Compare May's prices! • Compare May's prices! • Compare May's prices! • Compare May's prices! Don't Pay More! Variety of savings! Save more at May's! TODDLER ^ CTl°^n*UCA«.»«u • STSTIMI Bounty Towels GIANT ROLL 12-COUNT PACKAGE GALLON BOTTLE 12-OUNCE BOTTLE Plastic Tumblers Alka Seltzer Tablets 36-COUNT PACKAGE 200 Ct, Wide or Narrow Margin Notebook Papor Spray Paint ASSORTED COLORS 11-OZ. CAN Lozenges REGULAR, MENTHOL,CHILDREN'S 24-COUNT PACKAGE 1.5 Mil Plastic Trash Bags 20 TO 30 GALLON - BOX OF 20 Bufferin Tablets 36-COUNT BOTTLE Potfing Soil 8-QUART BAG FAST*S ASPIRIN Excedrin P.M Tablets 5Q-COUNT BOTTLE Body On Tap ^ 6 Shampoo NORMAL, OILY OR DRY - 15-OZ. BOTTLE Vital is Hair Tonic 7-OZ. BOTTLE Signal Mouthwash 30C OFF - 24-OZ BOTTLE Shave Cream SPECIAL, REG., MEDICATED OR LIME 7-OZ AERO White Sack Towel 28x29 SIZE BY EXCELLO Tylenol Tablets EXTRA STRENGTH lOO-COUNT BOTTLE 2„$4" Legal or - Regular . Envelopes 50-CT. LEGAL OR 100-CT. REGULAR Waffle Weave Dish Cloth 13x13 SIZE-ASS'T. COLORS Cricket Lighters CHOICE OF COLORS Bic Pens BLUE, RED OR BLACK writingtablet Bayer Aspirin Tablets 100-CQUNT BOTTLE 72x90 Bed Blanket BY ST. MARY S-CHOOSE FROM REG. OR THERMAL-ASS'T.COLORS r Lenita - Panty Hose CHOOSE FROM NUDE, SHEER & QUEEN ASS'T. SIZES & SHADES sheer panty hose May's liquor Department Sunglasses CHOICE OF STYLES & FRAMES MEN'S AND LADIES' 4 Ply Pop^H Yarn 4-OZ. REGULAR OR 3V4-OZ. VARI EG ATED-ASS'T. COLORS Boor 12 PAK 12 OZ. CANS 80 PROOF - LIGHTER DARK 80 PROOF - IMPORTED FROM SCOTLAND "Prices effective from Wednesday, January 2nd through Tuesday, January 8th, 1980, regardless of cost increases. We reserve the right to limit quantities. 10% ALCOHOL BLUE NUN r A FINE WHITE WINE Liebfraumilch h Photo " Finishing COLOR COPY PRINTS - GOOD THROUGH JANUARY S, 1980 A Complete Selection of Everyday Greeting cards by 80 PROpF - A FINE BLEND Imperial Whiskey 4400 W. Rio. 120 McHenry 16% ALCOHOL - SWEET OR EXTRA DRY Gallo Vermouth 94 PROOF - LONDON DISTILLED