Prepare For United Way Drive Volunteers for the United Way fall fund raising campaign will be participating in training sessions the week of Sept. 10, at which time they will also receive their assignments, it was announced recently by the United Way of McHenry County. These volunteers are provided by the nineteen dif ferent human service agencies that comprise the United Way of McHenry County. On Thursday, Sept. 20, the training sessions will be held at the McHenry city hall - downstairs--llll North Green street at 2:30 and again at 7:30 p.m. As the volunteers of the United Way of McHenry County gear up for their annual fund drive in October, it is in teresting to note some of the impressions of Columnist Erma Bombeck in one of her recent articles. The following excerpts from the article gives us something to think about. "Volunteers and yachts have a lot more in Common these days. They're both a part of an aristocratic era that is disappearing from the American scene. They're both a luxury in a]world that has become very practical.^, "Day by dair the number oft' volunteers decreases in this country as more and more of them equate tneir worth in terms of dollars and cents. Three years ago I did a column on volunteers in an effort to point out that they don't con tribute to our civilization. They are civilization • at least the only part wo^th talking about. "They are the only human beings on the face of the earth who reflect this nation's compassion, unselfishness, caring, patience, need and just plain loving one another . Their very presence transcends politics, religion, ethnic background, marital status, sexism, even smokers versus non-smokers. . "Maybe, like the yacht, the volunteer was a luxury, and luxuries are too often taken for granted. Jewish Congregation Plans For High Holiday Services "One has to wonder. Did we, as a nation, remember to say to volunteers, 'Thank you for the six dialysis machines. Thank you for sitting up with a 16- year-old who overdosed and begged to die. Thank you for the hot chocolate at the Scout meeting. Thanks for reading to the blind. Thanks for knocking on doors in the rain. Thanks for hugging the winners of the Special Olympics. Thanks for pushing the wheel chair into the sun. Thanks for being.' "It frightens me, somehow, to imagine what the world will be like without them." The campaign for funds for the nineteen different agencies ofthe United Way of McHenry County will begin in October with a goal of $210,000. Plan To Move? Move Mall Too If a community is average, one of every five families will move to a new address this year. It could be yours. And if you do plan to move, Postmaster LeRoy Smith wants to remind you not to leave behind one of ycur most personal possessions...your mail. From its more than 200 years of experience, the postal ser vice knows that when people move, many of them fail to notify those who send them mail regularly, or they wait until it's too late. Yet, these are the people who don't want to miss an important letter, or get a magazine that's outdated, .Postmaster Smith points out, because their mail has to be rehandled and for warded to their new address, or sometimes returned to the sender because there's no change of address on file at the post office. "Of course, the post office will keep its commitment to deliver the mail", Postmaster Smith says, "But the un necessary extra effort costs the Consumer time and maybe even money." Yet, getting mail moved can be a lot easier than moving furniture and household goods. The answer is simple, Smith explains. Just notify the post office and correspondents at least a month before you move. The easiest and most ac curate way to do this is with a free change of address kit readily available for the asking at the post office or from your letter carrier, says the post master. The kit contains a supply of post cards - one to send to the PAGE 5 -PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 12.1 •*» post office, and the others to send to credit card companies, doctors, department stores, magazines, insurance com panies, and the others who send you mail regularly. By filling out completely, leaving no blank spaces, and mailing these least a month before you help make sure that your mail will arrive at your new address when you do. "This should be one moving problem you can solve at thr. drop of a post card," Smith says. ; Eclipses Occur Eclipses occur whenever any part of either the earth or the moon enters the shadow of the other. 1BENFRANKUN life bring variety to life.' 1250 N. Green St. McHENRY, ILL. SAVE 33% ON OUR BEST SELUNO CURTAIN The McHenry County Jewish congregation, which serves the city of McHenry, will be holding high holiday services to celebrate Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. The services will be conducted by Jonathan Ginsburg, a student Rabbi, and area resident. The services will be held as follows: Rosh Hashanah, Friday, Sept., 21, 6:30 p.m. Maariv service and sermon; Saturday, Sept. 22, 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. service, 6p.m. to 8 p.m. service; Sunday, Sept. 23,1 to 3 p.m. service; Yom Kippur, Sunday, Sept. 30, 6 to 7:30 p.m. Kol Nidre and sermon; Mon day, Oct. 1, 9 to 11:30 a.m. service, 11:30 a.m., Yisker, 5 to 6:30 p.m. closing service. These services are open to everyone and the congregation encourages all to attend. There Grocery Prices Effective Sept. 13 thru Sept. 15 will be ample seating and no seats will be reserved. The congregation was founded in the early part of this year, and has been making great strides in providing service to the Jewish com munity. Sabbath services are now held every Friday night, and plans are under way for the formation of a Hebrew school, an adult Bible study group, and a Sunday school. Starting in October, the congregation will have a Rabbi to help in the spiritual leadership, and educational guidance of the Jewish com munity. The congregation meets in the Unitarian Congregationalist church at the corners of Dean and South street in Woodstock, with Sabbath services Friday at 8 p.m. Everyone is welcome. IMMUNIZATION SURVEY Local representatives of the Census bureau will conduct a survey in this are during the week of Sept. 17-22, to deter mine to what extent people have been immunized against selected diseases, Stanely D. Moore, director of the Bureau's Regional office in Chicago, has announced. The survey is conducted throughout the U.S. every year to provide in formation on immunization against measles, influenza, polio, diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, rubella, and mumps needed for the ad ministration of health programs geared to disease prevention. WE ARE NOW •y $ Buy SOFT COHI ACTS $0000 ONLY MM HARD LENS Now aviloble at $89.00 Bi-Focal Contact Lenses Also Available ALSO AVAILABLE: •Eyes Examined •Fashion Frames •Glasses fitted •prescriptions Filled COMMONS OPTICAL 4 3 0 5 W . E l m S t . , McHenry (815) 344-3900 Also At: 829 E. Rollins Rd., Round Loke Beach, III In The Round Lake Commons Shopping Center 7 Miles S. of Wise. Border 312-223-0020 p & ED'S FINER MEATS 1 385-7663 4612 N. WILMOT ROAD (Just North of Johnsburg) SUNNYSIDE, ILL WHOLE FRESH CORNISH GAME HENS PARTS MISSING FRESH PORKL STEAKS WHOLE FRESH IPORKBUTTSI FRESH We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities While They Last. Not Responsible for Typographical Errors. SEPTEMBER SAVINOSili ED'S FINER MEATS & Sausage Shop 385-7663 CHICKEN SALE!! Johntburg Road OiomI Hill Rt. 120 FRYERS LB. 3 LEGGED FRYERS WE ACCEPT PHONE ORDERS PERMANENT PRESS WE COP CURTAINS Freshness in window decor! Fanciful curtains complete with ruffles and trims! The beautiful, easv-to-care-for blend of Kodel polyester and Avril rayon. Choice of decorative colors. Reg. Sale Valances 3.50 2.34 24" Tiers 4.00 2.68 30" Tiers 4.50 3.00 36" Tiers 5.00 3.35 45" Tiers 8.00 5.36 54" Tiers . .8.50 5.69 63" Tiers 9.00 6.00 Sale Prices Good thru Sat. Sept. 15 THE BOTTLE SHOP at SUNNYSIDE FOODS We Reserve the Rig^t to Limit Quantites While They Last. Sale Beer Not Iced Liquor Prices Effective Sept. 13 thru Sept. 16 Everyday Lew Price WARM ONLY WEIDEMANN BEER 129 6-12 OZ. CANS PABST BEER [iTT 1 STROH'S BEER 2-12 OZ. CANS MICHELOB LIGHT BEER 6-12 OZ. BOTTLES l HlCjjl WALKER'S TEN HIGH BOURBON DOUBLE BREASTED FRYERS COUNTRY STYLE CHICKEN LEGS 59°: ' BONELESS PORK STEAKS LB. LEAN PORK CHOP SUEY MEAT FRESH BRATWURST LB. LEAN SLICED BAKED HAM % LB. 39 SWIFTS HARD SALAMI LB. COUNTRYSTYLE > CHICKEN BREASTS 79°. SPECIALS 5 LB. BOX GROUND BEEF PATTIES 5 LB. BOX BRATWURST PATTIES EACH EACH 145 LEAN SLICED BOILED HAM ya LB. ORVAL KENT POTATO SALAD 79°. ORVAL KENT MACARONI SALAD 79°. FIELDCREST 2% MILK SPECIAL LOW PRICE GALLON MEADOW GOLD ICE CREAM HOMESTYLE BREAB PINTS1 BEEF FREEZER BOX 4-SIRLOIN STEAKS. 1 EACH 2-ROUND STEAKS. 1 EACH 4-RIB STEAKS. 2 EACH 3-T-BONE STEAKS. 1 EACH 4-CUBE STEAKS. 2 EACH 1-5 LB. BOX BEEF PATTIES 5-1 LB. GROUND BEEF 2-1 LB. BEEF STEW 2-3 TO 4 LB. POT ROAST 2-4 LB. ROLLED BEEF ROAST 2-2 EACH SHORT RIBS BEEF 2-2 EACH BEEF SHANKS 1-2 TO 3 LB. PC. CORN BEEF APP. 70 LBS. OF MEAT HOME SELECTION BOX 5-1 LB. PKGS. GROUND BEEF 1-5 LB. BOX GROUND BEEF PATTIES 2-SLICES CHOICE ROUND STEAK, 1 EACH 2-SLICES CHOICE SIRLOIN STEAK. 1 EACH 3-1 LB. PKGS. BEEF StEW 2-2% LB. FRYING CHICKENS. CUT UP 2-3 TO 4 LB. POT ROASTS 1 -4 LB. ROLLlD BEEF ROAST 2-SLABS BABY SPARERIBS 1-4 LB. PORK LOIN ROAST 2-4 EA. CENTER CUT PORK CHOPS 2-1 LB. PKGS. BEEF LIVER. SLICED 4-RIB STEAKS. 2 EACH 2-CORNISH HENS 1-1 LB. PORK SAUSAGE ROLL FULL QUARTS m DELUXE [AMERICAN WHISKEY 09 FULL QUARTS FLEISCHMANH'S VODKA PARTY SIZE .75 LITRE ROH BACARDI RUM LIGHT OR DARK 750 ML WINDSOR CANADIAN WHISKY 18 FULL QUARTS WALKER'S GIN PARTY SIZE 1.75 LITRE WALKER'S PEPPERMINT SCHNAPPS PARTY SIZE 1.75 LITRE GILDEY'S GIN AMARETTO Dl SAROHNO 23/32 OZ. TWIN SISTERS VODKA CRAZY POPS 1 LB.' 4 PACK 12 PACK < RC & DIET RITE COLA 8-16 OZ. BOTTLES PLUS DEP. EDON BATHROOM TISSUE DERMASSAGE IUSH SOAP 22 oz. GAUCHO SLICED DEEF & GRAVY 2 LBS. i LANDO' LAKES BUTTER GATORADE DRINK VANISH BOWL CLEANER ST. REGIS PAPER PLATES 1 LB. 32 OZ. 16 OZ.1 150 CT. 9 INCH APP. SS LBS. OF MEAT MEDIUM YELLOW ONIONS CARROTS PORTLAND APPLES 1 LB. PKG. 4$r 2-0.291 w E 1.75 LITRE PARTY SIZE PARTY SIZE 1.75 LITRE • FREE TASTING * CLUB COCKTAILS [Friday, Sept. 14 2pm-9pm Saturday, Sept. 15 1 lam - 6pm u >•!' I.lll m"*JI ll.lJ J: 3 LB. BAG' RIUNITE LAMBRUSCO 750 ML CALIFORNIA CELLARS WINES BLACK TOWER LIEBFRAUMILCH 23 OZ. -4