• W r f C X . < • * - • r f •Lig,'. .:••.•* ,v «•€(.. v*MtiJ5fc PLAlNPEAi BB - vt :••»•» * . j • <.»». »•. i J* IER2.1979 66 98 SIZES 16V2-24V2 • Beautifully Tailored *• Storm Coat Styling \ • Notched Lapels • 100% Polyester Cloth •Fully Lined with Fake Fur DON'T MISS THIS GREAT VALUE Riverside Retail Outlet ; 1402 N. Riverside Dr. MeHenry, III. 385-5900 Eat, drink and stay merry with light meal Christmas dinner doings usu ally spell over-doing, so unless last year's New. Year's Resolu tion included daily jogging-- and was followed--few of us can afford to overeat. Keeping Christmas dinner light, then, will help everyone enjoy with no regrets. While this menu might not be traditional holiday fare, satis fied but un-stuffed stomachs will be pleased with this new ap proach to the holiday meal. Complete holiday menu ̂ for eight Start with a light before-din- ner drink--"Italian Kir." Com bine 6 oz. chilled Folonari Soave and V* oz. Liquoie Gal liano in a wine glass or tumbler. Add ice cubes and serve. , An appetizer--"Proscuitto E Melone." Sprinkle 24 small melon balls (cantaloupe or honeydew) with 2 tablespoons Liquore Galliano and a little coarsely ground black pepper and chill. To serve, wrap chilled melon balls with Vi slice prosciutto, sliced very thin, and skewer on cocktail picks. Makes 24. 4 ' \ Bearcat III ( ( ( ( < " • < . M I D I ) ) ) ) ) ) ) rad i comg 2604 N. Chapel Hill Rd., MeHenry III. 815-385-4224 -- ALSO -- SPECIALS ON BEARCAT 250 BEARCAT 220 BEARCAT 210 POCKET SCANNERS FREE WITH THIS COUPON S CRYSTALS , ' With Mm rut:̂ BEARCAT III Monday thru Friday 8-6 Saturday 8-5 Closed Sunday VISA' Just as the main course ar rives, treat guests to a glass of light, refreshing wine to be en joyed with the dinner. An excel lent choice is Folonari Soave, served well chilled. Or, as an accepted departure from tradition, a red-wine, such as Folonari Valpolicella or Bar- dolino, are sure to please guest's Both varieties are light, sprightly red wines with distinc tive, pleasant aftertastes. For an exotic entree, try "PoHpDorato." _ Split, bone and pound thin 8 whole chicken breasts. Spread each half chicken breast with about % tablespoons herbed Boursin cheese, (equals 2 pack ages, 5 oz. each), and top with half slice prosciutto. Roll envelope fashion and fold in sides. Press edges to gether and secure with tooth picks. Dredge the breasts lightly in flour seasoned with salt and pepper. Heat 4 tablespoons butter in a very large skillet. Add prepared chicken breasts to skillet and brown lightly on all sides, add ing more butter to pan if needed. When brown, add 2 cups chicken broth and 1 cup Liquore Galliano to skillet. Cover and simmer 30 minutes until chick en is tender. In another large pan heat V2 cup Liquore Galliano and 2 cups coarsely chopped parsley and cook an additional S minutes. Pour mushroom mixture over chicken breasts and continue to cook S more minutes. Remove from heat. Serves 8. (If your skillet is not large enough, split recipe in half and cook 2 equal portions, separately.) Serve this tasty entree with a green salad and this dressing-- Blend together all of the follow ing: Vi cup each of Liquore Galliano, red wine vinegar, olive oil, salad oil, 1 teaspoon salt, V* teaspoon dry mustard, Vi teaspoon paprika, dash of freshly ground pepper. Chill and blend again before serving. Makes lineups. For dessert--"Mocha Mousse AllaDoria." Place 6 oz. semi-sweet choc olate pieces and 'A cup hot, strong coffee in a blender and whirl until smooth. Add V* cup Sambuca di Gal liano and 4 egg yolks and blend well. Beat 4 eggs whites until foamy. Add Vi teaspoon va nilla and beat until soft peaks form. Add 2 tablespoons sugar and beat until stiff. Gently fold in chocolate mix ture, then V2 cup heavy cream,. whipped. Chill several hours. Serves 8. End the meal with a satisfying --"Golden Cream Coffee." Whip Vi pint (1 cup) heavy cream to form soft peaks. Stir in '/» cup Liquore Galliano and continue whipping until cream is sufficiently stiff; but do not over work. Float heaping spoonful in cup of hot black coffee. FEAST WITH FLAVOR OF DAYS PAST How about a good, old- fashioned Christmas this year? Concoct a feast straight out of Dickens, and watch the expres sions of joy on your loved ones' faces, the lights sparkling in their eyes. Cook up a goose or a turkey with ail the fixings, and finish up with that olde English favor ite, a plum pudding. You can find special plum pudding molds in shops spe cializing in gourmet cookware. Don't wait for the last minute to begin preparing it, because your plum pudding will need time to age, so its flavors can in tensify and combine