HELPING PAWS ANIMAL WELFARE ASSOCIATION '>'•> • • V ... ; P.O. Box 205 * Crystal Loke, Illinois 60014 •(815) 459-2641 By Kathleen Thayer Lake In The Hills residents beware! Those of you who live on Hilltop and nearby areas have been victimized by a killer. Evidence has been coming ' in to the office concerning the death of the cat that was burned some weeks ago. Helping Paws now finds that dog poisonings in that area have been reported to the police but, as usual, nothing can be done. The latest report of cat crime came to HP when a resident of Hilltop reported that after midnight one evening two months ago, someone came up her back stairs and took a cat that she had taken in as a stray from her porclh. Two days later she found the cat who had been castrated and left to die. The cat was not dead but maggots had formed in the wound. A veterinary examination found that internal damage had been done and the cat had to be euthanized. The most interesting part of this distressing story is that the suspected offender in the cat burning HP has been writing about, lives a few doors away from the people whose cat was castrated. Too much coin cidence even for the most skeptical of folks. The States Attorney Ted Florio is in- ' vestigating. HP's hope is that enough evidence can be gathered to convict this man and his partner in crime. They are dangerously ill and don't realize it. Their next crime will be directed towards a always is. Help HP by providing all of the information you can to the office. HP can't let this go. If Lake In The Hills residents don't care enough to object, then HP's hands are tied. ' If you own a pet, keep it inside. If you are missing a pet, it may have fallen victim to these killers. HP's office secretary pejxu-ted that she received a phone call from the alleged owner of the burned cat who wanted to know all about this columnist, and the source of information. It wouldn't be truthful to say this writer isn't afraid. But there is a need for taking that first step and maybe it will give others the courage to step forth and help if they know something. Helping Paws can't let people keep inflicting pain...please help stop it. Call 459-2641 or States At torney Ted Florio with any evidence you may have or help of any kind. The animals out there need your courage. ft Answer. It isn't. The best anti freeze or coolant, as it is more correct^/ called, is seldom effective after a year, or 12,000 miles. Coolants not only offer protection against.freezing, they inhibit corrosion and system-clogging rust particles To keep your cooling system in the best condition, we recommend a yearly drain and pressure backflush of the system, and the installation of fresh coolant. Don't put it off. Have your coolant checked at least once a year by the cooling system specialists. We're always ready to sejfve you. FALL SPECIAL •Flush System •Install New Thermostat •Install New Anti-freeze •Check All Hoses & Belts •Pressure Check Cooling System ADAMS BROS. RADIATOR SERVICE "For all your Cooling System Needs", 3006W. Route 120 McHenry, Illinois £0050 815/385-0783 MCHS Honor Rolls Announced Lesal *°'/c• The adoption fee includes the cost of the spay or neuter surgery from a vet of HP's choice or, a deduction from the cost of the surgery is done by a vet of your choice. Payment of the fees may be accepted at the office or from foster homes only. Please note in the column for pets for adoption which of the homes are foster homes. For further information please call the office, 459- 2641 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Saturday. DOGS FOR ADOPTION Black female, Standard Poodle, one year, all shots, housebroken, good with children and pets, 459-4931. F e m a l e G e r m a n Shepherd, 4 years, 312-658- 20%. There are many good dogs located at thV- Animal Control center in Woodstock from pedigrees to your favorite all American mutt. Please come in to the center at 11608 Banford road or call 338-7040 for more in formation. CATS FOR ADOPTION 4 month grey tiger, semi- long hair, male, 459-7554. 11-week-old tiger kittens, male and female, two black, also female, young adult black, 728-1048. 12-week mottled grey tiger, short hair, all shots, loves dogs and very family oriented, foster home, 459- 6523. Two female grey with white 10-week-old kittens, semi-long hair, 455-0378 after 2 p.m. Lost Dogs: White Maltese (looks like very small Poodle type), male 3 years, blue rhinestone collar, Hill drive, 459-9598. Brown Poodle, 18 years, blind, curly coat. Pistakee Highlands, 312-497-3657. Buff colored Cocker Spaniel male, brown collar with Rabies tags, Holiday Hills, 344-2694. Lost Cat: White and rust male, semi-long hair, white flea collar, 385-1631. • * Pkmrf Bsft Small white dog..'.owner must identify further, 459-0629. Remember to report all lost and found pets to the Animal Control center. If you don't want the pet you have found to be picked up by them, they will not come out. It is better for the pet if you can hold on to it for as long as it takes to either find the owner or adopt it out through Helping Paws. Call the office for further information. • • * • Most people think they are pretty smart so why not agree with them? McHenry Community high school East campus has released its honor roll for the quarter ending Nov. 9. The grade point averages are based on a 4.0 scale. JUNIORS 4.0 - Lisa Adams, Stephanie Allen, Cynthia Chappel, Pamela La Farlette, Patricia Jo Reeves, Jon Schmitt and Judy Snyder. 3.5 - Richard Adams, Christine Ballard, Michael Blake, Kathy Day, Lisa Derrow, Christopher Freund, James Hinger, Robert Kalck, Karen Kolbinger, Susan Malenius, Kathy McGee, Mike jAq- Williams, Kathlyn Merrick, Robert Panning. Juanita Reyes, Gabriela Suhr and Adam Wohlbrandt. SOPHOMORES 4.0 - Lisa Benoy, Elizabeth Boeka, Stacy Fox, Debra Mortell, Anne Murray, Susan Smith and Rhonda Sweet wood. 3.5 Jacqueline Alcott, Debbie Bartkus, Lisa Blumm. Cindy Bnrchardt, Ann Bradley, Beverly Fink- beiner, Raymond Hoglund, Cara Jepsen, Laura Lam- bourn, Debra Miller, Kathy Rasmussen, Susan Schmitt, Julie Schwanke, Linda Theel, Karen Thietje, Deborah Wiles and Colette Wipper. FRESHMEN 4.0 -- Angela Anderson, Margaret Armstrong, Sherri Cristy, Gisele Dowe, Joseph Gattone, Julie Gildemeister, Edward Helton, Lawrence Kenyon, Laurie Killam, Sandeep Lahoti, Hallie Miller, Mark Oleszczuk, Patricia Schillaci and Chris Stumbris. J r- 3.5 - Linda Alergott, Ilene Bain, Michael Bauml, Mary Bazan, Terri Blume, Valerie Boeldt, Deanna Brooke, Randall Buenzli, Joseph Calarco. Darren Cepulis, Heidi Dass. Dawn Desbiens, Julie Dowe, Brenda Eylander, Marcie Fant, Debra Freund, Terri Gallo, Stephanie Hankins, Susan Hautzinger, Donna Marie Hoch, Frank Holas, William Hoover, Jonnie Jo Huhn, William Jaramski, Karen Karpavicius, Debra Koer- ber, Natalie Krak, Clayton I^ane. Debbie Laskonis, Kris Laskowaski,u Chris S. Lorenz, Lisa Mazzoni, Kimberfy Miller, Lori Miller, Joanna Monnen, Mikea Nielsen, Kenneth Olsen, Steven Olson, Karolyn Petersen, Geraldine Schiller, Penny Schultz, Dawn Sturm, Shannon Tiffany, Susan Joussaint, Jason Warren, Kellie Wifliams. Cheryl Wright and James Wynveen. ADOPTION NOTICE STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF McHENRY ) )SS Legal Notice BEFORE THE CITY OF M c H E N R Y Z O N I N G BOARD OF APPEALS IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF JAY K O E L L E R F O R RECLASSIFICATION AND AMENDMENT TO THE CITY OF McHENRY OR DINANCE NOTICE A petition has been filed with the City of McHenry zoning Board of Appeals and a public hearing thereon has been scheduled to be held oii January 11,1980 at 3:00 P.M. in the City Council Cham bers, 1111 North Green Street, McHenry, Illinois requesting a change in the zoning classification from "R" Residential district to "B-l" Business district with respect to the real property located approximately one- uarter mile east of ingwood Road on Route 120 beirift the south side of saidhighway with the street address of 5101 W. Route 120, McHenry, Illinois, legally described as follows: Part of the East Half of the Ea§t Half of Section 28, Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the T h i r d P r i n c i p a l Meridian, described as follows: Comencing at the East quarter Corner of said Section 8, thence South on the Section line, 31.52 feet to an in tersection with the center line of the high way known as Route 120, to a point for a place of beginning; thence South on the Section line 205.97 feet to a point; thence Northwesterly being on a line forming an angle of 103 degrees, 50 minutes to the right with a prolongation of the last described line for a distance of 289.24 feet to a point; thence Nor theasterly at right angles to the last described line 200 feet to an intersection with center line of said high way Route 120; thence Southeasterly along the . . .. . ' i hi " center line of said high way, 240 feet to the place of beginning (except the Westerly 60 feet of even width thereof). All persons interested may attend. City of McHenry Zoning Board of Appeals By: James Fouse Chairman Leroy J. Welter Attorney for petitioners 1303 N. Richmond Road McHenry, IL., 60050 385-1333 (Pub. December 21,1979) The postmen of America believe in moder- ation-in sending Christ mas cards. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, McHENRY COUNTY. ILLINOIS IN THfc MATTER OF ) THE PETITION FOR ) THE ADOPTION d> OF BABY BOY KRIEBS, ) a male child ) Adoption No. 79 F 242 TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Take notice that a petition was filed in the Circuit Court of the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit, McHenry County, Illinois, for the adoption of a child named BABY BOY K R I E B S . N O W , THEREFORE, unless you, and all whom it may con cern, file your answer to the Petition in said suit or otherwise file your ap pearance therein, in the said Circuit Court of the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit, McHenry County, in the Courthouse located at 2200 N. Seminary Avenue, in the City of Woodstock, Illinois, on or before the 15 day of January, 1980, a default may be entered against you at any lime after that day and a judgment entered in ac cordance with the prayer of said Petition. Dated: Dec. 11, 1979 Vernon W. Kays, Jr. Clerk. McHenry County Circuit Court WILLIAM P. STANTON Attorney for Petitioners 3431 W. Elm Street McHenry. Illinois, 60050 815-385-6840 (Pub. Dec. 14, 21, & 28,1979) * * * * Speeches are made for two purposes--to tell the truth or to hide the truth. -- LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING of MEMBERS of McHENRY SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the members of the McHenry Savings and Loan Association will be held at 1209 North Green Street, McHenry, Illinois, on Monday, January 21, 1980 at the hour of Seven-Thirty O'Clock in the Evening for the purpose of election of directors, considering the report of officers, directors and committees and the transaction of all other business required or per mitted by the Statutes of the State of Illinois, and the by laws of said Association. McHENRY SAVINGS and LOAN ASSOCIATION Chas. M. Adams, President Attest: Virginia Aalto,Sec'y (Pub. Dec. 19 & 21,1979) IT M c H E N P f S A V I N G S L L O A N «« , (Dec.24-1:00 P.M.) All McHenry Financial Institutions Will be Closed Christmas Eve Monday, Dec. 24th & New Years Eve Monday, Dec. 31st At 0:00 P.M. to allow our Employees time to spend the Holidays with their Families .5,