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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Jun 1979, p. 25

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SECTION ? P \C;f r, PLAlNIIF.ALfcK FRIDAY. JUNE 1.1979 Develop Year 2000 Transportation Plan A series of presentations on Year 2000 Transportation plan alternatives will be made in each of the six counties bet ween June 4 and June 15 Everyone is invited to attend these public meetings. Procedures for involving the public in discussions at these meetings vary from county to county, and locar procedures will govern these sessions. Kepresentatives from the Northeastern Illinois Planning Rlngwood News 38-5 803/ 653-9262 728-0343 Commission (NII'Ci, the Chicago Area Transportation Study (CATS> the Regional Transportation Authority (RTA>, and the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT> will make these p r e s e n t a t i o n s . F i n a l arrangements for time and place of these meetings are being made by CATS John Orzeske at CATS, may be contacted at 7M3-345f> for details Maps showing major facility components of the plan alternatives will he displayed in 'ake -home Gif ts For Park Shown above are Jaycees President' John Lampe, Rotary President-Elect Ed Cepulis. Rotary President Bob Adams and Mayor Stanek after the completion of th4j Petersen park projects. The Jaycees provided the newly erected obstacle course and the Rotarians gave McHenry the giant slide. STAFF PHOTO-ANTHONY OLIVER WORKWISE 1 Legal Notice QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. My union and the company where I work have a disagreement ovr>r what a particular clause in our c o l l e c t i v e b a r g a i t i n g agreement says What do we do when we can't con vino < ach other our interpretation .s the correct one" The method by which most "~^Sfrch disputes are finally settled is through the proems of ar­ bitration Arbitration is when the union and the company submit their disagreement to a third party neutral who listens to the arguments and accepts testimony and other evidence from both sides and based on such information renders a decision on the matter Before submitting the dispute to the - arbitrator, the paities agree to V abide by whatever decision the ^arbitrator mikes Upon request from the Union and the company, the Illinois Department of Labor will supply an arbitrator from its staff at no o>st the patties to hear the d.spute and render a decision. For more in formation, contact: Arbitration and Mediation Service, Illinois -Department of Labor, 100 North First street. Springlield. III.. 62706. 217-78? 1710.; 2. 1 am receiving uriem ployment insurance payments I have been referred to a job by Job Service as a clerk typist. On my last job I worked as a clerk typist, but now I would like something else even though this job I am being referred to will pay more than I was making The counsellor at Job Service says mv unern ployment insurance payments will stop if I don't applv foi and take the job, if of<e»*-d. Is M legal? Yes. One of the qualifications for receiving unemployment insurance benefits is that you apply for and accept a suitable ,^b offered to you. Unem # ^woyment insurance is designed provide benefits to you while u are out of work until you can return to work Questions may be submitted to Workwise. 910 S Michigan avenue. Room 1823. Chicago. Ill . 60605, 31? 793 2817 STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF McHFNRY )SS When you want dependability, look for . . . ffimpiiciia/ AM At US-CHALMERS COMPANY Broadmoor II Garden Tractor, 11 hp 42 free- floating mower mounting adjusts to terrain. Manual 3-speed transmission for 1 to 4 mph speeds, plus reverse. HeadlighJs standard. Optional vacuum collector holds 26 bushels. ROSS BUS SALES 1801 ROUTF 120 1 Mile East of Town McHENRY, ILLINOIS 344-0822 IN THE CIRCUIT COURTTHEREOF FISHER AND FISHER, ATTORNEYS 30 North LaSalle St. Chicago. Illinois 60602 312-372-4784 STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF McHENRY, ss - In the Circuit Court for the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit. McHenry County, Illinois lireat Lakes Mortgage Cor poration vs: Richard Sherman Mlaha, et al . Case No. 79 CH 56. The requisite affidavit for publication having been filed notice is hereby given you U N K N O W N O W N E R S Defendants in the above en­ titled suit that the said suit has been commenced in the Circuit Court for the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit of McHenrv County, by the said plaintiff against you and other defen­ dants, praying for the foreclosure of a certain mor­ tgage conveying the premises described as follows, to wit: Lot 14 in Gardner Point Subdivision, a Subdivision of part of the East ' • of the S.E Fractional U of Section 17. Township 43 North, Range 9. E of the Third Trincipal Meridian, according to the Plat thereof recorded March 19, 1925 as Doc. No. 67350 in Book 5 of Plats, page 28 in McHenrv County. II., commonly known as 8715 Gardner .Rd., Fox River Grove, Illinois which said mortgage was made by Richard Sherman Blaha & Laurel K Blaha as Mor tgagors, to Great Lakes- Mortgage Corporation as Mortgagee,, and r ecorded in the office of McHenry County, Illinois as Doc. No. 761331. And for relief; that summons was duly issued out of the same Court against you as provided by law. and that the said suit is now pending Now therefore, unless you. the said above named defen­ dants, file your answer to the Complaint in the said suit or otherwise make your ap­ pearance therein, in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Wood­ stock, Illinois on or before the 6th day of July 1979, default may be entered against vou at any time after that day and a decree entered in accordance with the prayer of said Com­ plaint DATED Woodstock Illinois, April 2, 1979 Vernon W Kays, Jr. Clerk of the Circuit Coun Woodstock. Illinois FISHER AND FISHER ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFFS (Pub. May 25, June 1 &8,1979> Legal Notice NOTICE Public Notice is hereby given that on May 17th. A D. 1979, a Supplemental eeitificate was filea in the Office of the County Clerk of McHenry County, Illinois, setting forth the names and post-office addresses of all of tne persons owning, con ducting aftd transacting the business kno^n as CRYSTAL IAKE OR At SURGERY LTD . located at 111 Viiginia Street. Ciysial Lake. Illinois (10014 Dated thi^ !<fh day of Mav A.D. 1974 Rosemary Azzaro County Clerk (Pub May ?5, June I At 8. 1979) Legal Notice NOTICE Public Notice is hereby given that on May 21. AD 197*». a certificate uas filed in (he Office of the County Clerk of McHenry County, Illinois, setting forth the names and post office addresses of all of the persons owning, conducting and trenacting the business k n o w n a s V I K I N G PROPERTIES located at 1418 Hi Point ltd PO B?>\ m McHenrv IL 6(1050 Dated this 21 day of Mav A !>. 1M79 Rosemary Azzaro , County Clerk Put) May 2 >. June l & K Hi7« > Have Guests From Alaska Ben and Lois Jacobs have been enjoying a visit from their daughter, Linda Rupp. and seventeen month old Travis. The Rupps live at Eagle River. Alaska, near Anchorage where Ken is employed with the Bureau of Land Management. Linda and Travis will meet Ken in California where they will attend graduation exercises for a member of Ken's family before returning home. The folks have had a wonderful usit. but your reporter is sure the time seems all too short. CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY Did you have someone knock at your door last week and ask for a couple of chocolate chip cookies? Well it was all a part ol the fun when Melissa Russell entertained some of her A Mental "Facial" Wife "Richard, mv mind is made up." Hub--"Heavens! Is that artificial, too?" classmates on her thirteenth birthday. Following the treasure hunt (calling for the cookies), the girls all enjoyed a pizza party with Lil and Lois. CONVALESCING We are happy to hear that Art Baker is back home after a week at the hospital. Relax and take it easy for a while, Art. To any of our other friends who may be hospitalized, we wish a speedy recovery. EXTEND WISHES F o l l o w i n g g r a d u a t i o n exercises at Harrison school, friends and neighbors stopped by the Bill Cristy home to ex­ tend best wishes to daughter. Sherri, a member of the graduating class. HERE ANDTHERE Art and Katy Christopher enoyed a brief visit this past weekend from the Gary Linstad family. Dave Christopher spent the past week with Diane while Gary was on a business trip. They spend a day with Art's folks and also managed to work in a little golfing. The Paul Walkington and Alvin Benoy families spent Memorial Day weekend at Legend lake, where they relaxed and enjoyed camping Lynda Bird Rob named chair National ( omiuittee to H f t ft? SCULPTURED NAILS Come in for a FREE SAMPLE Demonstrating • Creative Nail Design • Natural & Sculptured Nail Care x • Manicuring & Pedicuring • Ear Piercing Welcome Everybody! az % 372 Virginia St . ( Rt . 1 4) Crystal Lake, IL 60014 (815) 459-0600 y, Villager No. 2600 WE'LL BUILD YOU A HOME THE WAY YOU WANT If AND DO If IN (6)WEEKS Price includes foundation on your lot. 308*00 A three bedroom home that is neat and well designed. The Villager, with the op­ tional sunken living room, offers much to the interior design. A floor plan designed for those who want plenty of room. BUY NOW AND SAVE! Price includes House, 24' x 28' Garage and Foundation on your lot Finished lower level optional (Pick up your Tri-State home catalog when you visit our model home.) MIKE O'BOYIE AND COMPANY TRI STATE HOMES Of LAKE AND McHENRY COUNTY wsk ymmrn Hi wsk ymmrn $C 1 Country Squire * ( • m n r t n _ : 1 n L o UNLIMITED FLOOR PLANS 2, 3, 4 and 5 BEDROOM MODELS RANCH - BI-LEVEL - TRI-LEVEL TWO STORY DUPLEX ft SPLIT FOYER APARTMENT HOUSES MOTELS 312-459-4114 8 COLUMBUS PARKWAY WHEELING. ILL 60090 VISIT OUR MODEL HOME Our model home is located at 8 Columbus Parkway which i« three milei south of Half Day, three blocks north of Lake Cook Rd.. on the west side of Milwaukee Avenue (fet. 21). The model home is open lor inspection Monday .thru Friday from 10.00 AM to 4:00 PM and on Saturday and Sunday from 10 AM to 5:00 PM APPROVED BY ALL CONVENTIONAL LENDERS and available t<>rm An opportunity lor more ^tailed discussion >>f alternatives will I»»• offered hy ( h e t r a n s p o r t a t i o n p l a n n i n g agencies Ifltursday. .lunc 7 ;tt 10 00 a m . at the office of the Northeastei i. Illinois Planning commission, 40*' \\»>si Madison street. Chicago Hollowing a presentation on the alternative plans, the public can discus the details of these plans svnh / e o r e s e n t a t i v e s « . ( N I I ' C . ATS. H I A and I DOT K valuation » a 1 1 e r n a 1 1 v e s responses from m e e t i n g s w i l l i t h e p l a t i n c I u ( I i n r th» ise publ'i hr used hi developing the re< ommended plan Win n a recomnn nded Year transport at'ui plan is ready lor tevieu a id om ment by tl- pt'bH an n o u n c e m e n t s o f p u M n hearing will I"- u > |p|. distributed A public he u i"t' on III*' ) i '! "MM1 I l ;. ,ispn! I •:• i|i . h d l i t d v h < Mat dalt IS ai: ' IP has Hi t > •1 \ ; • BIRTHDAYS Happy Birthday goes to Wendy Bruce and Blanche Howe on June 3, and on .lune 4. we find Penny Beck and Lou Winn sharing the date June 5 is that special day for Tanya Adams, and on June 6, Britta Seaborg will add another candle to her cake. June - was a busy day, and we find Dawn Cerny, Emma Ortlieb, Larry Oonk, June Oxtoby and I aurie Hartjes celebrating another year. June 8 we find Lynn Tomlinson, Jolie Walkington and Joanne Gillespie idding another year, with June 9 the special day for Ida Mae Adams, Chris Peterson and David Linstad. (Katie's grandson1 DIAL A PRAYER 1-385-12.11 FANTASY FARM J DAY CAMP STARTING JUNF G I R L S 7 - 1 ? V P S F n j o y a s o l e f u n s u m m e r w i t h o u t w o n y . S w i m m i r q g a i i i f s , h i l i n q u u i <_i cifts LIMITED ENROLMENT CHILD CARE Go to work k'rv.-wirtg y o u r c h i l d r e n a r e s o f e n n d w e l l t a k e t t'lt<? of Latg<> oiji doot play yard, hot lun( hp* set ve'f daily A full c."df of •' ach e r s g t ' Q i . n t e c r d u cationo1 is v.< II ro f u r r i m f o i v o t r h , l ! i . FANTASY FARM CALL TODAY 385-2499 "Gift Ideas for Dads and Grads" Pick a new RCA Room Remote XL ioo color 1 v Tune from across the room with ChameLoch Remote Control No Cords No Wires J' RCA XL-100 19" PLUS • Mr A • JU'LP • i a«i •»ifii ' .t pri. ilf i y»n ,i i **• < i» I M(;HU RCA's ChanneLock Remote Control so advanced, so automatic, there's no need to fine tune ever. ists . llu'Ilt •igr-. (I mi • •-.leM.* t ChanneLock Remote Control Also Available in 25" Diagonal Screen Size NEW! COMPACT RCA Solid State Black & White TV RCA 9 diagonal black & white AC/DC Sportable TV- ComPact 9 compact Plays indoors of 't'qu r A'" houS' (.'I.Tit Plays in car or camper >t» i^ \,oi! , |ft "• Jtil^r kck kf' iDC poAt" Plays outdoors tt [)C Datterv i RCA 12 d.aqonai black & White Sportable TV ComPact 12 RCA COmWKT ^ponaDU Mcxloi AD i gel <1 v Mv 2b Ac Lowest Price Ever...! RCA 19 black & White Sportable TV ComPact 19 RCA complex RCA Model VCT400 4 hour video (assette recorder (With 7-day memory nc/i Modol CC0"? color video Cr'Miic'a ' wilh 6 1 zoom lens ItCJl SINCE 1964 RCA IS MAKING TV BETTr9 & BETTFF ON RTES. 31 & 120 (ACIQSS from Jewel) McHENRY ^ MUSIC • ELECTRONICS 3«5-4M* Area's oldest ft largest music ft electronics shopping center since 1964 TONES

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