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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Jan 1980, p. 8

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PAGE 8 - PLAINPEALER - FRIDAY. JANUARY 18,1880 Past 65 A widow with much to learn Q - I am a recent widow and have much to learn. I purchased a S20.000 time certificate. 11.7 percent, and I now know it is subject to federal and state tax. Had I purchased treasury bills the interest would be subject to federal tax only. Why does anyone buy time certificates rather than treasury bills9" - Mrs J C A , A - I go for time cer­ tificates, mostly because I don't quite understand about treasury bills Mrs J.C.A should get expert local advice. r Legal Notice NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a tentative Budget and Appropriation Ordinance for the Eleventh Entitlement of Revenue Sharing Funds of the Town of Nunda. in thes County of McHenry. State of Illinois, for the period Oc­ tober 1. 1979 through Sep­ tember 30. 1980. will be on file and conveniently available to public in­ spection at the Township Office. 3510 Bay Roaa. Crystal Lake. Illinois bet­ ween the hours of 8:30 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. any weekday- prior to the public hearing from and after 8:30 A.M.. on the 15th dav of Januarv. 1980. .Notice is further hereby- given that Public Hearing on said Budget and Ap- proriation Ordinance will be held at 7:00 P.M. on Thur­ sday. February 14. 1980 at the Nunda Township Office. 3510 Bay Road. Crystal Lake, Illinois in this Township and that final action will be taken by the( Board of Township Trustees'*' at this meeting. Dated this 15th day of January, 1980 Anita Sherwood Supervisor Kathleen C. Harper Town Clerk Nunda Township < Pub. Jan. 18:25,& Feb. 1.1980) . Q. -- "I have been ripped off I am a widow of 76. I ordered a window for my mobile home bathroom We gave them a deposit. When it came it was too large. We returned the window but couldn't get the deposit back The Better Business Bureau was contacted by my son. but we never heard from them. Maybe you have a way to get to the bottom of this." Okylle M.S. A - The Better Business Bureau cannot get your deposit back. It only reports on whether a business operates fraudulently. I see. fio other'way for Okylle to recover than by suing. That would cost more than the amount of the lost deposit: Q - "I am an old man of 80 and I want a pet. I live alone. One friend says get a dog. Another likes cats. Another suggests I get a parrot or parakeet What do you ad­ vise0" - Adam K. A-- I like dogs. I have a number of friends who think a cat would serve you better as a companion Parrots, or parakeets, are very in­ teresting. but you must be cautious if you decide to get one. A parrot is very dirty, although smarter than the cleaner parakeet. You c^n leach a parrot to say "polly wants a cracker" in a week or two. It would take up to three months to teach that phrase to a parakeet. If you purchase a parrot be certain you get a guarantee that its speech won't embarrass you with cusswords learned from a previous owner. I have a friend who bought a miniature parrot - a polly as sweet as could be. Polly at first said only 'nice things like "good morning.'* and "I love you." Then, one day out of the blue, it squawked something obscene. Okay for a bachelor of 80 if the minister and his wife haven't come to call. I think I'd g^l a cat. although I've never had one Q. -- "I lost my coat,'I was traveling by air and left it in the overhead rack. The airline can't find it and says it has no liability. Can I do. anything to get it back or the monev it cost me0" -- Hilton .) * A. -- The airline can disclaim liability until hell freezes over cannot get out of -- the liability. When Hilton paid his fare the airline assumed liability. I know a man who sued for a lost raincoat. The airline said it wasn't responsible. The claimant sued -- and won in a local court. Under the state's law if the airline didn't pay up. the raincoat owner could attach a piece of its property in that state. He fairly itched to own a 727 jetliner, even for a few seconds. But the airline paid over a check for S137 very- fast. Then the jetliner took off. Social Security Information: Q. -- Five ladies, each of whom was married for many- years. then divorced and remarried, want to know if thev can draw on the first husband's SS record. A -- An ex-wife cannot draw on her first husband's account if she has remarried. Q. - "I am 61, drawing disability from my own earnings. My second husband had been divorced for 10 years before marrying me, after 20 years of marriage. Will that have any effect on his SS payments when he reaches 65? - R J.S. A. None. Q. - "I am 62 and was married to my first husband 25 years before he died, f will be , eligible for a small SSL, payment on my own ac­ count. Musj^'-Mraw 37 per- -T cent of my present husband's SS?" - Mrs. J.L.E, A. --- Only if she is not in­ sured on her own account and if her own reduced benefit on her own earnings would be less than half of her husband's unreduced amount. J.L.E. has no obligation to file on her spouse's record at age 62 if she does not want a reduced benefit. If she is insured then she must file on her own SS account. At 62, sfl^ will- receive 80 percent of her unreduced amount. Write to Carl Riblet. Jr. at " Box 40757, Tucson, Ariz., 85717 for information and advice on questions you may have as a senior citizen, with self-addressed. stamped envelope. All questions will be answered, either direct or in this column. CLASSIC TROPHIES Come in and pick from our standard line or we can make special orders. We have trophies to fit everyone's budget. We take pride in our quality workmanship Legal Notice LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO SUBDIVISIONS WITH NON-DEDICATED ROADS PLUS FREE ENGRAVING PHONE 815-385-2418 CALL AFTER 5 PM The Motor Fuel Tax Law was recently amended to permit townships to spend a small portion of their Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the maintenance of non- dedicated subdivision roads. The law also requires each subdivision participating in the program to make a contribution toward any- work performed. In sub­ divisions established prior to July 23. 1959 in accordance with the provisions of Sec­ tion 6-701.8 of the "Illinois Highway code". If your subdivision is in McHenry Township and is interested in participating in such a program during the 1980 calendar year a letter must be sent" to the un­ dersigned Highway Com­ missioner. regarding whether your subdivision wants to participate in this program. Participating intent must be received before March 1. 1980 at my office. 3703 N. Richmond Road. McHenry. IL.. 60050. Clarence Regner. Highway Commissioner of McHenrv Township <1 Pub. Jan 18 & 25. 1980) Legal Notice BID NOTICE The Board of Education of McHenry Community High School District No. 156 will receive sealed bids on Art Equipment. Bids will be accepted until 11:00 Thursday. January 31, 1980. Specifications may be obtained at the Board of Education Office. 3926 W. Main St., McHenrv. IL., 60050. Michael R. Kelly Business Manager (Pub. Jan. 18.1980) MARENGO FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION COMPARATIVE FINANCIAL STATEMENT RESOURCES First Mortgage Loans Improvement Loans College Loans Loans on Savings Accounts Real Estate Sold on Contract Real Estate Owned or irkludgement Cash on Hand and in Banks U.S. Government & Agency Obligations Stock in Federal Home Loan Bank Office Buildings and Equipment Prepaid Secondary Reserve Other Assets TOTAL RESOURCES LIABILITIES AND RESERVES Savings and Certificate Accounts Advances from Federal Home Loan Bank Loans in Process Advance Payments for Tax & Insurance Deferred Income Other Liabilities Specific Reserves General Reserves and Surplus TOTAL LIABILITIES AND RESERVES Interest Paid to Savers Increase in Savings Accounts Increase in Mortgage Loans DECEMBER 31,1978 $113,656,677.18 2.977.743.05 210.575.44 1.668.287.49 501.133 31 88.075.61 2.058.495.79 5.881.541.59 866.100.00 1.129.607.06 225.513.97 2 050 447 7? $131,314,198.21 $108,877,103.30 172.938.50 659.37069 26,045.78 7,135.423.48 $131,314 198.21 DECEMBER 31,1979 $122,367,086.83 •320.435.42 2.632.935.76 498,325.97 NONE 1.886.367.78 7,673,139.89 - 1.043.800.00 2.179.528.98 179.723 98 2.734,328.25 " $145.71175469 $125,774,762.66 8,000.000.00 1.779,621.27 ^ 163.710 64 481,703.15 60,910.02 8,270.818.84 $145,711,754.69 FACTS OF INTEREST FOR THE YEAR 1979 Total New Mortgage Loans Made Increase in Assets Increase in Reserves $8,887 518 35 16.897.659 36 8 71^.40-9 65 21.464 451 00 14,397.556 48 1.135.395 36 Save at McHenry County's Oldest, Largest Strongest Association. A Mutual Association serving Northern Illinois for over 50 years. Marengo ERVICE NEWS Navy Seaman Ends Storekeeper Course Navy Storekeeper Seaman John W. Seekings, son of Paul Seekings of McHenry, has completed the basic storekeeper course. Conducted at the Naval [Technical Training center, Meridian. Miss., the eight- week course is designed to provide students with the technical knowledge and skills essential for effective p e r f o r m a n c e a s storekeepers aboard ships and at shore activiti The course of instruction includes identification of the components and functions of the Navy supply system, plus practical exercises in receipt control, inventory management, material transfer shipments and finance procedures. Ad­ ditionally, students learn safety requirements per­ taining to the loading and offloading of material, packaging and preservation, and preparation of various types of goods for shipment. Seekings joined the Navy in January 1978. Good Conduct Medaf To Cpl. Czechowski Marine Cpl. Edward D. Czechowski. son of Joseph and Rozalyn Misiak of 6119 Barnard Mill road, Ringwood. has been awarded the Good Conduct medal. The Good Conduct medal signifies.^ faithful and obedient service during a three-year period. To earn it, enlisted Marines must achieve and maintain an unblemished conduct record for the entire period. Czechowski is currently serving with 1st Marine Aircraft wing, Futenma Marine corps air station on Okinawa. A 1976 graduate of McHenry West campus high school, he joined the Marine corps in January, 1976. Airman Davidson At Keesler, Miss., Base Airman Craig W. Davidson, son of Winn C. Davidson of 3311 N. Riverside drive. McHenry. has been assigned to Keesler Air Force base. Miss., after completing Air Force basic training. During the six weeks at Lackland Air Force base. San Antonio. Tex., the air- ^man studied the Air Force mission, organization and customs and received special training in human relations. In addition, airmen who complete basic training earn credits toward an associate degree in applied science through the Community college of the Air Force. The airman will now receive specialized training in the avionics systems field. Fireman Apprentice In Mediterranean Sea and loan association f=J fsDc IT-SB MARENGO 200E Oram • 815 568 7258 McHCNRV 4400W Route 120 - 815 344-1900 • IWOOOSTOCK 118 Street • 815 33B 2900 WOODSTOCK DRIVE UP Nwtr 47 tmt Calteoun Street - 815 338 7440 CRYSTAL LAKE 5SO Barfc-y M go Rt • 14 • 815/4554300 Navy Hull Maintenance Technician Fireman Ap­ prentice William S. Lorch, son of Stewart N. and Dorothy R. Lorch of 4903 E. Fountain lane, McHenry. is currently on a deployment in the Mediterranean sea. He is a crewmember aboard the repair ship USS Good, low priced CARIBBEAN CRUISES Available For your winter vacation! 7 Day cruises from Miami or San Juan at BUDGET PRICES! CHAIN 0' LAKES TRAVEL SERVICE 3405 W. Elm St. McHenry 385-7500 What Just One Person Can Do Example of Citizenship "I believe lhat fcvery citizen should take a role in helping society. Tq do nothing because of the enormity of a problem \is' a mistake." These are Uhe words of a dynamic housewife in Ladue, Mo.; words lhat express beautifully the Christopher ideal. / \ Mrs. Elsie Valier, a native of Belmont, Mass., moved; west at the end of World War II, after she and her husband Biron were discharged from the U.S. Navy. Her moment of self-discovery came "flf- teen years ago, . when a 0 citizen's committee was formed to get sidewalks installed in her section of town, The local government refused, giving the excuse that they wanted to keep a "countrvlike" atmosphere. Mrs. Valier spoke up. At­ mosphere is great, but public responsibility is better, she said. She pressed for action. It took time, almost two years, but the city council of Ladue finally gave in, and when they did they started a whole pathway construction project. This was only the begin­ ning for Mrs. Valier, Currently, her interest in juvenile justice has led her to new challenges. She is working hard as chairman of Catalyst associates, a net­ work of volunteers which aims at providing more appropriate services for delinquent youth. "I believe our system of government is the strongest that has come down in history," she said, "but the citizen has to take a role." Is there something that needs to be done in your neighborhood? Why not follow the good example of Elsie Valier and do something ghout it. Vulcan, ^hQfoeported in Norfolk, Va., aK^__curFently operating as a unit of the U.S. 6th fleet. Thus far in the cruise, Vulcan has participated in training exercises with other 6th fleet units and provided repair services to several ships. Port visits have been made in Palma de Mallorca, Spain: and Genoa and Taranto, Italy. During the remainder of the deployment. Vulcan will be ^participating in additional training exercises with the 6th fleet and ships of allied nations. Port visits are scheduled in various Mediterranean coastal cities. A 19^8 graduate of McHenry West campus high school. Lorch joined the Navy in August. 1978. Crystal Lake Hearing Aid Center •All in the ear aids •Discount to Senior Citizens 37 McHenry Avenue Crystal Lake 459-1193 \ The price is right $ 6.00 12 BUekwdl. Plus II 48 F.E.T. and old tire Reg. price fT m polyester cord tire We "re starting the 1980s with prices that are really right for our famous :urrent best seller! Strong and smooth-riding polyester cord construction! sfe. Re*. MOW F.E.T. || Size | R»f. 1 NOW F.E.T. P155/80D13 #27.00 lUJk $1.49 G78-14 >39.00 >2.38 6.00-13 28.00 >6JI 1.60 H78-14 j 41.00 SMI 260 B78-13 30.00 •TM 1.77 5.60-15 , 36.00 SMI 1 64 C78-13 31.00 WM 1.94 6.00-15LI 32.00 SOM 1.71 C78-14 31.00 MM 1.92 6.85S-15 i 33.00 8IM 2 07 D78-14 33.00 SOM 1.96 1 G78-15 41.00 a&M 248 E78-14 35.00 8SM 2.12 i H78-15 I 43.00 4QJB 268 F78-14 38.00 m pg 2.23 i L78-15 I 46.00 43M 2.98 All prioas plus tax and old tin. WHITEWALLS PRICED RIGHT TOO* Our NEW Location: 1301 N. FRONT ST. McHENRY, ILL. (815)385-2323 Dea l w i t h t he PRO S" McHENRY FIRESTONE, INC.

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