Competes In Expo II {""" io7l£t7Ine"l Sandy Pollock of 1706 N. Court street, McHenry is shown with her Electra-Fli which she plans to enter in Expo II an event that promises to be outstanding among radio controlled model airplanes. Sandy is a high school fresh man and has been a member of the Skynights R-C club for over a year. She hopes to be an Expo II contestant, where her plane SANDY POLLOCK will be on display competing for one of 65 ribbons and 39 large trophies. In addition, three special trophies will be awarded for "Best of Show", "Best Finish", and "Best Monokote". The pretty young McHenry girl is looking forward to seeing the "Spirit of America" air show as well as the exhibits and competing planes at Expo II June 2from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and June 3 from noon to 5 p.m. at the Lakehurst Shopping mall in Waukegan. Admission to Expo II is free of charge and everyone is encouraged to attend and view the many exhibits and the spectatular "Spirit of America" air show. Sunscreen Lotions Can Prevent Burn What about the multitude of suntan lotions and other prepa rations sunbathers use to anoint their bodies? Are the benefits real or imagined? Actually, properly applied suntan lotion can be helpful in preventing a burn and promot ing a tan if you use one suited to your needs, says a pamphlet from the American Medical Association. Commercial suntan prepa rations contain chemicals called sunscreens that absorb some of the ultraviolet rays of the sun while letting others through. The better lotions allow you to stay in the sun longer with less risk of burning. However, don't expect even the best lotions to protect you from unlimited sun exposure. Also, it is possible to bum through a tan. Most suntan preparations contain a lubricant. This is im portant in keeping your skin from drying out too quickly. disappointed consumers have found that their bottled tan is streaked and uneven. Although artificial tanning lotions appear to be safe, re member that they do not protect you adequately from the sun (unless they also contain a sunscreen agent). If you get a sunburn, don'f expect a quick cure. Only time will heal the burns. Wet com presses and soothing lotions are important items in easing the pain. A bland cold cream or uia Suntan lotions should be reapplied frequently, at least every two hours and whenever the protecting film may have worn off or been washed off. Some of the products simply color the skin darker without involvement of sunlight. Some light mineral oil may help. If the burn is severe, consult your physician. The best treatment for sun burn is prevention. The sun adds to your body's supply of Vitamin D. But the average American gets an ample supply of this vitamin in his or her diet. The sun in some cases can help certain skin disorders like acne, eczema and psoriasis, but check with your doctor be fore trying the sun as a treatment for any skin problem. • • * * Contrary to some of our friends' opinions, the weight of the world isn't balanced on their shoulders. SUBSCRIBE To The McHenry Plaindealer And Save *8.80 Over Newstand Price FILL OUT AND MAIL OR BRING TO: McHENRY PLAINDEALER 3812 W. Elm St.. McH»nry, III; 60050. with ch*ck or mon«y ordor for *12.00 for on* year subscription within McHanry County. I f I I I I I I NAME I I I CITY I ADDRESS _ZIP MONEY BACK GUARANTEE FOR UNUSED PORTION" McHENRY OPTICIANS 1301 RIVERSIDE DR. McHENRY, IL. (Across from the Fox Hole) 815*385 (815)385-9241 op (815)385-9242 DESIGNER EYE GLASS FRRME5 For Only (More Than Wholesale Acc. Pay) Over 3,0001st Quality PramiB On Display! ALL FRAMES Metal or Plastic EACH GLASSES MADE WHILE YOU WAIT!* 'S.V. ONLY ' -H *. f y * OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK 6:30 TO 5:00 CLOSED SUNDAY! (Written under the Auspices of Lieutenant Governor Dave O'Neal) Q. What is the theme for "Older Americans Month" this year and could you bring me up to date on some facts con cerning the status of senior citizens throughout the nation? A. The theme for "Older Americans Month" is "Better Health Through Better Care". Here are some interesting facts concerning the ever-growing senior citizen population provided by the federal Ad ministration on Aging: -More than 12,000 persons over 100 are alive in America today and about 9 million are over 75 years of age. The oldest age groups are increasing faster than any other portion of the population. -Today, older Americans number 34 million whereas there were 4.9 million in 1900. -Today, one of every seven persons in America is 60 or over - it will be one in every four Americans in 2035, if projec tions hold true. -The increase in elderly population increases the in cidence of disability, sickness, isolation and low income. The loss of physical health, death of important persons, loss of income, reduced social status are all facts of life for the aged. -Between 3 million and 3Vi million older Americans today are on the verge of losing their independent way of life in their homes and communities. They need help in coping with some aspects of their lives if they are to remain independent and not join the million older Americans already in nursing homes. -People 60 years old and more are seven times more numerous today than in 1900. -But the 75-plus group is 10 times larger. -And the 85-plus group is 17 times bigger. -A Pennsylvania Welfare department survey measured problems of mobility in old age and found: Twenty-two percent of persons 65 to 69 years old reported difficulty going up and down stairs. Thirty-five per cent of those between 75 and 79 reported difficulty. For those over 80 years, more than 50 percent reported difficulty. -Studies of institutional care conclude that up to one-third of the million elderly persons already in institutions might be able to live in the community if support services were available. -More than 40 percent of all Medicaid expenditures are for long-term care in nursinf homes. -The specter of losing in dependence and entering a nursing home is particularly haunting to many of the 8 million Americans who live SECTION 2 - PAGE 3 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY, MAYll, 1»79 alone, the great majority of them women. -The increase in elderly persons living alone has been running three times as fast as the growth in the size of the elderly population. -About two-thirds of all widows live alone. And their incomes are* generally low. One-fourth live below the federal poverty index. Write or call us at Lieutenant Governor Dave O'Neal's Senior Action centers at 160 N. LaSalle, Chicago, 111., 60601 or 3 West Old Town Mall, Springfield, 111., 62701 with questions or complaints about any government agency or program. This column will be covering the many questions senior citizens may have on various subjects. Call statewide: toll free 800- 2 5 2 - 6 5 6 5 : m e t r o p o l i t a n Chicago: 312-793-3333 NtlE VERSE Seek the Lord and his strength, seek his face continually. " 1. Who was the author? 2. Upon what occasion? 3. What form of writing was it? 4. Where may this verse be found? Answers To Bible Verse 1. David. 2. When the Israelites placed the ark of the cove nant in the city of David. 3. A Psalm. 4. I Chronicles 16:11. Remember the men who can't forget. Wear, a Buddy poppy Memorial day. • • • • The safety, security and welfare of the U.S. depend upon the safety, security and welfare of its people. (EYES EXAMINED DY APPOINTMENT ONLY) EVERY SQUARE YARD OF CARPETING, NO-WAX VINYLS, AREA RUGS, REMNANTS IN STOCK ALL ON SALE TWO DAYS ONLY FOR MOM. % , over 170,000 sq.yds. of carpeting on sale for Mother's Day -. , Prices effective May 12th & 13th only CARPETING, NO-WAX VINYLS, REMNANTS and AREA RUGS ALL SPECIALLY PRICED FOR MOTHER'S DAY Every square yard of carpeting will be specially sale priced for 2 days only, May 12th and 13th These special sale prices apply to in-stock carpeting... including remnants, area rugs and all wall- to-wall carpeting...representing one of the most outstanding in- stock selections in the midwest. Choose from 100's of colors, styles, textures and patterns. And to make Mother's Day even more special, we're giving away a free Mother's Day gift with every purchase totaling $100 or more All of America's most famous carpet mills will be represented in this special Mother's Day event Be sure you visit any one of our 3 locations (Woodstock, Elgin, Aurora) and pick up some fan tastic carpeting at fabulous sav ings. TIDY CARPETS & AREA RUGS 200 Washington | * IWoodstock. Illinots I81SI338 1000 663 Villa I f;; ; VI Elfin. Illinort 13121697 2600 2020 East Ne. to* St I*"™.,s<312lM« 4900 v*LlU f«r " 'x T.OV.nwpowtock Atton. auauaaju 1**0 0*1 m » : Urn *•* fc i" I*. pr- r f