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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Jan 1980, p. 30

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sidered for selection by the academies. Impending changes to McHenry hospital are being considered by the hospital board, The plan as man-i dated by the Illinois Health | Facilities Planning board, calls for the addition of three beds to McHenry hospital's Intensive Care unit and 28 beds to the medical surgical departments. The con­ sultants are estimating that Phase I of their plan will call for a $10-million ex­ penditure. Full speed ahead is the word on the vocational addition to the Johnsburg high school. Drawings will be completed by April 1, bids signed by May 1, and con­ struction completed by nexl September. McHenry County Sheriff's department Chief Deputj Henry A. Nulle has with drawn his application for the position of sheriff. The McHenry City Council, acting as a com­ mittee of the whole for parks, decided at a meeting to go to a citizens' committee for advice on the proposed community building for Petersen plrk. Mayor Stanek laid to rest the affordability of an indoor swimming pool, using available resources, when the director of the YMCA facility at Crystal Lake testified that the building c o m p l e t e d a n u m b e r o f j years ago cost $700,000 and now would probably cost at least $1.5 million. McHenry county has been allotted $78,976 as its share of motor fuel tax funds paid into the state treasury PAGE 4 - PLAINDEALER • WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 3ft, 118ft during January. The money will be used for highway needs. When the McHenry County board gave approval to the appointment by Richard Klemm, its chairman, E.J. "Chick" LaMagdeleine was named sheriff of the county. He replaces Arthur Tyrrell, who resigned soon after he had started his second term. The vote for approval was 19-3 with one abstention. The "no" votes were cast by Donald Doherty and Charles "Chuck" Weingart of McHenry and George Lowe of Cary. The abstention came from James Curran of McHenry, who claimed a r e l a t i o n s h i p t h r o u g h marriage to the appointee. A resignation of major significance was accepted with regret by the board of High School District 156. Richard Glawe will be leaving his role as director of transportation March 23. His resignation means that both High School District 156 and Grade School District 15 are losing the man who diFects the entire bus plan for tfie transportation of hundred: of school children attendi: six elementary schools afid two high school campuses. One zoning request was tabled and )another denied when the City Council met. The Council tabled action on the Wieser-Conway petition for rezoning of a 2-acre parcel on Front street from R-2 residential to B-l business use. When the James Althoff petition for rezoning of a lot with a 2-story building at 420 N. Front street from R-2 residential to B-l business. the petition was denied by a vote of 4 to 3. Harker, Schooley, Rogers, Bolger and Nolan voted no, Smith and Datz voted yes and Adams passed. Representatives of various community groups made strong appeals for a portion of the $117,728 allocated to McHenry out of Revenue Sharing funds. Mayor Joe Stanek said they would make no decision at this hearing, but after publication would hold a public meeting to make their allocations later. S t a n e k s a i d h i s m a i n c o n - j cern was the proposed community center for which he hoped $100,000 from this a l l o c a t i o n . A l d e r m a n William Bolger urged Stanek to broaden his priority to include all recreation for possible swimming pool funding. The McHenry City Council considered a proposal for updating the city plan. It set i two dates for meeting with developers in March, an i informal hearing for the j Falcon-Gladstone property . March 12 and an update j hearing on the completed pre-annexation agreement with RDG for the Backhaus property March 21. Richard O. Klemm, chairman of McHenry I C o u n t y b o a r d , h a s a n ­ nounced that he has received! information from the Small Business Administration that it has included McHenry, county with the thirty-eight' other counties to be eligible1 for low interest* long term disaster loans. This declaration from SBA was made to McHenry county after the McHenry County < ARROW CATALINA PLAYTEX HEALTHTEX GLORIA VANDERBIIILT LEVIS 0ARANIMALS WHITE SWAN TOMBOY INTERWOVEN DEVON HANES HOSIERY ST. MARYS BIIRLIN0T0N WEST BEND TIMEX AMERICAN 0REETIN0S SPENCERS DR. DENTON FISHER PRICE AND MANY MORE! spurgeon's More Name Brands for the Entire Family. McHenry Market Place 385-4100 Daily 9-9, Sat. 9-6, Sun. 10-5 169 I6S6« Emergency Services & Disaster Agency furnished SBA with damage estimates in excess of $2 million. The city insurance .issue flared again at the City Council meeting. Alderman Bill Bolger, who strongly opposed the awarding of the insurance program to Ar­ thur Gallagher & Co. of Rol­ ling meadows, questioned a $500 deductible clause, which he claims was added to the policy without the Council's recommendatioq. Tneuses to which a school district may direct money received from development contributions was the point for serious discussion by the board of Elementary School District 15. According to the city ordinance which is supported by the Illinois Supreme court, the money can be used only for land a c q u i s i t i o n , s i t e i m ­ provement and develop­ ment. District 15 and High School District 156 have received about $51,000 each from such fees since the McHenry ordinance was adopted in November of 1977. McHenry and Richmond city officials assailed the planned reduction of rail service to the northeast McHenry county areas at a transportation planning session. Mayor Joseph Stanek expressed the feelings concisely when he told the CATS officials that they should fire all the planners and use the money which would be saved from their salaries to rebuild the tracks between Crystal Lake and Richmond. i MARCH Richard Klemm, McHenry county board chairman, announced his recom­ mendation of Theodore (Ted) Floro of Woodstock as his choice to succeed William Cowlin for the office of state's attorney. With the consent of the entire County board in session, Mr. Floro will take office. McHenry county residents are experiencing one of the most severe winters in history. Because of this, Governor Thompson has obtained federal funds for McHenry county for a Winter Related Disaster Relief program. A large part of McHenry will have Cable TV available SHERIFF ARTHUR TYRRELL by July 1. Communmity Cablevision, which received the franchise rights in McHenry as well as the entire unincorporated areas of McHenry county, is also looking for a site location for an office in McHenry. The receiving tower for the system will be located in Sundrise Ridge near Wonder Lake with a permanent office due to be constructed there. The McHenry City Council voted to deny the Wieser- C o n w a y z o n i n g reclassification petition, despite suggestions by some Council members to defer action because of the ap­ parent confusion of the Council. The Rev. William Harris Morley has been appointed pastor of St. Paul's Episcopal church. He replaces Father Arthur McKay who died in January. We're Perfectionists SHAMROCK CLEANERS i I? > oc III (A Ul O £ O -SB U g D o > We use the very latest cleaning and pressing see that all gar­ ments come out sparkling clean and fresh! SAVE GAS! SAVE TIME! We're conveniently located in the McHenry Market Place Shopping Center. * SHAMROCK CLEANERS 4400 W. RTE. 120, McHENRY 385-1944 DAILY 7-6, SAT. 8-5:30 U.S. drinking abuse costs a total'of $40 billion a year in deaths and injuries. That was one of many revealing facts disclosed in a drug abuse program presentation made to the board of High School District 156. It was revealed that alcohol is now the No. 1 problem, not only locally but on the state and national level. Some harder drugs are known to be used, but the most widespread usage is with alcohol and marijuana. Workmen from Com­ monwealth Edison' ap­ parently did not take their own advice when they drilled into an underground elec­ trical cable, knocking out power in part of McHenry. Edison officials have always urged people to contact the company before digging to be sure an underground cable will not be damaged, Indications are the workmen did not heed their own ad­ vice. ' The McHenry County Sheriff's police accident reduction program has begun its second year of operation. Known this year as CTEP, Concentrated T r a f f i c E n f o r c e m e n t Program, the program was given final approval by the County board. The budget for the program of $82,000 will be shared equally by the Illinois Department of Transportation and the county. The Lake and Dam committee of the Master P r o p e r t y O w n e r s association of Wonder Lake assured property owners who attended a directors' meeting that all is well. Those present felt that the dam is sound, that the seepage flowing under the dam is a normal thing that has been going on for years. But they also were told that a hydraulic engineer should be hired to investigate the findings of the Army Corps of Engineers to see if a problem exists. The revelation of a projected 1,543 increase in pupils for the elemdttary 1 by

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