m RENT FOft BENT Person to share house in Rich mond $150.00 per Month, plus share utilities. 815-678-4966 or 815-678-3201. 10-19-10-24 *3 bedroom home in Country, centrally located, between McHenry, Woodstock, Crystal Lake. Tw® baths, stone fireplace, full basement, two car garage, dishwasher and disposal in kitchen. $350.00 per month, References and security deposit, Married couples only, no children 815- 648-2746 10-19-10-26C JOHNSBURG-BARN with concrete floor approximately 1300 sq. ft. on first floor, 1100 sq. ft. on second floor 815-385-1268 , . ' ; l0-3tf 5 BEDROOM NEW HOME, 2 baths, family room, dish washer, disposal, attached garage, Vfe acre lot $500. 815-728- 0131 10-3tf 3 Bedroom 2 bath house, fully carpeted, full basement, two car garage, air conditioning, $400.00 month plus utilities, security deposit required. 815- 385-1489 or 385-5514. 10-19-10-26C (LEAN SLEEPING ROOMS for mature adult men 815-385- 0266 or 385-8905 10-3tf QUALITY MOTORHOME, 30 foot Diplomat, sleeps 9, rent by day or week. Reserve now for summer vacation. Richmond area. 815-675-6356 l(K3tfc WAREHOUSE OR FACTORY space, from 5,000 to 15,000 ft. 815-385-1079. * 10-3tf McHenry, Quiet, maintenance free, 4 bedroom ranch with garage, basement, family room. $450.00 312-541-3220 10- 31 fC Two bedroom home with closed in sun porch and small TV room or play room has stove and refrigerator in kitchen. Back yard has small fenced in area for one or two small dogs, no cats. Hook up in basement for washer and dryer also has soft water. Location in McHenry. $375.00 month. Call 815-344-1329 10-17-10-36C OFFICE FN MCHENRY, good location, air conditioned, all utilities furnished. $95. Call 815- 385-3490. l0-3tf Wonder Lake 7721 Beach Rd,5 room house near lake. $275.00 month, security deposit call between 8 am & 8 pm. 312-777- 3542 10-24-10-26C For Rent 4 bedroom home in McHenry, full basement family room and large deck. Call 815- 459-8601 after 4:30 pm. 10-24-10- 26c Mc-2 BEDROOM HOME, Cullom Lake subdivision. $300.00. Call 312-438-7429. Evenings Immediate oc cupancy. 10-24-10-26c 2 BEDROOMS, basement, garage, Pistakee Highland. Large home for $320.00 385-9118 or 385-9394. Ask for Bob. 10-24- 10-26C Two bedroom house, stove-, refrigerator, washer dryer, central air, fenced in yard in McHenry. $350.00 month. 815- 728-0150 10-24-10-26C WOODSTOCK 3-4 bedroom raised ranch, 2 baths, swim ming pool, 2 car garage, ex cellent location. No pets $495.00 per month plus security deposit. 815-385-3119 10-24-10- 26c WANTING TO SHARE new home, with female, attached garage, plenty of space. Call mornings, Wonder Lake area. 8l5-653r9358 1024-11-2C WONDER LAKE, year round house, couple, large rooms, garage, basement, nice area. Security $280.00 338-2951 10-24- 10-26C For rent - Apartment with utilities individual stalls. Package deal. J.D. Kettle,. Carol 815-385-8553 10-24-10-26C 3 bedrbom ranch; garage, refrigerator, range, Lakeland Park, $395.00 plus security deposit. 815-385-8214 10-24-10- 26c > . New, Foxridge tri-level, 3 bedroom, 3 bath, family room $425.00 month plus security deposit. Phone Mr. Phillips Century 21 Care. 815-344-1033 10-24-10-26C 3 bedroom ranch, l>/2 baths, garage $325.00 per month, plus security. Century 21 Care. 815- 344-1033 10-24-10-26c ilTIUTMW UHWTCO licensed day care, full time only. 815-344-3309 Lie. No. 526704 10-17-10-266C Experienced licenced child care. Nutritious natural foods. Family atmosphere, play facilities, full time preferred. 815-344-2928 Lie. No. 520365 10- 24-1 l-2c Loving Mother will care for child in my home weekdays. 312-497-3381. Lie. No. 517603 10- 24-10-26C KT COLUMN 1977 Artie Cat Jag, $950.00; 1976 Scoprion Lil'Whip. $750.00; with extra cowl. 815-344-1963 after 5:30 pm. 10-24-10-26c Artie Puma new rebuilt 340 twin cyl. engine at Adams Lawn and Leisure. Have receipts to show it, top Shape. 815-385-7352 ask for Steve. 10- 24-10-26C 1976 Polaris Colt SS 340, Ex cellent condition. $900.00 or best offer. 653-7536. after 6 pm. / 10-24-10-26C 1978 ARCTIC CAT CHEETAH 5000, gauges, handle bar warmer, cover included, low mileage, excellent condition. 385-0225. 10-19-10-26C soars & MOTORS A BLACK BEAUTY SS 160, 17 ft. Slick Craft, w-100 hp. Johnson outboard, comes with EZ Loader trailer, ski equip ment, like new with extras and ready to launch $3,000. Call after 5pm. 312-766-3674 10-3tf 20 H.P. Chrysler in top shape $475.00 815-344-3948 or 385-7352 ask for Steve 10-24-10-26c NEW 7.5 CHRYSLER outboard motor. Best offer. 312-497-3381. 10-24-10-26C MUST SELL, 14 ft. Crosby boat glass bottom with new wood deck AM-FM 8 track, Sears die hard battery, two gas tanks Tee-Nee trailer with brand new tires and wheels and much more. Two Johnson 35 hp engines (one electric start). 1.30 horse Evinrude and one antique trolling engine $800.00 for all or best offer 815-648-2258. 10-24-10-26C WANTED PUPPIES, 6-8 weeks old, good homes guaranteed. Also we buy Poodle or Schnauzer mixed pups. 815-385- 7897 10-3tf Accepting accordian and piano students $3.50 for beginners. Accordians to rent. Eleanor's Music Studio. 815-385-3596 10- 24-1 i-ir LOST Lost Sunday 22" string of pearls, reward. 815-385-6900 or 385-0755 10-19-10-26C Colleen's Question Hit And Run Dear Colleen: I m at my wits end over what happened to me last night. I was walking down the sidewalk in front of my apart ment when I saw a small foreign car run over a dog. The driver knew he hit the dog, but he just kept going. I ran to the house and phoned the police, who said there was nothing they could do because I didn't take down the license number of the car. I know there's no way to trace this horrible person, so maybe your readers can learn a lesson from my experience. Sally Dear Sally: Thanks for the letter. Your lesson is a good one to learn, and I'm sure many animal lovers will take note. SIINNYSIDE FOODS & I ED'S FINER MEATS I 4612 N. Wilmot Rd. (Just North of Johnsburg) • 385-8097 SUNNYSIDE, ILLINOIS OPEN7am - 10pm DAILY We reserve the right to limit quantities while they last. Not responsible for typographical errors. ED'S FINER MEATS & Sausage Shop 385-766: FREEZER SPECIALS Grocery Prices Effective Oct. 25-27 WE ACCEPT PHONE ORDERS (815) 385-7663 MINI HOME SELECTION 5-1 LB. PACKAGES GROUND BEEF 1 -SLICE CHOICE ROUND STEAK 1 -SLICE CHOICE SIRLOIN STEAK 2-2% LB. FRYING CHICKENS, CUT UP 1-3 TO 4 LB. POT ROAST 1-4 LB. ROLLED BEEF ROAST 2-4 EA. CENTER CUT PORK CHOPS 2-RIB STEAKS, 2 EACH HOME SELECTION BOX 5-1 LB. PKGS. GROUND BEEF . 1-5 LB. BOX GROUND BEEF PATTIES 2-SLICES CHOICE ROUND STEAK, 1 EACH 2-$LICES CHOICE SIRLOIN STEAK, 1 EACH 3-1 LB. PKGS. BEEF STEW 2-2V, LB. FRYING CHICKENS, CUT UP 2-3 TO 4 LB. POT ROASTS 1-4 LB. ROLLED BEEF ROAST 2-SLABS BABY SPARERIBS 1-4 LB. PORK LOIN ROAST 2-4 EA. CENTER CUT PORK CHOPS 2-1 LB. PKGS. BEEF LIVER, SLICED 4-RIB STEAKS, 2 EACH 2-CORNISH HENS 1-1 LB. PORK SAUSAGE ROLL BEEF FREEZER BOX APP. 55 LBS. OF MEAT 4-SIRLOIN STEAKS, 1 EACH 2-ROUND STEAKS, 1 EACH 4-RIB STEAKS, 2 EACH 3-T-BONE STEAKS, 1 EACH 4-CUBE STEAKS, 2 EACH 1-5 LB. BOX BEEF PATTIES 5-1 LB. GROUND BEEF 2-1 L8, BEiF STEW 2-3 TO 4 LB. POT ROAST 2-4 LB. ROLLED BEEF ROAST 2-2 EACH SHORT RIBS BEEF 2-2 EACH BEEF SHANKS 1-2 TO 3 LB. PC. CORN BEEF To Your Health » A Service of McHenry Hospital OCTOBER 24,1979 PARENTHOOD "I didn't know you were in the hospital: I didn't see your naihe in the newspaper!" a friend may exclaim after someone returns home from the hospital. It is as traditional with small town newspapers to print the names of hospital inpatients as it is for neighbors and friends to acknowledge these an nouncements with the casserole for the family or the card or gift for the patient. Neighborliness is a cherished part of rural living. Communities grow, life becomes more complex and people become more concerned with privacy. As a result, when a patient is admitted to McHenry hospital he is asked whether he wishes his name to appear in the newspapers. If he does, his name is included in the list of admissions released for publication. More and more patients are refusing because, they say, they are concerned about announcing that a home is empty or a spouse is alone; or they may prefer to limit the number of visitors while they are hospitalized. Because McHenry hospital operates under the Patient's Bill of Rights, it feels obligated to respect the patient's wishes. Every incoming patient receives a more detailed copy of the following condensed Patient's Bill of Rights. The patient has the right (1) to considerate and respectful care, (2) to obtain from his physician current information about diagnosis, treatment and prognosis in terms he can understand, (3) to receive from his physician information necessary to give informed consent prior to the start of any procedure and-or treatment and the right to know about medical alternatives if significant or requested, (4) to refuse treatmefit-Jo the extent permitted by law and to be informed of the medical con sequences of his action, (5) to every consideration of his privacy regarding his own medical care program, (6) to expect that all communication and records pertaining to his care should be treated as confidential; Also (7) to reasonable response to request for ser vices, (8) to obtain information as to any relationship of his hospital to other health care and educational institutions insofar as his care is con cerned, (9) to know if the hospital proposes to engage in or perform human ex perimentation affecting his care or treatment and to refuse to participate in research projects, (10) to expect reasonable continuity of care, (11) to examine and receive an explanation of his bill regar dless of source of payment, (12) to know what hospital rules and regulations apply to his conduct as a patient. A patient representative will discuss these items at ad mission or at the patient's bedside if he requests it. He Should A practical politician should make a good housekeeper, because his bunk is always made up. -Time, Louisville. GUIDEBOOK By Nancy Moore Thurmond (author, Mother'6 Medicine. Pub. by Wm. Morrow, N.Y.) When you bring your baby- home from the hospital, awe and a sense of inadequacy will fill you. You are suddenly expeeted to be an expert on respiratory ailments, gastro enterology. colic, etc. Your wigglfao little bundle of life is helpless and com pletely dependent on you for survival. Yet an \pfant 's a whole person and performs all the essentials of life-- breathing, sleeping, eat ing and communicating.. It may seem that all he needs is mother's milk or in fant' formula, diapers, sleep, more diapers, etc. As you and husband will soon discover, however, your baby needs much more. His most fundamental right is to be loved. Cuddle and hug him as much as you can in his first year of life, when he is most dependent on you and you are learning to master the mechanics of mothering. We are now en te r ing the nit ty-gri t ty of motherhood . The rigors of i t wi l l a lmos t drive you insane. They ' l l make you feel l ike you ' d l ike to ge t away from it all. Console yourself with the thought that there ' r e mi l l ions of mothers who want to jo in you. And some are unfor tu nate enough not to be ab le to have babies. In succeed ing columns, t r i cks o f the " t rade" --which make the g t ind eas ie r --will be discussed * * * * Progress doesn't flow from excuses. BOTTLE SHOP at SUNNYSIDE FOODS ' * ' We Rese rve t he R igh t t o L im i t Quan t i t es Wh i l e They Las t . Sa le Bee r No t I ced Liquor Pr ices E f fec t ive Oct . 25 -Oct . 28 FROM OUR BEER DEPARTMENT $ APP. 70 LBS. OF MEAT APPROX. 25 LBS. OF MEAT CHICKEN LEG MMHERS 49V CHICKEN BREAST QUARTERS DOUBLE BREASTED FRYERS C LB. FRESH CUT UP Finns 49c, 3-LEGGED FRYERS FRESH WHOLE FRYERS LAKES FRESH HOMEMADE (NO PRESERVATIVES) FRESH OR FROZEN 79 SLICED % LB. BOILED HAM LEAN SLICED BAKED HAM KRAFT FIELDCREST 2% MILK 79 p EVERYDAY LOW PRICE GALLON WEIDEMAHN , BEER 6-12 OZ. 129 WARM ONLY CANS EVERYDAY LOW PRICE OLD MILWAUKEE BEER 12-12 OZ. CANS MILLER BEER 12-12 OZ. CANS SUPER SAVINGS WINE SAIEJ MOGAN DAVID WINES ALL FLAVORS 25.4 OZ. •RHINE •CHABLIS BLANC .WINES •PINK CHABLIS »VIN ROSE 3 LITER BLUE NUN LIEBFRAUMILCH 750 ML HARVEY S BRISTOL CREME 750 ML J. ROGET CHAMPAGNE FIFTH DRAGONE LAMBRUSCO 64 OZ. ORANGE JUICE *. ... GRAPEFRUIT JUICE V HOMESTYLE BREAD 2,„.85 DEAN'S 6 PACK KRAFT JET 10 OZ. HALF & HALF PINT' HEATH 6PACK-^a kkam JCI WO*. ICE CREAM BARS 89 MARSHMALLOWS 3/1 BIG J'S 15% oz. POTATO CHIPS STOVE TOP (ALL VARIETIES) STUFFING MIX MEADOW GOLD ICE CREAM p,nts LINCO BLEACH 64 OZ. POPEYE YELLOW OR POPCORN WH,TEu. RIVAL KRAFT PHILADELPHIA lS'/iOZJ CRCAM CHEESE ,<» 29' WHEATIES CEREAL QQc PARTY fRAYS "Perfect for Halloween Parties' FROM qrc TO PER PERSONf PRODUCE LARGE SIZE GREEN 0 0RCI L FOR dv PEPPERS PERFECT FOR STUFFING D'JOU PEARS CALIFORNIA TOMATOES LB.1 LB. 12 OZ. W E E WINE FLEISCHMANN 1.75 LITER WALKERS 1.75 LITER EARLY TIMES BOURDON WHISKEY 1.75 LITER DRAMBUIE LIQUEUR WINDSOR CANADIAN WHISKY 488 •? FULL QUARTS 23 OZ. OLD THOMPSON DLENDED WHISKEY ADD LIQUOR 16 OZ. FULL QUARTS • FREE TASTING • BABY CHAM SATURDAY OCT. 27 NOON - 6pm FRU,T W,NE iJirrinnMiM7n .M:....H SAVE SPECIAL CASE PRICES SAVE S $ STOCK UP FOR THE HOLIDAYS $$ J . BAVET DRANDY SMIRNOFF 1.75 LITER DON Q RUM LIGHT OR DARK HOLLAND HOUSE "® «s m $