A. G. Edwards & Sons. AT JEWEL MCC r> Sale Days Wed., July. 4 thru Tues., July 10 -- While Quantities Last -- Can we take five mi give thanks? GOD BLESS Area Pair -PLAtNDEALEll - TUESDAY. JULY 3, ltlf Johnsburg L. Gunderson 385-3052 t St. John's and Martha (Miller) , Chapel Hill Road, born raised in Johnsburg, were in St. John the Baptist urch, June 26, 1929, by George Nehl, Father 4ick Schmitt and Father Villiam Weber. The bridesmaids were Amelia Weber Smith, and Aarion Freund Schoenhaltz; natron of honor, Marie Miller ^t. Groomsmen, Harold and loe E. Freund. Reception was idd at her home for 250 people, ind dancing in the evening. The Freunds have two laughters, Charlene (Calvert) ksh and Diane (Carl) Neiss, tnd five grandchildren. . Leo and Martha celebrated heir "SO Years" on Sunday, uly 1, with Mass at 3 p.m., ohnsburg Junior high school, lue to the restoration at St. tohn's church. Dinner followed the Johnsburg Community lid>, with an open house after or their many friends. It was a delightful affair juch will long be remembered all the family, relatives and tends. Many more happy and althy years to you both! N.C.S.F. § Members of St. Agatha court •77, make reservations with |)oris Freund or Laura Schmitt fty Sunday, by July 15, for the olf outing, Wednesday, July 5, at Chapel Hill country club, leeoff time is 9:30 a.m. Non- golfers meet at 11 a.m. Lun cheon is at 12:30 p.m. This is always it big day, so don't miss it. No regular meeting in July . N.C.S.F. JUNIORS Junior Forester's Day outing, Wednesday, Aug. 1. Supper at McDonald's, and then Roxy Wheel Roller Rink in Dundee. Permission slips can be ob tained from Mrs. Phillip (Jan) Bartmann, and should be returned promptly; also call her fojr further information. BAPTISMS at St. John's, Sunday, July 1, Janet Elizabeth Groh and Rebecca Elizabeth . Groh, Renee Pauline Demares, Lawrence James and Charles Bradley Madsen. NEW SISTER Renee Pauline was born in Lake Forest hospital, June 16, to Louise and Edward Demares, Riverdale drive. They are parishioners of St. John's. She weighed 8 lbs., 13 oz., and was 20" long. She joins a brother Ernie, 7 years, and two sisters, Marcia 9 and Christina 2. Maternal grandparents are Paul and Tina Keyes from Lake Hopatcong, N.J., who are presently visiting the new baby and her parents. Renee is their fourteenth grandchild, and they will be greatly missed when they leave for home. Renee Pauline was baptized Sunday, July 1, at St. John's, noon Mass. Her sister Marcia was served at the table of the Lord for the first time at this Mass. It will be a great day for everyone. It will long be remembered PHYSICAL'S NIGHT All students,,grades 6, 7, 8th, and sophomorfes, juniors and seniors, are required to have a physical examination on file at their school in ordefto compete, in interscholastic sports for the 1979-80 year. Tuesday, July 10 at 7 p.m. at Johnsburg high school is physical's night. There is. a nominal fee. Mark yoor calendar so you will not miss this important date. All incoming freshmen to Johnsburg high school for the coming semester are required to see their own private physician per Illinois state requirements. P.T.O. MEETING Johnsburg PTO meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 10 at Bush school at 8 p.m. JOHNSBURG SCHOOL DISTRICT 12 - decent Info 12 advised:- First day of School for 197940 • Tuesday, Sept. 4, August registration dates for all students Kindergarten through 12, will be Monday, Aug. 13 and Tuesday, Aug. 14. Kindergarten through Grade 8 at Middle school. Grades 9 through 12 at high school. SYMPATHY - to the family of Arthur Klein, Fox JLake, brother of Regina Michels, Mary Brown and Clara Adams, all of St. John's. last and was buried at St. HOSPITAL AND HOME ^ Remember our sick in your ypMMr iWvCZgvT) Eisele and Victoria A. Waitr, that God may give them the graces they need. ' ^ > V AQUEEN! Our very best wishes and congratulations to Miss McHenry - Karen Jean Szumlas, 18, of Dutch Crfeek, and a 1979 graduate of John sburg high school. We wish happy reign to her and her court! ST. JOHN'S PICNIC Mark your calendar now...Sunday, Aug. 5, St. John's Family Picnic and Dinner - Johnsburg Community club grounds. The sodality will be making the dinner, so you know from previous experience that it will be delicious. There will be rides for the children, games for all, and a real family day. DATES TO REMEMBER July 10 • Physical's Night July 10 - P.T.O. Meeting July 25 • N.C.S.F. Golf outing. Aug. 1 - N.C.S.F. Juniors outing Aug. 5 - St. John's Family Picnic and Dinner Sept. 4 • First day of school Observe Operation Cace No Charge To Our Savers... Money Orders McHenry Savings AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 1209 N. Green St. McH»nr 10820Main St MCHENRY SAVINGS njjiopki Independence day weekend will be the second holiday for the summer season. Along with the fun and activities, there are going to be a lot of people traveling the highways to get to their picnics and parties. Unfortunately, some of these people will not enjoy this holiday weekend because they will be involved in serious or fatal traffic accidents. To try to cut down on highway accidents and fatalities during the holiday period, the Illinois state police, along withTODther state police agencies, will be in volved in Operation CARE. SEAMLESS GUTTERS offered by RtJEKIERMNSES Aluminum Facia, Soff iting & Siding FORFREE ESTIMATE CALL: 815-385-7784 • JEWEL CATALOG OUTLET STORE • JEWEL CATALOG OUTLET STORE • JEWEL CATALOG OUTLET - MfflCHANDISf-̂ CLEARANCE CENTER A DIVISION OF JEWEL Mon. ,Tuos. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m DIRECT MARKETING 301 W. Virginia St. CRYSTAL LAKE 815-455-0333 Wed., Thurs., Fri. 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. •J Sat. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. v//.'/* Sun. 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. We're Celebrating ALL WEEK! Come Join Us. GREAT SAVINGS DOWN EVERY AISLE. When we say "STOREWIDE SALE" we mean STOREWIDE SALE. All items are on sale except Socks, Underwear, Batteries and Gum. STOREWIDE SALE OFF OUR DISCOUNT PRICE •WATCHES •JEWELRY •EXERCISE EQUIP. •TOYS ^FURNITURE ITEMS •PLANTERS •CLOCKS •ELECTRONIC ITEMS •TOOL SETS •PLUS MORE!!! •MEN'S WEAR •LADIES WEAR •CHILDREN'S WEAR •RADIOS •RUGS •GIFTWARE •TABLECLOTHS •LAWN FURNITURE •PICNIC NEEDS (Socks, underwear, batteries •APPLIANCES •COOKWARE •DISHES •FLATWARE •SEWING NEEDS •BLANKETS •BEDDING •BATH NEEDS •VACUUMS and gum not included) STOP BY ON WED. JULY 4 FOR AN EXTRA SPECIAL SALE FOR THIS ONE DAY ONLY WE WILL HAVE AN ADDITIONAL 10% OFF . PLUS MANY UNADVERTISED SPECIALS. COME AND SEE! ... JAiW OUR DISCOUNT PRICE Holiday Hours: Wednesday itfm*ted 6,139 wet* treated in hospital emergency rooms for fif&works-related injuries last year, according to the National Society to Prevent Blindness (NSPB). With the fourth of July approaching r the prime time for use of firecrackers and other pyrotechnics - the society has issued a warning that all kinds of fireworks are a threat to life and limb, especially to eyesight. "Eye damage accounted for some 20 percent of last year's reported injuries from pyrotechnics," Virginia S. Boyce, executive director of the NSPB, pointed out. "This figure represents only a fraction of actual injuries since there is no way to estimate how many were treated in doctors' offices, at home or by direct hospital admission," she ad- "All fireworks - ranging from bottlerockfets and firecrackers to punks and sparklers - are harmful to the eyes. Seemingly harmless sparklers burn at heats ex ceeding 1500 degrees F," Mrs. Boyce said. Since children are most often the victim* of injuries from fireworks, toe society advises Operation CARE was started by the National Highway Traffic Safety administration in 1977 using the joint efforts of the Michigan, Ohio,; Indiana and Illinois state police. These states agreed to designate certain highways in their states Which would have concentrated patrols to try to cut down on traffic violations, help stranded motorists, and most important, .to cut down on traffic ac cidents. Since Labor day, 1977 44 other state police organizations have joined in Operation CARE and now are producing a nation-wide operation to try to improve highway safety in our country. In Illinois, the Operation CARE highways will include all of the Interstates throughout the state. The 1979 In dependence day holiday period is from 6 p.m. Tuesday, July 3, through midnight, July 4. In terstate highways within Illinois will have added patrols to take care of any problems that may occur. The best way to avoid ; bills is to pay cash. Vacationing motorists can now dial a 24-hour toll free telephone numbenor current information on gasoline availability throughout Illinois, according to the Illinois Office of Tourism, Department of Business and Economic Development. Called the "TraveLine," the two-minute recorded message offers Illinois and midwest consumers an advisory on general fuel availability, timely prospects for upcoming travel events and weekend destinations, plus information on where to write for detailed vacation material. Two telephone numbers will provide the toll free service, seven days a week; 800-637-8560-For travelers placing calls from Minnesota, Iowa,. Missouri, Tennesseee, Wisconsin, Kentucky, Ohio, Iiutimi und Mtohlg»n aoo-2S3-8987~For travelers dialing within Illinois. "This offer a needed service for m 'wrists who may be unoortaui about their travel plans because of the much- publicised fuel situation", says Sandy Guettler, managing director of the Illinois Office of Tourism. "Though we certainly recognise the serious reality of a gasoline shortage, we also feel the TraveLine will be a valuable boost for vacation planning. It will benefit the entire industry, from travel related businesses who have prepared for the peak vacation season, to consumers who want parents to keep even the smallest firecrackers away from them, "almost 00 percent of the fireworks-related eye in juries reported last year were suffered bv children under the age of 15. With the cooperation and supervision of concerned parents, such unfortunate and needless - accidents can be avoided this year and in the fdture," Mrs. Boyce asserted. For many years, the NSPB has urged that the use of all fireworks be restricted to licensed public display. This recommendation ha* sflireidy been enacted into law in many states and municipalities. Still, For Gas to feel confident they can avoid difficulties in obtaining fuel. "We urge everyone to ob serve the 55 mile-per-hour speed limit, and trips should be planned so all driving is done during daylight hours. If we continue to be responsible in the use of our fuel supplies there should be no need to curtail plans for enjoying the hundreds of local Illinois travel destinations. "Our current advertising program stresses Illinois' many, close-by attractions. By studying what is available and applying our TraveLine in formation, there will be no reason to forefeit the quality of your lesiure time." Representatives of the $4 billion Illinois travel industry bootleg fireworks regularly appear on street corners and in under-the-counter sales. "What seems like fun to the unsuspecting public can result in painful burns, injuries - even blindness. Enjoy the holidays, safely, in public exhibitions," Mrs. Boyce The national Society to Prevent Blindness, established in 1906, is the oldest voluntary health agency nationally engaged in preventing blind ness through community service programs, public and professional education and research. gathered recently in sf to review the impact of gs availability during the current peak vacation season. During the meeting, it was unanimously recommended that a toll free 800-number be initiated. Participants in the meeting were optimistic regarding the outlook for a strong 1979 travel season, but emphasized the need to keep the public well informed of fuel availability to avoid exaggeration of current shortages. The state's travel industry also endorsed the Office of Tourism's concept of promoting trips "close to home," and urged continuation of travel promotion utilizing this theme. Inc. Lakemoor-Lilymoor Margaret Karas 385-4934 WEEKIY MARKET REPORT Pleased To s-- Dredge Working in "To be or not to be," certainly was the question that gave Hamlet heartburn but institutions no longer harbor such a yes or no question about stocks but rather they are trying to determine when to buy. During periods when the market and emotions are running down hill, you will hoar some institutions again question the whole concept of owning common stocks. But when emotions are calm and the mind is working, we are convinced that the many attractions of stocks, particularly when they are so reasonably priced on an historic basis, are weU known to and ^believed in by most institutions. We believe the days of institutional dumping of stocks are over and the future will see them on the buy side and with big chips. We believe this to be true formany reasons-the six year bear market in most prior institutional favorites which ended last spring; the vast cash on the sidelines; the values available; the fact that every other investment vehicle has been in vogue and appears richly priced; the great liquidity of stocks. These and other reasons, but the most critical is that stocks simply act darn well relative to the world wide bad news and that means to us we are making a bottom not a top. If our above assumptions are correct, we are still left with the question of when institutions will really get aggressive. We have no answer except that when institutions are trying to fihe tune the market, we want to be a buyer for the l«sg tsrss. -------ii 1... ' •' • . --- Our script for the short term calls for perhaps another day or so of selling or churning out of respect to the start of the OPEC meeting but then recent upside momentum should prevail when investors realize the world has survived the arrival of yet another doomsday. We look for the resistance at Dow 850-860 to be overcome, scare some institutional money into the market, get us much more overbought and up to the 880 range within 10 days or so, and then another puUback. We are worried about the sharp decline of the dollar recently, leaping commodity price futures, and prospects of a much ptiffer recession than generally anticipated and look for these factors to set stocks back again but from higher levels. What to do: for the investor, quality growth companies, interest rate sensitive stocks, and companies with superior earnings prospects for 1980 should be bought; particularly during declines; traders should continue to court stocks which act well but don't marry them. A1 Goldman Form Crisis Task Force What a thrill to see* the dredge spewing out water as it moved to its first place of operation. It looked like an old fashioned river boat, accepting the challenge of a worthy cause. The long pipes are in place, and the cleaning of Lily Lake has begun. Jerry Weber, Dale Rasmussen, Skip Gurske, Ross Curley, Bill Fritzsche and Chtigk Rocgue, have been carryihg most of the respon sibility. Residents will be contacted within the next few weeks, for their help in this ecological, beautifying, recreational project. To be in a community which is rebuilding itself and accomplishing this goal through its own labor, is something to be proud of. Statistics gathered from various agencies and govern mental units in McHenry county suggest that there is an overwhelming need for some sort of refuge for family crisis situations. With this in mind, a CATALOG OUTLET STORE • fEWEL CATALOG OUTLET STORE .JEWEL CATALOG OUTLET STORE Security American Family's Special Homeowners Package Policy. Complete security for that special place you call home. It's the most comprehensive, home owners coverage we've ever offered. Call me today. I'll provide you with all the information. tour if Crystal L*i Black* I ma McHenry County Crisis center task force is being started to help establish such a service for the community. Persons interested in becoming a part of this newly formed group are invited to attend an informational meeting July 10 at 8 p.m. at Lakeside center, 401 Country Club road, across from the main beach in Crystal Lake. For further information on the task force, call Maryjane Westra at 459-8192 or Sue Peterson at 338-4045. SOCIAL NIGHT At the Lily Lake Ladies League meeting on June 20, the winners of the evening's Bunco games were , Mildred Boyd, first; Lou Scharff, second; Helen Netzel, third; and Julia Kraus, booby. President of the group, Helen Para, was co- hostess, jerving with Sophie Paterson. The /Ladies welcome new members. Publicity chairman Lu Gravenstuk, may be con tacted for information as to joining this happy group of girls who enjoy meeting twice a month. CELEBRATION TIME A very happy anniversary to Louise and Don Hipwell on July 6. Don is one of our volunteer firemen, and Louise is a writer of poetry, maker of lovely afghans and other hand-crafted items, and president of the McHenry Nunda library board of trustees. May the coming year add much to your store of happiness. s. June 9 is Patrick Mieszhla's birthday. ^ John Victor celebrates on the tenth, as does Willie Gray who will start his teenage years. Have an ex citing year. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Registrations for youngsters three years through 6th grade, are still being accepted for a one week Bible school, Aug. 13 through 17. Members of Faith Presbyterian church, Lincoln road, are leading the bible classes, from 9 to 11:30 a.m. Singing, art and simple drama wiH also be included. Call 385- 0471 or 385-5399 for information and registration. MANAGEMENT SEMINAR Maggie Dunnagan attended a three day seminar for pur chasing agents at the American Management association, Chicago Management center. Being exposed to successful business persons, listening to powerful lectures, and solving actual problems, wilt all be of great help to Maggie in her new position as purchasing agent for Chroma corporation. Good purchasing, Mag! \ SUBSCRIBE To The McHenry Plaindealer And Save *8.80 Over v Newstand Price ! 'Ul OUT AND MAIL OH MING TO: I McHENRY PLAINDEAUER I 3t12 W. Elm St.. McHenry, III. tOOSO, | with check or money order for *tl.M for one year j subscription within McHenry County. I NAME . j ADDRESS if* CITY _ZIP _J MONEY BACK GUARANTEE FOR UNUSED PORTION" WHEN IS SMALL TOOSMALL? Do you have any small greeting cards or invitations that have been saved for special occasions? If the en velopes are smaller than 3Vi inches high and 5 inches long, use them by July 14, or the post office will return them to you. Also, make sure cards are enough, at least seven- dths of an inch thick, so won't get caught in the essing machinery. Question: If a letter is returned, can the stamp be reused? COMMUNITY CALENDAR July 10 - Lilymoor association meeting - 214 Ridgeway, 8 p.m. July 11 - Lily Lake con servation Club, Inc. - open meeting, 7:30 p.m. July 12 .- Lakemoor village meeting - municipal building, 8 p.m. July 16 - Free blood pressure 'screening Lakemoor municipal building, 7-9 p.m. It's taken our country 203 years to be where it is today. Can we take five minutes to At s UFor Summer Session Mary Hughes, 4519 N. Riverdale drive, and Jill Hutchinson, 2514 W. Lincoln road, both of McHenry, are attending Lawrence univer sity's summer session for talented high school students in Appleton, Wis. The program offers ad vanced training in biology, English, music, psychology, Spanish and theatre. Major and minor workshops in these subjects are conducted by Lawrence university faculty members and other teachers chosen for their specialized knowledge. Ms. Hughes'major subject is Spanish and her minor subject is English. She is a student at Johnsburg high school. Ms. Hutchinson's major is music and her minor is theatre. She is a student at McHenry Community high school, t* = V '