HOMECOMING DANCE-and M< Teresa Deveflds, king and qi Distributors Of Disss Quality Products LOWENBRAU Chas. Herdrieh 1014 N. River Rd. McHeniy, III. Son 385 0016 Homecoming Royalty !•••••••••••••••• Hie days of the nickel beer are gone. But what hasn't gone, is the dedicated service we've offered our customers through the years. SERVING THE McHENRY AREA SINCE 193}. JAMES HETTERMANN, PROPRIETOR - PfcAIN DEALER ̂ WEDNESDAY; JANI5ARYSi,l»0 sometime between Tuesday night and Thursday mor ning, according to NASA scientists. The McHenry County Bar association released a 1 resolution opposing, passage of the proposed McHenry county zoning ordinance. The resolution strikes out at particular portions which the Bar association feels may be "unconstitutional, unduly complicated^ in flationary, or expensive for the county to administer". A Mass honoring Sister M. Andreella, who. is retiring after 40 years as organist, choir director and music teacher, was offered at St. Mary's Catholic church. The talented will Tesidfe in the Sisters of St. Francis retirement home in Campbellsport; Wis. The Rev. James G. Gaynor became pastor of St. Mary's Catholic church, McHenry. He replaces the Rev. Eugene Baumhofer who retired after long ser vice to the parish. The board of High School District 156 awarded the bid for $2.35 million bond issue for life safety work at the two high school campuses to the Northern Trust company and associates of Chicago. Business manager for the district, Mike Kelly, advised that the effective rate quoted for the issue was computed m 'bid was accepted by the board with little discussion. During a routine board ,meeting of Elementary School District 15, members authorized the erection of a protective fence along the creek at Edgebrook school, the re-siding of the "White House" and partitioning^ of areas at two schools for Title I remedial education. Dan, D e R o c h e , a s s i s t a n t superintendent, had good news for the board from the state board of education extending full recognition for the district for another year. Four items of non compliance were reportedly corrected. • RichardC. Jager s before the Circuit court of Cook county of two decisions concerning the loss of his l i q u o r l i c e n s e a t J a k e s Deadend Lounge has been denied. This is expected to be the end of a controversy between Jager and the City which started four years ago, in July of 1975. A few weeks ago, an agreement iwas made between the City Council and Carl Thonn, who, plans to buy the Deadend Lounge. Before the City would grant a liquor license to the Lounge, Jager's lawsuit against the City would have to be dropped. If all indications prove to be true, Susan B, Anthony is remember daring their dance at West campus gym Saturday evening. They were crowned daring the bonfire activities lait Thursday night and Friday they shared a seat In a convertible daring the homecoming parade. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD