I PAGE 2-PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21,1979 "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal j than others." George Orwell POETS CORNER j „ v •• Board Vacancies CHILDREN'S CHRISTMAS Increasing physical activity, the American Medical Asso ciation says, increases your need for calories but riot for proteins. A ..... -> ; ' • ' / '• ' / . • ' The McHenry Plaindealer (USPS 335 100)' . Established I87S ' 3812 West ?lm Street . " J»hon* 38S 01 70 McHenry Illinois 60050 Published Every Wednesday £ Friday at McHenry Illinois Second Class Po.stage Paid at McHenry Illinois By McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY . • ; % • " Subscribers are requested to provide immediate notice bf change of address to The McHenry Plaindtealer 3812 W. Elm St McHenry. IM. 600SO. A deduction of .one month Irom the expiration of a subscription will be made where a change of ad dress it provided through the Post Office deportment. Christmas is just but a few days away, and oh hotf they wait foe that glbriQUS day. , The children are so excited, their faces shining bright, and the stars how they twinkle throughout each new night. " Stories of Santa Claus fill the air, and children daydream, if they dare, of all the • gifts they will receive when they go to sleep on that Christmas eve. *k. Julie Delpino 7504 Barnard Mul Road - Wonder Lake . . . Petitions for director . candidates of the .McHenry Cpunty Soil and "Water Conservation district are available • at the district office in Woodstock, Terms of three members expire, Charles Budreck, Jr., McHenry; Leonard Schulta?, Jr.', Woddstock; and ' Cyril £ugner, Crystal Lake. ' Terms are for two years, and the deadline to file petitions, is Jan. 1. The Crispy Duckling Offers Holiday Alternative ion election will be "held Feb. 8. The responsibilities of the district are increasing. It has been designated the local agency to coordinate and implement the 208 program to make waters "fishable and swimmable" by 1882. Erosion control is .one area of .'considerable importance, to those responsible for making the goals of. the 208 program a reality. Larry E Lund Publisher Adel.e Froehlich-Editor i / A JiS NEWSPAPER • J7 MEMBER V NATIONAL NEWSPAPER. »SiOCI*nO* >»»«<»< '111 NNA SUSTAINING MEMBER -- '*»79 SUBSCRIPTION RATES $13.50 I Year $19.00 :X In McHenry County Outside McHenry County rond<?r Ldke Inn & Loung< Featuring Chinese & American Cuisine NOW OPEN FOR tUNCH TUES. THRU FRI. 11.30 TO 2 SPECIALS! »TUES £ WED. ALL DAY SENIOR'CITIZENS 10% OFF •THURS ALL DAY FRIED CHICKEN $2.85. •FRI NJTE F1SHERMAN S WHARF S2.95 CARRY OUT ORDERS! 5506 E WONDER LAKE-RD WONDER LAKE ILL PHONE 115-728 0411 OPEN FOR DINNERS: TUES. THURS. 4 to 9 FRI. 4 to 10 SAT. 1 to 10 SUN. 1 to 9 170 V(Hr BANQUET S HALL FACILITIES 20- 120 GUESTS S3 50'- $7 00 PER PERSON -i FAMILY STYir SENIOR CITIZEN'S COiRNER HELPFUL IDEAS FOR SUCCESSFUL RETIREMENT 1 ' Taking a Trip Older Americans are continually taking advan tage of bargains- and', tra velling . more than ever these tdays.. Jf you're gofij'g to *#visit a foreign larrd, it might be wise to take along some emergency f3" tions plus a personalized medicine kit: '• , The basic contents of your medicine kit should contain aspirin, 'vitamins, a standard antibiotic, soda mints or a simitar antacid apd paragoric. Antihista mines, saft tablets and q\ii- 'bine. aiso might come in handy. Diet, foods can usually be provided if advance no tice jis- given the airline or hotel but a special tra vel kit should include, die tetic cdnd.y bars, low-cal salad dressings or even salt- free- peanu. butter. When travelling, try and avoid"rare steak and raw '•Fish to minimize the possi bility . of sickness. Refri gerated < precooked foods • should be avoided in for eign countries as should pastries, salads and un- carbonated soft-drinks. For a change for the holidays, why not serve duckling instead of chicken or turkey? Crispy Duckling with Ripe Olives is a-do-ahead dish ideal for family or guests.. The day before roast the duckling with onion and celery flavored with garlic, a bay leaf and liquid from a can of tomatoes. Roast for two hours. Refrigerate duckling and pan juices separately. The next day lift solidified fat from juices iuid boil to reduce. Then add tomatoes, rosemary, sliced zucchini and crisp black ripe olives for a delicious and colorful sauce. Roast the duckling for 25 minutes until browned and crispy and serve with sauce over noodles or spaghetti. With the addition of green beans or broccoli and hot French bread, you have a flavorful and nutritious meal to bring a festive feeling to your table. The Perfect Start To Your Personal McHenry Art Collection!! >:«v i 3 I ̂ A/n UAfZ *: Might Help "Young man," the father said sternly, "do you think you should be taking my daughter to night clubs all the time?" , "Indeed, not sir," the swain replied, then added hopefull,-"shall we try to reason with her?" Crispy Duckling With Ripe Olives (4V4-5 lb.) ducklings 1/2 cup onion, chopped 1 cup celery, chopped 2 can (1 lb. 12 oz.) tomatoes 1 cloves'garlic, minced 4 teaspoon salt teaspoon pepper bay leaf cups pitted California ripe olives teaspoon rosemary medium zucchini, sliced Noodles or spaghetti Cmt duckling into quarters. Pierce skin with fork and place in roasting pan. Top with onion, celery and liquid from can of tomatoes. Add garlic, salt, pepper and bay leaf. Cover with foil and roast at 350 degrees F. for two hours. Refrigerate duckling and pan juices separately. Lift solidified fat from juices. Boil juices until reduced to 2 cups. Add remaining canned tomatoes, ripe olives and rosemary. Simmer 30-45 minutes. When ready to serve, roast duckling, skin side up, in a preheated 450 degree F. oven for 20-25 minutes or until skin is browned and crisp. Heat sauce and add zucchini. Cook until zucchini begins to. soften. Ladle sauce and vegetables over duck and your choice of noodles or spaghetti. Serves 8. FREE! An original handpainted watercolor print of Landmark School when you save at McHenry Savings and Loan. Open a new savings accounHor $100 or more, or add $100.or more to an existing account at McHenry. Savings, and you will receive free this fine watercolor print. It's one of four prints of McHenry scenes especially commissioned by us to reward our new and steady savers with a rare and personal art collection. Series of original prints, handpainted in a limited edition. Each print,is handpainted in a process similar tq that used by Currier & lyes in the 19th century. The collection includes four prints of local scenes unique to McHenry-a decorative addition to your own interior and a limited edition that is certain t'o grow in value. ' . It's easy to complete your collection. Each time you add $50 or more to your McHenry Savings accoynt, you can purchase another print in this series for [ust $7.95 (regular retail price is $12.95.) ' This offer is limited...so hurry!'When the supply of these handpainted prints is exhausted, that's it. No further prints will be issued. This protects the value and the rarity of the collection. But it means you must pet prom ptly- - ' . ' . ' y. Handsome frames and customized mats are available at a moderate costt without any additional deposit. 1 . . SEE THE DISPLAY OF THESE FOUR PRINTS NOW IN OUR LOBBY. THEY MAKE FINE CHRISTMAS GIFTS TO FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS, TO FORMER McHENRY RESIDENTS V *L. McHENRY; S A V I N G S ( 11 Al HlldllDlJ AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 1209 North Green Street McHenry <15 385-3000 ' 10520Main Street Richmond 815 678 2061 , ( ' 10402 North Vine Street (Huntley Cenljer on Route 47J Huntley 312 669 3333 '• ; • , ' SAVERS HG'URS: 9:00 apt to 4:30 pm Monday, Tuesday and Thursday; 9:00 am to 8:00 pm Friday; 9:00 am to 3:00 pm Saturday. McHonry Office Drive-ln'Windows open Wednesday 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. Closed Wednesday in Richmond and Huntley. ' S3IG I*.-**. • -%.»»•< fcUwtpiople, ( -does-it idea. BRAND The new ABS tub recess kit NOW 7Z OFF •Take advantage of this offer now, while supply lasts. f* -j. ] "j . • -• f * . ••*. ONE KIT AND A COUPLE OF HOURS ARE ALL IT TAKES! Novice? No matter. Our kit is special because of what you don't have to do. There's no cutting, fitting or miterihg corners. No troublesome grouting. No moldings to install. Tough ABS textured surface minimizes water spots. Wipes clean. Available In white. Complete easy-to-handle carton include: .•Three 28" x f>0" flat panels •Two 5" x 19" x 60" corner panels with molded-in shelves •Two 6" x 18" tub leg fillers •Two 11 oz. cartridges of adhesive •One 4 oz. tube of caulking • a •Detailed installation' instructions ( VrOFF $4Q95 now ••T ENTIRE STOCK OF %5%off • White only v reg 99*5 Lumber 4030WCST WAinSl HE DCY, Illinois 385-4600