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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 May 1979, p. 2

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! \U;E2 VI MNDKAI.KH-FRIDAY, MAY 4. 1979 j d\/[pi.t[y <SocLaC j Fair Appeals To All Ages Children of all ages will enjoy the many activities in store for them at Fair Diddley, Sunday. May 20. This jollv clown shows her colorful balloons to Sara Schmitt and Theresa Schwegel. JUDIE BAKKE PHOTO \ t r i p t o F a i r Diddley" on Sunday. May 20. will prove to ix- an enjoyable outing for the entire family. Sponsored an­ nually by the Mental Health Resource League for McHenry county the fair runs from noon until t p.m . on the Woodstock Square While parents browse through the intriguing displays of ar^ and crafts, children will t>e sell entertained by the wide \ariety of activities offered especially tor them. As in the l>ast. the Fair Diddley clowns Will be roaming the Square with their colorful ballons and children can have their faces painted like a tiger, pirate, or even Spider Man. Young people will be able to choose from a variety of games For the little ones there will be the bean bag throw, bumper car. fish pond or lollipop tree. Older children and teens can choose more challenging games such as. 5- pin bowling, poster toss, and treasure chest. Tickets are still reasonably priced and there will be plenty of prizes. A special highlight of the Fair for the youngster will be "Show Diddley", a children's program held at 1 p.m and again at 3 p.m . in the Wood­ stock 'Opera House Freddy Fredricks and the Weco- Wackos w ill star in "Fun's - a - Poppin' ". a delightful presentation of magic and comedy Tickets for "Show Diddley" will be available at the Opera House during the Fair, and children under 3 will be admitted free. All proceeds from Fair Diddley will be used to further the work of mental health services in McHenry county. There is no admission to the Fair. Newcomcrs Potluck Will Feature Summer Planning The May meeting of the Town and Country Newcomers club ha? been scheduled for Tuesday, May 8 at 7:30 p.m, at St Paul's Episcopal church. McHenrv Program chairman Ki;/.abeth Ixmghan has an­ nounced that each member ^tending should bring a "potluck' dish, to pass. Prior to the dinner, there will be the c u s t o m a r y i n s t a l l a t i o n ceremony of the new club officers Chairman of the major standing committees will also t>e announced at that time. Members and guests are especially encouraged to attend because plans for summer meetings, coffees and social and service activitieo will be discussed and tentatively scheduled Ways and Means co- chairman Helen Borland will comment on initial plans for the second annual "Cutest Baby Contest" sponsored by the Newcomers club in coor­ dination with the celebration of Fiesta Days in McHenry. Mrs l .oughan has also an- nouneed'that former members of the Newcomers club from past \ears are especially in­ vited as honored guests of the club a' 'this May meeting. Contributions made by past members have added greatly to •he club's traditions, and this year - membership wants to • hank former members for 'heir help in the club's growth. I 'pcoming club activities include a "rebated" couples' dinner to be held Saturday. May 5 at 7 pm. at Crescent Bay Landing in Johnsburg. and a morning coffee with babysit­ ting available on Wednesday. May 16. at 9:30 a.m. at Faith Presbyterian church on Lincoln and Chapel Hill roads. For further information about joining the Newcomers club, please contact Mrs. Joseph* John, Jr. The club membership area includes McHenry Shores. Johnsburg. Announce Class On Parenthood A reminder to prospective parents comes today from Mrs. Fran Scholpp. R.N.. obstetrical department supervisor at Memorial hospital for McHenry county at Woodstock Mrs. Scholpp announced the next "Preparation for Parenthood" free instructional course, two evening session, will begin at 8 p.m. Monday. May 7. TTie informational program will be held in the hospital dining room on both May 7 and 14, as a free community service program of Memorial hospital Both prospective mothers and fathers are invited and in the past frequently both ex- Bring The Kids! Come Out And Meet Your Favorite T.V. and Cartoon Characters AT McHENRY'S 6th ANNUAL St. Pat's Ladies End Guild Season With Monday Meeting •u Nominations, election and Installation of Officers will take place at the Monday, May 7 meeting of St. Patrick's ladies guild at 1 p.m. in the parish hall. All members are asked to attend this last meeting of the spring season, as there will be no meeting until September. A social hour will follow, with Miss Nellie Doherty and Mrs. Kay DelGenio as hostesses. Members and guests are reminded of the Day of Recollection. May 23. in the parish hall with the Rev. Eugene Lutz. Time is 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Bring a friend and a bag lunch. Coffee will be ser­ ved. Grandmothers At "Double Dilemma" As Honored Guests Double Dilemma Mothers of Twins club will meet at 8 p.m., Tuesday. May 8, at St. Paul's church, 485 Woodstock street. Crystal Lake This month's program will be the club's annual "Grandmothers Night" in which members invite the grandmothers of their twins or others who have given a helping hand throughout the year. It's a night of pure fun and games On May 14. 15 and 16 the club will be having their Jewel Days fundraiser Certificates are available from club members Double Dilemma is open to all mothers of multiple birth children and meets the second Tuesday of every month. For more information please call Ann Vacula. 385-5434. Fox Ridge. Dutch Creek. Val Mar. Whispering Hills. Brit­ tany Park, Holiday Hills. Glacier Ridge. Lakeland Park and Lakeland Shores, the Bull Valley area, rural Woodstock, the Fox Lake region. Edgebrook Heights, Wonder Lake, Pistakee Highlands, and the city of McHenry. Any resident of these or other areas of McHenry-Johnsburg-Wonder Lake are always welcome at club meetings and are en­ couraged to attend club ac­ tivities. pectant parents have attended these sessions. Mrs. Scholpp will take part in the program, which includes a tour of the hospital's maternity department, movies and talks CHECK WAGON RIDERS The Chuckwagon Riders will hold their first annual Playday. May 19, at the Spring Grove Horse Fair grounds. Spring Grove. 111. The event will take place rain or shine System To remodel a house, first figure the cost of materials. Then estimate the cost of labor, and mul­ tiply by three -Herald. Miami. PARKLAND JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Ringwood Road MAY 4-5-6 FRI. SAT. SUN. 6 - 1 0 1 1 - 1 0 1 1 - 5 Senior Walk-In Center Meals are served Monday through Friday at the McHenry Walk-In Center beginning at 11:45 a.m. Reservations must be made the day before at 385- 8260 The menu for the week of May 7 through May 11 is as follows: May 7: Baked chicken, sweet potatoes, green beans, dinner rolls, peaches and milk. May 8: Frankfurters, scalloped potatoes, sauerkraut, carrot sticks, bread, fruit tart and milk. May 9: Stuffed pepper with tomato sauce, buttered carrots, mashed potatoes, bread, ap­ plesauce and milk. May 12: Chicken stuffing casserole, pickled beets, spinach, bread, bit o'apple cake and milk. May 11: Ham patties with pineapple sauce, cauliflower, parsleyed potatoes, bread, butterscotch pudding and milk. Card Party Slated For St. Joseph's The St. Joseph's Altar and Rosary, Richmond, will hold its annual spring card party, "Calico Capers", Wednesday, May 9. starting at 11:30 a.m. in the church hall. Menu will consist of chicken salad, dessert and coffee. A variety of card games and bunco will be offered. Tickets may be purchased at the door. St. Agatha Court Hosts Foresters Diocesan Meet m Uncle Witnesses Vows The First United Methodist church. McHenry. tastefully decorated with carnations and gladiolas. was the setting for the April 29 wedding of Susan Lynn Wickenkamp and Loren W. Klapperich. The 3 p.m. ceremony com­ bined two rich traditions by having as its officiating ministers Reverend Ralph Smith of the First United Methodist church of McHenry and Father Everett Hiller, the uncle of the groom, from St. Rita's Catholic church. Aurora. The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs. James Wickenkamp. 4316 W Gear- view. McHenry Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Klapperidi. 3821 N. Hillcrest. McHenry, are the parents of the groom. Special music chosen by the couple for their ceremony was "Sunrise. Sunset", "Wedding Song", and "We've Only Just Begun" A qiana gown of classic simplicity was the bride's chosen attire. It featured an open necked bodice trimmed in venise lace, and long full bishop sleeves. The graceful long skirt ended in a chapel length train A bandeau headpiece secured the finger tip veil. She carried a colonial bouquet of white elegance carnations and baby's breath. Attending the bride as matron of honor was Pamala Wickenkamp, sister-in-law. Jayne Vourstouris, aunt of the bride, of Schaumberg, and Margaret Humann of McHenry were the bridesmaids. Attendants were attired in floor length, toast colored qiana blouson dresses. The gowns featured long full sleeves, macrame yokes and high round necks. Their colonial bouquets were fashioned of baby's breath and of silk flowers in tones to match their dresses. Evan Freund, a cousin of the groom, from Richmond, was the best man. Groomsmen were Robert Wickenkamp. the bride's brother, and Everett Klapperich. brother of the groom, both of McHenry. The mother of the bride wore a floor length blouson dress of misty blue. A long sleeved aqua formal length gown was chosen by the mother of the groom A reception for 185 guests w as held at Chapel Hill Country club in honor of the couple. After a wedding trip to the Smokev Mountains, they will reside on Miller road, McHenry. Both are 1977 graduates of McHenry Community high school. The bride is employed as a teller, and the groom's chosen occupation is farming. Seniors Invited To Johnsburg Dinner-Play A the April 23 meeting of the McHenry Senioi Citizens club meeting, an invitation was extended to members to attend the Johnsburg high school Dinner-theater party May 25 and 26 at 8 p.m. in the auditorium The cost of the dinner will be decided later, but seniors may attend the theater free For more information call Andrew J Eichhorn. Mrs Amy Wattman. m e m b e r s h i p c h a i r l a d y . reported six new members had joined, and those present were given a warm welcome and encouraged to become active in the club Frank Giel submitted his resignation as bowling chairman. which was regretfully accepted. Frank served as bowling chairman for ten years and his dedication and efforts contributed greatly ^o many happy, fun-filled hours on the alleys and to the increase in club membership. Social chairlady. Betty Tuft, reported she will gladly take reservations for donations of cakes for the June meetings Tickets are still available for the annual spring buffet "Spring Fling" scheduled for Monday. May 14. at 6:30 p.m. at West Campus cafeteria. Please contact, Ruth Fradell at 385- 6586 Following dinner, en­ tertainment will be provided by the Huntlev Concert Band Officers and guests attending the twenty-fifth Rockford Diocesan Association Conference at Chapel* Hill Country club are. seated, from the left, Doris Cubalchini, Reverend Leo J. Bartel, Laura, Schmitt, Bishop Arthur J. O'Neill, Delores Johnson, and Reverend Steven Potter of Rockford. ' Standing, from the left, are Elaine Miller, Elizabeth Dowling, Lucy Domino, Lou La Bay, Maureen; Johnson, Reverend Mr. Tobin, and Ethel Herrmann. The 25th annual conference of the National Catholic Society of Foresters Rockford Diocesan association was hosted by St. Agatha Court 777, Johnsburg. A mass was concelebrated at 10:45 a.m. Sunday, April 22. at Chapel Hill Country club by Bishop Arthur J. O'Neill, bis­ hop of Rockford; Rev. Leo J. Bartel, pastor of St. John's, Johnsburg; and Rev. Steven Potter of Rockford. Other clergymen attending were: Rev. Edmund Petit, pastor, St. Patrick's McHenry and Rev. Mr. Tobin, deacon, St. John's. Johnsburg. Officers attending were Mrs. Delores Johnson, national president and Mrs. Doris Cubalchini, national secretary from the home office in Chicago; Mrs. Lucy Domino, past national president from Rockford; and the association officers: president, Laura Sch­ mitt from Johnsburg: vice- president, Maureen Johnson. McHenry; secretary, Elaine Miller, Johnsburg; Elizabeth D o w l i n g , F r e e p o r t , r e p r e s e n t i n g t r e a s u r e r . Minnie Cali. Freeport; and D.C.C.W. representative. Ethel Herrmann, Lee. 111. Mrs. Lou LaBay was toastmistress for the program at which a check for the Seminarian fund was presented to Bishop O'Neill by Mrs. Elizabeth Dowling, Court 75, Freeport. A matching check was also presented by Mrs. Delores Johnson. A Spiritual Bouquet, was presented to Rev. Bartel by Mrs. Olivia Hiller and one to Bishop O'Neill by Mrs. Alvina Miller, both 50-year members of St. Agatha Court 777. The "Jubilee" Class of new initiates was presented to Fr. Bartel by Mrs. Domino. The new members in attendance were Rose Jakubicek, Darlene Mann and Mary Behm of St. Agatha Court. Pins were presented by Mrs. Domino. Twenty-five year pins were presented to the seven mem­ bers attending by Mrs. Domino and Mrs. Cubalchini. The 25- year members are Angeline Cicero. Donna Attardo, Irene Bruscato. Rose Kristanuch. Sara Mannira and Mae Jean Doyle all of St. Anthony Court 674, Rockford and Margaret DiMarco of St. Mary Court 75 of Freeport. Fifty-year pins were also presented by Mrs. Domino and Mrs. Cubalchini to the following: Olivia Hiller and Alvina Miller of St Agatha Court. Antionette Zordan of St. Anthony Court 674. Anna Jung and Florence Schmitt of St. Clara Court 659. McHenry, and Irene Hermann. St. James Court 817, Lee. Miss Stephanie Karwacki of St. Agatha Junior Court was awarded a scholarship cer­ tificate by Mrs. Delores Johnson as a winner in the NCSF College Scholarship program. The business meeting was presided over by th$ association president, Laur^ Schmitt, St. Agatha Court 777r All court presidents in at» tendance gave reports of theif fraternal and social activities during the past year. A' memorial service for the deceased members was con­ ducted by the past presidents of St. Agatha 777. They are Mrs. Katie Dehn. Mrs. Alvina Miller,' Mrs. Hilda Thelen and Mrs? Marie Oeffling. 4 The Junior Forester day will be observed in August witty each Junior court com­ memorating the day with a special activity. The new association officer^ were installed by Mrs. Delores Johnson. Installed were Mrs, Maureen Johnson, St. Clarai 659, McHenry, president; MrS: Nancy D'Inverno, St. Mary's 75, Freeport, vice-president; Mrs. Peggy Blake, St. Clara 659. McHenry, secretary; Mrs. Gladys Meighan, St. Rita 1042, Sterling and Mrs. Ethel Herrmann, St. James 817, Lee, D.C.C.W. representative. At the close of the meeting Mrs. Johnson presented the Fraternal Award to Mrs. Sch­ mitt. Reservations for the three- day trip to the National Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows, scheduled for May 23. 24 and 25. are also available. Please contact Ruth Fradell or John Doerr The executive committee will meet on May 7 at 10 a.m. at the McHenry Public Library. The next regular club meeting will be held June 11 at 7:30 p.m. at West Campus cafeteria, as there will be no business conducted at the May 14. "Spring Fling" buffet dinner, and no meeting on May 28 because of Memorial Day. Following the adjourned meeting. 35 members of the Waukegan Swedish Glee Club presented a mini-concert. They opened their program with a rousing rendition of "Stout Heated Men" and kept their audience delighted with several equally "toe tapping" selec­ tions. They asked club mem­ bers to join them in the finale which honored members having birthdays and-or an­ niversaries. The glee club was given a standing ovation, and they had their w ives were presented and served a special "Welcome" cake * * * * When in doubt about a controversial subject, keep quiet. The unique home of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Leva, 5118 Shore drive, McHenry, is outstanding in many ways. Its unusual design invites any viewer to look again at its fresh, clean charm. Its waterfront setting provides refreshing and lovely scenery all year. The home may be seen, along with five other homes selected for their grace and individuality, and graciously opened by their owners to participants in the May 6 "Spring House Walk, presented by the Auxiliary to the McHenry hospital. Contemporary Concept Outstanding Panorama Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Leva, 5118 Shore drive, are the for­ tunate occupants of an unusual A-frame home with a breathtaking view. Though they are not the original owners of the four-year old home, the Levas have incorporated many of their own ideas into the in­ terior and exterior design. There are three levels to this house, providing access to eight rooms and five bathrooms. The main level has a pool room off the garage, and a costomized country kitchen, which looks out over a large living room. The handsome round fireplace is the focal point of this room. Large glass windows with a variety of plants and a beautiful wicker peacock chair are on one side of the fireplace, while on the other side, sliding glass doors allow easy access to the patio. The decor of the master bedroom is black and white. It is located on the second level, with its own private dressing room and bath, and has a front view of the lake. Sliding glass doors on each side of a fireplace lead onto a deck, providing the possibility of a view and fresh air each morning. Also on the second level, located most unusually, is a utility room. Down the hall is the children's room The girl's room has its own personalized vanity sink. The lakeside family room is located on the third level at the very peak of the roof. The children have their playroom on this level, and because of a central intercom, the entire family can keep in touch througout the house. The Auxiliary to the McHenry hospital invites all to see this home, plus the other five. Sunday, May 6. from noon to 5 p.m Tickets, which will benefit McHenry hospital, will be sold at each of the homes, and at the hospital Gift Shop. Maps will also be available About Your Wedding... I n o r d e r t o s e r v e M c H e n r y o i e o b r i d e s t h e P l a i n d e a l e r s e n d s w e d d i n g f o r m s t o a l l t h o s e w h o s e e n g a g e m e n t s h o v e b e e n a n n o u n c e d a n d l o r r y a d e f i n i t e d o t e W e a s k t h a t t h e s e c o m p l e t e d f o r m s b e r e t u r n e d t h r e e d a y s p n o i t o t h e w e d d i n g C o m p l e t e d e t a i l s w i l l o p p e o i o n l y d u r i n g t h e w e e k f o l l o w i n g t h e w e d d i n g e * i e p t > . n t h e c o s e o f o u t o f s t a t e w e d d i n g s w h e r e a n a d d i t i o n a l w e e k i s a l l o w e d P h o t o g r a p h s w i l l b e p r i n t e d a n y t i m e l o t e r o r w i l t b e i n c i u d e d w i t h t h e w e d d i n g i n f o r m a t i o n i f t h e y a r c o m p a n v 'h»> *tor y H y o u i e n g a g e m e n * Q o ' 1 n o u n c e m e n t h a s n o t p u b l i s h e d o r i f t h e d a t e o f t h « v e d d m g w a s n o t k n o w n a > t h a t t i m e p l e a s e c o l l o u r o f • i c e a n d r e q u e s t t h a t a m a " i o g e f o r m b e s e n t WEATHER BY PHONE FREE From McHenry and Wonder Lake 344-3100 Latest McHenry County Weather Professional Electrolysis Permanent Hair Removal 'far a more confident you' for free consul ta t ion- Vivian McDowell 815/728-1051 (McHcnry Arta) Member CARD OF THANKS To oil our old friends ond the new friends for oil your cor­ ds. visits, proyers. Mosses, flowers ond octs of kindness. They will long be remembered. Speciol thanks also to Fother Kearney. Father Petit. Father Lutz. Rev. Groef. Rev. Smith. St. Patrick's Choir. St. Patrick s Women's Club! The Boy Scouts Girl Scouts. McHenry Rescue Squad. Pock 131 of McHenry The Police Deportment. CCD Parents Association. Mary Marsh. Adele Froehlich. ond oil the beautiful people of McHenry. Our ever lasting thanks. The Family of Donald Smith U

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