Special guests at the annul Gold Star potluck dinner are, back row, from the left. Gold Star Chairman Isabelle Thompson, Mary Frennd and Angela Frennd. Seated in front, from the left, are Dorothy M. Miller, Evelyn Justen and Eleanor Strache. J American Legion I Auxiliary News' fc, Im M| McHENRY UNIT 491 By Pearl Cooper Thirty-four members were on hand to honor the Gold Star members at the annual potluck dinner. Gold Star members present were Evelyn Justen, Angela Freund, Eleanor Strache, Isabelle Thompson and Dorothy M. Miller. Mary Freund, Gold Star chairman, presented each Gold Star member with a corsage and a gift.,, A very impressive memorial service was held by Chaplain Lauretta Homo aided by Eleanor Miller, for past president, Frances Matchen, Carrie Justen, Gold Star sister Nellie Hepburn, Flora Hageman (a past president of another Unit) and Margaret Davidson. Also participating was Maria Guettler at the piano. The charter was also draped for recently departed member Margaret Davidson by Chaplain Lauretta Homo and President Grace Latimer. It was announced that Memorial Day services would be held at the city park on Monday, May 28, and all members were asked to attend and if possible to march in the parade. The Gold Star mem bers will be honored by riding in cars. A short business meeting was conducted by President Grace Latimer. Dottie Messer, Poppy chairman, announced that this year was a very good one for contributions for jSoppies. On behalf of the American Legion and Auxiliary and V.F.W. and Auxiliary, she expressed her satisfaction to everyone for their very fine cooperation and assistance, in efforts to help the disabled veterans. A total of thirty-nine members and five non-members assisted the drive with a total of one him* dred and seventeen hours donated. It was indeed, a very successful Poppy day! Lauretta Homo gave the rehabilitation report for Marie Howe and announced that forty-four veterans and two helpers, from Elgin hospital, had attended the annual Chicken dinner on May 15. The men played bingo for the prizes that were donated by the members, and were given clothing, some purchased and some were donated by local businesses. Acknowledgements are to be sent out for the very fine contributions. Eight members and three husbands assisted in helping to make this dinner very successful. Junior activities chairman, Laurie Latimer, announced that a Father-Daughter banquet would be held on Sunday, June 3, and urged all members to have their Junior and their fathers make reservations with her as soon as possible. The Juniors had made about fifty tray favors at the last meeting. Under Children and Youth, a $10 donation was to be sent to the 2nd Divsion for the picnic to be held at ISSC School in June. National Security chairman, Katie Edstrom, gave a very interesting talk about National Security starting in our homes and spreading to the outer most boundaries of our country. Ways & Means chairman Ceil Violett acknowledged all help and cooperation in making the semi-annual Chicken dinner a huge success. Marge Datz gave a McHenry county council report and announced that new officers had been elected for 1979-80. Lauretta Homo gave an Uth District report. She announced that Pearl Cooper had taken first place with her Com munications book, Marge Hartung had a first place award for the best report in energy Conservation and Dawn Latimer had taken first place for her Junior Foreign Relations scrap book. Lauretta Homo announced that eye glass cases are badly needed by the Veterans and asked all members to bring the cases to the Post and she will see that they are given to the veterans in the hospitals. H.E. MORTIMER Presents PERFECT FATHER S DAY GIFT Bold le t te rs up to 24 N amps pr in ted p la in ly on qo ld wa lnut or b lack name p la te $11 95 each Older now MORTIMERS ENGRAVING 4 1 1 8 f c o > - t D r i v e Wonder Lake I l l ino is 60097 815-653-9349 Lauretta Homo will represent the unit at the 2nd Division meeting to be held in rock Falls on Sunday, June 10. The nominating committee consisting of Betty Lingen- felter, Evelyn Osmon, Midge Scharf, Catherine Edstrom and Marge Hartung announced the candidates for office 1979-80. Hiey are as follows: Dottie Messer, president; Grace Latimer, first vice-president; Marge Datz, second vice- president; treasurer, Eleanore Reid; historian, Dorothy M. Miller; chaplain, Betty Lingenfelter; sergeant-at- arms, Marge Hartung; assistant sergeant-at-arms, Laurie Latimer. Mrs. Messer had appointed Pearl Cooper as corresponding secretary and Ceil Violett as recording secretary. The nominated slate was elected as the new officers. Joint installation with the American Legion will be held late in July. Birthday greetings were extended to Isabelle Thompson, Dorothy M. Miller, Eleanore Strache, Barbara Hansen, Lydia Fenner and Mary Kantorski. Grace Latimer and Evelyn Osmon were winners of .the Veteran's Craft door prizes and Marilyn Ehlen was not present to receive the at tendance award. Theresa Huska was chair man for the Gold Star potluck dinner, with her committee of Phyllis Nimtz, Lottie Bykowski, Patricia Hartman, Wanda Sperry, Jane Groth- man, Marilyn Miller, Virginia Plewa, Diane Volpendesta, Evelyn Hay, Harriet Mikosz, Nancy Miller, Mary Jane Lazalde, Janet Lloyd, Helen Knight and Martha Raasch. The next meeting of" the McHenry Unit, American Legion Auxiliary, will be held on Monday, June 18, 1979 at the Post Home. Enters Pageant r/tuc. j-rLninut.ftLit.ii - tiLiuiir.ouni, jt ivfi o, i»o Thomas and Linda Mc- Cormack, 1815 Beach, McHenry, and their daughter, Heather, welcomed home a new son and brother, Sean, born May 28, in McHenry hospital. . The birth of the 6 lb. 11 oz. baby is also being celebrated in the home of grandfather, Timothy McCormack, Crown Point, Ind. Dr. and Mrs. Boon R. (Cynthia Cullen) Charoenying, 5204-A Woodmar, McHenry, welcomed their first child, Adrienne Joy, born May 10 in McHenry hospital. She weighed 6 lbs. 15 oz. ' Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Cullen of Springfield, 111., ..and Mrs. Fongchan Charoenying of Lampang, Thailand. KIM KANTLEHNER r HOSPITAL NOTES Clyde Blackwell, whom many know as "The Puppet Man", is in room 133, Veterans Hospital, North Chicago, 111. 60064, undergoing surgery. MCHENRY admissions: Henry E. Rahn of McHenry. WOODSTOCK MEMORIAL Admissions: Master Duane Crago, Master Matthew Sorensen, Victor Taylor, Miss Loreen Fish, Mrs. Georgeanne Esque, all of McHenry; Richard Madden, William Maier, Mrs. April Darmody, Mrs. Bessie Krizenecky, and Gary Kanak, all of Wonder Lake. * 0 0 0 Automobile traveling is getting to be a calcu lated risk. A very talented and am bitious young lady, Kim Kantlehner, 20, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Kantlehner, McHenry, and a 1977 graduate of McHenry high school, has entered the preliminary Miss America Pageant to select Miss Carpentersville 1979. She is currently attending Illinois State university to become a special education teacher. She is a little sister to Alpha Gamma RHO Frater nity, and has had four years of singing and five years of dancing. Kim was Miss McHenry in 1977, Illinois Suffolk Sheep Queen in 1976 and second runner-up to national Suffolk Sheep Queen. t* Kim has been a 4-H member for eleven years. She was a cheerleader in high school and won a Kiwanis Scholarship award. Kim likes to dance, sing and write, and for her talent competition, Kim will dance. The Pageant will be held on Friday, June 15, 8 p.m. at the Dundee high school auditorium. Advance tickets will be available from the If money were the only goal in life we know some rich people who should be mighty happy. LEONARD F. PAWLIKOWSKI, DDS announces' the relocation of his off ice to WHISPERING POINT CENTER 4302-J Crystal Lake Rd. McHenry, Illinois 60050 As of June 25, 1979 Office Hours By Appointment New Telephone 385-0777 BEN FRANKLIN We bring variety to life! fester Cotton Choice Care Polyester CAMISOLES I97 Reg. 3.00 Oh-«o-femtnine figure flattery! Choose from four fashionable stylet, all of machine washable poly ester, in choice of solid shades. One size fits all. You'll love these cool, carefree rompers because they look and feel great! Choice of fun styles, all of machine washable cotton/poly Wend, in white blue, maize or pink, sizes S-M-l. Reg. 9.00 Jmi Easy-Care Reg. 6.47 SUNDRESSES Lovely, lightweight summery dresses to aott up the tun int With figure-hugging cinch bodice end skinny little tie straps. Lots of prints in cotton/poly bland. 1250 N. Green St., McHenry, Illinois OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS TILL 8:30; Sat. 9:00 • 5:30; Sun. 10:00 contestants or may be pur chased at the door the night of the pageant. John and Roberta Leonard, 5102 Barnard Mill road, Ringwood, had their second child with the May 28 birth of 6 lb. 14 oz. Rebecca Jennifer, in McHenry hospital. Her brother is John Robert. Mr. and Mrs. Wilber Wildes, McHenry, are the maternal grandparents, and Mrs. Helen Leonard, Chicago, is the paternal grandmother. Gary and Kathleen Martin, 178 Heather, Crystal Lake, are the proud parents of their third child, Jason Matthew, born May 28, in McHenry hospital. Jason weighed 6 lbs. 9 oz., and joins Gary, 9, and Chrstian. 3. Madelyn Venturi of Chicago is the maternal grandmother, and Virginia Martin of Lackawanna, N.Y., is the paternal grandmother. > Douglas and Carol Belohlavy, 5017 Prairie avenue, McHenry, now have a daughter, Sarah Christine, to join their son, Benjamin. She was born May 20, in McHenry hospital, and 5 lbs. 7 oz. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. William P. Jaenicke, Harvard. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Belohlavy, McHenry, are the paternal grandparents. Christine Marie is the name chosen for the first child born to Max and Sonja Canady, 604 Columbus, McHenry. The 6 lb. 2 oz. girl made her debut in McHenry hospital May 26. Maternal grandparents are Janet and Charles Baker, Crystal Lake. Mrs. Bertha Delgadillo,, McHenry, is the paternal grandmother. Kelly Rae is the name selected for the second grand daughter of Ray and Bettie Rode, 4720 Cumberland circle, McHenry. Libertyville. She v °ighed 7 !>, 124 oz. at birth Mrs !>. » Auston, Mundelein, is maternal grandmother, ,.n fc Mrs. Vivianna Groh, McHer . is her paternal grandniotl erl The couple live at 606 D .v Devonshire. McHenry Among the recent birth-' ' recorded at Memorial hospital, for McHenry county. Wooc ' stock, are the following are births: May 31, a girl to Mr an<> Mrs. David Kennedy ot! McHenry, and a boy to Mr. anj? Mrs George Darmody < •• Wonder Lake; June 3. a l>oy t v Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wasbei of Wonder Lake, and a bo> t-r Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wiley of- McHenry. 1 Golden Gleams There is no book so bad that something good may not be found in it. -Cervante Sometimes 1 read a book with pleasure, detest the author. -Jonathan Suiff. She is the daughter of Julie and James Tuohy of Lin- colnwood. Kelly was born on May 29 at Resurrection hospital, and weighed 7,lbs. Her sister Shawn is 3 years old. Nicholas and Janet Groh's first child is Rebecca Elizabeth, born May 27 in Condel Memorial hospital, DIVORCED (WTHOI.MS MEET The McHenry Area Divorce*! Catholic group will meet Thursday, June 7, at 7:30 p m at Montini Middle school. Rich, mond road. mm WHY SOME PEOPLE GET PREFERRED TREATMENT AT THE McHENRY STATE BANK?? You too can achieve this status by maintaining a satisfactory checking account. As a result, you would not need to wait for approval of normal credit requests. When an unexpected need arises for a personal loan-consideration of a home mortgage-a student loan-or a new car loan at preferential rates, you can be confident that your credit is good and the McHenry State Bank is ready to give immediate approval to your nor mal credit requests. YOUR CHECKING ACCQUNT DOES MEAN MORE THAN JUST CHECKS AND DEPOSITS! 73 Years of Service Have Proven, Without a Doubt, that the Best Credit Reference You Can Have Is A Satisfactory Checking Account At the . . . McHenry State Bank Crystal Lake Rd. and Lillian Street 3510 W. Elm Street McHenry, Illinois A FULL SERVICE BANK 385-1040 f£> EOUAl HOUSING Member FDIC LENDER 2:00