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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Feb 1980, p. 12

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PAGE 12 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 6,1980 "Save Us A Place" More than 15 million American schoolchildren, teachers. and conser­ vationists are expected to participate in the 1980 ob­ servance of National Wildlife week, March 16 through 22. "Save a Place for Wildlife" will be the theme for the 43rd annual celebration of the week that Enjoy FLORIDA Fun j/^. South Seas Sty le^jp^ in SARASOTA1 AKU TlKl INN Shoretront on Gulf of Mexico Enjoy fun-filled days, magical nights on beautiful Lido Beach, one of the world's finest. Don't miss Sarasota's other attraction^. Circus Hall of Fame, Ringling Museum, Jungle Garden--fishing, sailing, water-skiing. Relax in comfort.. . bask in the sun, swim in the pool and Gulf, sip cocktails .at the musical beach bar, lunch on the patio. Polynesian/American cuisine. Golf, tennis nearby. All new rooms r with Gulf views, effic., suites. Color TV, air conditioning. Exciting South Seas decor sets a Polynesian scene of faraway vacation enchantment Write or call now. Phone (813) 388-5021 AKU T|K| SARASOTA, FLORIDA Sarasota. Florida 33577 lL\ AKU TIKI INN/BEST WESTERN I l854 Ben| Frankl in Dr ive Dept 1890 Lido Beach Sarasota Flor ida 33577 ^ Please send tree brochures rates 5? Name. !'! : > Address.. 2; City. Stale. Z ip„ was first proclaimed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1938 to rally public support for programs to enhance the nation's wildlife population. The importance of preserving wildlife habitat- areas where wild creatures can find food,water, cover.and a place to raise their young-will be' em­ phasized this yeatfT ac­ cording to Dr. Frederick R. Scroggin, of Dry Ridge, Ky., president of the National Wildlife federation, which sponsors the annual event. The 1980 National Wildlife week poster animals are two voting red foxes, photographed for the NWF by Brian Milne, of Thunder Bay. Ontario. On the reverse . of the four-color poster Mark Trail, the conservationist hero of a nationally- syndicated cartoon strip, explains what "Save A Place For Wildlife" means, with illustrations by artists Ed Dodd and Jack nfilrod, creators of the cartoon character.Morethan 800,000 copies of this poster will be mailed to Wildlife week participants. The NWF, which-has 4.1 million members and sup­ porters, will also distribute 597,000 copies of a second poster, which bears color photographs of 16 species of wildlife with information on each animal in English and Spanish backing up the pictures. Teachers across the country, as well as in Guam, Puerto Rico.and the Virgin Islands, will receive 394,000 Wildlife week education kits, which contain posters, ac­ tivity booklets, and badges. Youngsters will receive 65,000 smaller student kits. "Habitat is the key to a healthy and abundant wildlife population,' said MCHENRY HEARING AID Salts tRtpnrs ALL MAKES LOW PRICES! BATTERIES Vi PRICE WED. ONLY 10 TO 5 3937 MAIN STREET McHENRY, ILLINOIS 30-DAY RENTAL PLAN il NWF President Scroggin, a physician and lifelong conservationist, in ex­ plaining this year's theme. "Without habitat, there would be no wildlife." "But," Dr. Scroggin continued, "as our demands for more homes, more food, and more energy continue to mount, we are putting ever-increasing pressure on our remaining wildlife habitat. In some places, we are needlessly and recklessly desroying wildlife habitat. "One of the big challenges of the 1980s is to settle the conflicts between our own needs and the needs of our wildlife. We must save a place for wildlife." Safety Hints BBBBBBBPOOOW By Alan J. Dixon Secretary of State Driving at night always is more difficult than during the day. It is harder to see and things appear dif­ ferently. The glare of on­ coming headlights increases the difficulty. Unfamiliar roads and unexpected situations are more likely to cause trouble. You can help ensure safe driving at night in several ways: 1. Make sure your headlights are working well and the glass is kept clean. Have thetn checked periodically for correct aim. 2. Don't overdrive your headlights. At night, you should be able to stop within the distance you can see ahead with your lights. 3. Dim your headlights for every approaching vehicle from the opposite direction, and when closely following any vehicle. 4.. Slow down when meeting anotehr vehicle or when nearing a curve if you are driving at or near ttie maximum posted speed. 5. Use the edgeline as a guide. If there is no edgeline, use the center line to guide yourself. Next week I'll list six additional suggestions to help you drive safely at night. (A copy of the Rules of the Road booklet will be sent to you upon request. Write to Alan J. Dixon, Secretary of State, Springfield, 111 62756.) JEWEL CATALOG OUTLET STORE • JEWEL CATALOG OUTLET STORE JEWEL CATALOG OUTLET STORE K P m/ MERCHANDISE CLEARANCE CENTER A DIVISION OF JEWEL DIRECT MARKETING 301 W. Virginia St. CRYSTAL LAKE i •15-455-0333 ' Mon.,Tuot.«9 a.m. - S p.m. Wod., Thwrt.. Frl. t a.m.-I p.m. ' Sat. 9 a.m. • S ™ Sun.' 10 a.m. • 3 p.m. Sale Days Wed., Feb. 6 Thru Tues., Feb. 12 --While Quantities Last-- IS OUR MIDDLE NAME! We've Gotten The Word... "MAKE MORE ROOM!" WE ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO MAKE ROOM FOR OUR SPRING SHIPMENTS. THEY WILL BE ARRIVING SOON, SO WE MUST MAKE ROOM. SAVE ON EVERY ITEM IN EVERY DEPT. T Storewide Sale / Off OUR DISCOUNT PRICE •Clothing •Blankets •Bedding •Housewares •Electronics •Toys •Vacuums •Furniture Items •Appliances •Watches •Jewelry •Giftware Johnsburg Mary L. Gunderson 385-3052 Be Cautious Recently the McHenry Plaindealer gave front page space to the man who had been luring students. Do not let down on your precaution?; take every step needed to guard your home, be careful on the road, and caution children enroute to and from school. Call the police with any information you might have! It is up to us to help all we can in this problem. YOUR PRIVILEGE March 18 is the date of the Primary election, and you should take full advantage of your American privilege and civic duty to vote. You must be 18 years of age, have lived at your current address for 30 days, and lived one year in Illinois. If you have had a change of address, or a change of name, you should register or re-register. For your convenience, there will be a voters' registration^Saturday, and Sunday, Feb. 9 and 10, after the Masses at St. John the Baptist Catholic church. ORATORIO SINGERS Share the finest sacred and choral works performed by a 70 voice choir, directed by Thomas Wikman, ac­ companied by a professional orchestra. It will be an ex­ perience you will never forget. The date is Sunday, Feb. 10 at 4 p.m. at St. John the Baptist Catholic church. For your information and ticket reservations, call 385- 8229. BELATED WISHES May the year 1980 bring many blessings, good health and happiness to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schaefer, Church street. Mike and Eva, celebrated their forty- fifth wedding anniversary BIBLE VERSE "Therein is the right­ eousness of God revealed fisbm faith to faith: as it is written. The just shall Uve " Jaith." 1. Who was the author of this verse? 2. To whom was he writing? 3. What man made the last clause of this verse famous? 4. Where may this state­ ment be found? Answers To Bible Verse 1. The Apostle Paul. 2. The believers in the City of Rome. 3. It caused Martin Luther to question his Roman Catholic adher­ ence. 4. Romans 1:17. this past week. Many happy returns of the diay! B.V.M. SODALITY The Blessed Virgin Mary Sodality monthly meeting will be held Tuesday, Feb. 12,1 p.m. They would like to see more of the parish .women join. The meeting will be at the Michael Schaefer residence on Church street. Call Mrs. Michael (Eva) Schaefer if you have any questions. CONGRATULATIONS ... to Wendy Arkus, a sixth grade student at the Middle school, who was recognized for her essay "How Does Reading Jog Your Mind? It was written in response to an essay contest sponsored by Teacher magazine and appeared in the January issue. Keep up the good work, Wendy! JUNIOR HIGH The Johnsburg Junior high Booster club (Wildcats) is planning another * fund raising event selling T- shirts. The T-shirts have the State of Illinois imprinted, along with "No Where Else But Johnsburg", with a star indicating Johnsburg. They are red with white short sleeves (raglan) and come in 50 percent cotton and 50 percent polyester. They are available in children's sizes, 6-8; 10-12; 14-16 and adult sizes, small, medium, large and extra large. All orders are to be prepaid; checks made out to The Wildcat Booster Club, and mailed to Char Pieper, Johnsburg School District 12, 2117 W. Church street, McHenry, 111. 60050. For more information call 385-3731. Orders will be taken until Feb. 20;-- HOME & HOSPITAL Your prayers are needed for these parishioners of St. John's, as well as our other neighbors and friends; Joseph Rice, Frances Lewan, Ralph Wagner, Agnes Wroblewski, Lorraine Rutzen, Marie Powlinson and Alex Adams. JOHNSBURG P.T.O. "Around the World in 30 Days" will take place during the 29 days of February and culminate with a fair on Saturday, Mar. 1. The day of the Folk fair, all activities will be shared with parents and community members. It will start at 2 p.m. at the three school buildings in Johnsburg. At 5 p.m. events will transfer to Johnsburg high school, for an international dinner and variety show. Let the P.T.O. know what you would like to do to help carry out this program. CHRISTIAN UNITY WEEK Final services of Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, were held recently at St. Patrick's Catholic church, McHenry. "That All May Be One" Bennington Solid Pine and Cherry WINTER was the basis of the homily given by Bishop Arthur O'Neill. There were represen­ tatives, ministers and priests, from many local churches. This Unity Week was well received. N.C.S.F.-JUVENILES St. Agatha Court 777, will have their regular meeting, Monday, Feb. 11. If there is snow, bring sleds and skates. A pizza party will follow! DATES TO REMEMBER Feb. 10 -. New Oratorio Singers Concert, St. John the Baptist church, 4 p.m. Feb. 11 - N.C.S.F. Juveniles, St. Agatha Court 777, regular meeting. . Feb. 12 - St. John's B.V.M. Sodality meeting, 1 p.m. Schaefer residence. Feb. 17<- Aluminum drive, St. John the Baptist church grounds. Mar. 1 - Johnsburg P.T.O. Folk fair, 2 p.m., three school buildings 5 p.m. dinner and variety show, Johnsburg high school. FOOD By G0U10 CROOK SHOPPING TIPS Egg prices vary by size and grade. Although larger sizes usu­ ally cost more by the dozen, they are sometimes cheaper by weight. Compared with most meats, some fish is lOMf in cost. Frozen fish filets such as perch, cod and whiting are generally good buys the year around. Enriched specialty breads, such as French and Italian, cost up to three times more than enriched white bread with similar nutrition­ al value. Day old bread and baked goods may be available at a great sav­ ing. Ask or watch for these where you shop -- or at special bakery outlets nearby. Instant rice costs over twice as much as regular, and rice mixes with seasonings cost more than regular rice that you season at home. For low cost and variety in meals, use eggs, dry beans, peas and peanut butter in place of meat some of the time. These foods provide protein and other nutrients that meat supplies. Avoid cans that are dented on the seams and creases or that bulge at the ends in the "reduced for quick sale" bins. What Just One Person Can Do • • .. u~><* u Maria Montessori > ;•* . Innovator vi# Have you ever gotten on# of your best ideas, a real breakthrough in you* thinking, when you felt you were at your, lowest point? Well it happened to Maris Montessori in 1894. +- Born in Italy in 1870, Maria was the first woman in Italian history admitted tp medical school. Her fellow students were hostile. She often had to work late and alone, in buildings that were cold arid badly lit. As the pressure mounted she became so depressed that one night she decided to abandon her career$ medicine, she thought, was no place for a woman. l|ia| night she walked dejectedly through a local park only to be distracted by the pathetic sight of a beggar woman sleeping on a bench. Next to her on the cold ground was a child playing peacefully with a long, red ribbon. How could it be, Maria wondered, that a piece of ribbon could keep a poor, neglected child occupied and happy? Maria was moved deeply. Suddenly she knew she had to finish her medical studies in order to help deprived children. In 1896 she graduated, and soon developed a technique to train retarded children. It was so successful that in 1899 Dr. Montessori was invited to speak at a teachers* congress in Turin. She electrified her audience with the claim that retarded children could be trained and should be given the same chances at education as normal children. Maria Montessori hated to see pupils in class "sitting like rows of butterflies transfixed with a pin." Her system is based on the premise that children want to learn. In the Montessori method the teacher supervises froiq a distance, giving help only when it's asked f6r or needed. Children are allowed to move around freely and choose what they want to do, providing thejh preserve good manners and refrain from disturbing the classroom harmony. STATE FAIR Lineup of special days at the 1980 Illinois State Fair was announced last week by Sid Hutchcraft, new superintendent of the fair.' This year's theme is "Join Us For The Good Days." The fair opens Aug. 7 with the Opening Day parade and a special salute to county fair enthusiasts. Aug. 8 is Democrat day; Aug. 9, mayors and local officials day; Aug. 10, Veterans day; Aug. 11, youth day and ac­ cess Illinois; Aug. 12, agriculture and Farm-City day; Aug. 13, Governor's day; Aug. 14, Springfield day; Aug. 15, Golden Age day; Aug. 16, Labor day; and the fair ends Aug. 17 with Race day. that she betfiffto wprt on it universal application^ "Little by little," Dr? Montessori said later, "I became convinced that similar methods applied to normal children would? develop and set free tleir personalities in a marvelous^ and surprising way."* Maria Montessori lived to, be 82. Long before her death in 1952 she had the satisfaction of seeing her educational theories and techniques vindicated. Her method has helped millions of people. By the grace of God, she -- just one person - changed the world of education for the better. 'Only Good Things Last' •All Merchandise Reduced inlcuding living room, bedroom and dining room furniture •All Special Orders Reduced including Bennington Pine •We now offer Dining Tablet Custom Built to your specifications in Pine, Oak or Maple Frrctom Prnad Fenufwr* IEAEL CATALOG OUTLET STORE • JEWEL CATALOG OUTLET STORE JEWEL CATALOG OUTLET STORE Strode's Colonial Vermont Furniture Exclusive Early American Furniture Shop Main Street Huntley, Illinois 60142 (312)669-3500 Take Rout* 47 South from Wooditock to Huntley. Turn left on Main Street and you'll find us acroa from the VMafa Groan. CDCC net lutov Regular Store Houra: Tuesday thru Saturday t to S rHtt UtUVcHY Friday f to 9 Closed Sunday and Monday

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