PAGE It • PLA1NDE ALER • FRIDAY. DECEMBER »,!«• Here's to o New Year...and a grand new decode of health ond happiness... peace and prosperity. Enjoy all! : •••••• r \ • . / « . :v • • -nj/J • • 7N-'. 1 SMUINCS May 1980 usher in a decade of light and hap piness, from one end of the world to the other. Very best wishes on this important landmark. Coast to Coast Hardware 4400W.Rte.120 * McHenry 385-6655 New Year Greetings It's the dawn of a New Year. Let's all work hard at making it our best one yet. A joy ous holiday to all! Bolger's Drags 189 N. Green St UrlUnnr MCnBlli | 385-4500 Welcome As we enter into a grand new decade... let's anticipate big ger and better things! Bob's Colors 4720 W.Rte. 120 McHenry, II. 385-1116 Seasons Best Just dropped in to say, "1980 is on the way!" ...along with a brand new decade! We wish you all, ten years of health, wealth and happiness! Fran's Hidden Curl 1212 H. Green St (OfcJI) McHenry, II. 344-1019 K>3 Morrie & Sons 821 Front St McHenry 385-2266 HAPPY NEWYEAR A little bird told us that you're head ing into a New Year of good times, good friends, good health and good luck! Here* s hoping you'll get all these things and more! Cheers to all! HaDDV IeW Year May you be treated to only good things during the New Year! Adams' Enterprises 3017 W.Rte. 120 McHenry, II. 385-5970 w/TV ffC&roetinas Announcing the ar rival of the '80s! May this coming de cade hold lots of good things in store for you and yours Our thanks to all Photography By Neis 3814 W. Main St McHenry 385-0093 iRewDecade 1980 GREETINGS May 1980 be the start of a banner decade for all our wonderful friends. Many thanks for your continued patronage. Good luck! Lee & Ray Electric 1005 N. Front St McHenry 385-0882 & Here's hoping you and yours enjoy a year filled to the brim with health, and happiness too! .McHenry Favorite Sport 1210 H Green St McHenry 315-1000 HdPPY new YG4R We're rushing to greet the New Year with our sincere wishes for a happy 1980 to all of you. Adams Bros. Radiator 3006N.Rte.12G McHeery 3054703 Uoyous fiHblffeap Wishing you and your family a prosperous and peacefril New Year. Warm thanks to all. R & D A u t o S e r v i c e 4250 W. Bill Valley Rd. Jubilation! We're plan ning a 1980 celebration to beat all! Enjoy it! wxxjwam Radicom 2604 N. Chapel Hill Rd. McHenry 385-4224 MA PFY Let's give the New Year a royal welcome. May It start off a decade full of happiness, good health, peace. 385-7448 Wm. Tonyan & Sons 140flS.Rte.31 mcnenij 385-4406 The excitement of the New Year fills us with lovely melodies. Have a happy and healthy 1980. Good Luck Bright hopes for a new year...a rflpw de- /JJ7 cade of prosperity, peace and progress. The best is ahead! Adams Lawn & Leisure 2103 Rte. 120 McHenry, II. 385-0434 Jim Adams Auto Bodi 1011W. Rte. i; lirHnum II I 385-4640 ftappp JSeto gear May your New Year be framed with love, peace and prosperity. Genevieve's 1315 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry 385-0238 r I'AfiK II -PUINDKAI.KH -KHIDAY, DKtKMHKM ZH. Il7t t * . . . « • . . • . • • . . ' * * * * • • . 7f\' ' ^v .- •: • ; • • v . • • ' 7 K . • • " • * ' • ' * » . . • • * • • > • • • " ' ' I 'M' ' ' : - ' : ' - ' ' ' : : .^ ' c ' ' * * * • » i -• j ' •» . . ^ . * . « I 1 • ' ' • . . . • Ring in the New Year with smiles and love. We hope 1980 brings joyous times to oil mankind. f^oliday Circelioo: The stage is set for a brand New Year and a grand new decade. Let's look ahead with bright anticipation of things to come. We can make it great. Thanks. Main Paint & Decorating 3019 W. Main " McHenry 305-1115 u % m 9 4 Can you believe it? Another New Year has just sneaked up on us! We hope it's your very best one yet, bringing you plenty of happiness. Our greetings to everyone. Riverside Retail Outlet , 1402 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry 385-5900 BEST WfgWffg Xs JyollJSbcO Time to move ahead to a new decade! Let's do so with hope. Thanks. Ace Hardware 3729 W. Elm Street McHenry, II. 385-0722 BEST WISHES As we say good-bye to the old One, let's look forward to a wonderful and fulfilling New Year. 8? Sunnyside Dodge 4010 W.Rte. 120 McHeery 305-7220 1980 We're sailing into a brand new decade with hopes that it will be the best one ever! May yours be enjoyable in every way. Many thanks. Fox Valley Arts & Paints 1310 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, II. 385-0454 Best Wishes New Years is the best time to thank you all for your loyal friendship! Prem Magnetics 3519 N.Chapel Hill Rd. 385-2700 It's just about time for the new decade to begin! We hope it's the start of some very spe cial and meaningful mo ments for you and your family. A very happy new year to you all. Carey Appliance, Inc. 1241N. Green St, McHenrv. II. 305-5500 fcUCK May we all soar to new and glorious heights of achievement this year! Gies Shoes 1307 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry 385-2801 We're tootin' with good wishes for a star-studded new decade! Hope you en joy yours to the fullest! Special thanks to you all! Dean Smith Lawn Care, Landscaping & Snow Removal 3713 Maple Ave. McHenry 385-4847 TStAJt May your New Year be one of health, hap piness and peace. En joy every moment of it! George Justen & Son Funeral Home Robert & Mark Justen 3519 W. Elm St McHenry 385-2400 Greetings 1980 is coming in loud and clear! We know it's going to be a great year too! Let's welcome it in with fun-filled times. Geo.P.Freund,lnc. 4102 W. Crystal Lake Rd. McHenry 385-0420 bt<5l|8|S>y flew Here's hoping that the bright new decade takes you places and brings you moments that you'll love to remember. Lots of success to all of you! Spurgeons & Family Hair Styling Center 4400 W. Rte. 120 McHenry 385-4100 <3ood JfdcW We're moving into 19^0 full speed ahead! Here's hoping it's smooth saik ing all the way. Cheers! (^reetirfgs Hear ye, hear ye... Announcing heart felt wishes for the best New Years yet! McHenry County Well & Pump 3200 H. Richmond Rd. McHenry 385-5252 Bimbo's 1318 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry 385-4280 •li Joyous New Veor Here's hoping 1980 is a blast! .Sincere * thanks' one and all. Bell Liquor 4610 WJte. 120 McHenry 305-3200 CH&6&S Ringing in wishes for a super year ahead. Hope it is! McHenry Welding 2912 W.Rte. 120 McHenry 3854929