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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Jan 1980, p. 6

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X PAGfe 6 - PLAlNpEALjjR-FRIDAY JANUARY «. 1980 SPORTS Skyhawks Finish Fourth In Warriors Win Second Place In Holidajr Tourney Bv Randy Swikle The Johnsburg Skyhawks dropped their final two games of the 16-team Nor­ thern Illinois Classic tour­ nament at Hampshire, and they ended up iri fourth place. Rockford-Jefferson defeated the Skyhawks 67^ Friday night, thus ending Johnsburg's hopes of win­ ning the tourney for the second year in a row. The Rockford team went on to win the tournament by In the game for third place, the Skyhawks came back from a 16 point deficit fn'-the first quarter but still fell two pointjs^short of victory as Lake Zurich won 76-75. In the Rockford-Jefferson contest the-Skyhawks, paced by senior forward Chris Dixon, built an early 16-4 lead. But in the final three minutes of the first quarter, the Rockf-erd squad narrowed the Johnsburg edge to 20-15. JEhe..second quarter was a tiisastei^for the Skyhawks, who cornmXted seven tur­ novers and were unable to stop the Rockford-Jefferson momentum. Johnsburg hit only two field goals com­ pared to Rockford's 11 in the second quarter. Rockford outscored the Skyhawks 24-9 and went into the locker room at halftime with a 39-29 advantage The Skyhawks neve^came closer than 10 points in the. third quarter. In the final lime period.^ however, baskets by Dixon and Frank. Jakubecik helped to narrow Rockford's lead to 63-59 with :46 remaining in the game. Time ran out before the Skyhawks could score again, however, and Rockford advanced to the cham­ pionship game With a 67-59 victory. Chris Dixon, who is an outstanding basketball player but has been plagued by a scoring slumo|4Kis'~ season, finished ay high point man with 15. Brett Zimbrick. the super-fast point guard for Johnsburg with a highly accurate jump shot, ended the contest with 12 points. Tom Schoenig and Frank Jakubicek each netted 11. • The opponentswere dif­ ferent, but the story was contest for third place. Again it was one disastrous quarter that severely hurt Johnsburg's chances for Rockford-Jefferson fg ft pf tp Lake Zurich's 76-75 victory was launched in the first quarter by numerous Johnsburg turnovers and an unpolished Skyhawk defense that committed 11 fouls. The first quarter ended 28-12 in favor of the I^ke Zurich team. Robinson McGee, Sorrells^ McMahon' Lipscomb Ferguson Totals: ^ Johnsburg Rockford J. 29 2 6 16 4 6 3J 5 15 67 y»0 29 43 15 39 57 59 67 By Dick Rabbitt The McHenry, Warriors finished second in the Elgin Holiday Tournament when they lost to Stevenson high school in the finals 71 to 64. On Friday night they over­ came a 11 pt. halftime deficit to defeat Wheaton North to gain the finals. The Falcons of Wfieaton North and the Warriors matched basket for basket in the opening period before Long hitsa 10 footer at the buzzer to put the Falcons ahead 18 to 16. In the second period the Warriors were able to get consistent shooting and fell behind' at the intermission by 11 - 37 to 26. & With some halftime ad­ justments the Warriors came roaring out in the third period and, with Jim Johnson and Len Jensen leading the Way, narrowed the Falcon margin to a mere 4 pts, - 52 to 48 going into the Jakeubicek K. Valentin Neiss Totals: Szumlas i .u .u Zimbrick JVhe,SeC02? qUaT y /Schoenig Skyhawks yfnanaged jfio y Dixon regain theirVomposure^&d by junior reserve gUafa Rick Neiss. The second ^qtra^rter literally Delonged to Nei$s. who hit four of five field goals and sank three free throws for 11 points. Neiss was the remedy that the doctor ordered. He moved the ball exceptionally well and set the tempo for the Johnsburg team. By the quarter's end. the Skyhawks managed to narrow Lake Zurich's lead to 45-41. Zimbrick. who collected eight assists during the game, pace the Johnsburg scorers in the final quarter with eight points. A missed basket with about 14 seconds remaining ended John­ sburg's possession of the ball, and the Skyhawks lost 76-75. Zimbrick and Tom Schoenig were high point men for the Skyhawks with 20 apiece. Neiss scored 15, and Frank Jakubicek hit for 12. The Skyhawks host South Beloit in another Shark Conference game tonight. 0 20 20 6 12 2 15 Johnsburg vs. Lake Zurich [8 ft P| Final eight minutes of play. The final period was all McHenrys. With Jensen's outside shooting, and Johnson and Zeller hitting from the inside, the Warriors grabbed the lead fit 5:45 and never let go as they won going away 72 to 62. It was uphill battle all the way for the Warriors, but they never quit and once they got on track it was just a matter of time before they took complete charge of the game. Jensen and Johnson^ led all scorers with 20 pts. apiece. 30 15 19 75 Lake Zurich fg ft pf tP Gustin 0 4 2 4 MikUsa 2 0 1 4 Ricci 6 7 5 19 Schiavi 6 1 5 13 Winkler„ 1 1 2 3 Halbach - 7 1 4 15 Boscaljou 8 2 2 18 Totals: 30 16 21 76 Johnsburg 12 41 53 75 Lake Zurich 28 4£ 60 76 Johnsburg vs. Rockford Jefferson Johnsburg ^ fg ft pf Szumlas Zimbrick Schoenig Dixon Jakeubicek K. Valetin Neiss Totals: 0 0 0 2 5 2 1 / 7 2 0 2 0 0 tp 4 12 11 15 11 2 4 Tuesday 7 p.m. Bowling Lea gue ""v* Happy Holidays to all - good bowling in 1980. Final 1979 Games Over Average: Fox Hole: Edie Nimsgren, 520; Barb Schurr, 418; Shirley Thomas. 3-10 split; Flo MaVarde. 451 with 5-10 split. M 23 13 9 59 Your go has a office neighbor new \ Here's my new State Farm office, where I can better serve you with a better value In car, home, life and health insurance. I invite you to call or drop in any time. Bimbo's: Wanda Minton, 457; Wilma Alvard, 438; Karen Bonato. 412; and Bobbie Justen, 429. ( Glavianos: Lil Michelsv 518 and Sue Smith. 502. v McHenry Floral Stein. 436; |l?an Weyland. 459 and Lois Bfoucli. 502. • Peter Justen%: Ba*bSisk, 429: Shirley Hagfe, 3l\and Dodie Corser, Executive ttSjfcnal: Fam Hosier- 435; Catherine Freund.. 475 and Dgl^Koleno, 424- with 4-9 splij, Clark Station: Shirley Lossman, 493. >0 McHenry Inn : Bari Joyce. \424 with 2-7 split; Annette Jfryce. 478:$<im Batke. 402 with 5-7 split and Carol Cooney. 525 with 3-10 split. Havenmeyer's: Dottie Hayes. 474 and Jane *anucce. 56ft. Southgate: Fran Weyland. 440 and Mary Steinsdoerfer. 515. » Steffan's: Bette O'Brien, 499; Wanda Gehrke, 488 and Marie Diedrich, 424. City Wide: Lor. Freund, 447: Pat Gass, 3-10 split: Gwen Smith. 458; Rose Freres, . 432 and Rat Ruemehn. 498. Lose in Finals Playing in the finals against the ,once defeated Stevenson crew, (Stevenson lost their opening game, but because of the 12 team tourney, advanced to the winners bracket) 6'6" Gregg ^/olff and 6'4" Mike Roeser were too much for the Warriors and they went down to a 71 to 64 defeat. The Warriors started slow and trailed 8 to 2 in the early minutes, before Bob Zeller and Len Jensen got un­ packed. However, the tall duo of the Patriots kept them ahead and the Warriors trailed 19 to 14 at the quarter. f In the second period the Warriors picked up the tempo and began their race horse basketball, and with everyone getting into the scoring act only trailed by one, 33 to 32, at the in­ termission. In the^third period the Warriors^started out like a house on fire. Bob Zeller's turn around jump shot tied the game at 37 with 5:45 remaining, and Jim John­ son's three point play at 5:00 'ave the Warriors the lead for the first time in the game. Johnson and Zeller then both made layups, and Len\Jensen hit two 15 footers for a\ Warrior lead of 48 to 41, and J it looked as if the Warriors were on their way to another big win. However, in the final two minutes of the period the Patriots ran off 8 unanswered points t$ grab the lead. 49 to 48 going into the final frame. Len Jensen's two free throws at 7:15 gave the Warriors a slim 52 to 51 lead, and that was the last time the Warriors were ahead in ttje^game. A lapse in defense enabled the Patriot-^ to get a couple of cheap baskets, and from then on in. the Warriors were unable to close the gap and went down to defeat 71 to 64. ^ / Although going " down to defeat in the finals, the \V$rriors were the class team of the tournament. s GRANVILLE SORNSON 5J 16 W. Elm St., McHenry . 385-1627 S i * r f (i i m H S U t A N ( J Like a good neighbor . State Farm is there . This is one of the times'when you can say the best team didnot win. A couple of easy baskets in the final period turned the game around from a Warrior victory into a defeat. I'm sure that the huge Warrior Crbwd that was in attendance will agree with me. The Warriors did not lack in vocal support. The Rowdies were in full force, along with a huge aduK crowd that filled one side of the spacious Elgin fieldhouse. Len Jensen was select$i to the 1st team, and Bob Greve was given second team, honors, picked by the tournament officials. The Warriors not only picked up a second place trophy, but gained another four games of experience that won't hurt them down the Fbx Valley stretch. McHenry vs. Wheaton North McHenry fg Walcona i Long Russell Murphy Kaminsky Dowling Totals: MCH W.N. Wheaton North fg tP 12 15 13 5 15 2 26 10 62 16 10 22 24 72 18 19 15 10 62 Finals McHenry vs. Stevenson fg ft tp Zeller Johnson Jensen Sroka Anderson Glosson Totals: 5 6 8 3 2 0 12 14 22 6 8 2 24 16 64 Stevenson Zeller Sroka Johnson Greve Jensen Anderson Totals: 5 « 1 8 4 10 2 30 12 72 Careull 1 Roesner Wolff Renfroe Benson Rickert Boatright Totals: MCH Stevenson fg ft 1 11 12 0 1 1 2 tp 2' 27 28 2 6 2 4 28 15 71 14 18 16 16 64 19 14 16 22 71 EARL WALSH" Sir I Hear SPORTSsEDITOR The holidays are over and we are back on schedule and approaching sanity in Ye Olde Plaindealer establish­ ment. We look back a little and look forward a lot. Looking back, we recall a prediction by Alan Freund that the Chicago Bears would beat the Philadelphia Eagles. Alan and the Bears almost made a believer out of me. t The Bears were riding high with Chicago area Jans when a newspaper story prominently reported the Bears would "Shun" the fans upon their return to O'Hare. Q The truth was that airport officials recalled a crowd of 5,000 fans' jamming the airport two years ago when the team returned after defeating the Giants to gain a place in the play-offs. It wasn't0the Bears, but the airport officials who decided to bring the/Team in on a back runway instead of near the main gates. e So the "Shun" was orrected a few days later with one paragraph buried way down deep. Too little. Too. late. For some time it seemed some TV programs were filled with suggestive lines. Now they seem to come right out with raw stuff. Maybe that won't tarnish some of us, oldsters, but those things come over the air when youngsters are, glued^to the boob tube. It, brings to mind the question, "Is nothing sacred?" TV brought the DePaul- Bradley game to our living room and quite a game it was. - The short-handed, long- armed Bradley team looked :^v.v.v.v.Wv.v.v.-.v.v.v • , I On The Sidelines ̂I & By Dick ftobbitt g; I The Warriors get back into action tonight in Fox Valley j| vi play when they journey to Woodstock to take on the Blue g Streaks. Their success in the Elgin Holiday Tournament g: •i-i will nodoubt carry over in the New Year. They had plenty & at support at Elgin. Warrior fans were in big attendance £ U throughout the four days. If the tournament has any g; •:•: financial success, it can thank Warrior fans. As 8 mentioned last week, the Elgin tourney is haying financfcl% ijij troubles. This year they did it again, having Elgin St. g $ Edward's and Dundee playing in the middle of the g: §: afternoon. With Elgin high school bowing out early, they g depended on outside crowds, and Warrior fans did not let *: mighty good % giving high ranked DePaul a real scare before going down 68-61. Also saw the Tampa Bay football /team outscore the Philadelphia Eagles in a game thfe experts call an upset. Upsets are what make athletic contests interesting. It seems on anyCgiveh day any team can knock off a stronger opponent/ - . >**" Met several good friends in McHenry Country Club's beautifully decorated 'dining hall Friday night. Among them were,the friendly Marv MeCrarys who have lived in Orchard Beach twenty years. A few more years and they will be called natives. 1 was half asleep as I sat and waited in a shopping area for you-know-who. Along came a long time friend, Del Freund, to say hello. Del was waiting for his better half, too. Not as im­ patiently, When he saw a crossword puzzle on my lap, he pulled out a book of crosswords that he carries for such emergencies. Had a good visit and finally the girls came waltzing along. Every time we drive down Green St. Alvina calls my attention to the beautiful Christmas tree Mr. and Mrs. Gus Unti have in their pic­ ture window. It is beautiful without flashy. /State Farrr^ Insurance Companies Home Offices: Bloommgton. Illinois SPECIAL For 1000 sq. ft. of cellulose at 4" *270°° and 12% off all foam bids. Mail this coupon to us at N / ' «/ . P.O. Box 117 Marengo Please include name, address & phone j, or call . I For A Free Estimate Call: IANTEC \ INSULATORS INC. j I 568-7655 j CHINA LIGHT RESTAURANT and LOUNGE Featuring Genuine Cantonese Food i im* . ^ r 'Pu-fu" Tray 8 different appetizers oh a flaming tray, tropical drinks & more! Small Banquets can be arranged from $4.50 per person DAILY LUNCHEON SPECIAL •km *2** HAPPY HOUH4-7pm B--r SO'-IUa. Highball 75- HOSPITALITY IS OUR FIRST PRIORITY" CHINA LIGHT Restauiut & Lounge 1244 N. CrMn St. (Corner of GfMn t Elm) OKI 344-3220 552; \ WW ww DINING ROOMOfCN LOUNGE OPEN Sun. 2 p.m. -9 p.m. MonThurs 11 o.m.-lOp.m. Fridoy llo.m. • I I p.m. Soturdoy 3 p.m. - II p.m. Sun. 2 p.m. - M p.m. Mon-Thwrs || a.m.- 12 p.m. Friday! I a.«t 3pjw.1a. :|i; trophy at North Chicago. Won three of four games and .:;:; gwitwrf invaluable experience during the holidays. Pat Wirtz's sophomore cagers won their own tourney, a ::j:i !•:• round robin affair, and frosh coach Rex Hester's crew « won the Johnsburg Frosh tourney for the second year in a j;!:! $ row. A lot of hardware was gathered for the trophy case at :? MCHS during the month of December. :£ Congratulations to Len Jensen for his selection tb the All ':••• Tournament First team at Elgin. Len in my estimation ;X; :::: was the meet's M.V.P. but that honor went to Greg Wolff :•* of Stevenson. Bob Greve also received honors, when he jg & was selected to the 2nd team. The M.V.P. was between Wolff and Jensen, but Elgin g. officials gave it to the 6'6" center over the 5'8" guard. It w didn't seem like a truly championship game, when one g: jij: team was already defeated in the first round. Was glad to see Bob Beyer get away from the T.V. sejt and shopping, to join tis in 18 holes of golf on the last day of :|:j: the year. / # >£ Even though we all had to shell out to the genial Bob it 3: jiji was worth it to have him on the course, and am looking for jij: revenge real soon. In going down Memory Lane this week we take you to g St. Mary's gym in Woodstock in December of 194rfor the £ jij: McHenry County Tournament. The Warriors had lost j:j:| Harvard the previous game by a score of 48 to 28, and j:j: met Marengo \jn the consolation championship. Jtonfi _ . jij-: familiar names Joe Jackson, Bill Bolger, Dick Rosing, :j:j jij: and my boyhood hero Glen "Pete" Peterson all/played for jiji; the Warriors. With Joe Jackson leading the^vay with 19 & j:ji; pts., the Warriors won the game 36 to 28, If n ̂memory jg j:* jij: correct Bill Bolger held Ettner the Marengo ac^e to a mere S: field goal in that game, while picking up three himself. McHENRY COUNTV'MHJRNEY DECEMBER 1941 AT WOODSTOCK i£ Peterson iiij Rosing iiii Bolger £ Freund i* Jackson iiii Smith Stilling jij;. Conway iiii Totals: McHenry fg pf 2 0 2 1 3 0 6 0 1 1 tp 4 Kelley 2 Ettner 6 Holiday 0 Mitchell Buell Block Marshall 19 0 2 3 Marengo fg ft pf ,6 2 4 .: 1 1 0 1 0 0 tp 14 2 2 2 3 2 1 14 8 7 36 MCH Marengo Totals: ' 12 15 3 6 5 5 9 7 9 8 12 26 36 26 Charles White was the difference. The drive he put on for the winning touch­ down furthers the belief that he is one of the greatest ball carriers of all time. Not since the days of Red Grange have we seen the stiff-arm put to such use as in recent games. Of course, Grange, (the Galloping Ghost) could switch the ball from one arm to the other when he stiff- armed a would be tackier. Lest you forget -- Monday, Jan. 21 is the date of the Old Timers Baseball Dinner at Johnsburg. I Nofoolin'. Get your tickets early. Last year _Alderman E Datz attended his first of those popular events and said he wouldn't miss this year. The crowd grows. So.. We sail into another year. Are you writing 1980 or still on '79? Wrestler ̂ rona Wins SeconcT I^lace In Boylan Tourney With all these bowl games, a fellow has football coming out of his ears. The Rose Bowl game was something to behold. Ohio State was the un­ derdog to many, but losing 17-16 to USC made them great in defeat. > By Lynne Sobczak Brian Wrona, a McHenry Junior, placed the highest of any Warrior wrestler at the sixteen team Rockford Boyland Tournament last weekend. On his way to his second place medal in the 119 pound weight class, Wrona drew a bye, won a major decision over Funte of Morris, decisioned Carson of Moline and finally fell to Ed Slack of Woodstock in the championship match. Slack took the top spot he was seeded at, while Wrona bettered his third place seed by one. He now has a 16-4 season record. A fifth place ribbon was brought back by Senior Ed Hughes. Proving the merit of his first place seed, Hughes pinned his first two op­ ponents before losing a 3-1 decision to Carpenter of Moline. After . dropping his wrestle-back match 7-6 to Kay of Oak Park, the local Warrior pulled out a fifth place victory in a hard fought 7-3 overtime match over Nicolosi of Boyland. The 167 pound wrestler now sports a 12-2 record for this season. The only other McHenry wrestler to place in the Boyland tourney was Pat Haderly. Wrestling in the 112 pound weight class, Haderly was pinned in his first match, then worked his way back up through the wrestle back rounds by pinning Bricea of Cary Grove and decisioning Fischer of Woodstock. Beat by Eichelberger of Joliet Central and Fox of Kaneland, the Warrior finished in 6th place. ' Other Wrestling Warriors participating in the two-day tourney were Kevin Hollian, Mike Conners, Vic Betan- _ court, Dave Ramer, Bob Roewer and Amando Gomez. This Friday the Warriors lake on the tough-wrestling Woodstock Blue Streaks at home. The next big tour­ nament for the Warriors is their own Junior Varsity Tournament on Saturday, January 11. su WESTERN WEAR & INDIAN JEWELRY M5.95 [-ARIZONA ELY PAINTER H PANTS n $ 9 6 $ 1 1 » 5 V 3321 W. ELM ST. (Across from Japson Tire) McMENRYtttS-ISU Mon.-Sot. 10-5:30. Fri. 10-9

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