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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Apr 1979, p. 2

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Returning Love St. Mary's Catholic church was the setting on Saturday, iApril 21, for the 2:30 p.m. .ceremony, at which Father Eugene Baumhofer officiated, uniting in marriage Diane .Butler and Steve Buss. The bride is the daughter of •Donald and Nancy Butler. 3716 St Paul, McHenry, and Ed and .loan Buss. 3314 Golfview, are the groom's parents Chosen by the bride as her ^special attire was a full length ;gown of white satin -finish qiana, trimmed in venise lace. '.It featured a high neck, a float ^bodice, and long sleeves 'fashioned of netting with •embroidered venise lace. The Iskirt flowed into a cathedral ^length train trimmed in lace ;She wore a picture hat with a -waltz length venice lace veil » Her sister, Carol• Butler, * Woodstock, was chosen as maid *of honor. Bridesmaids were -Debbie Vaughn. Jann Bjork- Imau of McHenry, and Sue IButler. a younger sister. * The attendants wore halter ^dresses of light blue, with capes land accordian pleated skirts. *Each girl had fresh flowers in her hair .Joe Meyer of McHenry ^performed the duties of best •*m.»n. Groomsmen were Steve Freund, Mike Tonvan and Bob ! Buss ;I After the ceremony, a reception was given for the ,-rouple at Chapel hill Country club, and was attended by 200 guests. The bride and groom will reside in McHenry after flying to Las Vegas, driving from there to California, and flying home from San Diego. The bride is a graduate of Parkland college, Champaign. 111., and is employed as a dental hygienist. The groom attended Northwood Institute, Midland. Mich., and is the General manager of Buss Ford. McHenry. Clutch bags have won favor in fashion circles. The smaller bag, with or without a handle, will be a compli­ ment to new spring outfits. A stunning, casual wrap is shown in crisp, linen-look polyester. It skims the body beautifully from shawl collar to the breezy opening when vou walk. # A sneak preview of fall coats reveals they are more shapely. The redingote and princess arc favored styles. Community Calendar CLYDE BLACKWELL The love and admiration he has bestowed on other was returned to Clyde Blackwell on his eighty-ninth birthday last Thursday, April 19. More than four years ago he sought out children in a place he knew they could be found, McDonald's restaurant, and displayed his finger puppets for their enjoyment. At the urging of Debbie Bellino, a hostess, he expanded his puppet exhibit until it became a show which he has repeated more times than anyone canremember for parties for children. Thursday, after he cut his cake before about 30 people assembled for the occasic.1, he received a watch from Debbie and her friends that read, "Mr. Blackwell, we love vou". STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD Butler-Buss Nuptials Blessed In St. Mary's h n . i i t . l t ' CENTAL M U - n u t C A R E . G E T I N GOOLUDFNTAL HKALTII AND VISIT T H E D E N T I S T R E G l L A K Y s5 \ ru\s lfi>r decay diagnosis I > 1 0 exam <>nl\ unit consultation s 1 4 adult vleaninfi iby (.ertified Hvjiienist 1 $ 1 4 5 custom cup (natural porcelain 1 .crowr. 1 precision cast> s 1 9 5 partial dentures-removable bridges > 1 9 5 single upper denture tcustom fitted in .1-6 list(s) Bv \ ppointiuent Payment plan* Insurance i n . . . , Kt. 31 r o i i n f o r m a t i o n . « t l » * r 1 1 a . m . „, _ mi. north of l"Tfi! ( 8 1 . > ) i K ) ( . r v > t a i L a n e W M . F . K R O L L , D D S Pri \ /a ie Practice of Dentistry tor Quality Assurance APRIL 25 McHenry county Retired Teachers association spring luncheon-12:30 p.m.-Branded Steak House-program by Mrs. William Sundelegs. Family Service and Com munity Mental Health center regular monthly board of directors meeting-7:30 p.m- 3409 W. Waukegan road, McHenry-open to the public. APRIL 26 St. Clara Court 659, National Catholic Society of Foresters, installation. Rummage Sale-Mount Hope M e t h o d i s t c h u r c h - 1 0 1 5 B r o a d w a y , P i s t a k e e Highlands-10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Rummage Sale by B.V.M. sodality of St. John's parish-9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.-Community club. APRIL 27 Beta Sigma Phi, PiAlpha chapter, Founder's day dinner. Last date to call for reser­ vations on Whispering Oaks bus to the Chicago Loop-385-8518. Rummage Sale by the B.V.M. sodality of St. John's parish-9 a.m. to 8 p.m.-Community club. APRIL 28 St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM-cards-Oak room-St. Mary's-7:30 p.m. Rummage and Bake Sale- Mount Hope Methodist church- 1015 Broadway, Pistakee Highlands-10 a.m. to 2 p.m. McHenry Senior citizens club bus-luncheon- theater trip to Fireside Restaurant, Fort Atkinson-to see "Oklahoma"- bus leaves West Campus parking lot, south end, at 10:30 a.m. Lincoln Cloverleaves 4-H Rummage and Bake Sale-K of C Hall, 1304 Park Street-9 a.m. to 3 p.m. APRIL 29 McHenry area Separated and Divorced Catholic group-bake sale after all Masses-St. Mary's church. McHenry Lions club auction- McCullom Lake Beach House. Children's Choirs of the First United Methodist church present folk musical, "Sam"- p e r f o r m a n c e s a t 5 a n d 7 p . m - public invited. APRIL 30 Beta Sigma Phi, PiAlpha chapter, Founder's day. U M W M i s s i o n T e a m (executi v e c o m m i t t e e ) - 9 a . m - First United Methodist church. St. Patrick's Ladies Guild Board Meeting-1 p.m.- McHenry Public Library. MAY 1 Whispering Oaks bus to Chicago Loop-leaves com­ munity center at 8:45 a.m - rides available for seniors and residents-call 385-8518 by April 27. Marcia Mary Ball circle meeting-noon-First United Methodist church-hostess, Lyda Radisch. Koinonia Study group-10 a.m.-First United Methodist church. Bible study group! 1 a.m - First United Metmyist church. Free blood pressure s c r e e n i n g - F i r s t U n i t e d Methodist church-2 p.m. Ruth circle meeting-home of Mrs Ethel Bailey-noon. McHenry Pigtail Leagur Meeting-7:30 p m.-City Hall. MAY 2 McHenry Grandmothers club meeting-1 p.m.-city hall-lunch at the John Evans restaurant- 11:30 a.m. MAY 3 McHenry Barracks 1315, Veterans of World War I- • CUSTOM DRAPES LOW-LOW PRICES 300 STYLES & PATTERNS MAY 4 McHenry Senior Citizens annual bowling banquet-Blue Canary, Milwaukee-bus leaves Savings and Loan parking lot at 5:30 p.m. c St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM Fish Dinner-John Evans Inn-6607 Northwest Highway, Crystal Lake-6 p.m. MAY 5 Newcomers' club-Couples' Dinner-Crescent Bay Landing. MAY 6 CD of A Communion Break­ fast after 8 a.m. Mass-K of C hall. « Choral Concert-First United Methodist church-4 p.m.-public invited-tickets from choir members or church office. St*. Margaret Chapter of N A I M - d i o c e s a n c o u n c i l meeting-2 p.m.-Mary room, Montini school-potluck-bring table service. MAY 7 St. Patrick Ladies Guild Meeting-1 p.m.-Church Hall. MAY 8 Whispering Oaks Woman's Club Board Meeting-9:30 a.m. MAY 10 Lakeland Park Women's club meeting-7:30 p.m.-Lakeland Park Community club-Marie Cross and Erna Saari, hostesses. McHenry Women's club Spring Luncheon-Turnberry Country Club-Suzuki Singers. MAY 12 McCullom Lake Beach Gals' Plant and Bake sale-10 a.m. Friendship Club Potluck dinner and meeting-6 p.m.- First United Methodist church. Whispering Oaks annual Flea Market-community center-9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Bake Sale by St. Paul's Episcopal Church Women- 9 a.m. to noon-McHenry State Bank. MAY 14 "Spring Fling"- annual smorgasbord by the McHenry Senior Citizens club-6:30 p.m.- West Campus cafeteria. MAY 15 Mother's Day Banquet by CD of A-McHenry Country club-6 p.m. MAY 16 Fashion Show-Salad Bar Luncheon-Noon-Zion Lutheran Church Social hall-Elm Street, McHenry. Whispering Oaks Woman's C l u b L u n c h e o n - 1 1 : 3 0 a . m . - Crystal Lake Country Club. MAY 17 Beta Sigma Phi, Pi Alpha c h a p t e r m e e t i n g - h o s t e s s : Ingrid Nuhsbaum-no program. Joyce Kilmer Court CD of A meeting at 7:30 p.m.-K of C hall. Mother and Daughter B a n q u e t - F i r s t U n i t e d Methodist church-6:30 p.m. MAY 18 St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM meeting-Oak room-St. Mary's school-7:30 p.m. MAY 19 Wonder Lake Road Race- two- and six-mile marathons for all ages starting at Wonder Center Beach-10 a.m.-register from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m.-for in­ formation call Miss Jayne McMillan. MAY 20 Lakeland Park Women's club Spaghetti dinner- Community house-serving, noon to 4 p.m. NAIM Diocesan Conference For Widowed-St. Joseph's, R o c k f o r d - 2 p . m . - Refreshments. MAY 21 T.H.E.O.S.- Meet at 5:30 p.m., Busy Bee Restaurant, 4621 West Route 120-program: First united Methodist Church- hostesses: Betty Fairchild and Mae Stinespring. IN TOWN?? You owe it to yourself to shop & compare! •CURTAINS A SHEERS 200 STYLES & COLORS IN STOCK COMPLETE LINE OF DRAPERY HARDWARE BEN FRANKLIN STORE 1250 N. Green St. 385- 0806 McHenry, Members of the First United Methodist church choir who will ap. pear in concert are shown above. In front row, from left, are Jackie Hastings, Becky Dolby, Ellen Meyers, Mary Jane Grove, Julie Casselland Wendy Aissen; second row, Nadine Abel, JoAnn Haak, Jerry Boehm, Veretta Gerstad, Evelyn Smith, Debbie Henshaw and Betty Hughes; back row, Bill Toalson, director; Ray Jensen, Bill Able, Bruce Gertsma and Elver Wendlandt. Also members but not shown are Dave Dolby. Jim Potts, Marie Muschal and Lynn Sobczak, accompanist. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD The senior choir of McHenry United Methodist church will present a concert Sunday, May 6, at 4 p.m. in the sanctuary of the church at 3717 W. Main. The choir, under the direction of Bill Toalson, will sing favorite hymn selections, spirituals. songs from a Neil Diamond medley and a George M. Cohan medley. The program will also include solos, duets, and numbers from the women's ensemble and men's group. Tickets are on sale at the First United Methoidst church office. 1 MAY 23 McHenry Senior Citizens three-day trip tp National*. Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows. Bus leaves McHenry Savings and Loan parking lot 8 a.m. Day of Recollection for St. Patrick's Ladies Guild-9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.-Father Eugene Lutz-Church Hall-Bring a friend and a bag lunch. MAY 26 St. Margaret chapter of NAIM-cards-Oak room-St. Mary's school-7:30 p.m. JUNE 4 McHenry Seniro Citizens Executive Committee Meeting- McHenry Public Library-10 a.m. JUNE 7 McHenry Barracks 1315- Veterans of World War I Meeting-2 p.m.-McHenry Post Home, 2505 N. Ringwood Road. St. Mary's Rummage and Bake Sale-8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. JUNE 8 St. Mary's Rummage and Bake Sale- 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. JUNE 9 St. Mary's Rummage and Bake Sale-9 a.m. to Noon. Meeting And Day Of Prayer For C.L. Keen-Agers The Keen-Agers, a senior citizens organization for retired, over 60 and their friends in St. Thomas the Apostle parish, Crystal Lake, and surrounding communities, will be holding their monthly gathering Thursday, April 26, at noon in Loras hall. Please bring a dish to pass and the meat will be supplied. En­ tertainment will include the New World Singers from Harvard high school. A Prayer Service will conclude the af­ ternoon. Wednesday, May 9, Keen- Agers' Prayer Day entitled, "Lift Up Your Hearts" will be held at Resurrection Center, 2710 Country Club road in Woodstock, from 9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Lunch will be in­ cluded, there is a fee. Father Holdren will present the day which includes Mass, discussions, silent time, r e f l e c t i o n s . R e s e r v a t i o n s necessary by contacting Pat Martin 459-9322 or Louise Casey 459-6480. Deadline for reser­ vations is May 7. It's not enough to be a good Joe. < < 0 99 • O I bam Coming Sunday To First United Methodist The Children's Choirs of the First United Methodist church of McHenry will present a folk musical called "SAM" on Sunday evening, April 29. There will be two per­ formances, and the first, at 5 p.m. will feature the children of the "Joyful Noises" as the principal characters. The second, at 7 p.m., will feature the members of the "Heavenly Hosts". The choirs, under the direction of Ed Wittrock and accompanied by Carl Kohrt, will sing at both performances. "SAM" is the story of the Good Samaritan, set to the music of Bobby Hammack and Tom Adair. It's songs are contagious and the deeper truths of the Christian faith are stated in a most refreshing way. Martin of Ephesus, a lawyer, is player by Eddie Armstrong and Bill Cassell. Jesus of Nazareth, who sometimes needed one, is played by Peter Jewell and Tommy Wynveen. The peddler, going to a festival in Jericho, is set upon by a gang of thieves and robbers and is beated up. Sam, the Good S a m a r i t a n , c o m e s t o h i s rescue The peddler is played b y M i c h e l l e W a l l a c e a n d Clayton Lane, while Sam is portrayed by Lee Lockwood and Debbie Jensen. Others in the cast are Jenni Lockwood, Pam Bradley, Robin Jensen, Lisa Settle. Kelly Covalt, and John Arm­ strong. Members of the chorus include Debbie Sundby, Sue Hoak, Krissi Wagner, Scott Ballowe, Todd Ballowe, Kevin Strohman, Dori Gertsma, Tracy Popp, Mari-lyn Haines, Dirk Aissen, Pam Bradley, Theresa Gertsma, Karen Gannon and Greta Larson. There will be a sandwich supper after the first per­ formance from 6 until 7 p.m. Bring your own sandwiches, and coffee, tea and a drink for the children will be provided. A free-will offering will be taken, and the proceeds will be used to purchase material for new choir robes for "The Joyful Noises". Friends and neighbors in the community are most welcome to attend. Spend a most en­ joyable hour by bringing someone to see "SAM". County Jewish Congregation Celebrates First Passover The McHenry county Jewish Congregation celebrated its first Passover holiday together Thursday evening, April 12, in t h e s o c i a l h a l l o f t h e Congregational Universalist church in Woodstock. Over 55 adults and children from the McHenry, Crystal Lake and Woodstock areas gathered to hear the reading of the Hagaddah, the story of the Jewish people's escape from slavery in Egypt. "Since so many of our members live away from their relatives, we felt that it was important to hold a Passover celebration in McHenry county," emphasized Stu Balienson, who helped organize the four month old Jewish group. "Family relationships are very important in the Jewish religion. Therefore, we tried very hard to recreate a warm, friendly family atmosphere at the Passover celebration hosted by the congregation," added Balienson. Highlighting the traditional d i n n e r w a s m a t z o , a n d unleavened bread. "During the 3 day holiday observance, Jews are required to eat matzo instead of bread," explained Mrs. Bunny Squire who helped organize the Passover celebration for the congregation She added that this custom remembers the haste with which the Jews fled Egypt and were unable to wait for the leavening to rise in their bread. "The Passover story read from the Hagaddah is recited mainly for the benefit of the children." said Harvey Schneider of Woodstock, who helped lead the celebration. Schneider was also assisted by Clyde Kurlander of Crystal Lake. Honored guests at the traditional Seder celebration and dinner were Reverend Barbara Merritt and her husband Jeffrey. Reverend Merritt is the minister of the church where the newly formed Jewish congregation holds it weekly Friday evening worship services. No Charge To Our Savers... Money Orders McHenry Savings M c H E N R Y S A V I N G S AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 1209 N Green St. McHenry 385-3060 10520 Main St. Richmond 678-2061 fcUtonj kepte, lUpwq lxfltorytecp/e CYNTHIA MARIE FREUND GEORGE MARSHALL RAMSAY ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT -- Mr. and Mrs. Eugene P. Freund, 801 W. Route 134, McHenry, announce the engagement of their daughter, Cynthia Marie, to George Marshall Ramsay, son of Dr. and Mrs. A. G. Ramsay, 114 Lake Shore drive, Ingleside. The bride-elect is a graduate of the College of Lake County, and is a medical laboratory technician in Libertyville. The prospective groom is graduating in June from Wittenberg University, Springfield. Ohio, with a bachelor of Arts degree in Biologv. The wedding will take place at St Mary s Catholi. rhurch. McHenry CRYSTAL LAKE UPHOLSTERING --James W. Seymour & Son- Serving the McHenry Area Since 1945 ' •UPHOLSTERING *OUR FABRIC OR YOURS •REPAIRING «REGLUEING •UPHOLSTERING VAN CUSHIONS •UPHOLSTERING OFFICE FURNITURE 459-0653 '• v • i. 4 p , •„ ..... PAGE 2 - PLAIN DEALER - WEDNE8DAY, APRIL 25. lilt f <cA/[os.t[y cSoaLaC » • I I •J meeting-2 p.m.-McHenry Post home-2505 N. Ringwood road. Beta Sigma Phi, Pi Alpha chapter meeting-hostess: Virg Stasiak-topic: Use of Leisure. Girl Scout Neighborhood meeting-9:15 a.m.-change of location to K of C Hall, 1304 Park. Choir In Concert May 6

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