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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Jan 1980, p. 2

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PAGE 2 - PLA1NDK \I.KR - FRIDAY, JANUARY 18.1980 |_ • _ . LJ~ _ i SCOTT SCHIAVONE AND CHRIS LIPPERT .ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT - Chris Lippert and Scott Schiavone, both of Wonder Lake, wish to announce their engagement. The future bride is the daughter of Leonard Lippert, of McHenry, and her fiance is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Pappas, also of McHenry. Both attended McHenry high school and are locally employed. Plans are now being made for a May 31st wedding. Clothing Exchange Available At College Anyone needing c lo thes but unable to" buy them is encouraged to v is i t McHenry County col lege ' s c lo th ing exchange. The MCC Re-Entry commit tee i s se t t ing up the exchange f rom Jan . 21 through Feb. 1 in the game room, adjacent to the col lege cafe ter ia , in the Main Hal l bui ld ing Donat ions of outgrown or unneeded c lo th ing to the exchange wi l l be ap­ prec ia ted . Donat ions are v i " not requi red , however , to take c lo th ing f rom the exchange. Inc luded in the avai lable c lo th ing wi l l be c lo thes for men, women and chi ldren . The exchange wi l l be open any hour tha t the col lege i s open MCC is open f rom 8 a .m. to . 10 p .m Monday ihrough Thursday. 8 a .m. to 4 p .m Fr idays and -8 a .m. Saturdays Dance-A-Thon Planned Plans a re wel l under way for the th i rd annual WXRD- Easter Seal Dance-a- thon which wi l l b% he ld a t Woodstock h igh school Feb. 9 and 10. Las t year ' s dance- a- thon a t t rac ted over 200 dancers who surpr ised the nat ion 1 by ra is ing $35,054.00 in p ledged, second only to Los Angeles , for the Eas ter Seal Therapy center in Woodstock. 111. Par t ic ipants obta in pledges for each hour they dance dur ing the 24-hour event and pr izes a re g iven on an individual bas is to those ra is ing 'he most money. Las t year ' s top money ra iser was Sue Malenius of McHenry whose p ledges of S3.740.00 earned her a s tereo sys tem plus an a l l expenses paid ? r ip io Los Angeles . Regis t ra t ion and sponsor forms are d is t r ibuted through local h igh schopls and par t ic ipa t ing area merchants and a t the Eas ter Seal center in Woodstock The t remendous success of las t year ' s mara thon was largely due to the ef for ts of Dance . -a- t .hon Chai rman. Bonnie Cornue. and her crew of volunteers Mrs Cornue is again organiz ing th is year ' s event and is seeking volunteers to prepare and serve food. provide secur i ty and crowd contro l , ass is t wi th record keeping, and s taf f the ad­ miss ion and regis t ra t ion desks . Anyone in teres ted in a id ing the handicapped chi ldren and adul ts in McHenry county by working on the dance i s reques ted to ca l l Mrs Alan D. Cornue. Woodstock. FORESTER MEETING Weather permi t t ing . S t . Clara Cour t No 659. Nat ional Cathol ic Socie ty of Fore ters wi l l hold the next regular monthly meet ing . )an 24. a t 8 p m in the Oak room-of Mont in i Middle school Cor t tac t Lore t ta Freund for informat ion . MAlfc IN ICM/A OCLCL i \ Guest Speaker Presents Working Mothers99 Topic In most years one of every five hogs in the U.S. is raised in Iowa. h o i u CHINA LIGHT RESTAURANT and LOUNGE OPEN DAILY Chinese & American Cuisine Lounge & Carry-out AMERICAN EXPRESS. VISA t MASTER CHARGE CARDS WELCOME Monday thru Friday Daily Lunch Special $2.05 Happy Hours 4-7 p.m. at the Lounge Beera.-,. SO' Highball 75' MONDAY THRU THURSDAY NIOHTLY SPECIAL COMBINATION PLATE S3.95 SENIOR CITIKM'DAY ALL DAY SUNDAY 10% DISCOUNT FOR FOLKS 60 AND OVER HlM tail atf M art M w ans fir 18 pnple m mn 1226 N. MIEN, McHENRY (Corner of Green and Rte 1^0) Tei 344-3220 i) Us I »> freoooe I L (.Ommunity k 8 (.alendar b COOOCOOO! J JANUARY 18-19 McHenry high school winter play-All My Sons-8 p.m . West campus auditorium. JANUARY. 19 Fox Ridge Women's club- couples tobaggoning & buffet-home of George and Donna Van Liere. V ' JANUARY 20 Newcomers club-Super Bowl Sunday-for men only- call Paula Ekstrom for details. McHenry high school winter plav-All My Sons-2 p.m.. West campus auditorium "Rescue 50"--benefit McHenry-Johnsburg rescue squads-line-upat American Legion. 8 a.m.-leave. 9 a.m. JANUARY 21 T H E O S -Dinner. 5:30 p.m.-Busy Bee restaurant- 4621 W. Route 120-meeting and program at First United Methodist church. Fourth District Mid- Winter meeting--host, McHenry Woman's club- Raymond's restaurant- registration. 9 to 10 a.m. Business & Professional Women-regular monthly meeting-Mr. C's Rustic Harbor-cocktails. 6:30 p.m- -dinner. 7 p.m. JANUARY 22 McHenry Chapter 547 O.E.S-- stated meeting-Star Point night. JANUARY 24 Valley View Girl Scouts- NeighboFhood meeting-St. Patrick's hall. 9:15 a.m. McHenry Area Separated and Divorced Catholic group meeting--7:30 p.m.. Oak room. Montini Middle school. Cub Scout Pack 162- meeting. 7 p.m.-American Legion hall. McHenry Senior Citizens club--"Rules of the Road" Drivers Refresher course- first session. 9:30 a.m. to noon-council chambers- McHenry City hall. JANUARY 25 . Marriage Encounter- community night. 7:45 p.m.- Gerry & Judie DeWulf-4005 N Pitzen road. JANUARY 26 St. John's Home-School association-dance and entertainment-*-? p.m . Johnsburg Community club. JANUARY 28 McHenry Senior Citizens meeting--7:30 p.m.. W'e% campus-installation . of officers.. . McHenry Woman's club- Board meeting. 10 a.m.-new location-McHenry Public library. Films and discussion on Child Abuse and Incest-7:30 p.m.--McHenry County college student louhge- Crystal Lake JANUARY 29 Joint Moose meeting- Moose lodge. 8 p.m. Films and discussion on Women and Violence-7:30 p m -McJHenry County- college student lounge- Crystal Lake. ' JANUARY 30 Films and discussion on Women's Bodies-7:30 p.m -- McHenry County college student lounge-Crystal Lake. JANUARY 31 McHenry Senior Citizens club- 'Rules of the Road" Drivers Refresher course- second session, io a.m. to "Working Mothers" will be the topic for the evening at the next general meeting •>f SCOPE (Successful Childbirth and Organized Parent Education). The meeting will be held Wed­ nesday. Jan."23. at 8 p.m.. at the Municipal building of McHenry, in the City Council room, at llli N " Green street. Carol Chandler, in­ structor of psychology at McHenry County college, will be the featured speaker. Afojr a brief presentation, there will be a round table discussion regarding the many questions and con­ cerns-working mothers have related to fulfilling their parenting role. The public is invited to participate and admission is free. The sponsoring group. SCOPE, is an organization that offers unique op­ portunities to make child­ birth and parenting a shared and enriching experience. It also helps many cope with the important roles as parents, and strives to strengthen the family by . offering support. in­ formation and educated approaches to birth and parenting. Support from parents, expectant parents; doctors, nurses, childbirth and childcare educators and anyone interested in promoting healthy children and families is welcome. The following programs are offered to make SCOPE a valuable asset to family life: - • Prepared childbirth classes - SCOPE has at­ tracted several childbirth educators and through them is able to . offer prepared childbirth classes to in­ terested expectant parents. Contact Mrs. Gary (Nancy) Willard, Crystal Lake, for the names of the instructors. Mother's help line - This telephone service gives non­ medical advice and emotional support to newly delivered mothers, as they assume total newborn care at home. Monthly discussion groups are also held for new moms to share experiences. Discussion groups Mothers of Tots group meet once a month to discuss topics of interest relSled to children, ages one toMive ye^rs. ^ ~ Chidlren's play groups SCOPE members with preschoolers Can have the children participate in organized playgroups which meet weekly at the Crystal Lake Ambutal. Cesarean support group - This group provides support and information to couples who have had. or are an-, ticipating. a Cesarean birth. Parent Education - Meetings, open to the public, are held every three months and feature qualified speakers in many fields of early childhood care and education. The programs offer parents an opportunity to share ideas and gain knowledge on a particular area of parenting. SCOPE also holds many special events such as children's parties, family activities and craft groups to prepare for the biannual bazaar. Anyone interested in learning more about SCpPE may call Mrs. Gary (Nancy) Willard, Crystal Lake or Mrs. LeRoy (Ber- nadette) Hiller, McHenry^' . Rules Of The Road99 Refresher Course Offered\ 99 Mr. James Jansen. of the McHenry Senior Citizens club announces that another 'Rules ofthe Road" Drivers Refresher course has been scheduled to begin Thur­ sday. Jan. 24 at 9:30 a.m. in the council chambers at the McHenry City hall, and will last until noon. The second session will be Thursday. Jan. 31 from 10 a.m. to noon - and the third and final session of this series will be Thursday. Feb. 7 from 10 a.m. to noon. Sessions two and three will also be held in the Council Chambers of the McHenry City hall. It is very important that everyone arrives on time! Mr. Jensen advises seniors to bring pencils or pens - and also urges everyone having a birthday in the near future, when the drivers license has to be renewed, to attend this series. This is a free service of­ fered by the McHenry Senior Citizens club in conjunction with the Secretary of State's office. It is not necessary to be a member of the club to be eligible to attend. The Drivers Refresher course will help refresh everyone's memory on traffic signs, traffic regulations,, and other im­ portant facts. It will be easier to pass the written test, and everyone will find Mr. Jensen and his assistants very cooperative and helpful. Mr. Jensen can be con­ tacted at 385-7475 for ad­ ditional information. KRISTI-ANN WEYLAND AND JAMES W. FINNAN EARLY SPRING WEDDING - Mr. and Mrs. William J. Weyland, 1609 N. Riverside drive, McHenry, announce the engagement of their daughter, Kristi-Ann, to James W. Finnan, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Finnan, of DeKalb, 111. The young couple are both residents of Rhinelander, Wis. The bride elect is a 1973 graduate of McHenry high school, and also a 1978 graduate of Nicolet college in Rhinelander. She is presently employed as a secretary for the Halfway House. The prospective groom graduated from DeKalb high school and is the owner of Alpine builders. An early spring wedding is planned. P.WP. Plans Dinner noon--council cframbers- McHenry City hall. Films and discussion on Traditional and Non- traditional Sex Roles (male and female>--7:30 p.m.- McHenry County college student Lake. lounge-Crvstal FEBRUARY 2 HPTO Fun Fair-1 to 4 p.m -Hilltop Elementary school. FEBRUARY 4 McHenry Senior Citizens Executive meeting-10 a.m.. McHenry Public library. FEBRUARY 5 Chapter night meeting, W.O.T.M.-- Moose lodge. 8 p.m. Ruth Circle of the First United Mehtodist church- meeting at noon in the church-hostesses. Lila Jordan and Charlene Tonyan. FEBRUARY 6 McHenry Grandmothers club-luncheon meeting- 11:30 a.m. at Windhill-call C. Jansen for reservations. FEBRUARY 7 Veterans of World War I- McHenry Barracks 1315- Meeting at McHenry Post 491-American Legion home- -Ringwood road. 2 p.m. McHenry Senior Citizens club--"Rules of the Road" Drivers Refresher course- third and final ^ession. 10 am to noon-council chambers-McHenry City hall. FEBRUARY 11 Marriage Encounter- Community night, 7:45 p.m - -Jim & Rita Thenness-4406 Lakewood road. McHenry Senior Citizens meeting -7:30 p.m.--West campus cafeteria. FEBRUARY 13 St. Patrick's Ladies Guild- -annual Valentine salad luncheon and card party- serving. 11:30a.m. to 1 p.m.- -St. Patrick's church hall- tickets at door. s FEBRUARY 14 McHenry Woman's club- regular meeting, noon- Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church-business meeting, 1 p.m. -FEBRUARY 17 Zion Lutheran church- family style roast beef dinner-serving 12 to 3 p.m.- tickets at church office. FEBRUARY 19 W.O.T.M. business meeting-Moose lodge-8 p.m. The Widows and Widowers group of Parents Without Partners Chaper No. 189 in Crystal Lake will feature an international dinner at the monthly meeting Jan. 23, and all members of P.W.P. are cordially invited. It is not necessary to be widowed to take part in this enjoyable evening which is assuredly going to be a taste treat to everyone present. The dinner will take place at the King's Row Condos recreation room in West Dundee beginning at 8 p.m and everyone is asked to bring a favorite recipe dish tq pass. Widows and Widowers is a group of P.W.P. members who meet the fourth Wed­ nesday of each month for coffee and fellowship. For more information please call 815-653-3931. Senior Walk-In Center POETS CORNER spurgeons Semi-Annual Art Needlework Sale Now thru Sunday January 20,1980 HURRY IN AND SAVE 20%,.27% ON ALL ARTS & CRAFTS McHenry Market Place 385-4100 Daily 9-9, Sot. 9-6, Sun. 10-5 BIRTHS Gina and Lawrence Hall, 5401 Memory trail, McHenry, wish to announce the birth of their first child, a girl. Amy Marie was born Jan. 12. at McHenry hospital, and weighed 7 lbs., 8 oz. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Irvin L. Foote, of McHenry and Mrs. Eugenia Hall. Fox Lake, is the paternal grandmother. | HOSPITAL NOTEs] WOODSTOCK Admissions: Mrs. Alvina Pilat. Mrs. Louise Draper, Orville Bangert and Mrs. Mildred Reese, all of M c H e n r y : C h a r l e s Sodergram, Robert Decker and Mrs. Emma Fritz, all of Wonder Lake. HARVARD Admissions: Janice Zenner. of McHenry. Meals are served Monday through Friday at the McHenry Walk-In center beginning at 11:45 a.m. Reservations must be made by 1:30 p.m. the day before at 385-8260. The menu for the week of Jan. 21 through Jan. 25 is as follows: Jan. 21: BRAIN FOOD -- Breaded fish, later gems, wheal bread, tossed salad, tapioca pudding, milk. Jan. 22: Mock drumsticks, mashed potatoes, peas and carrots, raised rolls, spice cake. milk. Jan. 23: Italian beef sandwiches, french fries, cole slaw, apple sauce, milk. Jan. 24: Breaded pork tenderloin, tiny parsleyed potatoes and carrots, wax beans, vanilla pudding, rye bread, milk; Jan. 25: Beef fatties- mushroom potatoes, zuc­ chini squash and tomatoes, white bread, cookies, milk. Seniors Club Slate Speaker When the senior citizens in the Wonder Lake area meet again, they will hear a presentation by June Det- wiler, speaking on nutrition. The meeting of the,Wonder Lake Senior Citizens is to be held at the Nativity Lutheran church Monday, Jan. 21. Blood pressure testing wjll take place until 12:30 p.m, • . ' " The program Will follow, and refreshments, will be served after the meeting. SONG OF A WAR ORPHAN My father was a hero He died in the war He died for his country I wish he'd been a coward He might be alive He might still be alive today My father loved life He was only thirty He was too young to die I hardly knew my father I was only five I was an orphan the rest of my life My father was no hero « He was a simple peaceful man He did not want to fight He had no choice And died During a wet cold November night Ingeborg Aide SENIOR CITIZEN'S CORNER* HELPFUL IDEAS FOR SUCCESSFUL RETIREMENT Benefit Programs Employee benefit programs: what is the outlook for the 1980s? Despite concern over increas­ ing costs, many employers will expand or continue benefit programs at current levels, ac­ cording to a survey conducted by William M. Mercer, Incor­ porated, the nation's largest employee benefit consulting firm. Some fifty-nine per cent of the executives surveyed said they would expand programs during the next decade and 38% said they would maintain programs at current levels. Many of the executives said expansion will be in specialized coverages -- dental, legal and vision care, pension benefits, pre-retirement planning COUP INCOME TAX BETUBHS Hoalihaa Assoc, Inc. 3318 W. ELM ST. McHENRY, ILL. Personal and/or Business returns prepared, at reasonable -Fates, to assure the maximum advantage to you through an in­ tensive, in depth analysis of your position within current State and Federal regulations. It is to your advantage to determine your tax liability at this time in order to claim any refunds due or to budget any payment that may be required by April 15. If you are confined to home, we will call at your home. Please phone for appointment from 9 A.M. to 10 P.M. daily. 385-7899 or after 5 P.M. 385-7999 seling and time-off b'erefits. More than half (53%) of the executives said they plan to pass along to employees some of» the increased co&s; 51% plan to pass costs along to employees and the consumer. Survey findings were based on responses to questionnaires mailed to chief executive officers of the Fortune 2,500 companies. * * * * So many people are so worried about the future that they overlook the tasks of the present. • * * • v Who can remember when the average Ameri­ can thought it really peril­ ous to take a ride in an airplane? : H II INCOME TRX SERVICE Yegge Accounting • Experienced 'Professional "Personalized •Yeor-fcound INCOME TRX SERVICE Phone 385-7957 FOR APPOINTMENT

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