squirrel, and the Bobcat. The many wildflowers represented in the quilt offer a lovely variety of color and texture. Among them are the pale pink Shooting Star, the delicate white Flowering Spurge, and the vibrant orange Turk's-Cap Lily. The now endangered flowers grew in abundance in Northern Illinois when this area was a prairie. Their beauty can still be seen from spring till fall in such areas as Queen Anne Prairie and the many McHenry county Conservation District parks and wooded preserves. This unique quilt will be on display at "Fair Diddley", Sunday. May 20, on the Woodstock Square. It has also been selected to be shown in the needle, hook, and loom art exhibit called "Threads - Past, Present, and Future", May 5 and 6. at Hawthorne Center, Vernon Hills, during mall hours. In addition, it will be shown at many places throughout McHenry county until the Fair. For further information contact Char Mowery, 344-2410. Hurricane Happening-79 Features Andrews Sisters The hilarious Andrews Sisters will again be among area entertainers at 'Hurricane Happenings-79', the county wide entertainment event which gets underway next weekend at Marian Central Catholic high school in Woodstock. The trio from McHenry will entertain at Guam Island, one of seven variety shows featured at this year's 'Happening', which is slated for April 20-21 and 27-28. This year the U.S.S. Hurricane sets sail for Fantasy Islands at 7:15 p.m. on each night of the series and offers visitors a host of McHenry county talent, plus food and fun. Besides the four weekend 44 programs, a special Teen Night will be held on Thursday, April 19. In addition to hearing the Andrews Sisters on Guam, travelers may venture to the British Isles for Welsh, Scotish and English ballads; to Devil's Island to hear the Hartland Express or return to the big band era on Manhatten Island. Brats, pretzels, coney dogs and frauks will be available on Cooney Island. 'Honolulu Lue's' will be the entertainment center on the South Sea Islands, while a real variety of comedy and music w i l l b e p e r f o r m e d o n t h e Fantasy Island. Finally, the seventh isle of fantasy will be the Copacabana Disco. Hurricane Happenings has become an annual fund raising event for Marian Central since first being organized in 1977. Some 350 persons were in­ volved in the planning, production and entertainment last year. General co-chairpersons for this year's Happening are Pat McCabe and Bob Emery, both of Woodstock. Mrs. McCabe's daughter is currently enrolled at the school ; Emery is a 1966 graduate of the institution. The two hope to surpass the 1978 attendance level of 3,000 at this year's event. Ticket information is available by calling (815) 338- 4220. Enhancing Relationship Stressed By Psychologist "Enhancing the husband- wife relationship" will be the topic for the SCOPE - Suc­ c e s s f u l C h i l d b i r t h a n d Organized Parent Education - meeting to be held April 23 at 8 p.m. at the Crystal Lake Ambutal. Dr. Joe Cools, psychologist with Family Service and Community Mental Health for McHenry county, will be the speaker. Dr. Cools is author of the newspaper column "Coping". He will emphasize good communication as a cor­ nerstone to the husband-wife relationship. The happiness of the family is dependent on the contentment of the couple. Admission is free and the public is invited. ' The sponsoring organization, SCOPE, was formed by parents to help themselves and others achieve fulfillment in their parenting roles. It is a member of the International Childbirth Education Association. Besides formal speakers, informal meetings are held regularly for mothers and their newborns, mothers and their toddlers, and preschoolers who may bring their mothers. SCOPE provides prepared c h i l d b i r t h i n t s t r u c t o r s f o r women, seeking prepared childbirth classes. For more information about SCOPE, call M r s . L e R o y ( B e r n a d e t t e ) Hiller, McHenry. Memorial Hospital Plans Repeat Childbirth Classes Prospective mothers and fathers are invited to two "Preparation for Parenthood" sessions at Memorial Hospital for McHenry county, Mrs. Fran Scholpp, R.N., obstetrical d e p a r t m e n t s u p e r v i s o r , a n ­ nounced today. The two upcoming sessions are scheduled for Monday, May 7 and May 14, at 8 p.m. in the hospital dining room. "Early announcement is made now so that parents-to-be can mark these dates down and reserve them for these in­ f o r m a t i v e s e s s i o n s , " M r s . Scholpp, explained. "In previous sessions many fathers-to-be have attended, in addition to prospective mothers. We are very pleased with the interest in this program." The program is presented by M e m o r i a l h o s p i t a l f o r McHenry county in cooperation with members of the medical staff and the hospital staff. Each session will include movies and talks, and no charge of any kind is involved. The films include "Prenatal C a r e " a n d " L a b o r a n d Delivery". A member of the medical staff will lead the discussion on prenatal care and on labor and delivery at both the May 7 and 14 sessions. A tour of the hospital's maternity department will also be in­ cluded. Sessions are also being scheduled for July 2 and 9. Kishwaukee Trail Members Of DAR Meet In Woodstock Mrs. Herbert Kemp will be hostess to the Kishwaukee Trail chapter of DAR at her home, 520 Quinlan lane, Woodstock, M o n d a y , A p r i l 2 3 , a t 1 1 a . m . Mrs. Charles Wright will be her co-hostess. Mrs. Lisle Bassett and Mrs. Edward Nolan will give reports of the Continental Congress. T h e p r o g r a m . G r a n d m a ' s Darlings, is a member par­ ticipation. Each member is asked to bring a baby picture (not identified) of themselves, and a toy, if possible, that they played with as a child. DAR members who live in the area are invited to attend. Anyone who is interested in becoming a member should call Mrs. Lisle Bassett of McHenry TonyS. Fu, M.D. announces the opening of his office in Dermatology and Allergy at the Medical Building of Drian Wu, M.D. 6317 Northwest Highway (Route 14) Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014 Office Hours Dy Appointment (Sot. Only) Telephone (815)459-4033 _ . CRYSTAL LAKE UPHOLSTERING --James W. Seymour & Son-- "Serving the McHenry Area Since 1945" •UPHOLSTERING *OUR FABRIC OR yOURS •REPAIRING *REGLUEING •UPHOLSTERING VAN CUSHIONS UPHOLSTERING OFFICE FURNITURE 459-0653 151 N. Main & Prairie iRear.i Crystal Lake

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