~ -v} -r : yii PAGE a -PUINPBALEI. Prices Effective Wed.Sept.26 thru Sun.Sept.30 if. This Fall . . . STANDOUT IN STYLE! A. 25% OFF Man's Corduroy Shirts Got good looks and warmth In a corduroy shirt I Groat colors to chooso from. S, M, L, XL. Rag. 12.9*. s. 50% OFF Man's Dross Slacks Ploat dross slacks foaturo front pockots and straight logs. Slsos 29-42. Rag. 13.94. c. 25% OFF Moil's Flannol Shirts Chooso from many hand* soma plaids In man's brushod acrylic flanriol shirts. S-Xl. Rag. 12.96. 77 D. 50% OFF Young Mon's Slacks Slacks foaturo front! pockots, ploat front andl straight logs. Slzos 27-36. Rag. 15.96. Fall Favorites FOR WOMEN! A. 50% OFF ladies' Warm and Sauggly Robes Sale Quilts, floocas, valours, and moral Hugo selections I Now stylos I Rag. 15.96. B. 40% OFF Juniors' Bobbie Brooks® Fashion Pants Sale SPECIAL PURCHASE!!! Fine polyester woven twill in 9 attractive fall colors. Sizes 5 to 13. Reg. $18. c. Ladles' New Fall "Jeaaifer See" Dresses ie brooks \ Sale Nationally advertised "Jennifer Goo" dresses NOW 30% OFF! Regulars and half sites (0-10, 14%-24%). Rag. 20.94 and 32.96. rv D. Let Hornsby's OUTFIT THE KIDS A. 20% OFF Teddler Denim Rib Overalls Adorabla toddlar ovoralls foaturo bib and suspender*. Cotton denim. 2-4. Reg. 6.94.