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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Jan 1980, p. 6

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U.F fi - PLAINDEAl.ER - h RIDAY. J ANUARY 18, ISM Tumbleweeds To Open Season At Harvard Sunday Bv Don Kiiisala Tl MBLEWEEDS TO OPEN SEASON \ T H \ R \ \ R D Tr.e McHenn Turn- t>ie-eeqs. ready and willing w go. -AiU open their com- pe'Jtive .season "m an in- viiationai'. to be.neld in Harvard :nis San da > This ' meet. under the auspices of re United Tumbling a ssoc *• bring ogeiher up 15 or more clubs arc \er :2o athletes. After a summer of per-; appearances and a fall strenuous training, the earn -a? r.igh -r>pes of r-r:r.£:r.£ no me' rumerous awards They also have nigh hopes for the future -with the recent expansion of the club Returning medal winners include Lori Knaack. Debbie Pierce. Cindy Kinsala Erin Doherty and Tracey Hudjera of Mc Henry and La Donna Parvm. Yicki. Bruce and Cindy Pemberton of Woodstock New members are Rachel McGranahan. Jennifer Donlan. Christine Fowles. Tammy Horton. Colleen Samen.. Karly Kunzer. John Roark. Stacey Hudjera Carrie Miller. Sfike McGowan and Kathy Gartner Warriors At Crystal Lake Central Tonight C<>ach Ken Ludwig^wil^ ake his McHenry High Warriors to Crystal Lake Central tonight for an im-' port ant game in the Fox Valley Conference. Both earns are currently 4 and 2 in'the conference, i>ne game behind Crystal Lake South and Dundee The Warriors fresh from two impressive wins over the weekend, defeating Cary Grove 76 to 43 and Fremd 81 to 7| ,are looking .for both Jacobs and Woodstock to pull an upset to give the Warriors a share of first place The Tigers of Tom Wilkins are coming on strong.. ';aving shown improvement ihe past several weeks. Gone from the Tiger lineup are Tom ,Pence and Ralph Statter. both four year regulars, who are now playing in college. However, the second year coach of the Tigers has put together a well disciplined unit. Led by 6 0" guard Preston McLaurin and 6'2" Mike Graves.' <3£he ' Tigers • have rallied for three' straight wins, and will be ready for the Warfiors in'; the fieldhouse Don't sell the Warriors short The past weekend they played their best ball of 'he season The Warrior defense and quickness on offense paid off last week. It should be quite a ball game. Tomorrow night the Warriors entertain the always dangerous Zee Bees from- Zion. Currently 9 and 2 jhe Zee Bees are one of the better teams in . the North Suburban,. Led by Ed Williams and Gary Judson, son of Coach Phil Judson. the Zee Bees blasted league leader Mundeleinr last Saturday 90 to 64. When these teams met in the North Suburban it was always a real thriller, and tomorrow night should be no different than in past years. EARL WALSH" So I Hear SPORTS EDITOR' m Florida McHenryites are looking forward to their next picnic get-together which will probably be held in April Kay Mahoney phoned to find out about the event and says she will be watching this column while in Florida so she and Joe can make plans for crossing from Florida's east roast to the west Gave Kay the new address of Bill and Pauline Pries so she will have two sources of '.information. Betcha Ken Espey will be there but didn't remember his bowling ~ The Eagle ' River. Wis. area attracts many people from these parts so it seems probable that some will attend the Snowmob i j e Derby up t here Jan. 18-19-30. The Eagle River Lions Club sponsors this big event at the "Snowmobile Capitol of the World" Lamar isn't a school we have been hearing much about They almost earned a big spot «>n -the map when .their big basketball team came within a whisker of BLOCKADE--bat Warrior Barry Anderson gets oat of the crisis as he prepares to pass to a fellow teammate daring the conference battle against the Trojans. Barry was held to five points, bat boanced back tbe following night, hitting for 12 f s they beat Fremd 81-71. Barry also proved strong in the reboonding. Tonight tbe Warriors travel to Crystal Lake Central. Satardav thev will host tbe Zion Benton Zee Bees at West campus. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD This is the time of \ear when old timers used to look forward to the January thaw Nothing to thaw yet Get 'he yet L-okmg over the report m the Illinois Women's Bowling Association tour­ nament being staged in Bloommgton. we see :he name Cathy Biro: McHenn listed in the charmed circle Hope the pins keep toppu:.£ over for Cathy Wniie on bowling. 82-year-old Joe Adams getting special mention for his 437 scratch. 619 handicap series in the K. of C tour­ nament 0 Like good wine. Joe gets better with age We remember how he could hit a baseball in his playing days. beating No ] DePaul After a struggle to beat a very good Marquette team. l)ePaul"s young team moved into the No. 1 spot in the nation. Many sports fans feared a let-down. It may have been a let-down, but those big whoppers on the Lamar team may be better than rated. ^r One thing for sure is. that any,, time you are on top every team will get up high in an effort to knock von off. This is our last chance to boost the Old Timers baseball dinner, at John- sbure Monday night With Sib Whiting we will be touring upriver to see the fun Next will be our report on t£ie happenings. It is one of the big sports events of the vear -- one we never miss. Results of McHenry Knights of Columbus Singles Bowling Tournament held Jan 13. 1980 at McHenry Recreation. High Series Scratch - Don Mercure - 584. and Lavonne Ketchum - 490. High Game Scratch: Rich Mercure - 203 and Carol Ketchum - 190 High Series ith Handicap: Eugene Nye - 639 and Barb Bitterman -636 'new record - old record held by Shirley Doherty - 616. 1978). Special recognition was given to Joe Adams <82 years of age for bowling 129-151-157-437 series scratch and 619 series with handicap. FOX VAI.LEY CONFERENCE GIRLS BASKETBALL Team » 1 pts opp Cry stal Lake South 4 0 235 160 Woodstock 2 2 211 226 Crystal Lake Central 2 2 225 235 Jacobs 2 2 226 233 Cary Grove 2 2 196 204 Dundee 2 2 198 191 McHenry 1 3 177 195 Crown * 1 3 189 210 Scorers Name. School fg ft tp Stackhouse < W > 105 Bacon C.L.C > 36 8 80 Kowalski.Ji 33 7 73 Becker. J • 33 7 73 Hutchinson M 32 1 65 BOYS BASKETBALL Officers and board members are Sperry. president: Bud Bruce of Woodstock, vice-president: Mary Ann Doherty. secretary-treasurer and board members Sandy Bruce of Woodstock. Jim Doherty. Don Kinsala. Karen Pierce. Chuck Miller and Rich Hudjers Meet results and future dates will be available in future columns Continue'to support these young athletes New Federation To Defend And Improve Nation's Fishery Team H 1 pts opp Cry stal Lake South 5 1 423 352 Dundee 5 1 401 379 McHenry 4 o 417 352 Cry stal Lake Central 4 2 380 375 Crown 3 3 434 404 Jacobs 2 4 S27 393 Cary.Grove 1 5 376 441 Woodstock 0 6 362 431 Scorers Mark, Please Mark Twain once zisited the artist Whistler rn his studio and was looking oz-er his pic­ tures He started to touch one canvas Oh. cued Whistler, "dont touch that' Don't you see it isn t dry yetf I don t mind. ' replied the humorist T-warn. "J hai>e gloves The American Fishing T a c k l e M a n u f a c t u r e r s association AFTMA : the t r a d e a s s o c i a t i o n representing 95 percent of the producers of rods, reels, lures and other sportfishing and related equipment - has announced that their top priority in 1980 will be the successful formation of a national consumer lobby - 'he American Sportfishing Federation According to Paul A. M u l r e a d y / A F T M A ' s president. t^Te trade ttroup will act as a catalyst to.start organizing theSmore than five thousand Videperdent sportfishing clutjs and their estimated 2.5 million angler members into a cohesive force to fight the greatest single threat to the future of Clearance Sale! SUITS JANUARY 19tk We're Closing Our Bath Shop' Shower curtains, rugs, florals, decorative towel racks, etc. Ail bath Shop Merchandise reduced to price. Ufsited Quantities and colors. No refwds or exchanges-Ail sales final. Cash and Carry. Creative Kitchens & Baths 3012 W toe. 120 McHenry. Illinois 60050 (815)344-1180 Winter Special! Our mechanic must eat during the winter too, so we want to keep him busy! December 1 thru April 1 ANT ENGINE OVERHAULED AUTO OR BOAT $9CA00 PLUS PARTS Call for Details and Appointment /Hazitie ^ezoUe 3308 WEST WAUKEGAN ROAD McHENRY. ILLINOIS 60050 / 815-385-0868 recreational fishing in the US 1 the declining quality and condition of the fishery itself. In addition. Mulready noted that the help of the rest of the sportfishing com­ munity will aiso be sought in every possible way. namely the 33 million other unaf­ filiated licensed fishermen across the country. Although , sportftshermen have traditionally been the main source .of fishery funding the U S through license revenue and payment of excise taxes on. certain items of equipment, "hey can no longer be ex­ p e c t e d t o s h o u l d e r t h e ' b u r d e n o f m a i n t a i n i n g America's fisheries in the face of industrial pollution, commercial harvesting practices and a host of other large scale challenges. Mulreadv contends * * * • Few industrialists be- lieve their concerns have- made excessive profits. N a m e . S c h o o l fg ft tp Meyer. C G 49 38 136 Gliesman. C 36 20 132 Judson. D 42 22 106 MeLaurin. C L C 42 16 100 Anderson. C L.S . 32 25 97 Games Tonight McHenn at Crystal Lake Central Jacobs at Dundee Crystal Lake South at Woodstock Crown at Cary . Saturday Game Zion Benton at McHenrv. TAKING AIM--Bob Zeller leaps above a Trojan defender for this shot Zeller missed tbe double digit scoring by a point, bat on Saturday, he lead the Warriors to a 81-71 victory over Fremd by 24 points. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD | On The Sidelines j> By Dick *ob*x« Tbe Warriors had quite a weekend. Defeating $ $ conference foe Cary Grove 76 to 43, .and coming back on £ $ Saturday night to defeat Fremd of Palatine 81 to 71. Tbe § $ coach of Fremd is Moe Tharp,former Zion Benton coach, £ £ and Ken Ludwig finally got a little revenge from all tbo6e $ $ defeats at tbe hands of tbe Zee Bees. Tbe Warriors led at £ £ one time in tbe third period by 25 pts., but ran out of gas, £ £ but still had enough to emerge the victors. They played 7 !;! £ outstanding quarters of basketball in tbe two nights. Tonight the Warriors take to the road and play at £ :£ Crystal Lake Central. Tben tomorrow night Phil Judson £ £• will bring his Zee Bee crew here for a non-conference 3 £ game. £ Plans are being made for the night of Feb. 1st That is £ :£ the night the Crown Vikings come to town. The Rowdies £ :£ and all their friends are going to try and get enough £ :£ students and adults in the gym to fill it to capacity. We iji :£ would also like to designate it as "Orange Night", :• :£ whereby everyone will have some orange attire on that ij jij: night The J.V. wrestlers won their own tourney last Saturday, ij According to Coach Bob Ludwigsen it was the first time in :j: :j:| five years that the Warriors have won their own meet, j: £ Tbey had to crane from behind to defeat Crown andij S Jacobs. Congratulations are in order to tbe coaches and i S team for their fine display last Saturday. Don't forget that the Bad News Bears will be at Buckner >;• Gym on Feb. 9th to play tbe McHenry High faculty. The '< 5 Alums will play tbe opening game that evening. Doug Plank who was quite a favorite several years ago !• g will be on hand, along with former Barrington star Gary i: :iji Fencik. Should be quite an evening. This week we go back to the 1955-56 season in the North ij ;5 Suburban, when Cliff Fulton's Warriors walloped the :: $: Libertyville Wildcats 87 to 57. John Huff had one of his hot nights as be scorched tbe £ nets for 23 pts. The little guard made them from far and •: $ near that evening much to tbe delight of tbe Warrior fans. McHENRY VS. LIBERTYVILLE 1955-56 Season Libertyville *P 16 4 12 7 2 9 4 23 2 8 Beck Pierce Schmitt McMahon Cepulis Wissell Jus ten Huff Hogan Huemann McHenry fg Betezman Travels lead Gardner Miller Mooney WeUwerts Mura Totals: fg 1 2 5 3 0 6 2 tP 2 10 12 6 1 14 12 19 19 13 57 Athletes Away Andrew Oakley of 3901 N. Bunny avenue, a senior at Northwestern university, ras been cboosen by his earn mates to co<aptain the 2980 NT Track team for the indoor and outdoor season. Andy was previously cboosen for this honor during The 1975" Cross Country season $; Totals: 37 13 19 87 McH 19 12 27 29 87 Liberty. 13 17 12 15 57 john says... "don't miss It!" January 17-18-19 6**4 Htws ^§tf! 9**t. Encouraging Ideas And Events Enough Heating Oil Available This Winter The U.S. faces this winter with a full tank of heating oil * That's the report from Ed Morgan, vice president of the National Oil Jobbers Council, who adds: "There are over 240 mil­ lion barrels of home heating *14** a oil in storage. This practical­ ly guarantees there • will be no shortage of necessary oil this winter." He notes that costs will be up as a result of increases in wholesale oil prices, shipping, labor and credit costs, but compared to rises in the price of natural gas.. increases in home hating oil are minimal. • • • • Tragic as it may seem to some, the football sea­ son is coming to an end. LArizona su 3 WESTERN WEAR ft INDIAN JEWELRY outstanding discounts throughout the store including all SKI APPAREL reduced 30%! • T ail W. ElmStrMt (Across from Sumtysid* Dodg«) McH»nry RTE. 120 Wgg Levi's 15.95 3321 W ELM IT, (Across from Jtpin Tim) Aruon „ ELY PAINTER PANTS la ; t l 1 * 1 v Mon.-Sat. 10-5 30 t*«

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