GOVT. INSPECTED -- PORK LOIN Variety Pork Chops Tide Detergent ' 49 01. REG. BOX *1.69 si(Iuonifl Kraft }chmj»y Miracle Whip A WD r.mai » <'•««« COt.t,CL;J7C chcc -C PIECES & STEMS Pennsylvania Dutchman Mushrooms 4 OZ. Ktu ( y . m m 63' SMALL OR l.ARGL CURD TAPER SALTED OR UNSALTED ' Hillfarm Cottage Cheese • ; GULAR OR DIET 7-Up, Dr. Pepper or Orange Crush Hillfarm Sherbet - r$y- f 11,1979 If the cost of planning meals lately has your family eating a little lighter than usual, you're going to love the meaty values you'll find this week in Jewel's Butcher Shop. Favorites like U.S.DA Choice beef blade steak and tasty variety pork chops are specially priced with big eating in mind. And why not give our new Extra Value Blend a tfy, too. It's j ust one mor£ reason shoppers who come to Jewel for the quality, often come back for the price! ZlMH ELM ST MERRY I J|| Hill MF 8-10, SAT. 84), SUN. 9-6 f5!SE?^SCSyiSJNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED THURS., JULY 12 THRU SAT., JULY14, ' N Mr?lFiJn\FtnleEME??AwIn>RQ? ILLIN0IS COUNTIES: COOK, LAKE, DU PAGE, AND JEWEL ANNOUNCES A BREAK THROUGH IN MEAT ECONOMY: Extra Value Blend! USDA CHOICE -Extra Value Blend is Jewel's freshly ground beef extended with a newly de veloped isolated soy protein. This form of soy extender makes an excellent beef stretcher k for it's almost pure protein. The resulting blend is comparable to ground beef in nutritional vafiJeand calories. Wk And, it's all but indistinguisha- ble from -ground beef in E* flavor and appearance. In fact, the only difference Mir/ you'll really notice is in the Hp/' price! Extra Value Blend will al- WK/ ways cost significantly less. Why not serve new E^,tra / Value Blend to your family tonighf? USDA ((CHOICE IKJLELJUŜ FRESHLY GROUND Extra Value Blend OF SIR O 5 LBS. OR MORE PKGS. OF LESS-THAN 5 LBS. $1.39 LB PKG. INCLUUtS l| • 2 BLAt>E 11 • 2 SIRLOIN 1 \ • 6 RIB & J I LOIN CHOPS CALIFORNIA Nectarines Now you get FREE Au Jus mix with our Italian Roast Beef! takmstaivp fresh fruits and vegetables Assorted Plums . • JUBILEE • QUEEN ROSA • RED ROSA • FRONTIER • WICKSON • FRESNO BLACK CHEFS KITCHEN Italian Roast Beef WITH FREE AU JUS MIX YOUR CHOICE y2 LB LB. *4.18 -- REG. '4.78 CALIFORNIA Strawberries QUART *1.69 Blueberries CALIFORNIA Russet in. Potatoes BAG IMPORTED Granny Smith Apples c™„et 5 COM HUSK!" EARS Cucumbers