May's Liquor Department Cool Summer Savings With May's Low Prices! Famous Brands! A S P I R I N Terrific Values! §| m m PAGE II - PLAINDEALER - TUESDAY. JULY iTffl x \ 1 6 PACK 120Z. CANS . - if you're on main tenance medication it's smart to be pre pared when you're planning a vacation. You pan depend on May's for all > your health needs ft and receive the \ \ kind of pro- \ fessional care and prescrip- ---- tion service you've wish- - ed for. Our prescrip tion prices are low and so are all the other health needs we sell over the counter. Stock up now on summer first aid supplies. ~80 PROOFtMSTILLED FROM 100% GRAIN 80 PROOF EXTRA SMOOTH E t i Brandy $•99 1.75 LITRES 750 ML J? •'••"J 750 ML 750 ML 11'.5% ALCOHOL-SERVE VERY COLD ~ • I.S.C. ChllM light Burgundy 750 Ml| 12% ALCOHOL-ALL VARIETIES Andre' Champagne 80 PROOF--DISTILLED FROM 100% GRAIN MAY'S REGULAR $1.14 Brack Crama Miim REG., W/BODY OR BALSAM YOUR CHOICE-PINT, 1V4 PINT OR QUART SIZE 01. FILTER MAY'S REGULAR $141 BRECK SHAMPOO |FCK JjkynalMyr | MAY'S REGULAR $249 Boo Picnic Jug ONE GALLON DRY OR OILY MAY'S REGULAR $2.17 / Pennzoil MAY'S REGULAR 97« Mr. Coffee Coffee Filters MAY'S REGULAR $2.49 Velveeta Cheese MAY'S REGULAR $146 Vitalis Pump Hair Spray 20$ OFF-REG. OR SUPER YOUR CHOICE MAY'S REGULAR $2748 Church Mirror BEAUTIFULLY DECORATED MAY'S REGULAR 738 Amoco 10 W30 M.V Motor Oil ALL SEASON FAST HUN KtUtf MAY'S REGULAR $149 Efferdent MAY'S REGULAR $747 Four Playor Badminton Sot iilil MAY'S REGULAR $1.39 Body On Tap Shampoo NORMAL. OILY OR DRY MAY'S REGULAR $1.38 Bayer Aspirin MAY'S REGULAR 91* Scot Towels V I 5.5-oz. A • tube ilAY'S REGULAR $1.73 Effergrip MAY'S REGULAR 58$, 48* Rubber Zori Sandals MEN'S, LADIES' OR CHILDREN'S-ASSORTED SIZES & COLORS MAY'S REGULAR $3.97 BrocaBrella® Umbrella Hat ASS'T. MULTI-COLORS- PERFECT FOR BASEBALL. GARDENING, GOLF, FISHING, ETC. 60 MINUTE TIMER-OUTDOOR OR INSIDE COOKING - #29031VC 14-oz. can MAY'S REGULAR $649 >• Ingraham Do All Tinier ADJUSTABLE ON-OFF LEVERS- REPEATS EVERY 24 HOURS - U.L. APPROVED #12-010 MAY'S REGULAR $9.99 Dazey MAY'S REGULAR 99* Lenlta Panty Hose ASST. STYLES, SHADES AND SIZES. 10-OZ. btl. MAY'S REGULAR $2.71 Johnson's Baby Shaifipoo Playing Cards 16-oz. btl. "Prices effective from Wednesday, July 4th through Tuesday, July 10th, 1979, regardless of cost increases." We reserve the right to limit quantities. MAV-9M0ULMIMC